WWE Has No Plans To Have Nash Wrestle


I was surfing the net a while ago and came across an article on PWInsider.com. Apparently, as of right now, the WWE has no intention of using Kevin Nash as an active wrestler on the roster. Word is that he'll continue to participate in the occassional angle, but he won't be wrestling.

Last week, Kevin Nash underwent various physicals the company had conducted in Pittsburgh and, evidently, something happened or something came back on a test or a doctor recommended that Nash shouldn't be in the ring taking bumps and wrestling as a whole. It's presumed that this is why the WWE changed the match at NOC from Punk vs. Nash to Punk vs. HHH. We'll probably never find out exactly what it was, if there was anything that is, that did show up in the physicals due to confidentiality and all that. It's no secret that Kevin Nash has had extensive surgeries on his knees and despite the fact that he looks to be in great shape, he's still in his 50s and the life of a pro wrestler has taken its toll on him.

Personally, I think this could be the right call to make. Based on what I've read over the past several weeks in various posts, a substantial majority of us weren't exactly all that thrilled at the prospect of Kevin Nash wrestling again in the first place. I was, admittedly, intrigued mostly because I believe that Punk would be able to carry Nash to what would be a surprisingly good match. Having Nash as a mouthpiece or maybe as kind of an enforcer or something could be beneficial to the WWE. He's still a name after all.
I think its the right decision not to have Nash wrestle an actual match even if Punk could give Nash a good match at this point in his life.

Nash has face and name value, he doesn't need to wrestle at all, just his presence and him being there is good enough. As you said, I think having Nash as an enforcer/bodyguard type for someone like Del Rio would be a good idea, it certainly would help Del Rio get over more being associated with one of wrestling classic bodyguards (since Brodus Clay apparently isn't in that role anymore).

You don't want Nash doing too much in the ring, he has had extensive surgeries on his body (namely his knees) and Punks "click, click, click" comment he made is probably more accurate than a lot of us think. I'm sure Nash is in shape, he sure looks like it but I think its too much of a risk to have Nash actually perform in matches, its too easy for him to get hurt and if he gets hurt then bringing him back was completely wasted.

Nash doesn't need to wrestle, his presence is good enough and he can help get new guys over and the story line itself over without getting in the ring.
I agree with you Jack, this seems like the more or less right call to make. Kevin Nash for the past few weeks time strutting around with Triple H has struck me more and more of a kind of middle-man, a kind of enforcer if you will, without truly getting into the action. This little situation between Kevin, CM Punk and Triple H truly has been more and more about Triple H and CM Punk, especially considering the nature of the feud more or less dating back to before Kevin was even introduced to all of this. Triple H is the one who has issues to deal with CM Punk, and Kevin Nash's involvement has more or less naturally come off as a way of Triple H dealing anonymously with his issues with Punk.

Kevin Nash in my eyes fits mostly into the mold of a storyline enforcer, someone who currently is just around to spice up the whole situation, to make the storyline just that much more unpredictable, something which WWE has been fairly decent at displaying as of late (Especially revolving around CM Punk as a whole, promo wise, match outcome and general storyline). Topping that off with the announcement of Triple H vs CM Punk yesterday, it only proves how much Kevin seems around for the sake of storyline, rather than actually wrestling in any sort of way.

Besides, lets be honest, Kevin Nash isn't what he used to be. Sure we still have Ric Flair running the ropes, but Kevin has been through some movement impairing injuries like his quad injury, common sense would say that even Kevin knows when to take a step backwards, and just observe as "prob" in the unfolding of the storyline.

So an overall good move from WWE, which I'm sure can only make the storyline a little more intriguing than it's already slowly turning out to be.
I was watching Nash walk around in the ring during that segment and when he jackknifed Punk and thought it'd be a terrible idea if he wrestled again. Nash is really suffering from the Hogan/Flair effect; meaning he's an old fart who just can't give it up. At least Flair could still put on a good match. I'd hate to see Punk get buried by Nash anyway. HHH will most likely win at NOC anyway or there'll be some kind of throw away match where extra parties get involved. I love Kevin Nash and he was one of my favorites but he needs to sit down and let the real wrestlers and current stars have their moments.
I don't think Nash wrestling would be as much of a disaster as people think. I think it could work. Have Nash take few bumps and control the majority of the match with his methodical offense...Punk can definitely sell (ala Perfect or HBK in the day) and then come back with a flurry of offense and pick up the win. Call me optimistic, but I think it could absolutely work and I'm kind of disappointed we won't at least get the opportunity to see it.
is it just me or was Nash walking funny to the ring? dunno if his legs don't have anything anymore (seeing as he's been working out but for tall guys who's legs give out a lot and if he's putting a lot of weight on his upper body, that could be messing them up too).

i agree, Nash wrestling isn't the best. in a feud like this with Punk, he has to have some wrestling before he goes out there (unlike Taker/HHH which was a gimmick match and hid their inabilities to work a great match at their age).
The thing that is perplexing about all of this for me, though, is the way it all played out. I would have been OK with Nash wrestling an occasional match, for the sole purpose of the continued elevation of Punk and the contribution to this story line. I am equally OK with Nash not wrestling, as I'm not big on nostalgia and old guys returning to the ring well after their prime (thus explaining why I will not be purchasing BFG, but I digress).

