WWE NXT LD 3/09/10

Slater is my second least favorite rookie but I like him a ton more than Darren Young.
Miz might not be able to vote off Bryan directly, but his 'evaluation' will presumably carry quite a bit of weight with the people who CAN vote for him. Hence why Christian reminded Slater that he's evaluating him too (and being a cocky shit is something the voters wont like in a newbie).

Shit evaluation = likely not to get many contract votes.
Michael Cole said that Slater should welcome being spit in the face. What a fucking moron. If that's the case, then Cole should welcome himself being spit in the face, because Slater>Cole.
you gotta feel bad for darren young everyone hates him and he looks like a troll doll john cena replica thats a rough life to lead
Same, truth. Remember our first interaction was you showing me the "This is Why You're Fat" site. :lmao:
WTF is that sonic place? Are people that lazy they need someone to roolerskate with their food.

Fuck sake people.
this is what raw should be, quick promos more wrestling , i sadly feel way more invovled with NXT fueds than Raws outside of taker/michaels
Completly irrelevant BUT

saw this on a youtube video...

u do realize people say tna was gonna die 10 years ago

No, I was too busy watching WCW
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