WWE NXT Season 3 General Discussion

I don't like the idea of the show, but I can't wait to see Alouisa. She's got to be the biggest female wrestler to ever step into a big company ring. She's bigger than half the guys even? If she's decent at what she does, I see no reason why she couldn't be a future Intercontinental Champion.
This is going to be a clusterfuck. What's the point of doing this shit? Creative or whoevers idea this is needs to be slapped really hard and be told to wake the fuck up because they are really slacking. You know ratings are going to be terrible so whats the point of this shit? To plug in some wwe programming on tuesday night. Oh and as for this 6'9 girl im already thinking of a female Khali slow and boring.
I personally see nothing wrong with this. Why not do an all Divas edition? Seriously, you already bash them without giving them a fucking chance, it's sickening really, and in my opinion cookie cutter opinions.

Besides, it's the last season of NXT anyway before they bring in smackdown and there's only 6 of them this season, so obviously it's shorter. Seriously, I believe if you give it a chance then you'll see that it can be a pretty interesting concept. Besides... the whole "Win and get a wwe title shot" was pissing me off. I like the idea of a diva getting a guaranteed title shot at the Unified Diva's/Women's championship.

As for who I'm pulling for, it's without a doubt going to be AJ Lee. Although, I will admit, that I'm interested to see how Aksana and Goldust fair. I wonder if the ropes will be pink or purple... wouldn't mind that really.
I personally see nothing wrong with this. Why not do an all Divas edition?
i think the problem is some of the fans wont care as much as they did about the males, i personally wanted to see 4 males, 4 females with two winners, but oh well, i will watch this show for 3 divas reasons why.

I like the idea of a diva getting a guaranteed title shot at the Unified Diva's/Women's championship.
me too as long as the BIG woman doesnt win it, i dont like seeing women dominate.

As for who I'm pulling for, it's without a doubt going to be AJ Lee.
yeah, that's who i WANT to win, she just has that "it" factor and i think she will be great.

Although, I will admit, that I'm interested to see how Aksana and Goldust fair.
not me, i like Naomi, AJ and that TALL woman, although i dont want her to win. I want to see her and Vickie have a bit of a feud.
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I know it sounds like a cliche, but this season idea could either be really good or really quite bad.

I guess a plus is that having 100% Divas has thrown up some very interesting pairings. Primo and AJ Lee - two people who seemingly have nothing in common whatsoever - should be good (especially since i'm falling in love with AJ Lee). The pretty girl Aksana and 'The Bizzare One' Goldust will also hopefully be good. And who could forget Vickie Guerreo and the 6-foot-9 Aloisia. That pairing is just going to be a spectacle. A good spectacle.

Despite the good pairings, WWE could really drop the ball. Treating the season as an extended beauty pageant or carrying on with stupid challenges (although, in fairness, they're not all bad).

Looking at the responses to season 3, people are really doubting whether female wrestling can keep people interested and entertained. It can, for one strata of society anyway. Women. If WWE can put on a good wrestling product with this then it may attract female wrestling fans. Those who are fans of all-women promotions like Shimmer.
I think this is a great idea, i think they are trying to build the womens division up more and this could be a great way to do it, with more woman being promoted, this NXT thing may actually be a good idea
A few months back, I created a poll asking if people would be interested in an all Diva season of NXT and the majority, not surprisingly, said no. I wasn't surprised as, historically, women's wrestling has never been particularly viable here in the states. Plus, the Divas as a whole aren't exactly the greatest example of women wrestlers you're going to find.

My expectations aren't high, but I'm not going to crap all over this without at least giving it a chance. I'm not surprised that a lot of people are already doing that as they were doing it even before the first season of NXT started. After all, the IWC not ragging on something and deciding they already dislike it before the first showing is somewhat rare when it comes to the WWE. However, I'm somewhat optimistic about this in the hopes that, along with the unification of the women's titles, this could be a turning point for the Divas into something that, as a whole, is actually halfway watchable.
I don't have very high expectations for this because not many people care about women's wrestling but I'll give it a chance before saying it's terrible and see if it could exceed my expectations. This could be a good way to add new blood to the Divas divisions
I can't help but imagine this season will be a fucking mess. And awful at that too.

None of the rookies really did anything for me, none of them are really that worthwhile from the brief introduction we got to see. Or well that might be wrong, A.J Lee is definitely hot, but that's about it.

At least we knew a few of the others, and had interest in them because, as we know, the male division is actually worth a damn. I'm sure this is just a way to try and bring life into the women's division, but I'm convinced it won't work. The rookies are even worse than the second season, nobody worth caring about (Except perhaps the looks of some of the divas).

