Greatest Rivalries/Superstars That Clicked


Dark Match Winner
Rivalries-some are legendary, some suck, some last for years, some for weeks

superstars that click-certain wrestlers work good together, some seem to be born to wrestle each other, others just cant work together

lets post and then talk about the greatest rivalries ever and also post and discuss superstars that just clicked in the ring and put on the best matches possible everytime

as far as rivalries go, I'll first mention-Triple H and Shawn talk about legendary theyve gone down the road together for 15 years, as friends, as bitter enemies, as members of DX, putting on awesome tag matches, putting on matches against each other that put the audience in awww(Hell in a Cell, 3 Stages of Hell, Elimination Chamber, Steel Cage, Ladder Match)any way you put it these guys are one hell of a twosome

as far as superstars who click go, Ill mention the two that few seem to mention anymore-Angle and Austin...i mention these two because ive just watched a series of there matches from the end of 01, man oh man, whither it be Summerslam of 01, Unforgiven of 01, No Mercy of 01(with RVD thrown in there), Vengeance of 01, some Raws and Smackdowns of 01-these two just clicked, went nonstop and couldn't have a bad match
well lets see as far as rivalries go i have to say edge and christen. these two are one of the best tag teams of all time if not the best. had some of the most memorable tag matches. weather it be the first ladder match or tlc these two gave you your moneys worth they hav also been the worse of enemys. these two mesh better on thier own. they both know each other so well and thats what made them going against each other so exciting.

as far as superstars who clicked. how about two of the greatest on the mic and in the ring. rock and austin. these two are my favorite rivalry and click well together. they have the best wm matches and anywhere in between. in fact i cant think of a two who hardly ever had a bad match against each other or other people. these two could go one more time is what i want to see. just think how well of a tag team they could have been
I will take the honest to God old school approach here.

1. The Greatest Feud Participant in WWF/E History Macho Man Randy Savage vs ANYBODY.

A few months back, I started a thread calling Randy "Macho Man" Savage the greatest feud participant in the history of pro wrestling, and I stand by it. Savage, whether as a heel or a face, found the way to create such an enthralling feud with almost anyone he faced, and I don't see how a number of his feuds don't make this list.

Savage vs Steamboat was executed perfectly, and elevated the Intercontinental Championship into a major title. The prospect of Savage using the ring bell to crush the larynx of Steamboat, culminating in the match at WrestleMania 3, still stands the test of time as a classic.

Savage vs Hogan remains one of the all-time greatest on-again, off-again relationships in wrestling history. Hands down. From WrestleMania 4 and the shocking end to that tournament, to the formation of The Mega Powers and the ensuing feud with DiBiase and Andre, and of course the famed "Mega Powers Explode!" main event of WrestleMania 5 - these two men dominated two consecutive years of professional wrestling. And of course, their paths crossed once again in WCW, both as teammates (the fated triple cage of shit match vs the Dungeon of Doom and the Alliance to End Hulkamania) and as enemies. Real life enmity only served the fan the flames.

Savage vs Ultimate Warrior, though short lived, has produced some great moments. After costing the Warrior the WWF Title at Royal Rumble and then losing his "career" to Warrior at SummerSlam in an amazing bout of former WWF Champions, these two men formed "The Ultimate Maniacs," an essential carbon copy of the Mega Powers, until Warrior left WWF in a tizzy. The work these two men did, however, was still classic.

Savage vs Flair remains one of my all time favorite feuds in the history of the business, with the Miss Elizabeth / Centerfold storyline at the heart of it, the WrestleMania 8 classic between these two men, the fall-out at SummerSlam with the Ultimate Warrior, and Flair pinning Savage after making him pass out in the figure 4 at Hersey, PA. And, similar to Savage / Hogan, WCW cashed in on the history here by feuding the two many years later. These two men's careers are inexorably, linked.

There you have a mess of feuds involving ONE MAN. More to come.
The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin... 3 Wrestlemanias and one match that no matter how many times you see it its never boring or old. When The Rock finnaly went over Stone Cold at there final match, the Rock whispered to Steve Austin something like "thankyou, I love you." When we look back on the career of Austin we will always think of his rivalry with McMahon, but he always had his best matches with the Rock and he would always be the first to admit it. In Austins DVD he proclaims " he bought out the best in me." And The Rock Im sure will admit the same about Stone Cold. Both these two would have been stars with or without each other, but both needed each other and there amazing rivalry to cement themselves as true legends of the ring. No one puts on a match quite like these two. The are the Flair vs Race of the Attitude Era, the Funk Vs Foley of the WWF/ E.
I will take the honest to God old school approach here.

