What the hell happened to NXT?


Suck It!!!!
1st of all happy new year everyone hope 2011 is good 2 qll of you

now i need to ask this, what happened to nxt, it seems wwe is losing more and more faith and interest in this show each season
season one was great, great rookies and great pros
seson two was ok, the rookies were ok and their were fewer main event pros
season three was divas..............
and im not even looking at season 4 because of the decline in "entertainment"

is it just me of does wwe care less and less about this show?
is it decreasing season by season?
do you still watch it and why
I don't watch it because it's not convenient. lol. Its awkward when it's not on television.

The formatting of the show could be alot better. I'd definitely have more Pros that are main eventing like Orton or Cena getting a rookie could make lots of sweet storylines.

Also not putting Mason Ryan in season 2 or 4 was a mistake.
No, I just don't see the point of waisting my time for NXT. Infact, I only watched one episode and thought it was complete bullurky. And yeah, waiting for season 5 to put Mason on their was a huge mistake. I don't even know how they possible think they are ever going back on TV. They act like their show is perfect when they don't even focus on NXT.
I watch NXT when I have nothing else to do. However I do like the show, it gives you a chance to see these rookies kind of grow in a ring and i always belived that if I didn't vote I couldn't complain, so I vote for them and then bitch when someone else wins >.> XD
I have a couple of theories to why the fans and WWE alike have stoped caring about NXT.

First of all, after the drama and fallout from season one, it was clear that no future season with live up to the first NXT's standards. NXT will always be remembered and associated with Nexus and its birth; there's no way another season could follow them.

Secondly, though I hate Kaval, the fact that he became a jobber following his NXT win really devalued the show. People originally watched believing they'd see the 'next breakout star,' but they were wrong.

Thirdly, the fact that NXT has been off TV for the past two seasons is a major inconvenience to fans. When fans aren't watching, WWE doesn't care. Also, the reason that though TV station wanted NXT was probably due to its poor ratings.

Fourth, poor characters. WWE only have a limited amount of wrestlers in FCW, and the best were used in the first two seasons. Now we are stuck with the leftovers. On top of that, NXT characters tend to be generic.

I believe that these are the reasons that fans (such as me) have stopped watching NXT, and thus, why WWE has stopped caring about the show.
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;2718590]I have a couple of theories to why the fans and WWE alike have stoped caring about NXT.

First of all, after the drama and fallout from season one, it was clear that no future season with live up to the first NXT's standards. NXT will always be remembered and associated with Nexus and its birth; there's no way another season could follow them.[/QUOTE]

How could it? The shock of the Nexus storyline was one of the best executed angles in some time. It may have gotten people to tune into NXT for awhile to see if these rookies could make a similar impact, or which may be a good fit for Nexus. But WWE set the bar so high with the angle involving the rookies for season one its hard to imagine another group coming close to replicating its success, as you said.

Secondly, though I hate Kaval, the fact that he became a jobber following his NXT win really devalued the show. People originally watched believing they'd see the 'next breakout star,' but they were wrong.

Again, this goes back to the same idea that was presented in your first point. Wade Barrett has set the bar so incredibly high because of his success with Nexus as the "Next Breakout Star" that its hard to imagine anyone making such an impact. The subsequent burial and release of Kaval certainly didnt help matters either, and the guaranteed title shot seems to mean less and less by the season.

Thirdly, the fact that NXT has been off TV for the past two seasons is a major inconvenience to fans. When fans aren't watching, WWE doesn't care. Also, the reason that though TV station wanted NXT was probably due to its poor ratings.

This, and the fact that WWE inadvertantly admitted to its fans that the show is a joke by virtue of Season 3. The announcers crapped on the show at every opportunity. IF WWE is giving off the impression that they don't care, then why should we as the viewer care?

Fourth, poor characters. WWE only have a limited amount of wrestlers in FCW, and the best were used in the first two seasons. Now we are stuck with the leftovers. On top of that, NXT characters tend to be generic.

There's plenty of talent left in FCW, and I was unpleasantly surprised at the introduction of the cast for Season 4. Seasoned wrestlers such as Austin Watson(Consequences Creed in TNA), Seth Rollins(Tyler Black in ROH), and Richie Steamboat are all still in FCW, while talentless hacks such as Jacob Novak and Conar O'Brian are further de-valuing the show. I understand somewhat why WWE didnt take season 3 seriously, and thats because they've shown little investment in their women's division over the past few years. But there's legitimate amount of talent that could have been used to draw my interest in season 4, and they were left behind.

Another reason for me includes the pros from past seasons. We started with an all star cast including Chris Jericho, Christian, and Miz as pros, amongst others. The only watchable pros this season have been Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio, and even those two havent brought much value to the show as of yet. Chris Masters , Ted Dibiase, and another installment of R-Truth just dont do it for me as wrestlers, let alone credible mentors.

The final thing that's kept me away has been the rediculous challenges. They were a total failure on Season 1, so what does WWE do? They bring them back and make them MORE important by the season, as their value is now for immunity. A novel idea would be to use a wrestling match for immunity points, rather then an obstacle course. I mean, the idea is to earn a WWE contract as a wrestler right? Not to see who can leap hurdles the fastest and walk a balance beam.

