WWE HIAC 2010 - Kane (c) vs The Undertaker - World Heavyweight Championship - HIAC

If Taker wins with the help of Paul Bearer, Kane will have his rematch and If i'm in the storyboard will book it a "Buried Alive" match and Kane lose at it. The End

Fast Forward, Undertaker is disturbed by eerie sound and ultimately he drops the title at Royal Rumble and bang bang bang we have Masked Kane, culminating the feud again

Masked Kane vs Undertaker highlight Wrestlemania 27 :worship: :worship:
I guess what confuses me about this whole scenario is I'm not sure how much of the past storylines we are supposed to remember going into this match. Some folks have already mentioned that it is hard to believe that bearer would be willing to help undertaker, after the burying in cement episode.

But also, and it is possible I am misremembering the whole stupid soap opera backstory of their childhood and all, but isn't bearer supposedly kane's father? And from what I remember, bearer only turned on kane in favor of the undertaker during the time that undertaker was heel and kane was the hero.

So putting those together, why would bearer be supporting someone who buried him in cement, and against his own son?
I can't say I am interested in this match. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that out of all the matches at Night of Champions, the Kane vs Taker match had the most finality vibe to it. Like Kane beat Taker clean as a whistle and now there has to be another match?
A lot of people can say for the second yr in a row Taker will take the gold at HiaC..and it's a big possibility, but looking at the 2 weeks that have passed since NoC, you might think with all the upper hand that Taker has had, maybe, JUST MAYBE we will see Kane take this, it will make him look much stronger aswell, i mean Kane has ahrdly ever beaten Taker in these matches, e.g. Inferno match back in 98', If Kane wins this, the feud gets better IMO..I'm open to either one of them taking this..
Here's one I don't really care about at all, except for Paul Beaer making funny faces. And Kane/Undertaker match is never going to be especially good, and I don't expect different here. I suppose the whole Cell thing could help it slightly, but not that much.

Kane is clearly losing here. How long has he had the title already, 3 months? That's plenty. It's time for Taker to win the title again and be and extremely disappointing with the belt before he has to drop it before Wrestlemania.
Here is an example of what's wrong with all the gimmick PPV's. We JUST HAD this exact same match two weeks ago on the last PPV. "Oh wait, let's put them in THIS type of matchup!". Newsflash, WWE! We don't want to see the same matches over and over again!!!!

Anyways, rant aside. Undertaker and Kane in a "Hell in a Cell" match.... not bad, I suppose. If we hadn't just seen them in a match two weeks ago on PPV. Paul Bearer is back, and that's pretty cool. Kane needs the win more than Taker. Why put the belt on Taker now? Kane will win because his impressive run should continue through the end of this feud, he deserves it, especially after having put Taker over at two different Wrestlemanias.

Kane will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
Ferb pretty much nailed it earlier. This really isn't the PPV to have the blowout match to end the feud. As mentioned earlier, not because of the stipulation but because of the PPV event. It lacks the big feel that other PPVs (Survivor Series, Wrestlemania, etc) have. That said, I hope that Kane goes over 'Taker again but in a way that won't make 'Taker look weak. I'm not familiar at all with Paul Bearer's history with Kane and 'Taker BUT I think it's almost TOO obvious that 'Taker would come out on top. I foresee Bearer turning on 'Taker which will allow Kane to get the win and prevent 'Taker from looking weak and losing credibility for losing twice in a row.
Highly enjoyable match in my eyes. Both men worked pretty well together in an exciting, back-and-forth match. I thought for sure Taker would win. Bearer turning on Taker prolongs the feud, which I like, and as a fan of cartoony gimmicks I loved the way Bearer's turn was pulled off. It was fun! I suspect the big blowoff match will be at a bigger PPV and will be a Buried Alive match, since there are reports of WWE wanting to do one and because it would be the best way to really settle this feud once and for all.
Prolongs the feud yes, but any fan remembering history knew this was coming. I sort of wish WWE would have tried to make us forget then do this predictable turn....
i didnt c the point of this being a hiac match they didnt use the cell at all

That's not new, a Hell in a Cell is just an enclosed cage match to keep others out it wouldn't be the first time the cage wasn't really used. When taker faced Batista they barely used the cage either

Was a bit obvious the outcome, in fact it wouoldn't make sens for Bearer to come back and be all lovey dovey with Taker.

for those that don't know
Taker last time, he had any envolvement with Paul Bearer was during the end of the Allicance invasion or there abouts. Taker was involved in a match with Team 3D (Paul Heyman as manager) at a PPV, they had kidnapped Bearer and trapped him in a glass case with supposedly concrete ready to be poured in if Taker lost (can't recall the stipulations).

as a sign to show what lengths he would goto to destroy the Alliance and Team 3D/Paul Heyman who were hounding him at the time
he pulled the lever which pored concrete into the casing supposedly, which would akilled a "normal" man lol. Thus killing his best friend and father

Anyway the HIAC match was meh, but so was the Orton/Shaemus match, typical too big guys pumelling each other and neither looked weak.

