[OFFICIAL] WWE NXT Season Two General Discussion

I am very excited for season 2. Every rookie seems to have character and won't seem to be dull and boring right from the start. The pairings are good this season and I believe that it will make for some entertaining television so long as the WWE cuts out the stupid competitions and does more wrestling related things. I believe right now that the winner will be either Joe Hennig, Alex Riley. I'll even throw in a big risk and say that Husky Harris makes it farther then you guys think. Personally I don't understand why they are having " Season 2 " so soon. If your tagline is finding the WWE's next breakout star, how can you have found one and then start looking for another a week later?
Season 2 is going to be better that season 1. I really liked it but there were some elements that need changing.
The challenges were alright in the main. The promo one in particular was very good (I still remember Daniel Bryan shouting "I love England!"). Maybe this season they'll pop in a battle royale or an 8-man elimination match. Just something a bit meatier and exciting than Justin Gabriel running around a baseball bat.
I also think there may be more character development, using backstage segments a bit more and creating deep feuds between the rookies. There were mini-feuds like Darren Young and David Otunga had, but nothing very encapsulating.
It's nice to see different types of rookies to the ones in season 1. A monster like Eli Cottonwood or an outlandish character like Percy Watson are people we didn't see last season.
If WWE iron out the imperfections of season 1 (which occasionally showed brilliance) then this one could be spectacular. This season has the rookies and pros to put on an excellent show.
One thing I'm hoping for the first episode of Season Two: Keep the Season 1 rookies out of the episode. I want to meet the wrestlers and see them perform. I don't want that to be overshadowed by this faction. Just my opinion.
Which NXT season 2 rookies do you believe can become world champions in the future? We saw this thread with season 1, so let's have one for season 2. This is my first topic too, fyi. :)

I love his in ring work, and he just seems like a badass all around. He could and should become a world champion. He may be small, but his finisher is brutal, and he has been everywhere.
I can see him winning it too, but, along with the rest of the world, his name takes him down a notch. He has good mic skills and is great in the ring. I would assume he doesn't win NXT, because he is rumored to join DiBiase in that faction.
I don't think he will ever become one. He doesn't have the look, and while he is pretty agile on his feet, I just don't think he is very good.
Not a chance. He is big, but I don't see it.
This guy has a great shot. He is great on the mic, and he is great in the ring. I could see him become a believable champion.
He is hilarious on the mic, and very athletic. I can't see him be anything more than comic relief or possibly a midcard wrestler. I believe he is Rico 2010.
I see something in this guy. I believe he could win the big one. Good size and good mic work from what I have seen.
He is very intimidating and powerful. I haven't seen him in the ring yet, but he has a Brock Lesnar look to him.

What's your opinion on these rookies?
As of right now I wouldn't say a damn one of them, I haven't had any time to really see what they've got to offer. If that is going to be anything significant they have a hell of a wall to climb because the top tier has absolutely NO VACANCY at the moment and doesn't look to be opening many slots anytime soon. At the jump I think the guy who has stood out the most is Alex Riley but that's because of his mouthpiece. From what I hear this Kaval guy is the fucking man so from my estimation of the scenario he seems to be the most likely to have some real success.

How about before we go cementing any NXT rookies as future champions we see how the first ones do? Let's see if Wade Barrett goes anywhere. Let's see how the recent developments pan out maybe before we get too far ahead of ourselves. Wade Barrett hasn't even had a title shot yet, this new storyline is just getting legs, the new rookies were just introduced, and nothing is set in stone yet. We need to just be patient, wait, and see.
I haven't seen enough of them yet but as of right now i would say Alex Riley .
He has a great look ,good in-ring work and alright on the mic.

Kaval i've heard alot of him and seen his matches but i haven't heard him on the mic so i'm not sure how he'll do.
There's no way this question can be answered with any degree of legitimacy as NXT has just started. There's simply not been enough time to see what the next back of NXT Rookies is capable of. I can't say I'm surprised that Kaval is the OP's favorite as, much like Bryan Danielson last season, Kaval is well known on the indy scene.

