WWE NXT Season 3 General Discussion

OK, the cynical side of me thinks that this is WWE's way of getting people to stop caring about NXT so Smackdown can take it over.

However, the optimistic side of me wants to give the show a chance before bitching, saying it'll suck, and posting ten smilies. I really don't think it'll be that bad for a few reasons. First, the divas on NXT will be forced to develop a personality in order to stand out from the crowd. One of the biggest reasons people don't care about the divas is because none of them have entertaining characters or personalities with the exception of LayCool. This could help alleviate that problem, and also work on the problems of divas with terrible mic skills.

Another reason is because of fanservice. Look, the straight males on this board enjoy watching LayCool bounce up and down on NXT whenever Kaval wins. Well, this next season of NXT will feature eight divas bouncing up and down for an hour! How is that a bad thing?

Like I say, I'll give it a chance. My hopes aren't high, but I highly doubt it'll be awful.
I would not lose my mind over the Divas Edition of WWE NXT.
I like the idea, but people are right. If the Professional Divas can't draw what makes WWE think that the Rookie Divas can draw. And to continue with the honesty WWE doesn't need only ONE Breakout Superstar in the WWE Divas Division. WWE needs MORE THAN ONE Breakout Superstar in the Divas Division. Anyways the show is only suppose to go on for only five episodes (a short season) so I say let the Divas have their fun and let's just enjoy this next tweek. I know I will because I for one love Women's Divison some of them work very hard and it's not their fault that they do not get exposure on TV. I just hope this is the beginning to them revolutionizing the Divas Division.
Anyone else think this is a jab at SyFy for not continuing NXT because of SD? It totally reeks of a guy on his way out of a job that does everything possible to make his soon to be former boss glad he is gone..

I try to enjoy the Divas as well.. But you ain't gotta be the head cashier at Wal-Mart to know that as a whole just aren't any good or the fans would react to them. I know the internet goes on about Beth or LayCool, but people like Zack Ryder has always gotten a better reaction than them. A Raw jobber.
This isn't my call but there is already a thread pretty much about the same thing.


Yeah, I saw that thread. It's about half divas half males. It's different.

So, anyway. What do you guys think again? I don't wanna get flagged for spamming so I'll explain why I don't like it. It seems like none of the divas are boring and these divas will be too. No one will cheer. No one will boo. They will be silent. Bored. Good Day to you.
This could helped revamp the diva's division, but I don't think this show will be worth watching. I'll tune in to see how it happens, but a full hour of women's wrestling isn't exactly my cup of tea. Not to mention we will probably have to sit through some terrible promos and lame competitions. At least with the men if we had to sit through some lame skits we were able to see some good promos or matches. I don't think the ratings will come out nicely. Maybe the show will only last a few weeks. I could be wrong, but I don't think an all divas addition of NXT will yield anything positive.
WWE NXT Season 3 - Divas Edition actually looks pretty good if I am honest! Jamie, AJ, and Maxine are my favorites right now. I am going to watch next week to see how this goes. These ladies look really good!
I'll tune in to watch Goldust and his hot rookie, along with Primo's hot rookie. That 6'9 macho amazon woman looks like behemoth too. I'll give it a chance, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I don't think the ratings will due this season any favors but who knows.
O.k is it just me or was that freak of nature Alouisa '7 tall? :wtf:...

Anywho, I think it'll be horseshit aswell, just look at the pros, like Primo and Golddust wtf.... Also if I wanted to see tits and ass i'd hit up some internet porn or my girlfriend. WWE really made a bad move here, in my opinion.
The writers have officially hit the crackpipe.. There is nothing remotely interesting about this.. I mean... LOOK AT THE FUCKING "PROS"...


What is this shit WWE? Seriously.. it seems like WWE is putting little or no effort into NXT just so it has a reason to be cut. I know some people like the idea of gender equality, but NXT will never succeed as a Women's Wrestling program. Unless it's a porno.. :lmao:
haha there's no fucking way i'm watching this shit. number 1 i dont care about divas, and number 2 the pro's suck. expect NXT to pull record low ratings this season.
A TNA fanboy bitching about tits and ass? Isn't that the only reason to watch your trailer park queens, aka knockouts? Isn't that one of the things that makes TNA so fucking "edgy" and hardcore"? Your over-hyped knockouts? Its incredibly ironic considering one of impacts few selling points is that the cameramen are total pervs and get those snatch shots as many times as they can...if you want to whine about tits and ass, I suggest you look in the mirror at what your company is doing.

