Rumor: Plans for Orton, Cena & Bryan

The chase is much better and hotter than the reward and the actual title run. Keep Bryan hot for as long as possible. Look at how hot Austin was before he actually got his title shot at WM14. Dont have him win or lose at Summerslam. Have the ref knocked out for some reason or another for the end of the match.,, a sequence of offense by Bryan leads to the Yes lock and Cena actually tapping out on camera in front of everyone but no ref to see this. Orton hits the ring while the ref is coming to, bashes Bryan with a chair and throws him to the outside, hands the ref the briefcase, turns to a beat down Cena and RKOs him for the title. Bryan remains hot as he did not suffer the loss and actually had Cena tapping. Orton is vilified for costing Bryan the win. Cena takes the loss but hes in a position where a loss does nothing to tarnish his standing. The fans will rally behind Bryan even more now and the chase continues as Bryan picks up even more steam. The only thing is they cant let that steam run out so within the next 3 months have Bryan finally capture the title from Orton. The problem with Bryan winning the title already at SUmmerslam is where do they go now with him? Hes now beig chased for the title and while this may be hot at first, these days that quickly fades. Capitilize on the underdog and chase but dont overkill it. By Octobers ppv the latest or maybe even Survivor Series have it pay off

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