WWE My Way - SD vs Raw Diary

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Smackdown Preview

With The Rumble only a few weeks away whats bound to happen on tonights Edition of Smackdown! The tournament is coming close to a end where only 6 men remain! Kane, Jericho, Edge, Umaga, Jeff and Triple H! Who will win to be the number 30 entry in the Royal Rumble?

We know we will see Kane vs. Edge vs. Jericho to see who will advance to the final round, also we will see Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H! What two men will go on to the final round? Tune in and find out.

Also after a shocking announcement from the most dominate force in WWE today, the McMahons will take on none other then the Hardy Boyz for the World Tag Team Championship at the Rumble. Will we see more of this story unfold just weeks before the Rumble? And will we be crowning a new Champion?

Also the main event has been announced. Before there triple threat match at Royal Rumble, Taker will have a warm up match against none of then the champion himself Batista!

Confirmed Matches
Kane vs. Jericho vs. Edge
Umaga vs. Jeff vs. Triple H
Batista vs. The Undertaker


Smackdown Results

- Opening Segment -

The opening video plays and before we cut to the pyros Kanes music hits and he makes his way to the ring!

Cole: Looks like were heading right to the tournament match!

JBL: What a way to start the show off!

Jericho and Edge follow out next as we have our opening contest!

Tournament Match
Kane vs. Jericho vs. Edge

The opening bell sounds as all three men begin beating each other down. Kane and Jericho team up now as they begin to take down Edge. Kane clotheslines Edge to the outside of the ring but Jericho quickly jumps against the ropes taking Kane also to the outside of the ring. Jericho leaps over the ropes and lands on both men on the outside taking them all down. Jericho taunts to the crowd as the ref begins a 10 count. All 3 men make it back into the ring before a 10 count as the match continues. Edge turns around and gets slammed with a chokeslam! Jericho runs up and nails a code breaker onto Kane! Jericho pins..1...2..kick out! Jericho cant believe it. Kane lifts Jericho in the powerbomb position and throws him to the outside of the ring! Jericho is out! Edge sets up for a spear but misses and nails the turnbuckle! A hurt Edge turns around as Kane nails a tombstone! .1....2....3.. Kane advances to the finals! Unbelievable!

- - - - Commercial - - - -

Another WWE Royal Rumble Promo Airs! http://youtube.com/watch?v=hAUSF6KqQtg

- - - Backstage Segment - - -

Todd Grisham is shown backstage with Edge after losing his match.

Grisham: Edge can we have your thoughts on that match?

Edge: Let me just tell you something Grisham. Now that im finally out of this stupid tournament I now can focus on my championship match against Batista and Undertaker. You see at the Royal Rumble there will be a new damn champion. And thats me. Batista, Taker be careful cause its time for the Rated R superstar to get the belt back and I wont stop at ANYTHING to get that title back!

Edge storms off ending the interview segment

Singles Contest
Sabu vs. Johnny Nitro

Sabu is able to defeat Nitro in 5:32 in a real brutal match. During the match the ref is knocked out and Sabu grabs what he does best and thats a steel chair. Taking Nitro out early with the chair, the ref gets back up and both men continue on with the match. Sabu finishes it off with his finisher and scoring the pinfall against Nitro!

- - - - Commercial - - - - -

Tournament Match
Umaga vs. Jeff vs. Triple H

The opening bell sounds! Jeff and Triple H begin teaming up against Umaga. After weakening umaga down they now begin to brawl. Triple H hits a nice spinebuster onto Jeff..1..2..Umaga breaks the count. Umaga lifts Jeff and throws him half way across the ring. Triple H runs and nails a Knee buster to the head of Umaga. Triple H taunts the crowd. He picks up Umaga but Umaga breaks free. Umaga throws Triple H to the outside of the ring and follows. Umaga takes Triple H and begins bashing his head into the steel steps. Jeff leaps over the ropes taking Umaga out and saving Triple H. All 3 men get back into the ring. Umaga super throws Jeff into the turnbuckle taking him down. Umaga ducks a clothesline from Triple H and nails a Spike! Umaga taunts just to turn around to Jeff leaping off the top rope and nailing a hurricanranna! Jeff pins..1...2...kick out! Umaga takes Jeff and throws him out of the ring again! Umaga goes to pin Triple H..1....2....3.!! Umaga advances!