I just don't get why they would announce the match at the beginning of the show, complete with interaction and promos, then have Nash get involved in Punk's business later in the show, only to change it at the end of the same show, with no explanation whatsoever. Seems odd to me to build and hype the match for a couple of weeks, leading up to the announcement of the match, only to can it later on the same evening. Especially if it was due to doctors' results from earlier in the week. If doctors determined earlier in the week that he was unable to go physically, why announce the match in the first place? They still could have had banter and interaction between the two, without ever announcing the match. It just seems pointless to hype a match and can it later in the reason for no obvious reason.
I was a bit sad he didn't come back as Diesel as a bodyguard.

It'll be interesting to see if they do anything with the nWo. Despite Hogan is in TNA (wasting time) & Hall is in no place to wrestle/be on the road.
I would go a step further and say that maybe Nash isn't even required in this storyline once HHH turns heel. It could be played out as if HHH was the master puppeteer here and Nash was just an innocent bystander who was doing his friend a favour.

It's the right decision by the WWE. Nash does not really need to get into the ring to give the rub to Punk. He has elevated Punk by their promo wars by letting Punk own him a couple of times. Once HHH goes into this full blown heel GM mode he can just about hire any superstar on the roster to take care of Punk. He would not really require the services of an old friend because there would be fitter superstars to deal with Punk. If this week's Raw is anything to go by, maybe Miz and Truth could fill in this role well.
Am I the only one who thinks Kevin Nash is awful on the mic? He is showing that he can't handle anything scripted for him and is completely fudging the facts of this storyline (which has been so convoluted anyway...) I think he's best as the guy who just stands there with a mean face and his arms folded.

However, I could see a potential Survivor Series match where Nash could be involved...

Keep in mind that all these older guys now have children who for the most part weren't old enough to see their dads wrestle in their prime/heyday and understand what was going on (Nash, HHH, Xpac, Hall, Foley, The Rock, Big Show, even Goldberg), so as long as HHH is starting to gain more control we should expect to see "one last run nostalgia" aplenty mixed with the new guys, just so they can show their kids the reason why daddy is famous/hurt/rich/broke.
is it just me or was Nash walking funny to the ring? dunno if his legs don't have anything anymore (seeing as he's been working out but for tall guys who's legs give out a lot and if he's putting a lot of weight on his upper body, that could be messing them up too).

i agree, Nash wrestling isn't the best. in a feud like this with Punk, he has to have some wrestling before he goes out there (unlike Taker/HHH which was a gimmick match and hid their inabilities to work a great match at their age).

Nash has been walking like Frankenstein for quite a few years.. you would have seen that if you watched TNA.. he doesn't look too good wrestling anymore.. just looks goofy with the bad knees and all.. so yeah, it's a good thing they didn't have Nash wrestle Punk.. I'm a huge Nash fan but seeing him wrestle in TNA was kind of sad :(
I just don't get why they would announce the match at the beginning of the show, complete with interaction and promos, then have Nash get involved in Punk's business later in the show, only to change it at the end of the same show, with no explanation whatsoever. Seems odd to me to build and hype the match for a couple of weeks, leading up to the announcement of the match, only to can it later on the same evening. Especially if it was due to doctors' results from earlier in the week. If doctors determined earlier in the week that he was unable to go physically, why announce the match in the first place? They still could have had banter and interaction between the two, without ever announcing the match. It just seems pointless to hype a match and can it later in the reason for no obvious reason.

I'm glad someone brought this up as it seemed really tacked on to suddenly change from Nash to HHH at the end of the show in an office segment. Why not wait for tonight's super show instead of ending Raw like that? Just seemed quite strange to me.

