WWE NXT Season 3 General Discussion

First let me start by saying that I'm PISSED that it could be getting canceled soon... Why not cancel shittystars and put NXT on WGN? Anyway here's my ranking from first to last...

1. Maxine - For some reason, I love her. Her ring work is good and her promos get me going. Honestly I believe that she has it in her to be a great rival for Melina, a partner for Alicia Foxx, or even the end of LayCool. That is, of course, if she wins Season 3.

2. Naomi - It's weird because at first glance I hated her because she looked too much like my ex-girlfriend, but then I watched her and she did really well. Her in ring ability is passible and in all honesty, it's about time WWE got a real "sister" on their roster.

3. Kaitlyn - To start, I was laughing my ass off at her joke on NXT. And her in-ring ability isn't great, but let's be honest, that is NOT what WWE wants in a diva. What they want, Kaitlyn has and that's a body of a goddess. Honestly, she's not too great in the ring, but her storyline with Vickie & Dolph could get interesting.

4. AJ Lee - I will admit, she is the most talented in-ring performer in NXT Season 3 and I'm dying to see that Shining Wizard people have been talking about on Youtube and stuff, but as far as entertainment goes.... she needs work. I just don't find her mic skills that entertaining. She's got the body, no doubt and (again) she has the ring ability, but she doesn't exactly have what WWE would be looking for.

5. Aksana - JUST because her pro is Goldust. The two of them have great chemistry together, and I'd love to see her become Goldust's new Terri Runnels as he gets one last run at at Mid-Card title... or even a decent storyline going.

6. Jamie - I simply don't like her at all. Not as an announcer, not in the ring, and definitely not on the stick.
So I'm still up in the air as to who may win at this point, and I really don't care because in the long run, you know all these girls will eventually end up on the shows. Look at how the Diva Search ended up, look at McCool, Layla, Ashley Massarro, Joy Giovanni, Amy Weber, Amy Zidian, etc, and so forth, they said "One will be chosen" and yet they kept about 70% of the other girls that were in the contest. I mean should it really even be called a contest at this point? Not to sound like bitter Betty, but I will, I get that we can vote and it can sway the way in which who gets eliminated first, but the person doesn't truly get eliminated. They will still get a contract. Look at Alex Riley, he's still on RAW as Miz's man servant. So it kinda defeats the purpose. Then on a side note, I'm surprised there hasn't been ANY word yet whatsoever from WWE about the status of NXT as to where its going after the 9/28 episode, I mean, is it gone? Is it going to Webcast, what?! I mean I think we should know because they've been advertising the heck out of Smackdown moving to SyFY, why can't they decide what to do with this little show?
I cannot pick a winner at the moment but I do see a lot of future Divas coming out of this season of NXT. At the moment AJ is easily my favourite out of the bunch as she is insanely cute, has a great personality and is very sharp in the ring from what I have seen from her (I also like how Primo, who could a great superstar, is starting to get some more time on screen and also picked up a win over JTG this week).

Kaitlyn, Maxine and Naomi also look very promising with the three being entertaining, likeable (or hated in terms of Maxine's great character) and talented.

BTW LitasRevenge79, the girls are competing for a title shot I believe as they pretty much all get contracts after the contest.
I am currently loving NXT Season 3 right now. Although it's no surprise since I love the diva's, but I feel like the show it's self is actually pretty entertainment. The girls all show some potential and personalities, we get some short matches(which aren't that much worse than a Kelly Vs. Rosa, or Maryse Vs. Bella match)the get some mic time, and the Cole drama just adds to the entire entertainment value.

My favorite is Naomi, as I feel that she's the most well rounded girl. She's the 2nd best in the ring(and has only been training alittle over a year), she has a good look, mic skills, and the fans seem to love her. After the first episode she dominanted the entire show, but since then she seems to be slipping. Not sure if it's WWE booking or what, but I still think she has the most potential.

Aj Lee is a very solid wrestler. The best of the bunch, and a good worker. I love her attitude, but her mic skills are not as great(she works better as a heel imo). She seems to have crowd support(but at times she doesnt). Her character is Mickie James x100 Sugar packets, but I think she'll make it to the end.

