WWE Hell In A Cell: HIAC Match - Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins


After last night, it's pretty much confirmed that Brock Lesnar won't be part of Hell in a Cell and this match will be part of a double main event sort of scenario for the show. Seth Rollins will face the winner of the Cena vs. Ambrose match inside the Cell itself.

While both guys have legit reasons to want Rollins, I personally wanna see Ambrose go up against him first. They have so much history and frankly Cena's reasons for wanting Ambrose, in my eyes, don't remotely compare to Ambrose's. Cena lost a match whereas Ambrose was betrayed by someone he considered a "brother" and tried to "end his career" by putting his head through "cinderblocks."
As I said in the other thread;

Whilst an Ambrose victory can be done in certain scenarios...the most likely result seems to point to a Cena victory given the long-term picture.

Obviously, there are still a couple more weeks of RAW to come, so the outlook might change till then(which is why this match being announced last night could be a boost to the feud).

I can see Orton attacking Ambrose and causing him to lose, thereby keeping him from Seth Rollins for even longer much to Ambrose's annoyance, and the dismay of the crowd(basically a similar thing to Daniel Bryan of last year).

From Cena's POV; A possible match no.3 with Lesnar is still to happen given the NoC result. Thus, I doubt Ambrose will win cleanly. It just doesn't make sense with regards to Cena, whilst an Ambrose loss might be unpopular, it can be salvaged much more easily going forward, as his End-Game is still Seth Rollins, unlike John Cena who has the WWE WHC and Lesnar as his main focus.

Also, Randy Orton has nothing going for him either at this time...so I expect some sort of focus on him within the next couple of weeks. There are too few Main Eventers for a guy like Orton to have nothing much to do come HiaC.
I can't think of a single reason for Cena to be involved in this match. It is a great opportunity for WWE to give a headline spot to two guys who WWE should be investing heavily in.

It should be Rollins vs. Ambrose, they should go on last and they should steal the show. If done properly it'll be a star enhancing moment for them both. And then they can both move on.
I can't think of a single reason for Cena to be involved in this match. It is a great opportunity for WWE to give a headline spot to two guys who WWE should be investing heavily in.

It should be Rollins vs. Ambrose, they should go on last and they should steal the show. If done properly it'll be a star enhancing moment for them both. And then they can both move on.

Simple really;
Lesnar isn't going to be at HiaC.
Bryan and Reigns are both injured.
No one wants to see Cena-Orton again.
Cena needs to be on TV once fit.
The Main Event scene is too thin given the injuries, walkouts, part-timers, etc.
Also, Dean Ambrose is being built as the Underdog, and everyone wants to see him smash Seth Rollins, so Cena is yet another "road-block" on Ambrose's Road to Rollins.
I can't think of a single reason for Cena to be involved in this match. It is a great opportunity for WWE to give a headline spot to two guys who WWE should be investing heavily in.

It should be Rollins vs. Ambrose, they should go on last and they should steal the show. If done properly it'll be a star enhancing moment for them both. And then they can both move on

Have you watched any PPV's in the past several years? Without fail, it's been either Cena or Orton in the main event or in the title match. Why would this be any different?
Because Rollins attempting to cash in at Night Of Champions was something Cena has NEVER been apart of so clearly Cena has enough animosity and anger as Ambrose to want Rollins dead right?

Wish they would have forked out the money for Lesnar to end this thing with Cena at Hell in a Cell, but now we are stuck with this. I can't imagine Cena being the one to go to the Cell against Rollins over Ambrose, yet I can't imagine him losing to Ambrose.

I love unpredictability, but this is just a case of hoping WWE doesn't fuck up a huge moment with Ambrose and Rollins blowing their feud off in the Cell.
Because Rollins attempting to cash in at Night Of Champions was something Cena has NEVER been apart of so clearly Cena has enough animosity and anger as Ambrose to want Rollins dead right?

Wish they would have forked out the money for Lesnar to end this thing with Cena at Hell in a Cell, but now we are stuck with this. I can't imagine Cena being the one to go to the Cell against Rollins over Ambrose, yet I can't imagine him losing to Ambrose.

I love unpredictability, but this is just a case of hoping WWE doesn't fuck up a huge moment with Ambrose and Rollins blowing their feud off in the Cell.

Yeah these main events are definitely unpredictable. Rollins been looking strong lately. Cena got to look strong, coming off not winning the title back from Lesnar.

I'm hoping something big comes out of this like an Orton face turn. I'm curious to see how they're going to book main events going into Royal Rumble
It'll probably be Orton- the Cena/Ambrose match will be thrown out on blatant Authority interference (I'd love to see a gang of Jobbers do this instead of Kane/Orton AGAIN, but still). And Orton will have orders to lay down for Rollins.