I'm most convinced that I won't be watching this season.
Im really amazed at the flack Womens Wrestling gets sometimes. Im looking forward to Season 3 and looking at AJ Lee every week. I hope she wins already,she is SMOKING HOT.
I think people need to give them a chance.
I am looking forward to the Season I know that.
And if things go the way Season 1 and Season 2 went it is probably a good chance that ALL of them will go through. Hopefully this will be the start of WWE revamping the Women's Division because I am a fan of it. All they need is more TV time and something to work with, but all WWE does is put them in pointless tag team matches and Battle Royals. I think Everybody will agree with me that the last BIG Women's Division storyline was Lita vs Trish Stratus OR Trish Stratus vs Mickie James. And hopefully with these new ladies coming in they will think twice about their agenda. I am definitely looking forward to seeing Jamie, AJ Lee, and Maxine. They are all beautiful women, but I cannot get ahead of myself because I thought Lucky Cannon was going to go far and we saw where that went. And I honestly cannot see what is so interesting about this mammoth of a chick. A report said she will be a HUGE part of the Season though I just don't see it...
Like what somebody said this can either go really good or really bad! And I am hoping that is goes really good! We'll just have to wait and see.
I'm honestly looking forward to this season more than the first two. We complain a lot about divas not knowing how to wrestle and having zero personality. This will be a great way for them to accomplish both objectives. The ratings may not be as high but as long as there is one more diva that can wrestle and have charisma like those of the past, then I'm all for it.
well wwe nxt season 2 is over and the winner is........KAVAL!!! ok now that i said that its time to say that next week nxt season 3 will be an all-divas season. Hmmmmm all-divas, is that good? oh it could be if wwe realise what they've got. Now we all know the wwe divas divison is dying and is in desperate need of some fresh and decent divas and now we have 7 and 8 new divas so next week we'll get to see what these new divas are like and one of the diva's are 6"8 :icon_eek: so that will be interesting. Now what wwe should do is see who's good and the ones who make the cut should be put on one of the main two shows so at least it'll add something to the divas divison.

anyway do you think wwe divas nxt will be good and will it spice up the divas divison??
Last night the pairings of Pros and Rookies for the third season of NXT were announced. Season 3 will be an all divas edition. Here are the pairs:

Pro- Kelly Kelly
Rookie- Naomi Knight

Pro- Alicia Fox
Rookie- Maxine

Pro- Goldust
Rookie- Aksana

Pro- The Bellas
Rookie- Jamie Keyes

Pro- Primo
Rookie- AJ Lee

Pro- Vickie Guerrero
Rookie- Aloisia

I want to get your early predictions on who will be the season 3 winner, and your favorite and least favorite pairs.
I think Aloisia will win it because a diva who is 6'9 should be a pretty good wrestler. She would add power and actual wrestling ability to the division which is something it needs. Imagine an epic battle between her and Beth.
Is anyone else puzzled as to why they'd announce a match for unification of the Divas/Womens Championships at the next PPV, and then announce the next night that in one week, we're getting an entire Diva NXT season? All eight of the guys from season 1 are signed, and it's expected that a number of, if not all of season 2 will be signed as well. If things work out that way, we could be looking at the addition of six new Divas, making for more competition in that division. They're pimping the NOC match and making it seem pretty important (second announced match, after the main event), but I'd kind of assume that they would wait until after the conclusion of the show, since it sort of opens up the playing field, and allows the winner to choose her opponent, versus only having one person to challenge. I thought the unification was great on Monday, am still not against it, but now the timing seems a bit odd. My gripe with having two women's titles was the lack of competition. They finally do something about that, and then are basically taking away an opportunity for the winner to shine. Anyone else wondering about this?
If the women's division in the WWE was given any importance, than yes, this would be something worth watching. As it is, it is difficult to care about who will win an NXT competition to enter into a meaningless division.

Furthermore, if this is used correctly--as an avenue to actually springboard the female division in the WWE--then this has potential. But it won't. First, look at the pairings. Not one talented diva pro, which means that NXT matches that involve the pros is not going to do anything to make anyone take the women's division seriously. Second, since we can't really have matches to look forward to, I shudder to think what sort of inane competitions we are going to see. Keg races, program sales and kissing contests were invented for the men...what sort of humiliating crap are the women going to be forced to do? Of course we will have to have the obligatory bikini contest, but I am sure whatever they come up with will have nothing to do with wrestling and will also do nothing to further the women's division or make us want to take these contestants seriously.

I hope I'm wrong, but I guess we'll see pretty quickly. I think this is just some silly idea someone threw together because there were no other options that could be used to replace NXT in a hurry.
Just out of intrest, who in the blue hell is going to be able to ever get a clean win over Aloisia or whatever her name is...im not even sure i mean out of just the divas either, she is a monster, like big show's 'little' sister or something! Good lord!! I'm rather intrested to see how she performs in the ring too
So yea anyway, this is pretty much the worst idea ever.

