WWE Over the Limit 2011 LD – With Some Added Pomp and Circumstance

I'll be there. Anyone else looking forward to Kharma winning the divas title tonight? Any other result and I'll just be pissed.
Why? Kelly winning it builds us slowly towards Kharma winning the belt down the line. No reason to rush things.
Coco is indeed correct. Building towards Kharma's inevitable victory is perfectly fine and logical.

As for who hits an elbow drop, I'll say that Jerry Lawler could take down Cole with that bad boy.
Somebody needs to hit a flying elbow drop from the top rope tonight in honor of Macho Man. Who will it be? My money is on Kharma.

My money is either on Rey or Cena.

I'll be there. Anyone else looking forward to Kharma winning the divas title tonight? Any other result and I'll just be pissed.

Kharma technically isnt on the card for tonight. You cant win a title if youre not even scheduled to perform. Now yes, obviously Kharma will show up, but itll just to do her usual intimidation tactic.

Ive already said it once before, and chances are, Im gonna repeat it again a couple more times tonight. I think Miz is gonna win tonight. I think he'll take a soundbyte of Cena saying "I quit" from this past RAW and dub it over his voice at one point when Cena is trying to say he wants to go on.
Why? Kelly winning it builds us slowly towards Kharma winning the belt down the line. No reason to rush things.

I see your reasoning but how long before Kharma has nobody to beat down on? I guess there's the dirtsheet speculation that said there was talk of having her and Gail Kim feud like they did in TNA but with Gails spot I doubt it.

Also anybody hoping that Michael Tarver and/or Skip Sheffield return tonight?
I like Sheffield and Tarver, probably Sheffield more. Mason Ryan can take a fucking walk, Sheffield owns that guy, in every imaginable way.

Doubt they're coming back tonight, but that would be sweet.
From what reports had said, Sheffield really got a shitty break. He broke his ankle and when it was recovering he shattered a nerve and had to miss more time.
I could care less if Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield fell of the side of the Earth tomorrow. Fuck pushing them, they already got a chance to get over in Nexus, they need to call some new blood up from FCW, there's a lot of talent down there right now. There's really no reason a guy like Richie Steamboat shouldn't be on the main roster right now. Not to mention Tyler Black.
Sheffield can promo very well and his rumored role last summer as the Batista of Nexus appeals to me far more than the alternative of Ryan getting that spot.
Skip Sheffield...world champ? Are we being serious right now?

I mean, it's not like he's awful or anything, but world title material? He hasn't even begun to show that he has what it takes to become a main event player. He's better than Mason Ryan, sure, but he's still not exactly polished. Elevate the midcarders who've been built up before giving hot-shot title pushes to big muscled guys who are still figuring out their profession.
It was very clear WWE had big plans for Sheffield when it took a codebreaker and spear to eliminate him at SS. Plus Vince see's him as a possible company babyface behind Cena.
I swear, if Lawler doesn't run over Cole with a cement truck, encase his flattened remains in a block of cement, then attach it to a crane to use as a wrecking ball to demolish Cole's house I've lost all faith in this company.
Sheffield was my favorite back when he was Silverback on Tough Enough
but even I won't say that he should be in the world title picture rn
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Skip Sheffield...world champ? Are we being serious right now?

I mean, it's not like he's awful or anything, but world title material? He hasn't even begun to show that he has what it takes to become a main event player. He's better than Mason Ryan, sure, but he's still not exactly polished. Elevate the midcarders who've been built up before giving hot-shot title pushes to big muscled guys who are still figuring out their profession.
Miz is a main event standard bearer right now. "Polished" isn't exactly a prerequisite.
It starts momentarily.

I'm turning off Eddie Guerrero vs. Ric Flair with 20 minutes to work with in 1996 for this. It better be good.

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