It's far too premature to believe that any of these wrestlers is a future world champion.
There's no way this question can be answered with any degree of legitimacy as NXT has just started. There's simply not been enough time to see what the next back of NXT Rookies is capable of. I can't say I'm surprised that Kaval is the OP's favorite as, much like Bryan Danielson last season, Kaval is well known on the indy scene.

It's far too premature to believe that any of these wrestlers is a future world champion.

That's true, but they did all wrestle in other organizations. It's just a speculation thread; no need for any degree of legitimacy.
I would really have to say we need to see more from them before we can consider anybody worthy of being world champion.

Some of them we've already seen some from, promos etc. but we haven't seen all of the rookies have a match, cut a proper promo, so we don't have the knowledge on them just yet on NXT to judge them worthy of a world championship.

Revive this thread in a few weeks, or a month, and it'll be easier to discuss.
Haha thank you for being inspired by my season 1 future world champions thread :D
Truth is though, I don't see much potential in this season as I did in last season with Barrett, Otunga and Danielson.
Kaval has great in ring work, but I just know he'll be humbled like Bryan.
You're right about MiGillicutty aswell. A new name, well, original name and he can go far.
Good ideas, dude.
I think it will be good, and people will be interested in seeing what happens because of the NXT invasion angle (season 1) that is going on.

I hope Henning and Kaval do well, although I have no idea why they have named Henning they way they did, totally pointless

Just call him like Curt Henning Jnr if need be.
What I appreciate about NXT is the WWE's ability to scout and create personalities. With the exception of Lucky Cannon and Titus O'Neil, each of the rookies this season stand out as individual characters.

Last season, Otunga, Barrett, and Bryan were the only stand-outs as characters. David Otunga was very comfortable on the mic and I liked the subtle weekly changes he made to his look. His promos were memorable as well, as I couldn't watch Justin Gabriel without thinking about his as more gymnast than wrestler. Wade Barrett spoke with authority every chance he was given and deserved to lead what has become a hot rebel faction. He stuck with Jericho on screen and carried some of Y2J's swagger with him from his walk to the ring to the way he cocked his head to let you know he's better than you. Daniel Bryan of course was fed his angle with Michael Cole and didn't disappoint in his segments with The Miz or Matt Striker.

This season, Kaval, Husky Harris, Michael McGillicutty, Percy Watson, Eli Cottonwood, and Alex Riley are all stand-out personalities. It makes for a harder vote for the fans and creates intrigue going into weekly Pro's Polls. Kaval is a hard-worker with a menacing look, Cottonwood comes off as a would-be serial killer, Harris is a scruffy, speedy big man who looks excited to crush his opposition, McGillicutty oozes intensity, and Watson entertains me just by dancing.

In the weeks to come, I'm waiting for one of these rookies to have a stand-out match. It doesn't seem like they will get any more than 8-10 minutes to make a lasting impression but this week's show set a good precedent. Kaval got to showcase a number of his unorthodox moves and Riley looked great picking up the last minute win. Also, McGuillicutty looked great keeping up with Kofi Kingston and made a neckbreaker finishing move his own. I hope matches like this become standard in establishing who the real prospects are in this competition...

And not focus on who is looking to make a win...a win...
Right now I think the NXT finalists are looking good, but I would still rather see Kaval, Hennig, and Harris in the top 3. Alex Riley needs to go away. I'm hoping to see Hennig get the win, AND hopefully go by Michael or Joe Hennig.

"Rookie" Observations

Kaval is talented and the way Vince is starting to see how well smaller guys work compared to his lumbering jack wagons, he might be able to hit the US title. I just don't think he is talented enough to be a world champion right now.

Hennig does need to improve in the ring, and some on the mic. He might benefit mirroring his father(where Ted, Jr is failing). Hennig easily has a future in the WWE with his look.

Riley, something about the guy just annoys me I can't put my finger on it. Maybe its that bedazzled R on his stupid looking sleeveless letterman jacket.