- - - After the match - - - -

Shane McMahon's music hits. Shane runs down to the ring with a steel chair and begins unleashing hell onto Jeff! Shane throws Jeff into the steel steps! Shane once again nails another Chair shot to the head. Jeff begins to bleed. Suddenly Matt Hardy is shown running down to the ring, Shane notices this and quickly retreats through the crowd. Matt helps Jeff up to his feet and helps him to the back.

- - - - Commercial Break - - - -

Main Event
Batista vs. The Undertaker.

Batista comes out first. The lights go out and Taker's music hits. After a long pause no Taker comes out on stage. Batista confused awaiting his opponent. They cut backstage to see Taker laid out. When the camera comes back into the ring Batista is shown upset. Suddenly Edge runs from the crowd and jumps Batista from behind. Edge takes Batista out and finishes him off with a spear! Edge celebrate in the ring when suddenly Taker is shown back on the titantron.

Taker still laying down hurt while Edge continues to celebrate when suddenly Taker sits up! Taker stares into the camera and rolls his eyes in the back of his head and raises his hands. Edge in the ring looks scared when suddenly the arena goes pitch black! The purple lights come on and smoke arrises from under the ring.

Suddenly a lightning bolt hits the center of the ring! Edge escapes in time and rolls out of the ring. Now the ring catches on fire where the lightning bolt hit. Edge terrifyed runs up the ramp but before getting to the stage area he is blocked by a wall of fire! Edge stuck on the entrance ramp with no where to go.

The fire wall on the stage disappears and Taker is shown standing behind it! Edge begins running back to the ring but now is blocked by Batista! both men get closer and closer to Edge. Edge jumps the rail while knocking a few fans down and quickly escapes.

The show comes to an end with Batista and Undertaker staring each other down. While Smackdown comes to a fade..

- - - End of Show - - -

PS - Tell me thats not the best ending ever lol

Raw Preview

With this being the last Raw before the Royal Rumble whats bound to happen? We know our final 2 men in the tournament match will square off tonight as Kane and Umaga will go one on one to see who will enter the Royal Rumble at number 30!

Also after last weeks Raw, Lashley was sure making a statement to WWE Champion Randy Orton. We will see in tag team action Lashley teaming up with Chris Jericho to take on Randy Orton and The Great Khali!

After the brutal attack from Shane McMahon on Smackdown last week. It also has been announced that Shane McMahon has challenged Jeff hardy one on one just 7 days before the tag match at the Royal Rumble. Can the McMahons prove there championship material?

All this and more. Tune in to find out what happens just 7 days before the Royal Rumble!​
Nice shows, 8/10

My predictions for Royal Rumble:

30 man royal rumble match
McMahons vs Jeff and Matt Hardy
The hardys winning after Matt hitting twist of fate on Vince and then Jeff hitting swanton bomb
Mr. Kennedy vs Shawn Micheals
Shawn winning after sweet chin music
Bobby Lashley vs Randy Orton
Randy winning after RKO
Sabu vs CM Punk vs John Morrison
CM punk winning after hitting GTS on Morrison
Edge vs Batista vs The Undertaker
Edge winning after spearing The undertaker
Already simmed Rumble and about to skip Raw and Smackdown right to the PPV. Trust me on this one guys.. the results will shock you

Raw Results!

- - - Opening Segment - - -

The pyros explode as we welcome you to the last edition of Raw before the Royal Rumble PPV! Jr and King welcome everyone to the show and announce that tonight we will see who the winner of the Rumble tournament is going to be as Kane will go one on one with Umaga!

Jr: Boy what a rumble this is going to be this year.

King: Tell me about it its going to be amazing!

- King is cut off by the music of Shane McMahon! Shane comes out with Vince as it looks like Jeff and Shane are going to open the show!

Opening Contest
Jeff Hardy vs. Shane McMahon

The opening bell sounds as the match begins! Shane starts the match off with some hard left hands to Jeff. Jeff blocks a hand and throws Shane into the turnbuckle and nails a leg drop. Shane nails Jeff with a DDT. Shane locks in a sharpshooter but Jeff is able to grab the ropes. Shane throws Jeff into the turnbuckle and nails Jeff with a whisper in the wind! Shane begins pounding on the head of Jeff but Jeff manages to reverse. Shane turns Jeff around and nails him with his finisher! Shane goes for the pin.1...2...3!!