I'm not sure though if Bearer isn't playing them off against each other and bringing another monster in. Seemed he wasn't completely for either of them.

Time will tell.
This was pretty mediocre to be honest. Nowhere near the level that I was convinced these guys could've done it in the cell. Undertaker pretty much being the solidification of the match, as well as Kane being somewhat experienced in it as well. I really, really expected more from these guys.

Although it wasn't too bad. It was pretty decent, and it managed to fulfill it's purpose of having Kane go over Undertaker, like it should have been. I can't help but wonder how come Paul Bearer was booked to turn on Undertaker, considering Paul Bearer pretty much should have been on Undertaker's side.

Now I'm pretty convinced Undertaker will be defeated a few more times by Kane, before even considering Undertaker to become champion again. If ever.
Omg the announcers sucked horribly calling that last match and underselling paul bearers turn. If Jim Ross was there he would have been flipping out and "my god my god my god king paul bearer that no good bastard has just turned on the undertaker that son of a bitch. But instead lawler didnt even hardly say anything and cole was quiet and ******ed sounding with his annalysis of the turn. Then striker in his goofy voice was like ties that bind or w/e it was awful and no emotion. Bring Jim Ross back after his health gets better.
Why are people not more excited over what transpired last night?

Seriously, I thought that was freaking awesome! Yes! One could have seen it coming but does that make it any less of an awesome and logical twist in the feud between these two? No! It doesn’t… Well, at least not for me.

The fact of the matter is that The Undertaker needs to be the victim in this feud and Kane needs to look like the bigger threat. That way, when Taker undeniably defeats Kane and Paul Bearer, he will look like a fucking beast. This angle follows logic more than anything else and although that may have taken away from the shock of Paul Bearer turning on Taker, it will have a better pay off somewhere down the line.

The match itself was pretty good I thought. Kane continues to look strong and Taker continues to play the babyface that simply cannot get over this hitch with Kane. I am enjoying what both of these guys are doing recently and adding Paul Bearer to the mix will only make it more enthralling in my eyes.
I tried to get into the match in the beginning but after what happend with Cena/Barrett. Me and both of my friends were kind of still in shock. However, at the end when Taker kicked out of the Tombstone, we were back in screaming mode. I thought the ending was perfect as Kane should have won and did win. I look forward to what's next for Kane and Taker.
I can't help but wonder how come Paul Bearer was booked to turn on Undertaker, considering Paul Bearer pretty much should have been on Undertaker's side.

Last time Paul Bearer and Undertaker interacted Taker was trying to drown Paul Bearer in concrete. Which is the only interesting thing about their fued at the moment I think. Kane and Bearer are the bad guys, but to be honest, in the weird world of wrestling everything they are doing to Undertaker is more than justified as it was he who burnt down the funeral place, buried Paul Bearer and all that.

It's a fued for the older fan really.
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I agree with Ferbian. The match was mediocre and I expected better, we all expected better as we've been waiting a long time for these two to clash in Hell in a Cell but in all due fairness, we are in the PG era. If this had taken place in the Attitude Era, we'd see more & better action like both men fighting on top of the cage etc.

The heel turn made sense seeing as Taker buried Paul in concrete a few years ago and hopefully Bearer reveals that is the reason for the turn and not summit else but the turn was handled poorly imo. It's got to be one of the worst heel turns ever. I mean seriously, Bearer flashes a light in Taker's eyes which then confuses us all as to whether Undertaker is supposed to be blind or not, Paul goads Taker to get back up after he just flashed a light in his eyes then he gets sandwiched inbetween Kane & Taker, hands Kane the Urn while Taker looks on for a few seconds who for a minute I thought was blind which would've made sense as to why he was looking on while doing nothing but it turns out he wasnt as he went straight for Kane as soon as he took the Urn off Bearer only to get whacked in the head with the Urn. The way it was produced not only killed the shock value of the turn but also it's credibility.
It wasn't obvious Paul Bearer was going to betray the Undertaker again, because of his red tie. At WrestleMania XX he wore a RED tie and did NOT turn on Taker then. Also he wore a red tie when he was "buried" on cement at The Great American Bash in '04. The tip off he was going to turn on Taker again was when the ref was knocked out and he came inside the cell

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