WWE Night Of Champions 2013 - WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) VS Daniel Bryan


On last night's episode of SmackDown!, Daniel Bryan reminded everyone that he's entitled to a rematch for the WWE Championship and that he wanted it "tonight". As intended, it got a great response from the crowd but Orton replied that Brian would have to wait until Night of Champions. WWE.com announced that the match is official and that Bryan will have his rematch at NOC on September, 15.

As to who walks out with the WWE Championship, as with SummerSlam, it's difficult to say. This will be WWE's 1st ppv after Monday Night Football's season premiere on September, 9. The Sept. 9th episode of Raw is also the go home Raw to NOC, so WWE MIGHT use the ratings from Raw as a means of gauging who should walk out of NOC with the title.

However, my gut tells me that no matter what the numbers might wind up showing, Randy Orton will retain. This will be Orton's first defense since Triple H screwed over Bryan and the first of Orton's apparent alliance with the McMahon power structure. Having Bryan win the title right back MIGHT be viewed by some as sort of underwhelming when you consider that the top heels right now are Orton, the McMahons and Triple H. With this being a standard match with no special stipulations or gimmicks, at least as of right now, there'll be plenty of opportunity for interference or some other sort of screwjob ending. Therefore, my instincts tell me that Orton retains in a very controversial fashion with Bryan ultimately managing to earn another title shot at either Battleground or Hell in a Cell. The result, again in my opinion, would be Bryan regaining the title at one of those ppvs and ultimately finishing up his current program with Randy Orton at Survivor Series.
Not out of the realm of possibility WWE creative will have Bryan and Orton play hot potato with the belt, trading it back and forth. If not for any reason than to stack up Bryan's title credits. But the smart booking here is obviously Orton retaining in the most underhanded way. If he or Bryan wins clean, obviously the feud is over.

Don't agree about the Raw rating impacting the booking decision. If they get a low rating on the go home show, I can't see them panicking and putting the belt on Bryan just to try and draw extra viewers.
I think these days WWE pretty much accept that post Summerslam is going to see a down period for Raw's ratings, and hopefully they wont allow that to affect booking plans that have farther reaching implications.

I think this will be an excellent match just like their other encounters and I'd be shocked if we got anything but a screwy finish, I just hope they get a good 20 minutes before the shenanigans happen and I hope they don't rehash the Montreal deal with Orton putting Bryan in the Yes-Lock and the bell being rung, Orton's abilities shouldn't be downplayed IMO.
This is obviously gonna be the first of probably 3 title matches between Orton and Bryan on PPV so I feel they should Draw in this one, with Orton pinning Bryan while he's locked and tapping in the Yes Lock, similar to the finish of the Triple Threat match between Edge, Benoit & HHH in 2004. That way Orton retains but it gives Bryan another automatic shot at the title, without both men having to hot potato the belt or Bryan losing and having to earn another shot at the title in a Battle Royal or something on RAW. Bryan can then win the belt at Battleground, leading to Orton having his rematch at Hell in a Cell in which Bryan retains.

However, I won't be suprised if The McMelmsley's screw Bryan at NoC, and something tells me we'll see them make this a No DQ match so they and The Shield can easily interfere and help Orton retain or HHH will make himself the special guest referee again and help Orton retain (Montreal Screwjob?).

Regardless of the finish, this should be another entertaining match between the two and I'm looking forward to it.
Orton as a heel just works. He has the cold, robotic, cruel thing down pat and I hope that is the type of heel we get this time around as well. Rewatched Mania 25 recently and all of Orton's movements, facial mannerisms and such were just spot on. That's the Orton I want to see emerge over the next few weeks.
Orton as a heel just works. He has the cold, robotic, cruel thing down pat and I hope that is the type of heel we get this time around as well. Rewatched Mania 25 recently and all of Orton's movements, facial mannerisms and such were just spot on. That's the Orton I want to see emerge over the next few weeks.

Me too and what would be even better is if Orton just turns on the man who basically gave him the WWE Championship punting Triple H in the skull after RKOing Triple H and then Orton telling us the fans that he never wanted nor did he ever need Triple H's help in getting back what he feels like is his and that now that he is not The McMahons' yes man he is going to go back to basics that being to put people out of their misery by taking them out by punting them in the skull with Orton doing it on a daily basis until he tells us that the man he desperately wants to take out for good is Bryan because he has become nothing more than a problem for Orton
I'm looking forward to this, it should be a great match. I'm expecting some kind of screwjob ending to further the current storyline. I'm thinking Bryan will finally win the title at Survivor Series.