- - After the match - -

Vince gets into the ring and celebrates with his son who just scored a pinfall over Jeff Hardy!? Vince picks up Jeff and the assualt begins. Vince goes to the outside of the ring and grabs the IC Title. Vince throws it into the ring to Shane who continue to beat Jeff down, Jeff begins to bleed when Matt Hardy runs down to the ring. Vince and Shane retreat up the ramp as Matt helps Jeff back up to his feet.

- - Commercial Break - -

- - - Backstage Segment - - -

Mr. Kennedy is shown standing backstage with Todd Grisham

Todd: Mr Kennedy with Royal Rumble being this Sunday can I get your thoughts on your upcoming match with the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels?

Kennedy: Well Todd, I only have one thing to say. Its about time someone shows Michaels who the true up and commer is in the WWE and thats me. MR....KENNNNNNNNNNNNEDY!... Kennedy! And at the Royal Rumble Todd ill show the world that he can be beat with his own medicine.. and that my friend is some sweet chin music!

Kennedy walks off the set as we cut back to Jr and King who hype up the Rumble some more and announced the next match, with the winner being able to enter the Rumble at number 30!

Final Tournament Match - Winner will Enter Rumble at 30
Kane vs. Umaga

The opening bell sounds as the match begins. Kane starts off strong nailing some hard right and left hands to Umaga. Kane nails a huge powerbomb onto Umaga taking him down. Kane climbs the top rope and taunts to the crowd. Umaga gets up and Kane nails a flying clothesline! Kane pins..1..2..kick out. Umaga throws Kane to the outside of the ring. The ref reaches a 3 count and Kane gets back in the ring. Umaga lifts Kane and tosses him to the ground. Umaga goes for the legs but Kane kicks him off. Kane picks Umaga up and nails a side slam buster! Kane taunts to the crowd again and throws Umaga into the turnbuckle! A staggering Umaga turns around and Kane nails a Chokeslam! Kane scores the pinfall..1..2...3..for the win! Kane will enter the rumble at number 30!!

- - After the match - -

Jr: Oh god Kane KANE! He will enter the Royal Rumble at number 30! I cant believe it.

King: Looks like we know who is going to goto Wrestlemania to face for the championship!

- - - Commercial - - -

Tag Team Match
Randy Orton / Great Khali vs. Chris Jericho / Bobby Lashley

Before the match begins Orton and Lashley begin the fight! They begin to brawl around the ring, Lashley takes Orton and nails his head against the steel steps busting Orton open! Lashley drags Orton up the ramp and they begin to fight! Orton begins to get the advantage and nails Lashley with a suplex onto the steel ramp! Orton grabs his title and begins to walk backstage, Orton turns around... SPEAR!!! Lashley just spears Orton through the Raw set! Both men are down as medics come out to take both men. Looks like we have a singles contest!

Jr and King talk about Lashley just spearing Orton through the Raw set as the opening bell sounds while Jericho and Khali lock up. Jericho nails a suplex taking the monster down. Some hard left and rights from Jericho. Khali makes a comeback now as he throws Jericho into the turnbuckle with Authority! Khali steps on the midsection of Jericho knocking the breath out of him. Jericho is able to lift Khali up for a suplex but Khali reverses! Khali nails a big boot to Jericho taking him down. Khali lifts Jericho up but Jericho breaks out of it! Jericho runs up and catches Khali by suprise and nails a Code Breaker! Jericho pins..1...2..kick out! Jericho goes for a clothesline but Khali ducks and nail his big fist finisher! Jericho knocked out Khali scores the pinfall for the win!

- - - Backstage Segment - - -

Backstage we see HBK lacing up his boots and preparing for his match which is up next!

- - - Commercial Break - - -

Main Event Fatal Four Way
Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. Sabu vs. Shawn Michaels

The opening bell sounds as Kennedy and HBk go at it while Sabu and CM punk tie up! Sabu sneaks up too HBK and rolls him up for the pin for the 2 count! HBK lifts Kennedy but he reverses it into a ddt. CM punk goes for a back breaker onto Kennedy but its reversed into a knee crusher. CM punk begins to wrok on the Arm of Kennedy. Sabu nails HBK with a dropkick followed by a face crusher. Kennedy lifts Sabu up in a suplex position and throws him down. Kennedy goes for his finisher of the top rope onto Sabu but Sabu rolls out of the way! Kennedy and HBK go to the outside of the ring and begin brawling. Sabu gets tied up for CM Punk as CM Punk is able to nail a GTS! Punk pins..1..2....3.!!! Punk Scores the victory over Sabu! Punk Celebrates in the ring when suddenly....