NXT 3 is going to be a total crapfest...but it is also only on for a month...but to bitch about tits and ass while TNA has up the crotch shots in every knockout match? What a fucking joke.
So in light of NXT's continued ratings failures, and it's trend of championing mediocrity and parading pathetic rookie mid-carders as would-be main-event caliber stars, the WWE responds by providing an all-female cast of NXT season 3? Yeah, that makes about as much sense as a shit-flavored lollipop.

The program couldn't draw worth pigs spit with the men in either season, but a group of broads is going to pique the interests of the untapped market not watching the show already? Yeah right.

I don't even need to hope the show bombs – it'll do it on it's own.
I'm gonna watch this season simply for AJ Lee. I've seen her wrestle and i think she's awesome. once she get eliminated (and I hope she doesn't) I will stop watching. Simple as that.
So in light of NXT's continued ratings failures, and it's trend of championing mediocrity and parading pathetic rookie mid-carders as would-be main-event caliber stars, the WWE responds by providing an all-female cast of NXT season 3? Yeah, that makes about as much sense as a shit-flavored lollipop.

The program couldn't draw worth pigs spit with the men in either season, but a group of broads is going to pique the interests of the untapped market not watching the show already? Yeah right.

I don't even need to hope the show bombs – it'll do it on it's own.

Yeah I agree with you, it doesn't seem like a very sensible move to me. They should've mixed male and womens wrestlers. Either Vince thinks divas actually draw and are ratings boosters, or he just doesn't give a shit about the show anymore. I think it's the latter.
A TNA fanboy bitching about tits and ass? Isn't that the only reason to watch your trailer park queens, aka knockouts? Isn't that one of the things that makes TNA so fucking "edgy" and hardcore"? Your over-hyped knockouts? Its incredibly ironic considering one of impacts few selling points is that the cameramen are total pervs and get those snatch shots as many times as they can...if you want to whine about tits and ass, I suggest you look in the mirror at what your company is doing.

NXT 3 is going to be a total crapfest...but it is also only on for a month...but to bitch about tits and ass while TNA has up the crotch shots in every knockout match? What a fucking joke.

Isis The Amazon vs. Velvet Sky. Tell me who wins the beauty contest? Listen, I do like the EDGY, SEX FILLED, PERVERSION that is TNA and the reason your argument holds no water is because in WWE, you're not going to see ANYTHING close to that, nor will you see storylines that may be bad, but still reflect that the company CARES about it's women division. WWE pays little to no attention to it's female wrestlers and no one except Melina (WHO HAS A PRETTY PERVERTED ENTRANCE HAR HAR) draws a reaction that can be heard on the camera. I find this whole bombing of TNA that you've orchestrated to be pretty amusing. Better luck next time.

Goldust and Primo are pros yes, BUT i didnt see Hornswoggle on the pros list.

This could helped revamp the diva's division, but I don't think this show will be worth watching.

yeah, i will watch to see two women only, AJ Lee and that giant woman.

At least with the men if we had to sit through some lame skits we were able to see some good promos or matches.
agreed. Even though some people will disagree, i enjoyed McGuillicutty, Kaval and Riley cut promos and wrestle. the issue with the all diva's one is that i think only two maybe 3 will be liked or followed.

I don't think the ratings will come out nicely. Maybe the show will only last a few weeks. I could be wrong, but I don't think an all divas addition of NXT will yield anything positive.
i think the reason it's all divas is that reason, it likely wont last long.
I for one am pumped for this. Naomi Knight and AJ Lee are two very good diva's and I hope they get a chance to shine :) The tall one if fierce, and the others aren't bad themselves(although they aren't particularly good either).

But with it only being 6 weeks, and with people like Vickie, Bellas and Goldust I have a hard time believing that they are going to take this serious. I just hope some of the better workers(IE, AJ and Naomi)get something out of this and aren't burried to the point of no return.

Personally I hope this NXT draws a decent rating. Maybe if it does Vince and his lackeys will focus more on the Diva's and give them some time to make some decent stuff. Either way this isn't really a risk for Vince or the WWE. NXT is leaving SYFY in a few weeks so regardless if this bombs if won't really make a difference. And it's not like the pro's and rookies from the other two seasons were raking in amazing ratings either.

Either way bring on the divas, I'm stoked!
Isis The Amazon vs. Velvet Sky. Tell me who wins the beauty contest? Listen, I do like the EDGY, SEX FILLED, PERVERSION that is TNA and the reason your argument holds no water is because in WWE, you're not going to see ANYTHING close to that, nor will you see storylines that may be bad, but still reflect that the company CARES about it's women division. WWE pays little to no attention to it's female wrestlers and no one except Melina (WHO HAS A PRETTY PERVERTED ENTRANCE HAR HAR) draws a reaction that can be heard on the camera. I find this whole bombing of TNA that you've orchestrated to be pretty amusing. Better luck next time.