WWE ratings usually drop once the NFL season starts. THe fall is usually their toughest period. They pick up around the Royal Rumble. The ratings weren't good last fall when Punk was champion, but they didn't panic and take the title off him. Unless they bring back Rock or Austin I dont think their really is anything they can do to spike the ratings in the fall.
I know the IWC wants Bryan to get the belt back as soon as possible but honestly, this is a great storyline right now. Bryan as the underdog that got screwed by Triple H, Orton, McMahons etc and chasing the title is better than Bryan simply with the title. Bryan will get it back.... eventually but I don't see this angle ending soon....

This will end up being a No Disqualification match or something like that (Trips or Vince will change it right before the match) and Orton will retain with a screwy finish (ie. interference from Trips, Shield, etc OR Bryan will win but then Trips will restart the match and Orton will retain)
I'm looking forward to this, it should be a great match. I'm expecting some kind of screwjob ending to further the current storyline. I'm thinking Bryan will finally win the title at Survivor Series.

WWE ratings usually drop once the NFL season starts. THe fall is usually their toughest period. They pick up around the Royal Rumble. The ratings weren't good last fall when Punk was champion, but they didn't panic and take the title off him. Unless they bring back Rock or Austin I dont think their really is anything they can do to spike the ratings in the fall.

Yes this should be a great match and what better way to spark up ratings than to have Rock or Austin come back in the fall while this whole Bryan business is happening, ratings then definitely would go up through the roof especially if either one of them were to help Bryan
I think these two will have a longer series of matches going through the fall. I see Orton winning this one in some type of screwjob finish. Orton is going to lose right now with their story just getting going with HHH and the McMahons. I think Bryan will chase the title a bot longer with someone finally joining him as the story goes on. I think Bryan will get the title back at some point, but not at Night of Champions.
Bryan is going to get screwed out of the title somehow here. It wouldn't make sense to throw the belt back on Bryan so quickly after the cash-in. Bryan winning the title again so soon wouldn't provide that true triumphant feel good moment, because it'll feel like a cheap win. And pulling the rug out from underneath Orton so soon after a big heel turn, and after he's been dubbed as "The Face Of The WWE" wouldn't make sense at all. It's a double negative either way you look at it.

It's too hard to call now, but maybe Triple H abuses his power again, screwing Bryan out of the title. Orton retains, he continues to look like the bad guy/cheater of a heel he is, Bryan still has a reason to go after Orton and HHH, and the fans will continue to rally behind him.

Orton and Bryan have already had a few high quality matches on Raw and Smackdown, so I wouldn't be surprised if they delivered a MOTY candidate at NOC.
my prediction

NOC - Bryan either outright screwed or a DQ ending

Battleground - vs Shield (has to win to get another title shot)

HIAC - regardless if he wins or loses at Battleground, HIAC match vs HHH

Survivor Series - wins title back in NO DQ match

got a feeling that at Battleground there wont be a WWE title match..i know it seems stupid but the buy rates for that show im assuming are gunna be shitty anyways since its in between 2 0ther ppvs. HHH says Orton earned the night off or puts him in a tag match or some kinda squash match who knows.
We're going to have a great match with a crappy ending. I will almost guarantee the end sees Bryan put Orton in the Yes Lock, probably for a second time and Orton managing to hold on long enough for a Shield disqualification. However I feel that this will then cause potentially Miz, Show, Ziggler, Henry (whoever is fighting the Corporation at this time) to try and make the save which will then create the pursuing feuds. So Bryan will get his win, just not win the title.
You know the old WWE booking 101 of having the person who is standing tall on the final RAW/SD leading into a PPV actually lose? It works 95 percent of the time but this time, we actually have someone (Orton) standing tall on every episode of RAW/SD leading into a PPV.

Is WWE making Daniel Bryan's championship victory at NOC too obvious?
I don't think they plan on letting Byran win till around wrestlemania.. If then to be honest. As long as this extreme underdog story continues to sell they will work it to death..
You know the old WWE booking 101 of having the person who is standing tall on the final RAW/SD leading into a PPV actually lose? It works 95 percent of the time but this time, we actually have someone (Orton) standing tall on every episode of RAW/SD leading into a PPV.

Is WWE making Daniel Bryan's championship victory at NOC too obvious?

They are doing it more often here so it doesn't seem like Bryan would win at NOC maybe at a later stage. :shrug:
I think its safe to say that this will be the match of the night and While I see orton retaining the title, he won't do it cleanly. I also fully expect to see the Shield get involved at somepoint in the match and quite possiblie HHH, I also have a feeling that Big Show will finally grow a set and come to Bryans aid, Which would help set up the rumored HHH vs Big Show match, But at the end of the day the odds will be to greatly stacked in Ortons favour and I see him finishing with the RKO after some outside interferance.