- - - - Closing Segment - - - -

After the fatal four way half of the WWE roster runs out into the ring and we now have a Battle Royal going on! All men begins brawling in the ring with the likes of HBK, Edge, The Hardyz and more being thrown out! Suddenly Kanes pyro goes off as he runs to the ring and begins cleaning house! Kane is dominating! Kane ends up throwing half the WWE roster out of the ring as he celebrates!​

Is this things to come for Kane? Kane sets off his in ring pyro as Raw comes to the close. And fades off.

Smackdown Preview

The last stop before the Royal Rumble whats bound to happen. With Kane winning the 30 entry to the Rumble this past monday on Raw will Kane show up on Smackdown to make a statement?

Also Teddy Long has informed us at wwe.com that he has announced that each Edge, Taker and Batista will each pick each others poision for matches this week on Smackdown! Just 2 days before the Rumble be sure to expect each superstar to pick someone tough to break the opponents down before there match at the rumble.

All this and more be sure not to miss Smackdown before the Rumble.​
Royal Rumble is shaping up great! its gonna be a great ppv hopefully HBK kicks Kenendy's head off
Jeff Hardy vs. Shane McMahon

OK match would not have put it as the first but trying to build Shane and Vince. Shane and Vince are Prolly gonna win the Titles at RR.

Kennedy/ Grisham segment

Kennedy defidently in character/ great segment

Kane vs. Umaga

I think that Umaga should have won but what ever Ok match.

Randy Orton / Great Khali vs. Chris Jericho / Bobby Lashley

Glad taht Jericho and Lashley won didn't like the begining your making Khali look weak.

Main Event Fatal Four Way
Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. Sabu vs. Shawn Michaels

I wanted Kennedy or Sabu to win. Great match.
Giant Brawl at the end

I personally would have waited till Smack!Down to do it, but great way to end any show.

Smackdown Results.
The Last Stop to the Rumble!

- - - Opening Segment - - -

The pyros explode as Cole and JBL welcome everyone to the last stop before the Royal Rumble! The hype up tonights show when suddenly they are quickly cut off by Edge's music!

Edge makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Edge: You know what, that me start off by saying I AM NOT SCARED of the Undertaker! I want you all to realize what happened last week was a fluke! I was trapped, You all would of done the same thing! And thats run. I was trapped between two guys It wasnt fair! The odds were against me, I am really tired of hearing all week of how I was scared and ran away.

( Crowd boos Edge )

Edge: Shut the hell up all of you. I will show you at Royal Rumble I will win that title back! Then we will see who is really...

Teddy Longs music hits as he makes his way to the ring. Teddy grabs a microphone.

Long: Holla holla holla! Edge you do realize your title match is just days away! And let me tell ya something playa! Tonight Yourself, Batista and Taker will pick each others poison here tonight!

(Crowd Cheers)

Long: I already spoke to Batista backstage and he picked your opponent here tonight. And playa that match is now! So bring him out. Edge here is your opponent!

- - There is a long pause while the crowd awaits Edge's opponent for tonight .....Shawn Michaels music hits as he makes his way down to the ring! We have our opening contest. - -

Opening Contest
Edge vs. Shawn Michaels

The match begins with both men tieing up. HBK is able to nail Edge down with numerous clotheslines. HBK clotheslines Edge to the outside of the ring. HBK climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off taking Edge out! The ref begins a 10 count! HBK throws Edge into the steel steps. HBK throws Edge back into the ring and goes for the cover..1..2..kick out! Edge is able to take down HBK out of no were Edge goes for the spear but misses and hits the turnbuckle pole! Edge turns around and gets nailed with the sweet chin music! HBK pins..1..2...Kennedy pulls HBK off of Edge from the outside. HBK distracted yelling at Kennedy when he turns around and gets planted with a Spear! Edge pins..1..2...3..! Edge picks up the victory. HBK and Kennedy have a stare down.

