WWE Battleground: Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins


It was revealed on last night's Raw that the Battleground kickoff show will feature Dean Ambrose taking on Seth Rollins. I have to say that I'm pretty surprised that this high profile match is on the ppv kickoff show instead of the main card. To be perfectly honest, I figured that Swagger vs. Rusev would be more likely to wind up on the kickoff show than two of WWE's top upper mid-card guys.

As of right now, the future of this match is in the air due to Seth Rollins possibly being injured last night. Fan reports say that Rollins was helped backstage after the show and seemed to be limping pretty badly. Still, I figured I'd create the thread to discuss this bout as it's still officially on until/unless WWE announces otherwise.
Should end in a no contest leading to a proper match at SummerSlam. It almost seems a waste to have it on this show.

I'd expect Rollins to win which would lead to additional matches and Ambrose eventually winning the feud.
It wouldn't surprise me if the match never happened. Ambrose as a raging lunatic attacks Seth before the bell rings, and Seth retreats to the back with Ambrose following him. There's a lot of history between Ambrose and Rollins, so there's room for a series of matches.

If the match happens, I'll go with Rollins as the winner with some help from cheating. Maybe he smacks Ambrose with the briefcase, when the ref's not looking to set up the rematch at Summerslam.
I always felt this match deserved a bigger setting and that SummerSlam was the place. Hopefully the attack on Ambrose backstage and Rollins "injury" is WWEs way of postponing the match till then.
Should end in a no contest leading to a proper match at SummerSlam. It almost seems a waste to have it on this show.

I'd expect Rollins to win which would lead to additional matches and Ambrose eventually winning the feud.

I could see Rollins winning by grabbing the ropes or Ambrose's pants while pinning him.

This should be one of the best matches of the night. I'm waiting to see where this could go.There's so much potential
Cameron vs Naomi was announced as the kick off show match, Ambrose vs Rollins will be the semi main event. Not sure why this thread saw the light of day. For two of the hottest stars in the company in one of the hottest feuds to be placed on the pre ppv show, noteven WWE are that stupid....oh wait
Ambrose should get the win in this one cause it's most likely that Rollins will end up winning the rematch and the feud. Maybe Kane interferes for Seth and he tries to hit Dean with a chair but he accidentally gets Seth instead. There seems to be some tension between The Authority members these days anyway, which might lead to one of them leaving (Kane). A loss for Seth in this match will do him no harm since he's still got the Money in the Bank, for Ambrose it might though. People need to remember that he's a future star in the WWE, if he takes two losses it will kill his momentum.

Ambrose gets the win in this one, then challenges Rollins to put up his MiTB briefcase in a Ladder rematch at Summerslam where Rollins retains. I know Rollins and Ambrose were previously in the MiTB Ladder match but one-on-one it would be more interesting.
The face winning the very first match in a feud like this kills the feud immediately. Afterwards, if he keeps up this attacking Seth when he cashes in the case thing, it looks pathetic and desperate. On the other hand, if Rollins wins on Sunday, then it gives Ambrose even MORE reason to keep harassing him.
So are we discussing Rollins vs Ambrose or are we discussing the actual kick off show?

Rollins vs Ambrose is probably going to be pretty cool. Not really sure what to expect there.

Naomi vs Cameron is probably going to be shit and it's in its proper place being the kick off show match.

Kinda sucks that the first pay per view I'll be watching after I subscribed to the Network is going to have such a shitty pre show match but I'd rather it be on there than on the pay per view itself.

Even though I'm bitching about it I'll still probably watch it.

Yes! I can't wait for this match! I'm a huge fan of both wrestlers and really hope that it will be able to live up to expectations. It is a chance for them to truly show off all that they can do, and to prove that they deserve a push as big as Roman's. I'd say it goes on during the middle leaning toward the end of the show. Maybe 3rd to last or so. It has the potential to steal the show, and I'll be going into it with high expectations. Other than the Fatal Fourway main event and possibly Jericho VS Wyatt, I think it will be the best match of the night. As for the winner? Tough call. Seth needs to get momentum for his Money In the Bank push, but Dean needs a big win too so he does not get left behind while the other two former Shield members receive big pushes. I'd go with Ambrose winning after a long battle with both competitors being booked strongly. The feud cannot and must not end here. A rematch at Summerslam, possibly over the briefcase if Seth does not use it by then, would be needed. I hope WWE give this match the time and attention that it needs and that the two wrestler involved deserve.

Dean Ambrose will defeat Seth Rollins.
It should not be a match it should be a fight between the two men. Before the bell starts Ambrose should just attack Rollins during his entrance and then they should just start brawling all over the arena & going backstage and even go to the parking lot and so on..

That would be great and will give more deep to the feud between them heading into the battles they will have at the upcoming Summer Slam and Night Of Champions PPV's
I don't think this ends with a clean win for either man. I could see it ending in a DQ win for Ambrose. Maybe Kane comes out to interfere again (though I hope to god he doesn't, sick of the sight of him), one of those I scratch your back, you scratch mine type deals. Either way, this is just the build up to what will be a truly special rematch at Summerslam.
Ambrose almost has to come out on top. He's been played up as too good a character to be used as a knock around guy, which he's been the past few weeks.

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