The other girls all have their strengths and weakness'. Kaitlyn is decent, but her program with Vickie is easily the best. Vickie always elevates(minus Escobar)whoever she works with, and Kaitlynn is no exception. She's very new and green in the ring, but she can handle the basics which will get her by. Not too mention the male watches, and forum lurkers seem to love her sex appeal which is a plus.

Aksana can't wrestle, but she's cute as a button, and the foreign thing works(except people might think of her as Maryse light). Goldust and his comedy is great for Aksana. Maxine is decent in the ring and on the mic, and is really trying her best to find the bitch heel credit, and it's working slightly. Jamie is my least favorite, but she is decent on the mic, and the fans seem to tolerate her.

All in all, this shows has been very solid so far. Ratings aren't down the toliet compared to the previous season's like many thought, and some die hard haters seem to be warming up to the so called "So bad, it's good" show. I really hope we see most of these diva's go on to the diva's division, but I'm rooting for Naomi and AJ to win the whole thing :)
Before I start this topic I just wanna say im sorry if this is dull or anything I dont usually post on this forum so excuse my writing if anythings wrong.

So....After watching AJ lee's promo yesterday where she was explaining her story I just felt that she really has a chance to win. She is underated on NXT consdiring she is small and dosn't look like she can do anything. But a diva like her in wwe would really help because she is one of the divas that look like they can do high flying moves which is perfect since wwe dosn't have enough of those divas. They have eithier botching divas are divas like beth phenoix and Melina who can wrestle. So Im rooting for her to win NXT and if she dosn't we still have Katiyln who to me has the looks but I have yet to see her wrestle a match on NXT. Unless she already has then thats my bad because I havn't watched NXT for 2 weeks or so. Plus just to add in I love AJ'S gimmick to its awesome :D

Anyone else follow what im saying that she could win NXT or at least be 2nd place ?
well aj is my pick to win. she is so damn hot and whatnot. the top 3 innxt without a doubt is aj kaitlyn and naomi. i actually want all 3 of these girls to be full time divas on raw or smackdown
AJ is high on my list, and she certainly has a large upside if you were judging the girls on what they could bring to the table without further refining. Honestly though, I think that with the exception of Maxine and possibly Jamie, the other 4 all have big attributes that are very obvious.

AJ is cute, small, an obvious lifelong WWE fan, has a unique style, high energy, etc.

Aksana good look, good accent, funny (refers to herself in 3rd person, pretends she doesn't know what people are talking about)

Naomi is obviously the best athletically, has a unique style, pretty decent on the mic, and I feel the WWE could definitely stand to add another black diva to the roster

Kaitlyn I originally thought was being given additional push to help get her over since she had that tag of being Aloisia's replacement right from the get go, but I think she has quickly defined a roll for herself. Personally I think she has a great look (though if they fired Mickie and Candice for being too thick, I don't really see how Kaitlyn is built any different) she is very funny and quirky, which I think definitely is a big attribute as many of the current divas are pretty one dimensional, she could almost become the female Santino, and also if you saw her promo package she has a really good balance of being intelligent and well spoken, but able to quickly turn on a character.

So anyways, long story short I can easily see roles for at least these 4 with AJ also likely being my front runner.

As far as Maxine and Jamie...Maxine just sucks in my opinion, she isn't great to look at, can't wrestle, is lousy on the mic, etc. I just don't think she has it.

Jamie definitely has potential, I just don't think it's as obvious as it is with the others just yet. Though I do believe she really has a passion for the business and if they can find the right way to use her she could be unique because of her physical condition.
I really love AJ Lee and I think that she is clearly the best of all the divas on NXT. She is just so damn cute you can't help but like her. The little video package they had for her on Tuesday showed me things that make me like her even more. AJ is the best of the divas in the ring and I think she's decent on the mic. AJ should definitely win Season 3 of NXT.
My take on the girls:

1. AJ - Definitely my favorite. Super cute, good in-ring ability, and the best mic skills of the bunch.

2. Kaitlyn - Needs some in ring work, but she hasn't been bad on the mic. She has a very funny self-deprecating sense of humor (love the robot). She's also the most attractive in my opinion.