1. The Greatest Feud Participant in WWF/E History Macho Man Randy Savage vs ANYBODY.

A few months back, I started a thread calling Randy "Macho Man" Savage the greatest feud participant in the history of pro wrestling, and I stand by it. Savage, whether as a heel or a face, found the way to create such an enthralling feud with almost anyone he faced, and I don't see how a number of his feuds don't make this list.

Savage vs Steamboat was executed perfectly, and elevated the Intercontinental Championship into a major title. The prospect of Savage using the ring bell to crush the larynx of Steamboat, culminating in the match at WrestleMania 3, still stands the test of time as a classic.

Savage vs Hogan remains one of the all-time greatest on-again, off-again relationships in wrestling history. Hands down. From WrestleMania 4 and the shocking end to that tournament, to the formation of The Mega Powers and the ensuing feud with DiBiase and Andre, and of course the famed "Mega Powers Explode!" main event of WrestleMania 5 - these two men dominated two consecutive years of professional wrestling. And of course, their paths crossed once again in WCW, both as teammates (the fated triple cage of shit match vs the Dungeon of Doom and the Alliance to End Hulkamania) and as enemies. Real life enmity only served the fan the flames.

Savage vs Ultimate Warrior, though short lived, has produced some great moments. After costing the Warrior the WWF Title at Royal Rumble and then losing his "career" to Warrior at SummerSlam in an amazing bout of former WWF Champions, these two men formed "The Ultimate Maniacs," an essential carbon copy of the Mega Powers, until Warrior left WWF in a tizzy. The work these two men did, however, was still classic.

Savage vs Flair remains one of my all time favorite feuds in the history of the business, with the Miss Elizabeth / Centerfold storyline at the heart of it, the WrestleMania 8 classic between these two men, the fall-out at SummerSlam with the Ultimate Warrior, and Flair pinning Savage after making him pass out in the figure 4 at Hersey, PA. And, similar to Savage / Hogan, WCW cashed in on the history here by feuding the two many years later. These two men's careers are inexorably, linked.

There you have a mess of feuds involving ONE MAN. More to come.

Agreed on those. You also forgot about his Feud with Jake the Snake and his minor feud with Dusty Rhodes.

As far as this thread goes though I'll go with Steve Austin and The Rock.

These guys worked on so many levels. First starting off feuding against eachother for the IC belt then eventually moving up towards the World title.

Just watching some of their promos on youtube makes me wish I could re live them all over again.

Even when Austin was a heel (a bad one at that) him and the Rock still managed to steal the show with their feud. When Rock was the heel you really wanted Austin and only Austin to beat him down.
I'm going to go with two: Taker and Mankind, and Austin and Bret Hart.

Taker was made to be the next Andre the Giant, and damn if he hasn't done it. This guy is the epitome of a monster that crushes everything in his path. No one ever got the better of Taker, no one. Enter Mick Foley, the anti-taker. Taker was often said to thrive on pain. If there is anyone that fits better than Taker, it is Mick Foley. In the WZ tournament, these two went at it in an I Quit match, and I said make sure you bring a pillow and a few weeks worth of food, because this match might never end. Mankind frustrated Taker to no end. This feud went on for over a year and finally ended in the most brutal match in company history. This wasn't about who was better, it was about hatred, which often times is better.


Again, perfection. You have Hart, the personification of old school and respect. He had done it all his way and never looked bad doing it. Austin arrives and says something like this: "You may be the Hitman. You may have done it all, but I don't give a rat's ass. You can't beat Stone Cold, and that's the bottom line." That simple speech set the stage for this whole rivalry. Old vs. New. Then vs. Now. Hart beat him and beat him, but Austin didn't give a damn, and that's what made it work. Culminating in the I Quit match at WM 13, which launched Austin into the main event, this feud was masterfully done. It's not often that you hear Austin sing someone's praises outside of kayfabe, but I defy you to find him saying a bad thing about Bret.
A little more further a feild is a feud I stumbled upon on youtube. A feud that I just love reading/ watching/ hearing about and one that has given the wrestling world some of it's greatest matches. The feud occured in New Japan Pro Wrestling between The Dynamite Kid and Tiger Mask. These two just stepped up there games against each other so much.