- - - Commercial Break - - -


- - - Backstage Segment - - -

Vince is shown backstage waiting for someone. Suddenly Shane walks in and Vince looks happy.

Vince: Ahh Shane, listen I have something brillant planned for tonight which is why I asked you to be here.

Shane: Whats up?

Vince: You see I came up with this plan to destroy the hardys here tonight which will guarentee we will win the tag team belts this Sunday at the Rumble.

Shane: Awesome!

Vince: Yes check this out, GUYS come on in.

Snisky, Umaga, and Khali walk into the office.

Vince: I told Teddy that tonight the Hardys will team up to face all three of these men here. They are going to destroy the Hardys and this Sunday we will be able to easily win the tag team championships!

Vince and Shane smile at each other while the camera fades off.

Pick your poison match
Undertaker vs. ????

Undertaker comes out to an amazing pop from the crowd. He awaits in the ring when suddenly the music of Triple H hits! We have our next match.

The match starts off pretty equal. Triple H nails a clothesline to the deadman but he gets back up. Taker bodyslams Triple H and runs against the ropes to nail a leg drop. Taker pins..1..2. kick out. Taker takes Triple H from the arm and goes for an old school and nails it! 1...2..Kick out again. Triple H throws Taker against the ropes and nails a knee buster. Triple H lifts Taker up and now nails a spinebuster. Triple H pins...1..2..kick out. Triple H throws Taker against the ropes and goes for a clothesline but misses Taker comes back with a big boot to the face. Taker picks up Triple H but he manages to get away and kicks Taker in the midsection and sets him up for a pedigree! Taker reverses with a back body drop. Triple H gets back up and Taker nails a Chokeslam! Taker lifts him back up and nails a tombstone and goes for the pin..1...2....3! Taker picks up the victory!

- - - Commercial Break - - -

LIVE This Sunday, The superstars of Raw Smackdown and ECW! Collide at the Royal Rumble. Who will be the king of the ring? Who will go off to Wrestlemania to possibly become the World Champion! Tune in live this sunday on PPV!​

- - - Backstage Interview - - -

Todd: Todd Grisham here and I have Batista with me, Batista can I get your thoughts on your match tonight and chances at the Rumble.

Batista: Well you see Todd at the Rumble I dont have to be pinned to lose the title which really does suck, but honestly thats just gonna make the animal ten times on his game, and as far as tonight goes. Whoever my opponent may be ill just prove that no matter what situation, the animal will always be on top!

Handicap Match
The Hardy Boyz vs. Umaga / Snisky / Khali

Jeff and Umaga start the match off. Jeff tries to get the momentum started but Umaga stops him in his tracks. Umaga nails a samon drop and throws him into the turnbuckle tagging in Khali. Khali lifts Jeff by the face and throws him down. Khali taunts the crowd. Matt runs in and kicks Khali from behind. Khali takes Matt and tosses him to the outside of the ring! Matt looks injured! Khali tags in Snisky now as Snisky hits a huge clothesline taking Jeff down. Snisky pins.1....2..

Suddenly Vince's voice is heard. "Stop the count. Dont pin his ass yet" The ref breaks the count and Snisky looks up. Vince orders Umaga to get a chair. Umaga grabs the chair and smacks Jeff right in the head. Jeff begins to bleed! Vince now orders Snisky to grab a table. Snisky sets the table up as Matt gets back into the ring. Matt attempts to fight back but Khali lifts him up throwing him through the table! Vince smiles and walks off to the back as the Hardy Boyz have been totally destroyed.

- - - Commercial Break - - -

When we come back from Commercial Cole and JBL state they are unsure of the condition of the Hardy Boyz and weather or not they will be able to make it to the Rumble this sunday!

Main Event
Batista vs. ????

Batista comes out and awaits his opponent. The pyros explode and its Kane! The man who is entering number 30 at the Royal Rumble! The opening bell sounds. Kane starts off with the big boot to the face. Kane lifts Batista for a powerbomb but Batista manages to get out of it. Batista nails a hard clothesline on the monster. Batista throws Kane into the turnbuckle and nails a suplex from the top rope! ..1..2..kick out. Kane breaks free and begins choking Batista out. Kane takes Batista and throws him over the top rope! Kane takes Batista and looks to throw him into the ring post but Batista reverses it and Kane gets the bad side of things. Kane gets back into the ring as the match continues. Kane sets up for a chokeslam but Batista is able to reverse it and nail him with a Batista bomb! ..1...2....3. Batista wins!