Husky Harris breaks mold, and has tremendous talent, if you remains on the main roster, presumably on smackdown with Rhodes. The two of them could become tag team champions, somewhat repeating how Rhodes debuted with Holly. I think he was eliminated as a way to make him stronger when he is back on the main roster so he can say he didn't need NXT.

Percy Watson, Tourrettes dance, that is all. Not entertaining, just annoying. Not a good worker. And I could never tell whether he was scared, smiling or constipated. Watson was probably eliminated because the fans grew tired of stupid sunshine smile, anyone notice he never got that "Oh, yeah" from the crowd when he was eliminated. Nobody cared about him.

Lucky Cannon was terrible all around, he couldn't even pull off the underdog gimmick with his sob story, nobody cared because he didn't have the emotion to make it work. Thats why he was sent home, WWE invested a little much in him and the delivery was non-existent.

Cottonwood was obviously a guy who was hired because of his size. Nothing about the guy was impressive and he never looked or sounded confident. The lack of confidence coupled with promos in the creepy petiphile voice and zero ring skills is what got him axed.

O'Neill just didn't have that "it" factor and I believe ne never connected with the crowd.
Right now I think the NXT finalists are looking good, but I would still rather see Kaval, Hennig, and Harris in the top 3. Alex Riley needs to go away. I'm hoping to see Hennig get the win, AND hopefully go by Michael or Joe Hennig.
yeah, i hope the same thing, i have read where some people think Hennig needs to improve in the ring and on the mic, BUT from what i see, i think he's got it all. the ONLY issues i have with McGuillicutty is his last name (call him Hennig please) and his character which is more of a tweener, BUT i am hoping that he wins, THEN becomes a heel WHEN he wins.

Kaval is talented and the way Vince is starting to see how well smaller guys work compared to his lumbering jack wagons, he might be able to hit the US title. I just don't think he is talented enough to be a world champion right now.
i want Kaval to go to Smackdown and be in the IC title hunt while Daniel Bryan get the US title.

Hennig does need to improve in the ring, and some on the mic. He might benefit mirroring his father(where Ted, Jr is failing). Hennig easily has a future in the WWE with his look.

i disagree, i think his in ring skills is best in NXT besides Kaval and his mic skills are tied for 1st place with Riley. Both of those guys know how to use that mic. In all the promos i heard from Hennig, they have ended right on the time and they have been very good to listen to.

Husky Harris breaks mold, and has tremendous talent, if you remains on the main roster, presumably on smackdown with Rhodes. The two of them could become tag team champions
i dont want Harris as a Tag Team with Rhodes, team him up with someone else though, i would agree there.

Percy Watson, Tourrettes dance, that is all. Not entertaining, just annoying.
he's good with the kids, but i get annoyed of him, his glasses are lame, his mic work is very lame, come up with a better gimmick for him fast.

Lucky Cannon was terrible all around, he couldn't even pull off the underdog gimmick with his sob story
Lucky is what he is, decent. i dont mind him, but he's not a guy i love. I like him better than Percy.

Cottonwood was obviously a guy who was hired because of his size. Nothing about the guy was impressive and he never looked or sounded confident.
just lame, didnt like him, reminds me of a slimmer, cross-eyed version of Khali, except wrestles a little bit better.

O'Neill just didn't have that "it" factor and I believe ne never connected with the crowd.
i think he could do ok if he goes to the main roster, i liked him better than Percy and Eli.

All in all, i had 4 rookies that i enjoyed and the others in my view are just there. I am hoping Michael McGuillicutty wins and hopefully Ted's brother returns soon, if not, i hope that Hennig forms a team with Ted and become the Fourtanate Sons with McGuillicutty (whose re-named Hennig) saying he's the perfect son basically, IF Alex Riley somehow wins, i want him to use the title match on Daniel Bryan for the US title in the future, i dont really want Kaval to win, but if he did, i REALLY think Smackdown would be best for him.

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