I'd like to see a repeat of NoC, where Rollins invites someone to step out and face him, and be shocked anew by who shows up. Even if it's Orton. (Suppose we're so utterly swerved and it's Brock? Astronomical Odds, yes, but imagine Brock getting his hands on Rollins in the Cell and forcing a rift between him and the Authority?)
I've been waiting for this match all summer long. Should be one of the best ever if Rollins and Ambrose go balls to the wall crazy on each other and judging by their lumberjack and falls count anywhere matches, this should be a classic. I am highly looking forward to this and have no complaints at all. Hopefully Ambrose gets the big win and this ends the feud. I see Orton taking on Rollins post HIAC and Ambrose maybe Bray Wyatt.
I'm really looking forward to this match. While I thought the opponents should have been the other way round with Cena and Orton, this is a pretty great second choice.

The story has been wonderful. There is a genuine reason for them to feud and both have been performing at their very best. The conclusion of this feud won't be at HIAC (it probably should) but I'm not complaining.

I'm going to say Rollins will win. Ambrose is going to dominate this match and absolutely brutalise him. I think blood could be a nice touch but that is unlikely. The only other thing is if Cena gets involved. Maybe Rollins escapes the cell and Cena brings him back. That could definitely happen even if it just a way to extend this feud.
Should be a real good match up in the cell. I hope they give Ambrose and Rollins some free reign in the cage because I think we can be in for a treat if they are allowed to put there own stamp on the match and don't have the majority of it mapped out for them.

I would expect Ambrose to pick up the win and get his revenge for all that Rollins has done. Also it seems like Ambrose is in the middle of a major push with Reigns and Bryan out so Ambrose losing doesn't make too much sense.
I'm so surprised they actually going through with this match up.

It should be the match of the night. I just hope nobody else gets involved with the match.
Once upon a time, this could be a wild, bloody affair that would put both guys over.

Now? Not so sure. They have built to this for months, and it needs to apex and move on properly.

Ambrose should pick up the win. Rollins has the case, so can re-establish himself as an utter twat rather easily.
This has to end with Rollins winning. With no belt defense, it's crucial to show the "Number 1 Contender, by way of briefcase" as being strong enough to also carry the belt.

I expect some craziness, but thankfully, blood will be at a minimum.
This has to end with Rollins winning. With no belt defense, it's crucial to show the "Number 1 Contender, by way of briefcase" as being strong enough to also carry the belt.

I expect some craziness, but thankfully, blood will be at a minimum.

Seth's the heel and can afford to lose without looking weak. As long as he comes off reasonably strong he's fine. After all 9/10 heels cheat to win. That's how villains play it.

If anything I think it's important for the face to look stronger, that the bad guy needs to resort to underhanded shit to beat him, and am pulling for an Ambrose win, or at least if he loses he should do so from having been ganged up on heavily by Rollins' buddies.

Ultimately should be a good match and a tailor-made "IWC main event" while Cena/Orton is for some of the younger ones/casuals. A good idea IMO as it provides good draw matches for different types of wrestling fan.
From a career development standpoint, it doesn't really matter who wins the match. All three ex-Shield members are headed for the sky. Not only are they talented and coming off a highly successful team run, but they also have the good fortune of showing up at a time WWE desperately needs to advance new talent. Of course, the company is always looking to do this, but efforts with Cesaro, Miz, Jack Swagger and others were aborted or slowed for various reasons.....leaving the door open for new blood.

And, since WWE launches all significant rivalries as part of a series, Ambrose and Rollins can exchange wins and losses in many matches to come. If Rollins wins this one, does it mean Ambrose' career is ruined? Of course not.

So, at HIAC, if Rollins gets some interference in his favor (never mind the notion that the cage is supposed to guarantee no interference) he wins the match. If it's clean, Ambrose wins.

That today's programs feature multiple matches between people is usually a good thing, but it sure does lessen the importance of winning any individual contest.....as opposed to the old days in which a feud was settled by one winner-take-all match.......you win the war or you lose it.

By the time the Rollins-Ambrose series ends, they might both be bad guys, anyway.....and on the same side once more.
Yeah, not to confuse anyone, but I think Rollins needs the win here, but interference is a good thing.

My point is that since Rollins has the briefcase, and since he'll likely turn it in before WM31, he has to look like the better out of the two, he has to have the winning record, and for the time being, Ambrose has to look like he's struggling to keep up with Rollins. Otherwise, when Rollins does cash in, they'll think, hey, Ambrose just beat him, Ambrose should be Number 1 contender and win the belt next, even if that isn't the logical step.
Rollins broke up The Shield
Rollins won Money In The Bank
Rollins "beat" Ambrose by forfeit at Battleground
Rollins beat Ambrose at SummerSlam
Rollins sent Ambrose off TV for a month

Rollins has been getting the better of Ambrose throughout this entire feud on PPV. Sure, he's been booked as a chicken-shit heel, which is perfect for him. But the heel winning by cheating in order to extend the feud has been done for four months now. There isn't any reason for it to continue any longer, especially since it's Hell In A Cell. Which traditionally is the payoff match for big time feuds and technically "no escape".

