WWE NXT Season 3 General Discussion

What really saved this initial episode for me was Kaitlyn. She is just positively stunning and, in a way, looks like a younger Trish Stratus as well. Her mic skills were horrible and that shit with Vickie was just annoying but being able to look at her was worth the bullshit. Anybody know what her last name is so I can see if she has any matches up on YT?
The promo, yeah it wasn't great, but AJ Lee has earned the praise she's been given. Because she is actually good when not working with completely shit workers like Aksana, who was, is and for the forseeable future will be dogshit in the ring. On the other hand, AJ is not dogshit in the ring. The botches in that match were not down to her. The spot I noticed she fucked up on (the bulldog spot that ended the match) was one that she has done flawlessly numerous times against opponents who don't botch scoop slams and legdrops. see here:


Note how she was able to perform the move correctly (not landing on her back) at speed, first time against an opponent who isn't terrible. If in doubt of another wrestler's skills see how she does against someone who isn't terrible before passing your final judgement.

That particular spot is one that AJ does frequently in her matches, sometimes performing an arm drag instead of a bulldog. But it's irrelevent. The botches were due to Aksana, not the person who can actually work.

EDIT: watching the match again, it appeared to me that Aksana blocked AJ's leg, which prevented her from getting into position to perform the move the first time around. The second she botched by throwing her off resulting in AJ landing on her back miles away from Aksana.

You used bold type mid-sentence in my post to emphasize half of what I was saying, which makes it look like I was saying something that I wasn't. I said Aksana and AJ, referring to the match itself, not to individual workers. AJ certainly seemed to know what she was doing more than Aksana, who made Khali look like Curt Hennig, but the epic botchfest that that match was made it impossible to get much out of it, other than Aksana seeming to have no idea what she was doing. I specifically criticized AJ for her promo, which, to use your words, was "dogshit", and as I said, smacked of Lucky Cannon. I wasn't impressed, but that's because there was no actual chance to display much of anything. Obviously, when you're with someone in the ring who works like shit, unless you're someone like Jericho, it's pretty much impossible to make much of anything look good. Like I said in my post, I am not making "final judgement" with regard to anyone tonight, since it's only the first show and we haven't seen everyone or everything that they can do. If AJ is in a match with someone competent next week, maybe I'll see what the hype is about, but I wasn't able to tonight, and neither was anyone else. I don't get FCW here, so I haven't seen anything else she's done, save the clip you posted, which obviously looked much better than in the match tonight. Again, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone can do, and am not basing the entire season on the first show. As we've seen with the first two seasons, certain rookies showed vast improvements as the season went on, and I'm sure that will be the case here.
So, she's not only a WWE rookie but she's an FCW rookie as well? That sounds fucking promising.

Yes because it's impossible for a Model (Trish Stratus & Maryse) to become anything worth watching in the WWE...

Anyway, I'm going to have to say that I love Naomi. Not for her looks, but for the fact that WWE put her over big time last night. Her promo smashed everyone's, her dancing was the best, her match (though not the greatest) was watchable, and then she won the second challenge of the night. I think she's going to be the McGuillcutty/Slater of this season. Big break in the beginning but ends up slipping.

As for who I think will win, it's too early to tell. Although as long as Kaitlyn can stay for about 6 weeks, I'll be good.
Anyway, I'm going to have to say that I love Naomi. Not for her looks, but for the fact that WWE put her over big time last night. Her promo smashed everyone's, her dancing was the best, her match (though not the greatest) was watchable, and then she won the second challenge of the night.

My feeling is that is exactly what WWE wants. It seems very clear that she is being pushed to stand out early and creative wants her to be the fan favorite. Not that it is undeserved, but it seemed obvious to me that in all the contests she was the only one who really seemed to be trying while the others looked like the were floundering on purpose. They also paired her with the fan favorite of the divas.

Also one thing I don't understand, is since when do the pros actually have the power to fire the rookies? Come on. I know they had to come up with some reason to explain the giant's disappearance, but that was out of left field.

That aside, the show was terribly uninteresting. I wondered how long before we would have to sit through some inane contest that has nothing to do with wrestling, and apparently the answer was that it will only take 5-10 minutes and then we have a silly dance off where you know the winner will be the fan favorite, regardless. Just like fan favorites always win the audience's votes in a bikini contest.