Do you guys remember alittle thing called the diva search? Do you remember how much we all FUCKING HATED those segments?

Well guess what this will be? Diva Search, XL. Diva Search, but, a FUCKING HOUR LONG. Diva Search, weekly.

It boggles the mind that ANY of you can even remotely think this is good in any way. 99% of us groooaaaannn to ALL the high heavens during our ONE diva segment per show, and yet, a show ENTIRELY BASED ON THIS, not only this, but GREEN DIVAS is just incomprehensible.
So yea anyway, this is pretty much the worst idea ever.

Do you guys remember alittle thing called the diva search? Do you remember how much we all FUCKING HATED those segments?

Well guess what this will be? Diva Search, XL. Diva Search, but, a FUCKING HOUR LONG. Diva Search, weekly.

It boggles the mind that ANY of you can even remotely think this is good in any way. 99% of us groooaaaannn to ALL the high heavens during our ONE diva segment per show, and yet, a show ENTIRELY BASED ON THIS, not only this, but GREEN DIVAS is just incomprehensible.

So true Norcal. People bitch and moan about 5 minute Divas matches, and then they are excited about a hour long weekly show solely dedicated to Divas who are going to be worse than the current WWE Divas? Completely asinine if you ask me.

NXT does some stupid shit too. Keg carrying contest anyone? Or the obstacle course? Just imagine how terrible some of this shit will be with these Divas. And Kelly Kelly and The Bella Twins as pros? Are you fucking serious?

The only redeeming qualities about NXT were the great young talents like DBD, Kaval, Riley, Wade Barrett, etc. But without those presences, this is going to be painful.
These are probably the worst pro's ever to be chosen for NXT.
Is this a joke? Goldust?!?!?! Primo??!?!?!!
Gosh what is wrong with WWE are they on crack???
The only reason ill tune in is the see Vickie Guerrero's rookie..
The only two pros kinda worth anything is Alicia Fox (barely in my eyes) and Kelly (most Diva of all divas). How the hell did Bellas and Vickie make it? Primo and Goldust have the legacy behind their name. But this kinda sucks, because I was hoping to see a NXT taping when they came to Topeka,KS by October 5th. But now that sucks because now I only get to see superstars and SD. :disappointed: that sux. I was hoping to see 8 divas. This kinda pisses me off along with the piss poor random ass choices of pros. What about Natalya, or Tamina, or even Eve? I mean, Vickie, c'mon, she's only known for her hog splash and her screechy voice. Who's gonna beat a 6'9" diva? This is not realistic. I guess I could give it a shot, but just cuz someone's huge like that doesn't mean they are graceful look at Khali...
I guess we all need to ask ourselves if this is too little, too late?

I think it's a great idea and original concept. Featuring the Divas on a television show pretty much forces us to pay attention to them. (After all, their matches are piss breaks to the majority of us.) But these women had better take this VERY seriously. On Smackdown and Raw, they are crutched by men's wrestling and storylines. People could just temporarily change the channel if a Divas match or segment is bad. But now, there is no changing back. If the Divas suck, the whole show sucks. It's a ton of pressure and I hope these women are ready for it all.
NXT does some stupid shit too. Keg carrying contest anyone? Or the obstacle course? Just imagine how terrible some of this shit will be with these Divas. And Kelly Kelly and The Bella Twins as pros? Are you fucking serious?

They were trying to do strongmen challenges to show strength and agility. Not that it matters really, other than to fill time or give people a reason to vote or not vote for someone. Watching Eli was painful and definitely none of them are meant to be another Magnus Ver Magnusson. :p

If they are to do strongwomen Diva challenges, it'll be harder to watch. I've tried to watch legit strongwomen challenges, but the professionals even come off as terrible. And their events are easier than the men's. :icon_neutral:

Hopefully, this Diva experiment will be better than the fluff Diva Search.
I know this is almost impossible to do but when the rumor about an all diva NXT came about I was hoping maybe some older divas would come back and be pros. It would have been cool to see Lita, Trish, Ivory, Jacqueline--ladies who were involved when the Divas division was actually active and competitive.

I know it's a long shot but I think they would have been better choices as pros. I mean, the Bella twins??? WOW
(Hello everyone this is my first thread so I apologise if something like this has all ready been done but I don't see anything like this on the boards. If so just merge this tread with that one.) Ok so some of us are interested to see what changes are going to be made as NXT enterers it's 3rd season. My only problem with this season so far is their choice of pros for this season (The Bella Twins really?). And as I have been reading on the forums some of you feel the same way that I do so I pose this question, Let's say that WWE should give us the "WWE Universe" a choice on what pro should mentor what rookie and all you had to work with is the video intros that were shown on NXT. Which superstars would you choose to mentor which rookie and why? Have fun with this one.

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