The replacement of Nash and HHH the same show Nash and Punk was confirmed also seemed quite bizarre. What does Nash do now? Why not wait til maybe the Raw before NOC or even on the night of NOC to make the surprise a lot bigger than what it was.
I just kind of thought that they would be heading in a direction that sees HHH constantly getting in Nash's way. Not letting him be a "man" by taking that match away from him after he did some thinking. He is obviously still great on the mic, presence in the ring, and hitting the jack knife, so hopefully he'll stick around even if he doesn't end up wrestling a match. I hope he eventually will, though. He must have been cleared to be in the RR a few months ago, afterall.
I really hope it's true that Punk will face hhh at Night of Champions. I mean I haven't seen a watchable nash match in quite some time.
I don't think Nash was ever meant to be there to wrestle. This storyline focuses a bit more on Triple H and CM Punk and how Triple H won't allow himself to strike Punk. Nash is there to help Triple H reach down his underwear and find his balls. That's what Nash has been doing for the last few weeks; while Punk continues to talk shit about Stephanie Mcmahon, Triple H does nothing. Instead Nash is there to do something about it. Now that Triple H finally has his match, Nash really isn't needed anymore. I'm fine with him not having a match, however, I would like to see him stay on tv for a while and play the role of Triple H's lacky.
I don't think Nash wrestling would be as much of a disaster as people think. I think it could work.

To look at him, it's tempting to think that way, but I still remember him when he was doing NWO in a WWE ring. He was moving across the ring and his leg collapsed under him without his even being touched. I was thinking how fragile and brittle his body had become.....and that was when he was still in his 40's.

There's still plenty for Nash to do on the limited basis he'll be appearing ......and he's doing it right now. He can take shots at people and not have to suffer beat-downs in return. It's proven effective with Punk, although don't you notice when he has Punk at the highest point of his power-bomb, he doesn't use his arms to slam the guy down to the mat? Instead, he just lets him go and allows him to fall back-first. That's certainly not the way Nash used to do it, but if this is what it takes to keep the intact, go with it.
although don't you notice when he has Punk at the highest point of his power-bomb, he doesn't use his arms to slam the guy down to the mat? Instead, he just lets him go and allows him to fall back-first. That's certainly not the way Nash used to do it, but if this is what it takes to keep the intact, go with it.
Maybe it's just me, but his Jacknife looks better now then it did. The Jacknife is really a modified powerbomb, he uses his height to his advantage and simply let's his opponent fall from his shoulders. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what it looks like to me.

Nash utilizes a lot of brawling techniques and spots a rugged style of wrestling. He hits, clotheslines, big boots, sidewalk slams, then hits a Jacknife. We've seen Nash do this in TNA. True, he didn't have the greatest matches but he was still able to put someone over. People are making Nash out to be some crippled, fragile, out of shape old man which I think isn't really true. Even if it were, the moves Nash uses won't really affect his knees which the exception of a Big Boot.
Nash is a good worker. He isn't Bret Hart or HBK but he knows his way around the ring and has awesome ring psychology. He knows where he is in the ring and is a true veteran. Look at him right now in the WWE. He looks like he really put on some muscle and has leaned out a bit as well. Don't sell him short. The internet wrestling community does a good job of just repeating everybody before them without actually watching any of his matches.

He isn't Bret Hart or Randy Savage but for a big guy he does a good job of telling a story in the ring. The nWo music hitting and Nash coming out was the best part of this last Raw.

The most shocking part of Summerslam was Nash's powerbomb. The nWo ruled. I hope he does actually wrestle.
It seems that the "use HHH in case of emergency" theory has come to pass. My theory is that Nash v Punk was ready to go then the results from the physical came in not allowing Nash to compete. IMO it's a good and a bad thing for HHH v Punk. The good thing is it furthers the Me v the Man program they seem to have going on. No one really knows the direction this is going to go so it's intriguing to see this matchup. The bad is that the match result can in no way be a clean, one on one matchup which is what I would like to see. HHH winning clean kills CM Punk's momentum and CM Punk winning clean takes away from HHH being the COO of the company.

I personally wasn't looking forward to seeing Nash in the ring because he's not mobile at all. He was slow in his prime and with his old age and multiple surgeries, he's closer to being a vegetable than being a classic big man. I don't think CM Punk is at the point to where he can carry a match yet. Crisis averted.
Nash is a tall guy who played basketball in college. They ALL have bad knees. Combine that with him being a pro wrestler, combine that with him weighing around 300 pounds for most of this time, and that's pretty much a recipe for shitty knees.

I don't blame them for not having Nash wrestle. I think it's smart for the story and for Nash's health. I noticed that they booed pretty heavily to the idea of Nash vs Punk. I don't think people want to see Nash in a match, but more want to see him stir up shit.
You have to remember that Nash has had a number of heart scares over the years too... particularly in TNA... Can't remember if he ever had to have surgery but he was defo hospitalised a couple of times... It could be more to do with that than knee issues...

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