3. Naomi - Probably 2nd best in-ring wise behind AJ. Good look, needs work on her mic skills but definitely a lot of potential.

4. Aksana - Absolutely adorable, would make a great funny valet. Not cut out for the ring though in my opinion. Make her Goldust's valet, you could get some great moments/scenarios out of her.

5. Jamie - She definitely as a unique look (those arms!), but I just haven't been impressed with her in ring work. She is also kind of flat on the mic.

5. Maxine - I haven't been very impressed with her, but to be fair I feel like she is the most underdeveloped person on the show.

All in all, I think all the girls on the show have varying degrees of potential. Its all a matter of how they are trained and how they are booked.
I think that this entire show has become a throwaway. WWE knew that whatever they did was going to be cancelled midseason, so they themselves turned it into a joke. The fact that they aren't even willing to spend say 15 minutes of smackdown each week for a NXT spot until the season is over is pretty much a sign that this show is meaningless.

In the end, probably every one of the women will get contracts, yet probably only 1 or 2 will be around for the long haul (aj and naomi).

In my opinion, and I think the WWE's as well as none of them have been given a chance to really show anything, aksana, jamie, and maxine are the 3 throwaways and they will probably be eliminated in that order.
Not sure if anybody cares any longer since its strictly on the net now but there was an elimination tonight...Jamie got eliminated. Any thoughts about this? I didn't see her being the first elimination but definitely didn't see her winning it either. Maybe she can just go back to being an announcer again. You can check it out over at http://nxt.wwe.com if you want.
Not sure if anybody cares any longer since its strictly on the net now but there was an elimination tonight...Jamie got eliminated. Any thoughts about this? I didn't see her being the first elimination but definitely didn't see her winning it either. Maybe she can just go back to being an announcer again. You can check it out over at http://nxt.wwe.com if you want.

I'm currently on stone age Dial-up, so now that NXT is going to be a webcast in America, I'm screwed. But then again, all well this season of NXT has became a huge letdown for me. I was excited at first because I was wanting more divas.. But this "PG-Divas" competition is just lame. I'm pretty sure that Disney Channel could come up with more entertaining segments then WWE is currently putting together.

I agree with you about Jamie. I also felt that she wouldn't have been eliminated first. Actually, she was my favorite. Thought she might have been in the final three with AJ, Aksana, and Naomi. But I was wrong apparently... I think it's pretty obvious since day one that WWE is going to have AJ win this season.

With that said, for me it's pointless to watch the rest of the season anyways. Most likely all the divas on this season will get a contract anyways due to WWE wanting more diva selections on it's main brands.
Anybody else notice the subtle nod from Michael Cole tonight regarding Clay being the master of the suplex? Obviously he was referring to a former commentary partner who is in TNA right now, Taz. I caught it lol
Congratulations to Kaitlyn!!! All along I was rooting for her and I'm glad she's gonna stay on a bit longer. Here's hoping she'll get better in the ring as days go by and I hope she's gonna be on SmackDown.

I feel bad that I can't do ratings anymore this week as it has been a lot of fun trying to figure out who has the best chances at winning NXT. I also feel kinda bad that the show lost pretty much all of it's momentum with this season. Nonetheless it was nice to see this season come to a close. Personally it was a feel good moment, especially when I saw Jamie Keyes standing next to the other eliminated rookies. True she did get released but at the same time it was nice to see her next to the others. If she wasn't there, I'm pretty sure people in the audience would have been like "wasn't there another blond chick on the show?

I'm pretty excited to do the ratings for next season's rookies. At first glance, I'm pretty excited for Brodius Clay (Guy's freaking huge!) and Derrick Bateman (cause he's like a pumped up Andy Samberg). I'll also give a shout to Jacob Novak simply because he's from Kent, WA and I have to represent people from my home state. Here's hoping that Season 4 isn't gonna be as much of a borefest as 3.
I'm glad for Kaitlyn, but at the same time, I'm a bit angered at the fact that WWE chose a short term investment over the long term investment in Naomi. If you ask me, I think that Naomi could've gone toe to toe with Natalya and could revive the Diva's division.

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