Maybe Kane tries to interfere. But there is only one logical conclusion to this match, and it's Ambrose finally beating Rollins down and picking up the win. Much like CM Punk finally getting his hands on Paul Heyman last year. It's the only way to book it.
I just really hope this feud get's the big payoff it deserves because I think most would agree that it has been the 2014 feud of the year so far. Also I hope this will finally be where Dean Ambrose picks up the win & get's his long awaited revenge on Seth Rollins. I wouldn't hate it if Rollins won & the feud continued into Survivor Series just because of how great it has been but if this is going to be the end of the their feud, which I think it will be, then Ambrose NEEDS to get a decisive win. Rollins still has the breifcase & the authority in his pocket, not to mention a main event level feud with John Cena waiting on the sidelines whenever his business with Ambrose is done.

Either way it will easily be the match of the night, it will most likely be a contender for match of the year & hopefully it will be one of the best Hell in a Cell matches of all time!
I am really excited for this. Given the intensity of the feud and the ability of these two, this match seems like it can't miss. There's no way that it won't at least be good, and the possibility for greatness is there.

Can't wait! Rooting for Ambrose, but don't really care either way as I think they are both great performers.
At the next WWE Pay Per View Hell In a Cell, the main event will be Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins, in a Hell in a Cell match. Throwing the past month of the feud aside, which i found extremely underwhelming, this match could be a break out moment for these two as singles stars. If you think about it, neither of them have had that moment or match as a Singles wrestler yet that makes them a star, or cements their credibility as a top guy. The pieces are all in place. Long feud, big match, two hungry up and coming young wrestlers, and most importantly two guys who have a lot of history. They've worked together and against each other so much you'd have to figure they have a good chemistry with each other.

I think that as long as the finish isn't too over booked, or screwy Ambrose and Rollins will tear the house down in their match at HIAC. I think it will be that moment that everyone will remeber as the moment that Rollins, and Amrose arrived as legit big time players in WWE. So what do you guys think? Will Ambrose vs Rollins tear down the American Airline Center on OCT. 26th?
I have to say. Ambrose at times with his promos, particularly his facial expressions and the effort that he puts into looking huge, kind of reminds me of the Nailz character. He puts on this snarl when he promos, that sometimes, drool comes out of his mouth while he holds the mic so close to his face you can barely see him talk. I've been getting the impression that he has amalgamated all the characters he would have seen growing up that were outside the norms of what was happening in the wrestling world at the time and is like the bastard offspring of them. Kind of like if Tila Tequila was gangbanged by all of them and they had a sperm that reached her egg, and the fight just carried on inside the embryo for the next 9 months.
First things first — finally we get a feud that was meant to be ended inside the Cell. Over the years, the Hell in a Cell pay per view really took away what it really meant for two WWE superstars to be inside of the cell but finally, the WWE does it right with this one. Anyhow, the Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose rivalry had the potential to be better than anything the WWE had done in years. In some ways, it was phenomenal. But over the last couple of weeks, the feud kind of fell off. Having Ambrose and Rollins in the same ring with one another ruined the big match feel it was supposed to have. In no way should Rollins and Kane or Rollins and Orton get booked in a match with Cena and Ambrose. They should have held off that moment when Ambrose finally gets his hands on Rollins with no security around until the Hell in a Cell event.

With that said, Rollins doesn't need the win here. He's a cunty, twatty, squeemy heel that can afford to lose clean with damaging his reputation; the same cannot be said for Dean Ambrose. Ambrose is at the point in his career where he's able to shine as one of WWE's top babyfaces. With Reigns gone, Ambrose could very well be the next in line for a giant push. What a better way to establish yourself as a dominant player than by defeating Mr. Money in Bank clean. Also take into account that Ambrose beat Cena in a contract on a pole match. During said match, I wanted Ambrose to be victorious but fully expected Cena to get the win. Given that Ambrose did something so very few get the opportunity to do in that he beat Cena, Ambrose walks away the victor here.

And if this match doesn't close the show, I will be highly disappointed.

Hamler's Prediction - Dean Ambrose will defeat Seth Rollins.
I hope Dean Ambrose wins this match. Dean can end his feud with Seth with a victory inside Hell in A Cell. There really is no reason I can think of for Rollins to win.
The more that I think about this, the more that I realize that there is no benefit for Ambrose to win this, clean or dirty, and that the only way that both members get kept safe is for Rollins to cleanly win this.

Ambrose will always be the Lunatic Fringe, from now on. Wins won't build him or tear him down. Rollins losing, however, would severely diminish his shot at a successful cash in, and if he can't beat Ambrose, then what chance would he have at remaining the champion?

A face has to defeat Lesnar, and then Rollins will have to defeat that face. Rollins can't have a loss to Ambrose in the recent months on PPV and successfully maintain that WWEWHC steam. However, if Ambrose wins, Rollins looks weak, Ambrose looks the exact same as he does right now, and there is a net zero sum gain by having them fight.

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