The funniest part though was that when cole was dancing and matthews kept saying "this is terrible" and then matthews danced and cole said "make this stop". I know that they were supposed to be referring to the other commentator's dancing, but I thought that it applied very well to the whole contest.
You used bold type mid-sentence in my post to emphasize half of what I was saying, which makes it look like I was saying something that I wasn't. I said Aksana and AJ, referring to the match itself, not to individual workers. AJ certainly seemed to know what she was doing more than Aksana, who made Khali look like Curt Hennig, but the epic botchfest that that match was made it impossible to get much out of it, other than Aksana seeming to have no idea what she was doing. I specifically criticized AJ for her promo, which, to use your words, was "dogshit", and as I said, smacked of Lucky Cannon. I wasn't impressed, but that's because there was no actual chance to display much of anything. Obviously, when you're with someone in the ring who works like shit, unless you're someone like Jericho, it's pretty much impossible to make much of anything look good. Like I said in my post, I am not making "final judgement" with regard to anyone tonight, since it's only the first show and we haven't seen everyone or everything that they can do. If AJ is in a match with someone competent next week, maybe I'll see what the hype is about, but I wasn't able to tonight, and neither was anyone else. I don't get FCW here, so I haven't seen anything else she's done, save the clip you posted, which obviously looked much better than in the match tonight. Again, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone can do, and am not basing the entire season on the first show. As we've seen with the first two seasons, certain rookies showed vast improvements as the season went on, and I'm sure that will be the case here.

In that case, I agree with you. Her promo wasn't great, but it did the job. As for her match with Aksana, she was fucked in there from the outset. To drag a good match from a shitty worker you have two options, lead them by the nose through the match or use power to make the match work. For AJ, neither of these are an option. Her main moves need too much help (take the bulldog, where the opponent has to catch, lower, lift and hold her in position for the move) to lead them by the nose; and since she's not like Beth, Nattie or Serena manhandling her opponents isn't feasible. She's not big or strong enough.

AJ imo needs a good opponent to work with, which given who she's going to be up against isn't an option.

Yes because it's impossible for a Model (Trish Stratus & Maryse) to become anything worth watching in the WWE...

They weren't worth a damn after six weeks of training. Trish was on TV a year before she was any good.
They weren't worth a damn after six weeks of training. Trish was on TV a year before she was any good.

I think that's the point. It may have taken Trish some time, but she still became a good wrestler and is now arguably one of the top women wrestlers in the history of the business. It seems like people expect far too much out of the new generation of wrestlers, without realizing that things have changed and the best in the business decades ago spent years and years working and honing their skills throughout the territories competing against the best before becoming as good as they did. Even Jericho, an example of more recent times, is so good because he had 9 years or something experience before he ever hit the big time. People can't expect these rookies, or anyone debuting in the WWE (man or woman) to be anything but green and lacking a great deal of skills they'll need, because they usually have a year or less experience coming in. They're pushed on WWE tv without ever going even close to the same road wrestlers did decades ago, and so naturally it's going to take them years IN the WWE before they really start reaching their potential.

So some of these rookie Diva's could very well become as good as Trish or anyone else before her, they just have to develop into that. Anyone writing them off so soon is just short sighted. Look at the Miz, he's been developing himself for years now in the WWE since he debuted and he's just now beginning to catch on and really show he can be a future star (and he's still not there in my eyes).

Things can't go back the way they use to be, so people need to have patience with the "fresh meat".
I think that's the point. It may have taken Trish some time, but she still became a good wrestler and is now arguably one of the top women wrestlers in the history of the business. It seems like people expect far too much out of the new generation of wrestlers, without realizing that things have changed and the best in the business decades ago spent years and years working and honing their skills throughout the territories competing against the best before becoming as good as they did. Even Jericho, an example of more recent times, is so good because he had 9 years or something experience before he ever hit the big time. People can't expect these rookies, or anyone debuting in the WWE (man or woman) to be anything but green and lacking a great deal of skills they'll need, because they usually have a year or less experience coming in. They're pushed on WWE tv without ever going even close to the same road wrestlers did decades ago, and so naturally it's going to take them years IN the WWE before they really start reaching their potential.

I understand that, and that these guys have been called up a lot sooner than they otherwise would have. But even so, caling someone up after 6 weeks is insanity.

So some of these rookie Diva's could very well become as good as Trish or anyone else before her, they just have to develop into that. Anyone writing them off so soon is just short sighted. Look at the Miz, he's been developing himself for years now in the WWE since he debuted and he's just now beginning to catch on and really show he can be a future star (and he's still not there in my eyes).