- - Closing Segment - -

Batista celebrates in the ring when suddenly Kane gets back up. Kane finally able to nail a chokeslam on Batista. Kane raises his hands to set off his pyro but right before he sets them off Edge's music hits and he runs to the ring. Edge takes Kane and throws him over the top rope. Edge begins the assualt on Batista. Taker now hits the ring and we have ourselves a main event for the Rumble! Taker misses a big boot on Batista turns around and gets nailed with a Spear from Edge! Batista sets Edge up and now hits his finisher! Batista takes his belt and walks up the ramp. Taker suddenly sits up and taunts Batista as he leaves. Smackdown comes to a fade as one more advertisement is shown for Rumble this sunday!​
Rumble Results shall be posted later tonight or tommorow get your predictions / comments / etc in before hand.. hope you enjoy them guys..
30 man royal rumble match
Shane and Vince McMahon vs Jeff and Matt Hardy
Mr. Kennedy vs Shawn Micheals
Kennedy Kennedy
Bobby Lashley vs Randy Orton
Sabu vs CM Punk vs John Morrison
Edge vs Batista vs The Undertaker
Hey teekay, nice smackdown episode... i was wishing Kane won he match against tista, but oh well... no biggy lol... anyway, here are my predictions for the rumble.

30 man royal rumble match
Kind of a hard one here, seeing as the royal rumble match is the most unpredictable match in wwe history, but I might have to go with Kane, seeing as he's been on a roll lately.

Shane and Vince McMahon vs Jeff and Matt Hardy
Jeff and Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy vs Shawn Micheals
HBK after sweet chin music

Bobby Lashley vs Randy Orton
Randy Orton after an RKO

Sabu vs CM Punk vs John Morrison
Have to go with Sabu on this one.

Edge vs Batista vs The Undertaker
The Undertaker

Can't wait for the rumble... it should be great :)

Royal Rumble Results!
Live on PPV!


The opening Video airs, the pyros explode and the announcers welcome all the fans to a promising PPV! The Road to Wrestlemania begins here! Who will win the Rumble match to go on to Wrestlemania to face off for a World Championship! All the questions will be answered here tonight!

Opening Contest
WWE Womens Championship
Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix(C)

Match Summary: In a bruling womens championship match. WWE Champion Beth Phoenix was once again able to prove that she is currently the most dominate force in sports entertainment. Even though Mickie was able to get some momentum in during the match Beth was quickly able to counter her and lock in some awesome submission moves. Beth was able to make Mickie James tap out after locking in a boston crab to retain her WWE Womens Championship.
Winner and Still WWE Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix

Watch The Match Here

- - - Backstage Segment - - -

Teddy Long and The Coach are backstage in the office with some WWE Divas, Suddenly Ric Flair walks in. Flair goes to the wheel and spins it around, Flair pulls out a ball and opens it. He reads his number.

Long: Well Playa? Hows it looking?

Flair: Lets just say, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Flair is going to Wrestlemania!

Flair dances out of the office while Long and Coach stare at each other.

ECW World Title Match
CM Punk(C) vs. Sabu vs. Johnny Nitro

Match Summary: Sledgehammers, Chairs, and barbed wire bats oh my! This match had to be the most brutal match of tonights PPV. All 3 men put on one hell of a show. During the contest all three men were cut open after numerous attacks from various weapons. The match ended in a shocker when CM Punk attempted a running attack outside the ring but Nitro able to dodge it after already taking Sabu out with a sledgehammer shot Nitro turned around and nailed one to CM Punk also! Nitro was able to score the pinfall victory over Sabu.
Winner and NEW Ecw Champion: Johnny Nitro!

Watch the match Here!

- - - Backstage Segment - - -

Matt and Jeff are shown backstage prepairing for there match.

Matt: Jeff you sure you can go through with tonights match? I mean what happened on Raw last monday.

Jeff: Trust me Matt tonight I am here to prove something and I will not stop at anything. Tonight is a new beginning for me.

