WWE 'Greatest Rivalries' series


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Well we all know that in a few weeks there will be a DVD documenting the rivalry between HBK and Bret Hart. It seems WWE are starting a series of these DVD's as a rumoured Rock and Austin one could also be incoming.

What other rivalries do you think this series deserves? Please bare in mind that Wrestlers have to be contacted to WWE or not involved with TNA for these to happen. The sitdown interviews are what makes these DVD's!!!

I would go with the following:

Rock vs Foley
Rock vs Austin
McMahon vs Austin vs Triple H
Taker vs Kane
Cena vs Orton
i could see a Foley vs. Undertaker DVD. some of the promos between those two were just creepy as hell plus they put on good matches and it was a compelling rivalry for the fans. it's hard trying to pull rivalries out of my memory not involving the already mentioned superstars and guys not with TNA or passed away.
I can see the next one being Austin vs Rock or Austin vs McMahon.

I'd also like them to extend the series beyond just WWE/F rivalries to rivalries in companies they now own. I'd like to see Sting vs Flair or Sting vs Hogan, although like the OP said I'm not sure how good those could be without interviews from the original participants.

If we hadn't already had the Monday Night Wars and the Rise and Fall of WCW DVDs, I wouldn't have been surprised to see a WWE vs WCW DVD.
I think the 1st one should be Stone Cold vs Mr McMahon. That rivalry MADE the Attitude era, and brought us the greatest heel of all time in the Mr McMahon character

Wrestling was at the peak of its popularity as we all tuned in week after week to see our hero Stone Cold try and overcome his evil boss after getting screwed over and over. There were so many twists and turns to it, it went on for so long and it could even cover the period where Austin turned heel and kept hugging Vince, then tuning on him to lead the Alliance and even years later where Stone Cold stuns the McMahon family whenever he was in the ring with them. I certainly think that is the first one they should consider.


Kane vs Undertaker
Rock v Austin
WWF vs WCW/ECW (A DVD focusing on the Invasion)
I'd like to see several:

Rock vs Austin (obviously)

HBK vs HHH (they had some phenomenal matches in 2002-2004 or so)

Sting vs Flair (only if they could get both of their participation...not far fetched since Sting is winding down and Flair has a tumultuous relationship with TNA)

NWO vs WCW (Can you imagine covering this entire rivalry? Some of the big matches like Sting vs Hogan (Starrcade and/or Superbrawl), 1996 Bash at the Beach, War Games 1996, some of the classic beatdowns on Nitro with Sting intervening, the classic promos, that historic night when Nash threw Rey into the trailer like a dart....it could be a great DVD)

Austin vs McMahon (obviously)

Austin vs Hart would be okay since they had 2 great matches (Wrestlemania 13 and Survivor Series 1996), but what about after that? There wasn't much after that, but I'd go with the ones above.
Flair vs. Dusty was probably the best from the 80's. 90's I'd have to say Austin vs. Vince because let's face it, who hasn't had a boss at some point they'd like to just open a can on. Currently however, I think they've gotten away from the idea of true storylines. In my opinion, since they decided on the roster split years ago a lot of the storylines have fallen stale. I mean, let's be honest does anyone really want to see Cena vs the Miz ever again? Or Orton vs. Christian? Andwho came up with the great idea of Cole vs Lawler? I mean c'mon, putting that match in a ppv as a filler was disgraceful.Seems like they've lost the gift of knowing what people want to see these days.
One of the best rivalries in all of wrestling would have to be Dreamer vs. Raven. Obviously the DVD would be well outside of where the WWE is now, they would have to be rated TV-MA. Not only the brutality of the fights, but the personal nature of Tommy and Raven, everything they did to each other seemed to be full of hate and malice, especially Raven. Also, since they've both cut ties with TNA, you could get the live interviews too.

Great ones that would never happen...

RVD v Jerry Lynn (TNA)
RVD v Sabu (TNA)
Cactus Jack v Vader (too much WCW)
Post-Hart Foundation Owen Hart v DeGeneration X (Owen)
The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin-3 Wrestlemania matches! Hands down the best rivalry in WWE history.

Randy Orton vs John Cena-Probably the closest thing to the Rock vs Austin fued of the Attitude era. Amazing rivalry that showcased several amazing matches.