You made a nice list of reasons as to why I as a fan no longer watch, and I added a few more of my own. Season 3 held my interest simply for the fact that it was entertaining watching the announcers crap all over the show. They've taken a more serious approach to this season from the episode Ive watched, but to me that hasn't helped the show because the in-ring talent between the rookies and the pros has been poor. Ive lost complete interest in the show, and it has nothing to do with its move from SyFy to WWE.com....
I wrestled on the same show as Mason Ryan last year. He was the 1st person I seen when I walked through the door and for a split second I thought it was Batista, Untill I noticed the lack of tattoos lol But I thought to myself that the wwf would snap him up in a shot which they did. Its a good thing that him, Black n Steamboat didn't get put on nxt imo because it would make them look like nobodys instead of possible stars in the making.

I read on wrestlezone (I think) that Mason Ryan is going to debut on wwf tv sometime this year. As for Black and Steamboat they might pop up on tough enough which is ment to replace nxt, Which is why I think they have dropped the ball on the show since season 2.
I Watch It Here Each Week Before Raw In England . It Is Still On T.V . I Seem To Lose More Intrest Each Week . The Talent Show For One Was A Waste Of Time .

It Would Be Good If Wwe Did Nexus And WWE Legends Take A Wrestler Under There Arms And Train Him Like Shawn Michaels , Bret Hart .... And So On
The whole show of NXT was pointless to begin with and never should have started it really is pointless, heres why. Season 1 ya it had a bunch of good young athletes and instead of the big prize winner getting his own ppv title match of his choice, what ends up happening? All 8 of them form a group into Nexus and the reward was pretty much having Wade barret getting a push by being the leader, Now look at Wade Barret, he is moving to SmackDown most likely and could end up as a mid-card while the other Nexus mems still get small pushes (except for darren, Skip and micheal) Now Season 2 had like 2 or 3 potential future stars and what happens there? Kaval wins and a month or 2 later what happens, he ends up leaving WWE because they said they have no plans for him, what a rip off that is and 2 other S2 mems get put on Nexus. Now Season 3, all divas. well not much good there except Naomi is excellent yet she lost and who won? Katlyin and she hasnt even had a match yet? Whats up with that. Now were currently on Season 4 and its going to end up as the same story most likely. The winner will end up like Kaval. NXT should have never happened, now you might say then Nexus wouldnt exist, thats not all true considering FCW stars used to come through ECW and they could have simply made nexus come through ECW which i think would have been way better.
I wrestled on the same show as Mason Ryan last year. He was the 1st person I seen when I walked through the door and for a split second I thought it was Batista, Untill I noticed the lack of tattoos lol But I thought to myself that the wwf would snap him up in a shot which they did. Its a good thing that him, Black n Steamboat didn't get put on nxt imo because it would make them look like nobodys instead of possible stars in the making.

I read on wrestlezone (I think) that Mason Ryan is going to debut on wwf tv sometime this year. As for Black and Steamboat they might pop up on tough enough which is ment to replace nxt, Which is why I think they have dropped the ball on the show since season 2.

Actually it's WWE. And I completly agreen that if they were to be put on NXT they would look like chums. But that would've possible got another contract for live television. And while they wouldn't look so "great" they all would be rewarded by a spot in the WWE not worthless like Chavo. And they would probabily throw out the rookies they have all over WWE tv which would notify us of them and while it is inconvenient, it would take over a minute to start 'er up and write the words NXT.
i gave up on NXT when i saw this years rookies.i follow fcw,and liked the concept of NXT but every season they have let me down with the rookies they put on the show.
1.daniel bryan is a ten year vet,should never be competing on a rookie show
I am hoping like a poster above said and they bring all these guys in the old fashion way like they did with Alberto DelRio & Jackson Andrews...U cant put FCW guys on
TOUGH ENOUGH either.If u watch FCW shows,they are good,better than some smackdown and superstars shows.TOUGH ENOUGH should be all nobody independent guys or guys who are good athletes who want to break into the biz!!1
Check it, What the hell did happen to NXT? Now I know everyone is focused on the talent of NXT. But for me I want to comment on the commentary. Why did they break up Michael Cole and Josh Matthews? Season 2 and Season 3 had some of the most funniest shit ever said in a wwe broadcast. Please Vince, bring them back together! And yes i am a coleminer. lol
Well maybe just maybe there's a reason why Vince considers everyone a rookie when they sign to the WWE for the first time. Why in his right mind would he recognize second rate indy titles over his title? Why in his right mind would he make someone who's held nothing but indy titles come in and be the exact comparison as John Cena, who's been carrying WWE on his back?

Vince has always refused to recognize other promotions, except for WCW, NWA, and ECW... except he only recognized them after he had rights to. I don't blame him either. If you bring in someone from ROH and you say "Oh he held the ROH title" then your fans are going to go and watch ROH... Why would anyone want that to happen?

WWE is a business, and Vince being the smart businessman that he is, continues to bring in people that the internet knows but the world doesn't know and puts them over as HIS stars. So yeah, Daniel Bryan is a rookie especially since until he got the US title, he hadn't done anything in WWE to warrant him to be called a veteran.

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