And you just proved you have no reading comprehension skills. I was laughing at IDR's bitching that it was tits and ass, and his comment that if he wanted that, he would look at porn or find his girlfriend...so, he is against tits and ass, yet your beloved TNA exploits tits and ass all the time. Where is IDR's internet porn and girlfriend during those knockout matches with the closeups of snatches and ass cheeks? IDR's complaint is complete bullshit because he LOVES the tits and ass on thursdays. Yet, on tuesdays, he is a prude, apparently. Basically, if you are a TNA fan, who has claimed TNA's more edgy nature makes it superior, making the complaint that NXT 3 is going to be worthless BECAUSE its tits and ass is laughable. Complain because the wrestling is going to suck? Sure. 90+ sure its going to be dreadful myself. Complain that its C level pros? Okay, I would buy that too. But to complain that it is tits and ass, when you fully support tits and ass on YOUR programming is ridiculous.
I for one am pumped for this. Naomi Knight and AJ Lee are two very good diva's and I hope they get a chance to shine :) The tall one if fierce, and the others aren't bad themselves(although they aren't particularly good either).

But with it only being 6 weeks, and with people like Vickie, Bellas and Goldust I have a hard time believing that they are going to take this serious. I just hope some of the better workers(IE, AJ and Naomi)get something out of this and aren't burried to the point of no return.

Personally I hope this NXT draws a decent rating. Maybe if it does Vince and his lackeys will focus more on the Diva's and give them some time to make some decent stuff. Either way this isn't really a risk for Vince or the WWE. NXT is leaving SYFY in a few weeks so regardless if this bombs if won't really make a difference. And it's not like the pro's and rookies from the other two seasons were raking in amazing ratings either.

Either way bring on the divas, I'm stoked!


I realize I'm one of the four people in the United States who actually care about women's wrestling for reasons other that have nothing to do with crotch shots, implants, hair extensions, ass, and thongs but I'm excited that WWE is doing something that pleases me. Even if it is just for a month, and even if no one else is going to watch it, and even if it's simply filler until Smackdown makes the move, I'm going to be excited about a program full of women's wrestling on a mainstream television channel. Of course, we're dealing with WWE creative here so they'll probably find a way to piss me off pretty soon, but I'm not going to think about that now.

Edit: Isis The Amazon!! I've never seen her wrestle, but I love that she's not conventionally pretty. (I'm using you guys reactions to her, as I think she's cute) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she's more Big Show/Kevin Nash than Great Khali/Rosie Lottalove.
I'm pretty shocked they decided to go this route. The IWC jokes about Divas matches being bathroom breaks, but I think it's true for a lot of other people. I still watch, but I don't really have high expectations. Either way, people don't tune into WWE programming just to watch Divas matches, and I am totally surprised that they intend to make an entire show of it--not even with established Divas competing. I see the show totally bombing, unfortunately. It's really a disservice to the competitors, and for the pros, it's basically extra work that's not going to pay off. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Vince blames the pros for poor ratings, claiming that they don't have enough star power to draw people in. That said, the 6'9" chick is strangely enticing to me...
I agree with you OP 100%, if the pro divas on raw and smackdown can't draw. How does wwe think these rookie divas will, i rather have them do a diva search then nxt full of divas. I fall asleep when i see a diva match, it is like a dragon ball z filler episode. I heard they might air nxt 3 only on wwe.com if they must go on with this, i hope it only is on wwe.com. Cause anyone in business should know this won't draw ratings.
Look at these fuckin' cynics…
While I'll be taking a take a wait and see approach on this one, I'm not going to bury it either. By no means am I delusional enough to think this will be the crown jewel of WWE's weekly programing but honestly for 6 weeks what the fuck else am I gonna do? So I spend an hour a week watching cute girls in quasi-spandex fake fighting, compete in silly challenges, the occasional comedy skit, and vote-off eliminations. Whatever. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". I'm on board and have no problems with it, I wonder why so many others can't say the same?:shrug:
I'm excited cuz I actually care about women's wrestling, no matter how bad it'll turn out. I have high hopes for Jay Lethal's girlfriend.

And Davi person, that ain't IDR! you're talkin' about.
If nothing else, maybe Vickie can teach her rookie how to draw heat. I've heard good things about AJ and I think Goldust and his chick should at least be entertaining.
I think that this show will not work just based upon the fact that it is an all divas edition & most of the WWE universe don't really care for the divas. I would of perfered it if it was 4 superstars & 4 divas to atleast give the show a chance. Im a women's wrestling fan but i do think that this edition of NXT will lose all the ratings & even the crappest show in TV will get more viewings. Reports are claiming that it's only going to last 6 weeks so thats a good amount of time i guess. Just give the show a chance.

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