If you don't mind, i'll judge them now based on what they do now and if they improve down the line I'll change my verdict on them. We can't judge them besed on something they haven't done yet.
I Know who im rooting for and its Kaitlyn, why? Because she's the hotest!! YEah that's whats all about, there was nothing interesting to see other than her body when she first came in. It's funny how I can only see Goldust as a good Pro and I wished he would be Kaitlyn's pro cause he is the only one who knows how to introduce.... I mean, all bad things said on NXT season 2 and I saw it good, and entertaining and really see some future stars, but season 3 lol Nayomi is gonna win because its obvious, others aren't wrestlers.

I don't know if Im allowed to say that but till we reached the final match, it all felt like a PG rating Playb*y mansion, cause really dancing, 2 strip teases and 1 looked like she was training and won at the end.
Not that I'm in anyway sexist, but I don't think having Divas on NXT is a good idea at all. The current "veteran" Divas can't even put on a good enough show as it is, so what are rookie Divas going to add?

One of them has already "rumoured" to have been axed from Season 3 because she was found in erotic photos somewhere. So what? We see cleavage on TV all the time and as soon as one little photo is leaked somewhere, she's axed completely? Bit over the top if you ask me and it's not as if we haven't seen a nude picture of Maryse or Torrie Wilson before.

WWE introduced the Diva Search a few years back, so why ruin NXT and make more people stop watching it by adding Divas to it? The whole point of the Diva Search was to perform a contest and find ONE (read it) ONE! winner. Which is the exact same point of NXT, one person wins the contest. In my HONEST opinion it's an entirely bad decision making Divas the face of this season's NXT.

Let's face it, not alot of people care about the Divas. It's literally a "piss break" whenever there's a Divas match on a show and/or PPV.

Without blabbing on even more (because believe me, with this subject; I could go on for hours.) I'll end my post here.

NXT + Divas = Bad Idea.
Naomi really impressed me!!! :worship: I was really into Aksana but seeing her botch that move with AJ made me change my mind... :banghead:
Do you mean Aksana? Aloisa was the giant who got fired for softcore porn photoshhots.

Sorry for my mistake

I ment Kaitlyn, she looked stunning when she came in and at least she has an arm of a wrestler. Of cousrse as big Jamie is suicidal, she made me remeber scott steiner!
I'm curious as to what path they plan on taking Kaitlyn down cuz she barely started training in July -- doesn't look like a bright future anytime soon. I'll be rooting for the hometown girl anyway (cuz she's gorgeous) and ready to propose to her when she returns as the WWE's next breakout diva. =D

Though I'm actually torn between her and the semi-Internet darling AJ; I believe she was trained by Jay Lethal and might be an item too, I don't remember.
To be honest I had a hard time getting through season 2. Now last nights was brutal in so many ways. Most of them are extremely hot, but brutal on the mic and botch fest city in the ring. I really can't believe the choice of pros the Bellas and Alica Fox especially they can't wrestle or cut a promo without botching their way through it. I think Naomi will run away with it. I'll try to watch each for the eye candy if nothing else. That AJ is amazingly beautiful.
I don't get the praise AJ Lee gets. She seems to be everybody's favorite darling, but her promo was horrible and in-ring work average at best. I'll give her the in-ring part because Aksana is very green and botch-prone, but she couldn't cut a promo to save her life and sounded like the female Lucky Cannon, and she also did nothing of note. Oddly enough, I heard great things about her male counterpart, in my opinion, Lucky Cannon. Maxine and Naomi destroys her in terms of cutting promos, and Kaitlyn wasn't too bad. If these girls have half decent in-ring skills, then I would rank them miles ahead of AJ. I just don't get the hype.
I wouldn't be so negative on A.J., or any of the rookies in the first very episode for that matter. I've seen what that girl can do and she can go when she was in FCW, and from what she has been doing it looks like she's the generic face hi-flier gimmick. After a couple of weeks whilst showing off their divesity, then comments should be made. It was the first night, let's give them a break.

I hope Aloisia gets to be featured on NXT at some point in the future as her height can provide for something to watch. With reports indicating that she isn't sloppy, why not? She has a reason to appear both in a business sense and the kayfabe-sense.
Kaitlyn is craaaaaaazy about bodybuilding, or was cuz she appears to have changed drastically. I'd post a pic, but I'll allow curiosity to kill you cats. Just look up Celeste Bonin.
I like Naomi's skills, but I just hope that is the first episode if the first episode is a taste, that she doesn't dominate the entire season. I dig Aksana, reminds me of the old Trish Stratus. Good ol days!! I like her chemistry with Goldie. And how they call it dubbel dubbel E for her...kinda like Kozlov when he first started.
:p I don't know WTF to think about Vickie as a mentor for Kaitlyn, I mean, c'mon. Maybe its better that Aloisia did get pulled so it would be a bit more balanced for all the girls to have a chance. I do like the Jamie, the former ring announcer, it'd be great if she did well and went on further from that old flirtation she had with Zack Ryder from season 2.
I'm stuck.