Jeff walks off leaving Matt looking worried.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back in the GM's office. Tommy Dreamer walks in to pick his number. Dreamer looks at his number and does not look to happy at all and walks off. Carlito now walks in and does the same.

Carlito: Man this number I have right here in man. Now thats cool.

Carlito walks off as the segment comes to a fade.

WWE World Tag Team Championship
The Hardy Boyz(C) vs. Vince and Shane McMahon

Match Summary:
The match proved that The Hardy Boyz are the real deal, the McMahons did also prove that they were on the same page, but tonight was not there night. Both teams kept the momentum going through out the match with numerous tags back and forth. But when it was all said and done it came down to Shane McMahon and Matt Hardy. Matt was able to make Shane submit while Vince unable to break the submission hold due to Jeff interfering!
Winner and still Tag Team Champions: The Hardy Boyz

Watch The Match Here!

- - - Interview Segment - - -

Todd: Im standing here right now with WWE Champion Randy Orton, now Randy can I get your thoughts on tonights title match against Lashley just coming up momentarily?

Orton: Listen Todd, everyone is so happy that Bobby Lashley has returned, well you know what quite frankly im not so impressed. He has done nothing! To deserve this title match, not a damn thing. I am the legend killer I have done everything from defeat Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley to get where I am now. And if you all think that some loser like Lashley is going to just make a return from an injury and take this title away from me? You all better think again.

Orton storms off as that match is next!


WWE Championship
Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton(C)

Match Summary:
A returning Bobby Lashley was ready to show the world who the true champ is and he proved it tonight. In one powerhouse of a match. Both men showing there true WWE status in a amazing showing. After attempting to cheat Orton knocking the ref out still was unable to keep the returning Lashley down. A torn up Randy Orton was unable to take Lashleys submission hold and tapped out ending the match
Winner and new WWE Champion: Bobby Lashley

Watch the match Here!

- - - Backstage Segment - - -

Shawn Michaels is shown backstage in his locker room saying a prayer. He pumps himself up and walks out of his locker room for his upcoming match.

"Back in the GM's office"

Long: So Coach you know a Smackdown superstar is going to win tonight. Holla holla holla!

Coach: Are you kidding me? Do you realize the star power on Raw, it is most definite that a Raw superstar will be going to Wrestlemania.

Suddenly Kane walks into view. The crowd pops loud, Kane stares down both GM's and walks out of view while Long has a smile on his face.


Singles Contest
Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy

Match Summary:
These two have been going at it for weeks now and the time has finally come for these two to face off. Kennedy last week promised the WWE Fans that he would finish Michaels off with his own medicine and that was some sweet chin music. The match went back and forth and with some cheap tactics from Kennedy such as taking out the ref a few times HBK had nothing to do but fight back. The match came to a close when Kennedy held up to his promise and nailed HBK with a sweet chin music to end the contest!
Winner with Sweet Chin Music: Ken Kennedy

Watch the Match here!

- - - Commentator Segment - - -

JR: Baw God! Kennedy defeated Shawn Michaels

King: He sure did JR! He he kept to his promise when last week he promised to defeat the heartbreak kid with sweet chin music.

JR: I cant believe this, you know damn right Shawn Michaels is not going to let this one get away easy!

King: Thats true. I cant wait to see what HBK is going to have to say about this!


WWE World Championship Match
Undertaker vs. Edge vs. Batista(C)

Match Summary:
In an amazing contest between these three, once again another World title switched hands tonight. All three men tore each other apart in this match all showing that they wanted the title that bad. Undertaker began clearing house but that was not good enough when the match went on. The match went to the outside of the ring as the ref attempted to get control back of the match. After numerous pin attempts and blood began to shed Batista made a slight mistake giving Edge a huge boot to the face taking him out while Taker was able to take Batista down scoring the pinfall!
Winner and new WWE World Champion: The Undertaker

Watch the Match Here!

- - - Commercial Break - - -
No Way Out PPV Promo!


- - - Backstage Segment - - -

The Rumble match is announced next but we suddenly see cameras running backstage seeing someone knocked out on the floor. Its Kane! Kane is shown laied out and bloodied! Medical staff attend the scene, a piece of paper is shown on Kanes stomach.

Kane suddenly sits up and enraged begins throwing the medical staff into the walls! Kane opens the piece of paper and it reads. #18! Kane enraged shoves the camera man down and storms off.

