Will we ever get a Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels DVD?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This to me is one of the biggest rivarys in Pro Wrestling. I would love to see WWE release a series of DVD's highlighting the best feuds ever.

I know this feud has been put to bed now but I think it's an important part of Wrestling history. I mean we have seen a Austin vs McMahon DVD and Silvervision (UK Distributors) even released a Cena vs Edge DVD.

I would love both wrestlers to tell their story, get opinions of fellow wrestlers who were around that time and start off with their very first match - Hart Foundation vs The Rockers. We could then show the Survivor Series 92 match, the Ladder Match (cant remember which era), Harts vs The Knights, WM12 and then Montreal....finish off with the embrace on RAW.

I know we would be covering alot of old ground but I think its worthy of a DVD! Or are we opening old wounds?

Oh - Rock vs Austin, Orton vs Cena, Taker vs Kane, Triple H vs Austin would also make good viewing for a series.
They wrestled a lot more matches than that. There was a cage match in 1992 as well as a bunch of regular singles matches after WM8 when Bret was IC champ. He beat Shawn every time. There are at least 2 of those matches on video. I've seen them. One was from Europe, one was from a taped for home video match in Canada I believe. There might be more out there too. They are on Daily Motion. They also wrestled on Superstars in 1994 just before the Royal Rumble. Owen was involved because he turned on Bret at the Rumble. Bret def. won more matches and was put over more by Michaels in their history so that's why Shawn felt after the Iron Man match it was his time to win and be the top guy since Shawn did so many jobs for Bret when he was on the rise as a top guy.
I beleive they also took part in the very first ladder match in the WWE back in 1992 on a made for silvervision video match. I have never seen this match myself, but have heard about it.

As for the DVD, I would be very interested in this... I loved Hart foundation vs DX feud that the Nation also got involved in quite a bit. DX twisted to make it look like the Harts were racist and the Nation beat them down.
That would be nice, but I don't think so because we would have to re-live the Montreal screwjob yet again and I think that Bret and HBK put closure on that when Bret guest-hosted RAW. Therefore, no DVD necessary.
I think it would be stupid to do that. What was the real closure to the feud (as far as match-wise)? The Montreal Screwjob. Like the guy above me said, they've buried the hatchet, let it go. I think great feuds like these should be passed down by generation, like I'll do with my son. It'll make it more special and nostalgic for myself.
I think a DVD is entirely possible and maybe even necessary. In a day that there are way too many real life grudges; this is a breath of fresh air. The two best and most competitive men in the business setting aside their differences and maybe even developing a small <yet cautious> friendship. I think this story needs to be told.

A small issue I have with this is that I found the reunion on Raw to be a little anticlimactic. They real apologies obviously happened backstage, in the home offices, on the phone, or possibly at each others homes. Those are the conversations I would have liked to have seen. You just cannot put that on cam, for it would have looked too much like a work.
They just asked for closure like, 7 months ago, so why would they revive the whole thing again? I think this would of worked if it came out a while before. Even if you look at HBK's latest DVD, he doesn't really mention the whole screwjob and stuff.

I personally think I don't need a dvd to remember the whole HBK-Bret Hart feud. It was amazing on it's own and doesn't need to be revived.
I don't think it necessary because on both HBK DvDs and bret hart DvD they address the rivalry so there not much to talk about. In addition most people remember the controversies behind their rivalry more than the matches so if you don't put that in the Dvd than it probably woulldnt be neccessary. Rock vs Austin or triple H vs HbK seems better since both rivalies were at least 3 years old
Not a bad idea, but I would wait off on it for a few years until it got released. Just with Bret Hart being back and them bringing up things like the Montreal Screwjob recently, I would hold off for a bit because at this time I think people have seen more Bret Hart than they want to. Not only that they just made DVD's that had Shawn Michaels (my journey) and Bret Hart (hart and soul) in them so to do another one of these right now wouldn't be very wise, but I do think its a good idea, just hold off on it for a while, personally I've had all the Bret Hart I can handle right now and there has been a lot of DVD's that incorporate a lot of their feud (like the Bret Hart DVD, the last 2 Shawn Michaels DVD's, Hart and Soul, Greatest superstars of the 90's) and right now it would just be overkill.

On the other hand if they made one chronicling Hogan vs. Piper I would be all over that as that feud incorporated alot of other people like Snuka, Bob Orton, Mr. T, Paul Orndorff. I think that DVD would be alot of fun.
I think this is and excellent idea, I would purchase it... You can start off with where Bret started in Stampede-to WWF(E), and HBK starting in AWA-to WWF(E), and then show there roads to single success, to how they cross path so many times from tag team, to the I.C Championship feuds, to the WWE(F) title feud, have interviews from Bret, HBK, HHH, Nash, Vince, JR, Jerry Lawler,Jim, Ron Simmons, Undertaker, Kane, Austin, and anyone else involved during there history, show clips and interviews between the two, and tell the real story behind the scenes that was really going on. I also agree that they shouldnt make this for atleast another two years and come out around Survivor Series since it will be the 15th year anniversary of the screwjob.....

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