One on hand, I want to pick Kaityln as my breakout Diva. Very cute, and her doe in the headlights character when dealing with Vickie is just cute and :lmao: at the same time. But I've looked at some of her other work, and she seems a bit green.

On the other hand is AJ Lee. The Kaval/Bryan Daniels of Season 3 if you will. The "Internet darling" quoting Michael Cole. She seems to be the best wrestler out of the bunch, and she's with Primo, my preferred brother out of the Colons. So I do feel that as a avowed women's wrestling fan, I should support her for a better women's division harking back to when Stratus, Lita and Victoria carried it.

Finally, there is Aloisa. The 6'9 giant who I feel was unfairly punished and could be in a swerve against the IWC and the regular fans. She seems pretty good and her feet and is unique enough for the division that she could stand out.

Just don't know who to pick.

As for the others, Naomi, Jamie, Maxine and Aksana follow in that order.
These are the NXT rookies ranked by how much I wanna see them win.

1. Jamie Keyes-I have been in love since she did announcing on NXT. She may not be the next Lilian Garcia and her promo cutting may seem a little bit...scripted, but it's still very smooth stuff and I have yet to see her miss a step during a promo (I hope I don't jinx it!!!). So glad she won the joke contest cause she didn't sound like she was trying to pull shit out of her beautifully toned ass like everyone else. As for her in-ring work, from what I saw tonight, it may be rather average, but remember 1) they didn't devote much time to the match and 2) that she was in the ring with Aksana, and she already screwed up in her last match and she seemed lost again against Jamie. I'd like to see her perform against somebody more athletic like Naomi, AJ, or Kelly Kelly for a Pro/Rookie fight. Probably then I could get a better idea of what Jamie's in ring skills are like.

2. AJ Lee-According to people who have already seen her past work, AJ Lee is the most talented wrestler. I did kinda see it last week, but again blame it on Aksana for making her seem a little lackluster. Looking forward to more of her work as the season goes on. Her promo cutting is decent and I did like how she kept with the joke even though the crowd was shitting on her the whole time. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt cause being the first one and the crowd not really feeling the joke off in the first place didn't help her cause. Her strong point is her in ring work, and if she wows me with that, she'll have my vote like Kaval had mine. Only question I've got is: why was everybody picking on AJ?

3. Kaitlyn-Kaitlyn is incredibly hot and I would have her win just so I could keep seeing her. She is very below average in her in ring work and even worse in her promo cutting. But who knows? Kaitlyn probably didn't get much notification before being put in Season 3 so it took her a while to come up with some stuff to talk about for her first promo. I loved what she did on the obstacle course. She won the challenge while laying on the cart thing. That was pretty boss. It's possible whether or not she gets eliminated, I think Kaitlyn could still have a job with WWE. She has to complete the program with Vickie and Dolph Ziggler (if they don't complete it by the end of NXT) and personally I would love to see her team with Beth Phoenix sometime.

4. Naomi-She's incredibly athletic and freaking whooped everybody's ass in challenges the first day. Just on her athletic talent alone I'm impressed. I want to see her do more in terms of matches. Can she bring her athletic talent into the wrestling world? Hopefully her finisher is like a wicked high flying move. Her promo cutting is okay. I see lots of Percy Watson, whom I was a fan of, in her promos. It's probably not intentional, but if she can keep it up, she could possibly have the crowd behind her.

5. Maxine-Love the name, hate the girl. I just can't stand the fact she decided to go with the straight hair. The curly hair made her look hella hot. She's okay on the mic, nothing impressive at all, and I need to see more matches to really get a sense of her in ring talent, but I'm just not feeling her...not even in my mind...