Any one of there matches showcased some of the best technical ability, high flying ability, reversals and ring psychology that rarely gets repeated in WWE or TNA.

Everything these two do in a ring just fits together like a complex jigsaw puzzle. It is worth a watch for any fans of guys like Rey Mysterio or Chris Benoit and you can see certain influences that these two greats had on some of the better wrestlers of our generation. A truly great example of taking two men, putting them together and creating one phenomonal feud.
Mick Foley and anyone.

When The Undertaker was more boring than a ROH show, who brought him back? Mankind.

When the Attitude Era officially started, who was Stone Cold's first foe? Dude Love.

When The Rock was a freshly turned champion. Who did he feud with? Mankind.

When HHH was champion for the 2nd time, who solidified his status as the number one heel in the company? Cactus Jack.

When Randy Orton was just a young superstar with potential, who brought him to the main event (at least temporarily)? Mick Foley.

When Edge had already won the WWE Championship and needed to gain his credibility back, who did he feud with? You guessed it, Mick Foley.

Mick Foley has put over more superstars than I can count. You can bank on the fact that Foley will pull a great match out of everyone, and make them look like pure gold, while doing so. He has returned twice just to put over potential superstars and bring them to the next level. He has done a lot more for the business than people give him credit for. My only complaint is that he retired too early. He could have some great matches during 2001 and beyond.
Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels: Quality feud, memorable matches. Both knew how to work a crowd (RR pumped up the crowd, SM could easily make the crowd hate him). They both worked very well in the ring with each other.

HHH vs. The Rock: Qualify feud (I'll admit it lasted much longer than it should have), but the two obviously worked very well together. Considering the number of matches they had against each other and for the most part, each one was done well.
well i definitely agree that foley has put over more people then anybody in wwe past present. foley had everything to give taker boiler rooms, casket matches, buried alive, and most memorable the hell in a cell. mankind helped taker look like a monster instead of someone who sucked aka khali, or henery.

cactus jack dont even get me started on this crazy shit. he could make a gimmick match look so real its not even funny. how about the street fight at RR 2000 best dam match in hhh carrer. foley even put over the game in hell cell at no way out and nearly killed himself doing it. again one of my favorite matches.

mankind had some great feuds with the rock that i even forgot about. ladder, last man standing, and i quit great matches to watch. i just cant belive how many people the mankind has put over and was not given a good shot at a tittle run. di not even ever main event wm witch is sad.

dude love and austin great feud as well along with hbk. this was when foley could really go out there and put on a great 20 minute wrestling match.

enough said foley truly is a god and vince took that away from the wwe and fans. what a ass hole and now he is in tna are you kidding me. vince made the dumbest mistake ever just because foley was announcing bad. thats crap thisguy can still go at his age and shoud have been a part of the 25th aniversery of WM what a dam shame this is
Since we're looking at guys that can have a great feud with just about about Shawn Michaels?

Look at some of the great feuds he has had...Triple H, Mankind, SCSA, Chris Jericho (twice), Undertaker, Razor Ramon, Randy Orton, Bret seems like every feud he touches is gold.
Although it's rather recent, I think Jeff Hardy and Triple H worked rather well together last year. They were both faces throughout, and it helped tos how that Hardy can hang with the big boys, and that Triple H can, in fact, not win a match.

I'll also go with Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. I know people have mentioned Shawn before, as working great feuds with anyone, but this one was one of my favorites growing up. They worked together in outstanding fashion as a tag team, and following the "kick heard 'round the world", they worked a great feud to boost HBK to the star that he is now.

Another one that seems to have been overlooked, is Justin Credible and Jerry Lynn. They always had great matches together, and spent one summer in a series of 20 matches, with each winning 10. They had contrasting wrestling styles, and knew how to awe the crowd.