Kane vs Undertaker-Even though they go from being enemies to being a tag team, these two guys have had some seriously awesome matches.
There are 3 truly iconic rivalries between wrestlers (Austin vs McMahon is pretty epic too) and those are Hogan vs Savage, Hitman vs HBK, & Rock vs Austin.

However there are some others that are pretty damned amazing, and that happened a long time ago, or were simply not publicized like they could have been were they in the WWE or WCW during the 90's. Those older ones are the ones I believe should be focused on as even a lot of us older fans missed out on them and have grown up hearing about how incredible they were.

Jerry Lawler vs Andy Kaufman

Has anyone NOT heard stories about this one? But did anyone actually see it? I haven't, I only know just a little more than what I saw from the movie Man in the Moon with Jim Carry. This is one of the most publicized feuds of all time, and yet it was so long ago, even an older fan like me hasn't seen it.

Raven vs Tommy Dreamer

Here's another one of those storied rivalries. Most every account of this rivalry states that this is the feud that put ECW on the map and defined what the company was about.

Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant

I saw Wrestlemania 3 live on PPV, but that was the climax to the story, I saw none of the buildup. And everyone knows that Hogan slams Andre is one of the, if not the very most memorable event in pro-wrestling history.

Peter Maivia vs. Superstar Billy Graham

Here's a rivalry I've heard very little about, only that it was a good rivalry. But knowing Peter Maivia is the grandfather of The Rock and a HoFer and a figurehead in wrestling to rival Stu Hart as the grandfather of so many Samoan wrestlers. Then, knowing that Superstar Billy Graham is the guy whose gimmick everyone from Jesse Ventura & Hulk Hogan, to HHH, Stone Cold, & Big Pappa Pump adapted as their own, who is also a HoFer and well known to be one of the most charismatic characters of all time. How could you go wrong with a DVD documenting their feud?

Mr. T vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

This was part of the main event of the first ever Wrestlemania, and the main event again at the second Wrestlemania. Their feud was one of the highest profile to date, with stars like Cindi Lauper, and spots on MTV. Does anyone remember seeing this? Anyone? This is one to watch, for certain.

Sgt Slaughter vs. The Iron Sheik

Does anyone know WHY Sgt. Slaughter was one of the biggest heels of his time? It was because no one would have ever believed Slaughter was capable of joining Iron Sheik, who was one of the biggest heels of all time, after having spent so much time feuding.

Ric Flair vs Sting

Here's a rivalry that made WCW. In the WWF you has Hogan vs Savage, but in the WCW you have Flair vs Sting, and in some ways it was the better rivalry. But again, who's ever seen this feud?

Ric Flair vs Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat

After putting on the match of the year at WM3 he left (due to extenuating circumstances) and joined the WCW and then put on match after match that was easily it's equal if not better vs Ric Flair. Their rivalry is legendary, and yet another one few have seen.

Tito Santana vs. Greg Valentine

Everyone knows that the Intercontinental Championship title used to be nearly as prestigious as the WWF title. Tito Santana & Greg Valentine fought like animals over this title which resulted in a cage match that is considered one of the best cage matches of all time. Their feud is one of the best feuds for the IC title of all time, and cemented both of their careers as Hall of Famers. And like all the others I'm listing, there are so few these days that have seen this feud.
Hogan vs. Bobby Heenan Stabel.
Heenan tried and tried again to get the best of Hogan. Heenan built his entire stabe around getting the title. I believe everyone of Heenan's wrestlers had main event title shots agains Hogan, either PPV's or Saturday Night's Main Event.
They can do Austin/McMahon again, but they have a DVD on that already.