King: Oh god! Someone stole Kane's #30 entry! Can you believe this JR?

JR: Someone is going to be in real big trouble once Kane finds out who did this!

The Royal Rumble Match Up
In Order of Entry

#1 Tommy Dreamer
#2 William Regal
#3 Elijah Burke
#4 Chris Masters
#5 The Sandman
#6 Shad
#7 Shawn Michaels
#8 Finlay
#9 Snisky
#10 Triple H
#11 Great Khali
#12 Steve Austin
#13 Chris Jericho
#14 Umaga
#15 JTG
#16 JBL
#17 Gregory Helms
#18 Kane
#19 Edge
#20 Mick Foley
#21 Ric Flair
#22 Rey Mysterio
#23 MVP
#24 Mark Henry
#25 Marcus Von
#26 King Booker
#27 Kenny Dykstra
#28 Chavo Guerrero
#29 Carlito
#30 Jeff Hardy!

Order of Elimination

#1 Elijah Burke
#2 William Regal
#3 Chris Masters
#4 Finlay
#5 Snisky
#6 The Sandman
#7 Shawn Michaels
#8 Shad
#9 Great Khali
#10 Steve Austin
#11 Chris Jericho
#12 JBL
#13 Tommy Dreamer
#14 JTG
#15 Umaga
#16 Triple H
#17 Edge
#18 Mick Foley
#19 Kane
#20 Rey Mysterio
#21 Ric Flair
#22 Mark Henry
#23 Kenny Dykstra
#24 Chavo Guerrero
#25 King Booker
#26 MVP
#27 Gregory Helms
#28 Carlito
#29 Marcus

Winner: Jeff Hardy!

- - - Closing Segment - - -

Jeff Hardy continues to celebrate in the ring. As the crowd begins to pop, fireworks begin to shoot off and an emotional Jeff Hardy celebrates in the middle of the ring. Jr and King mention that Jeff Hardy is going to be in the main event at Wrestlemania! Jeff goes out into the crowd and celebrates with the fans as The Royal Rumble comes to a fade!

- Side Notes:
The is no Rumble video due to the video being to long to upload on the website.
Please give me some comments. I really worked hard getting these videos together for you all to enjoy.
Raw preview will be posted in a couple days. Gonna take a break this one wore me out lol :)
And lastly I hope you all enjoyed the show!
I liked the show. I think you should add JBL to your shows maybe let him challenge at Wrestlemania I think he is a great heel.
I liked the show. I think you should add JBL to your shows maybe let him challenge at Wrestlemania I think he is a great heel.

I'm not sure if he can JBL because he's an announcer in the game
I also liked the show.
Thanks for uploading the videos
The WWE Championship match ending was not very good. I did not like the ending. Lashley is not a submission type of person. I do not think Lashley is a good champion his mic skills are not very good. You should have a heel WWE Champion. Other than that the show was good.
The WWE Championship match ending was not very good. I did not like the ending. Lashley is not a submission type of person. I do not think Lashley is a good champion his mic skills are not very good. You should have a heel WWE Champion. Other than that the show was good.

I would have to agree with Prior... the way the WWE title match ended was kind of weird if you ask me, I was thinking maybe the spear or the dominator tbh. Other than that, the show was great...
You guys do realize I have no control over what happens.. the game decides what happens.. and thats what happened I have no control ..
You guys do realize I have no control over what happens.. the game decides what happens.. and thats what happened I have no control ..

OK now i see... but just my oppinion. Maybe you should play the big matches like Orton vs Lashley for example because if you don't, then alot of the times the match will have a weird ending to it. Just my oppinion though...

Raw Preview!
The fallout from the Rumble

The Smoke has cleared and the Rumble is past us. Jeff Hardy was able to Prove he was the better man as he entertered The Rumble match at number 30 and won! Jeff Hardy is going to be in the main even at Wrestlemania. What title will he go for? WWE Champion Bobby Lashley or the new World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker?

Also Kane was suppose to enter at number 30 but due to a attack backstage he was entered earlier. What will Kane have to say about Jeff's recent win? Is Jeff in bigger trouble then he really thinks?

Also The McMahons came up short at the Rumble unable to win the tag team championship belts. Vince is said to be really pissed off. Will Vince have something to say about The Royal Rumble? Tune in to find out.

All this and more!
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