Your Favorite MID CARD feud of all time

About 25 years ago, 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin had a feud against Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine that represented one of the first times the line between 'heel' and 'face' was blurred. They were battling for the purest reason; they didn't like each other (kayfabe, I presume).

Garvin was supposed to be the good guy and Valentine the bad, yet the few matches in which they engaged were so rugged and real that the fans were booing and cheering both men equally. There was no storyline, just two guys beating the hell out of the other. Brutal.

To this day, I'm sure they were hitting harder than we see in most wrestling matches, undoubtedly having agreed to do so beforehand......and the fans were into it because they were witnessing shots that had to hurt for real.

I don't recall who won the majority of the contests....and that's the point; it doesn't really matter. It was the action in the ring that counted.......and for a midcard feud, that one topped all, imo.

Was one of these matches on a pay per view? I remember seeing them wrestle and I believe Garvin at the time was wearing some sort of protector thing over his ankle and Valentine turned it around and put a figure four on him that Garvin then turned over on Valentine. I can't really remember what I saw it on though. Kind of feels like it may have been a Wrestlemania though or something.

For me I'm not sure what my favorite one was but one from the last few years that was done on Superstars that I felt should have been done on Smackdown was Trent Baretta vs Curt Hawkins. They wrestled each other well. Curt was interesting on guest commentary. I think if they were given the time and the platform they could have solidified themselves as main roster mid carders and been Smackdown mainstays rather than being regulated to Superstars and then being released. best answer to this would be Bret Hart's entire IC championship run in the early 90s. Namely two Summerslams in a row. 91' vs. Mr. Perfect and 92' vs. British Bulldog. Sure they could be argued that they weren't quite mid-card...especially against Davy Boy but you catch my drift.
Tough one, so many good choices. My pick is going to have to be a toss up between Orton/Foley in 04 (I believe this fued truly showed Orton could be a main eventer similar to the way Foley made a star out of Triple H years back) and Orton/Taker fued from Mania. Orton's rko counter to the chokeslam, although not perfectly executed, blew my mind and I believe it was the first RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!

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