They should do Rock/Austin especially having Rock there and available now and doing stuff with them and Austin doing TE2 and stuff with them it's perfect to start that somewhere in the next 8 months to be released next

That's the best damn feud I ever saw. Loved it and it was so great it headlined 3 Manias, those two were entertainment magic together in a rivalry and you never knew what was gonna happen with them

epic rivalry
Well there's a couple that won't that I'd like to see like:
Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro (Favorite Rivalry Ever)
Cena vs. Edge (Kinda ran from 06 all the way to 09)
E&C vs. The Hardy's (you could add the Dudley's in there too)
Jericho vs. The Rock (Probably would be made up of more promos than matches)

These are some high possibilities:
Rock vs. Austin (Very Likely)
Bret vs. Owen (Maybe Not but a Very Popular Rivalry)
Kane vs. Taker (I will die if there) &
Austin vs. The McMahon's.
I also think the HBK and Taker rivalry would be cool too. Just the matches they've had since the first Hell in Cell Match.
Dusty Rhodes vs Ric Flair
Austin vs The Rock
Mankind vs Undertaker
Undertaker vs Kane
Cena vs Orton
Y2J vs HBK

With these plus the Hart vs HBK DVD, you get a fairly definitive list of the longest/ most impactful WWE feuds involving WWEs top shelf talent and only using HBK and The Undertaker more than once.
Im sure Angle vs Benoit, Eddie vs Rey and Cena vs Edge probably deserve a mention and COO Helmsley-Leveque-Mcmahon will probably want to be on more than one, but these are not only the 8 feuds that come to mind as the best to spill the beans over, they are almost the only feuds around where both guys are alive or are contractually able to tell their side of the story.
One I desperately wanna see is Jericho vs. He who must not be named. That is what got me through the E in 2000 after Rock won the title at Backlash.

Another one I'd like to see is DDP vs. Macho Man. That's a feud no one can pass up.
Rock vs. Triple H.

Though Rock/Austin was more hyped since the majority of their matches took place at WrestleMania, I actually think The Rock's biggest rival was Triple H. Hell, watch The Rock's DVD. It practically is The Rock vs. Triple H.

Their careers mirrored each other. They fought in opening matches with nothing on the line. They fought for IC Titles in the mid-card. They led rival stables (DX - The Nation). They fought in main events for the World Title.

Similar to the HBK/Hart feud, these guys fought at every level in the program throughout their career. It's a truly legendary rivalry.
I know that it'd never happen, but I'd love to see a set on Raven v Tommy Dreamer... it was an amazing feud that carried the promotion for two years, got pretty much everyone else in the promotion involved at some point, and actually had a good story and backstory that nearly everyone could relate too (social outcast v popular jock)
I really would hope that if this series continues, that they would NOT do anything that happened in the last 20 years unless it was in ECW. People had easy access to both WCW & WWF during the 90's. If they're going to make this a worthwhile thing they really should follow feuds that happened during a time when most fans weren't old enough to watch. The kids of today are too young to care, as the series progresses it can move into things that happened during the 90's.

The older fans would be better served seeing NEW feuds (as in feuds they've never seen before) instead of old ones they saw a few years ago and can see again on youtube.

It appears I'm in the minority on that opinion though. I guess I'll have to settle with stuff I've already seen and don't really need to see again, like Rock vs Austin and anything else that happened during the attitude era.
Hogan vs Andre- Defined the golden era of modern wrestling

Hogan vs Piper- without this feud, wrestlemania wouldnt have happened

WCW vs nWo- without this feud, WWF and WCW wouldnt be around today

Austin vs McMahon- defined the Attitude era

Bret Hart vs HBK- was such a real conflict that spawned great matches and a moment still talked about today.

Ric Flair vs Sting- defined the end of NWA/ beginning of WCW, put sting on the map as the franchise player.
Yea they could make some great dvds, with this title, but what makes the first one so epic, is that bret and shawn had a "REAL LIFE" Rivalry as well, so though Austin/Mcmahon would be good, though they kinda already made that dvd, and Austin/Rock. Taker/Kane would also be good, its not really a real life situation as

Frank Gotch/George Hackenschmidt
Wendi Richter/Moolah
I think keeping the aspects where there's real life tension to go with the on-screen stuff is the way to go. Especially as Bret Vs HBK was mainly a behind the scenes feud which only resulted in 2 PPV matches once they both became main event guys.

Rock Vs Triple H would be interesting because there clearly was a professional rivalry there (and, from all accounts, neither is the biggest fan of the other).

Austin Vs McMahon (as long as it includes the 2002-2003 arguements) would be a much better cover to that feud then the storyline video they released years ago.

Hogan Vs Andre for the length and historical nature of it.

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