6. Aksana-If you haven't figured it out by what I've been saying since the beginning of this rundown, I can't stand Aksana. Two matches and she's already botched. I'm a sucker for accents, but at least I can understand what Maryse says. Aksana sounds like she just got off the boat and Vince was waiting for her and said, "You look hot. Here's some wrestling gear, I've got a job for you." Sucks that Goldust is her Pro. He deserves a better Rookie, like Jamie!
I am a huge WWE diva fan but i think last night, they could of done something much better. I mean the aksana/jamie match was basically an armbar,irish whip,schoolgirl & win for jamie. The tag match was okay but it could of gone alot better.

My opinions on the NXT rookies:

Naomi: Since she got signed with the company, she has improved alot over in FCW. She is more of a babyface role as she has a dancing & gymnastic background. She is going to be the obvious choice to win as she is more likeable with the audience. I think that she will make it to the main roster even if she doesnt win so it's a win-win situation for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes it to the finale & win but we don't know WWE, they might eliminated her early on in the competition. She is my favourite out of all of them.

AJ Lee: She is without a doubt the most talented skilled wrestler out of the 6 of them but she has the worst mic skills. To me, she is abit bland on the mic. The background story that they are giving her is really stupid. On last nights show, they said "she was homeless for 3 years".. why in the blue hell would you say that :/ .. I think that WWE always punish the indy people & not allow them to show their full potential like daniel bryan & kaval. She will make it to the final but not win it.

Jamie: I really don't like her. She is a green wrestler & is only perfect for the mic. That promo she delivered last week, it seemed scripted & it was like she had an ear piece & they were telling her what to say & she was just saying it. The only thing that makes her stand out is her body. I mean, the muscle on her, she's so little but the muscle, i would expect her to pick up the divas but she's just a matbased worker. I think & hope she is eliminated first.

Maxine: Okay, she is bad at wrestling but her mic skills are okay i guess. The match last week when she boncro busted naomi, it was a complete hot mess. I don't think she's really that pretty at all. I guess because she's not really my type.

Kaitlyn: I'm torn 50/50% with this girl. She is the most unexperience girl out of the 6. She has only been signed to WWE for just less than 2 months & she is already thrown on TV in a competition in front million(s) of people. I think for the contest, WWE should not put her in a singles match because i'm afaird that it will turn into a complete botchfest. So for the best of her & the viewings of us, they should keep her in tags & 6 diva matches until she is eliminated.

Aksana: Anyone else hear a potential fued between her & maryse, because i certainly do. I think that the WWE are molding her into a Marlena 2.0. But it's really not working. Aksana is not that good in my opinon. She botched the bulldog as she didn't catch AJ's leg. Her mic skills are ok, but sometimes, i have to rewind the Youtube video to catch what she heard because she kinda talks fast.
2. AJ Lee-According to people who have already seen her past work, AJ Lee is the most talented wrestler. I did kinda see it last week, but again blame it on Aksana for making her seem a little lackluster. Looking forward to more of her work as the season goes on. Her promo cutting is decent and I did like how she kept with the joke even though the crowd was shitting on her the whole time. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt cause being the first one and the crowd not really feeling the joke off in the first place didn't help her cause. Her strong point is her in ring work, and if she wows me with that, she'll have my vote like Kaval had mine. Only question I've got is: why was everybody picking on AJ?
As of now AJ is my favorite, is she great with her jokes (stupid contest by the way), no, BUT she can cut a promo ok enough and unlike many divas, she can wrestle a match. AJ is my favorite, but this whole show (like Cole said) sucks. a joke contest???
Having the announcer of the show, constantly talking about how much the show sucks can't be helping the already struggling NXT cause. I hope Cole is really gone, it might get peopel back into the show if they voice behind it is positive.

I think AJ is like the Christy Hemme/Ashley Massaro of this contest. Has the sort of "punky" appeal. Except she can wrestle, unlike Christy/Ashley.

Aksana is too much like a Maryse, a blonde with an accent.

Naomi won't do anything. Don't ask me why, I just have a feeling that WWE would misuse the most athletic diva if she won the competition. I like her, I think she probably deserves to win, but would be released without making an impact.

Maxine doesn't seem like she belongs in a WWE ring. She has no appeal to me what so ever.

Jamie is a joke. I know a lot of people like her, but I do not. She's waaaaay too stiff. Both in the ring and on the mic. I think she needs a lot of work before the WWE looks her way. She's make a good interviewer though.

Kaitlyn is my pick to win. She's the best looking (which shouldn't play a role but probably will.) And she's already being worked into an angle with Vickie/Dolph from the looks of it. She proabbly doesn't deserve it, but I think she'll win.

Overall this season is slow, and kind of lame. I think the original idea of 4 guys and 4 girls would've been a much better product.

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