I have loved every minute of this feud. This will be the match of the night. I can see Daniel Bryan bringing out the very best in Randy Orton at Night of Champions. Orton has excellent matches when given the right opponents, just look at the feud with Christian in 2011. The "best for business" storyline is easily the best of 2013 so far and I hope it continues. There's really no reason for it not to. With that being said, I don't think Bryan will pull off the victory. It is too soon to have him win. I expect this to be the best of the evening, to close the show, and for Orton to have ultimately pull off a retention.

The feud can, should, and will continue into Hell In a Cell. I'm not against this feud lasting for several months. It's been nothing short of awesome and it can only keep getting better. Regardless of who wins, I fully expect Orton VS Bryan again at Hell In a Cell next month. Neither of them move on, this is just getting started. The match will surely go on last, other than MAYBE the Punk match what else could? This has gotten more attention than the other matches put together. The show ends with Randy Orton having retained and Bryan having come very close to winning the belt back.

Randy Orton will retain the WWE Championship.
I think these two will have a longer series of matches going through the fall. I see Orton winning this one in some type of screwjob finish. Orton is going to lose right now with their story just getting going with HHH and the McMahons. I think Bryan will chase the title a bot longer with someone finally joining him as the story goes on. I think Bryan will get the title back at some point, but not at Night of Champions.

If Big Show causes Bryan the championship at NOC, turing Big Show heel, then I could see a Hell In A Cell match between Big Show and Bryan rather than just a rematch with Randy Orton.

Another possibility is having Bryan vs Triple H at Hell In A Cell, though I think it's unlikely that Triple H comes back to wrestle this early on. If Bryan somehow faces Triple H at Hell In A Cell, then it's a possibility to have Big Show vs Orton at Hell In A Cell for the WWE Title, unless a new #1 contender is determined on Monday.

I just don't see the sense in giving Orton the title in one PPV, only to immediately take it from him the next PPV.
As long as they don't go with the John Cena/Randy Orton Summerslam 2009 ending, where Orton was counted out, DQ'd and finally cheated his way to a win, I'm fine with Orton retaining the title by any means necessary. And I think he will.

One of the things I'm surprised that Bryan has failed to mention is the "Best of Three" series he and Orton had in June. Ultimately, they mean nothing now, but in the way they've booked this current feud, one would think Bryan has never beaten Orton before. It's a different feud, sure, and Orton has plenty of backup. But it's not as if Bryan has never beaten Orton clean in the middle of the ring.

Night of Champions won't be the night for Bryan either. They're barely in to the "Best For Business"/Corporation storyline, and the entire thing crumbles without Orton as champion. If they decide to go a series of matches between the two, Bryan will win the title in a "Last Chance"/"Win or Fired" type of stipulation, but it's simply too early for Bryan to regain the championship. Him losing to Orton here, especially if he's screwed over somehow, will only instigate more support for Bryan.

The one thing they have to worry about, however, i making this feud too one-sided. As behind him as the fans are now, they're not going to stay that way if show after show and PPV after PPV end with Orton and co. standing tall over Bryan. In most cases, I'm not a fan of playing hot potato with the title, but it might work here.

But for purposes of the Night of Champions match, Orton has to win, and yes, Bryan will likely get screwed. With this the presumed Main Event, WWE has to be careful in how they book this ending.To screw Bryan too badly could leave fans with the feeling they wasted their money, and less likely to purchase the next one. Orton also needs to be perceived as a legitimate champion, and while mostly clean wins over Christian, Cody Rhodes and Goldust have helped, he needs to beat Bryan as well.

But how to do so in a way that protects Daniel Bryan and doesn't leave the fans feeling cheated? That's a tougher one. What I am pretty certain on is that Orton retains here.
Big Show would turn heel for the 1076th time and cost Bryan the title.They've pretty confirmed it in the past few weeks.They'll have a great match for 15-20 minutes.Orton hits a RKO on Bryan.Bryan kicks out and out of no where applies the Yes Lock.Orton fails to free himself.Cue in the sheild.Big Show comes out,the ref is distracted.Show knocks DBry out,giving Orton the win.
The question here isn't if Bryan is going to win the WWE championship but rather how is he going to be screwed? Is Orton going to get himself DQ/counted out? Is the Shield going to attack Bryan? Is Show going to turn heel again?

This match is going to be excellent and is going to further the storyline. Can't wait for this one.

Randy Orton retains the WWE championship.

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