Since i'm a big ECW fan, I'll stick there, and go with Raven, Sandman, and Tommy Dreamer. Everything from the crucifixion, to Tommy taking out Beulah, to Raven being handcuffed to the cage was executed perfectly. They knew how to work a a hardcore match better than any other duo at the time, and they still worked the crowd, and kept a good storyline. Any match-up of the two was instantly a must-watch, as you never knew what was coming next.

AJ Styles ad Kurt Angle are another two that just knew how to work together. The feud they had last year was much better than it was probably meant to be, and led to a lot of drama in the ring. Styles played the babyface perfectly for that story, and Angle played one of the best heels we've seen recently.
HHH and HBK.

Now i know, that it got over done, but even so whenever these two guys fueded, it was great. The emotion in the air when these two hated each other was amazing. You would never guess that they was best mates in real life. when in Character, you actually beliaved that they wanted to kill each other. ~the matches they had where Epic, they just mesh so well together. like when HBK had his return match and pulled it off perfectly. I don't think if it was against someone other then HHH it wouldnt of worked as well.
Well no one has said this , and I feel it's true, so I'm going to say it . I'm going to have to say Triple H and Stone Cold. When they feuded you could always expect great things , sure, it was no Rock vs Stone Cold, but it was great. And then, when Stone Cold was wrestling...I believe it was the Rock, and out comes Triple H with his sledgehammer, and BOOM...the latter part of the attitude era saw the creation of what could of been the biggest tag team since dare I say the mega powers. The two man power trip was perfect, and at the time, they were unstoppable, sure they were the heel version of the Mega Powers, but still, it was gold, until Triple H went out with his Quad injury. Just imagine what could have been....
Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude. These two for whatever reason just had mad chemistry together. Watch some of their matches and you can easily see it. The matches they had made great sense, had a perfect flow to them and just made an excellent rivalry. Hardly anyone could get a good match out of Warrior and Rude got more than one. their way too short rivalry over the IC belt was just pure fun back then and had the shocker of Rude beating him at WM 5. Overall an odd combination that just flat out worked.
Oh god here comes the Hate Train...ALL ABOARD!

Batista vs. Triple H. This feud just clicked. Batista cant have good feuds with anybody, but he and Triple H pulled it off. The build to their Wrestlemania match was nothing short of perfect. The actual match itself wasnt too shabby, then they had a three month long feud that ended at Vengeance in a damn fine Hell In A Cell match. Besides this one the only other one that clicked for Batista was the Undertaker. Pretty Exclusive company. Im sure if these two ever hooked back up it would be just as good.
Bret Hart and Owen Hart

How could these two not click? They are brothers, brothers of one of the greatest Wrestling families in history. Their feud was great and the matches were incredible. After Owen Hart won the King of the Ring, he challenged Bret to a great match, a cage match that many considered one of the best Cage matches of all time. But it all reality started after Bret's jealously led them to the opening match of Wrestlemania X, where they put on a clinic to open the pay per view.
One feud that sticks out in my mind is one where the participants hardly ever laid a hand on each other. Hogan/Dibiase in the 80s was pure gold (ha ha ha). The two cut such classic promos on each other, and Dibiase was such a great foil for the Real American hero. Trying to buy the belt, the introduction of the million dollar championship, buying the service of Andre the Giant, buying the Hebner twins, bringing in the Undertaker at Survivor Series...this feud brought us so many classic moments...

Also, Sting/Hogan throughout 97 was amazing as well. The payoff at Starrcade turned out to be crap, but even that stinker of a match ultimately led to one of my all-time favorite moments from WCW later that week. When Sting spoke for the first time in almost a year and a half, and all he said was the classic "JJ Dillon, you've got no guts. Hogan, you're a dead man." I still mark out for it every time I see that video.
No one has ever really said this so far, but...
HBK vs. Bret Hart
From the moment that the Rockers won against the Hart foundation in 1990 for the Tag Titles, until the Montreal Screwjob. These guys are intense on/off camera. It was getting boring at the latter end, but thanks to the creation of DX, it created some humor in it. Whenever they would have a match, they would always bring their a-game against each other. They practically want to legitimately hurt each other if you ask me. One of their best matches was at 1996 in WM when HBK won in the Sudden death Iron Man match, and of course, Survivor Series 1997, the most controversial match that would eventually build up the Attitude Era (particularly MR.McMahon). This rivalry was great because not only it was great, but the aftermath of their rivalry created something bigger.

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