WWE : Which Years of the WWF/E Did You Like The Most?


The Cerebral Assasin
My favorite time period in WWF/WWE was the Attitude Era (many people will have the same answer) but in particular I liked these years :

1998 - Great year for WWF/WWE.Start of the Attitude Era.Stone Cold Steve Austin /Vince McMahon,Undertaker/Mankind rivalries.

1999 - Great year for WWE many classic battles between HHH/The Rock,The Rock/Mankind,Undertaker/Kane,Jericho/HHH/Rock,Stone Cold / Vince McMahon rivalry etc.Overall a very good year for WWE.

2000 to April 2001 - 2000 was an ok year for WWE.Liked 2001 till Wrestlemania 17.Invasion angle was ok but could have used more star power from WCW to make it more believable and better.

2002 - Another good year for WWE.A Great Royal Rumble,The return of Hulk Hogan,Rock/Hogan fued,NWO debuted in WWE.The HHH/ Kane rivalry,Debut of Brock Lesnar,etc.Elimination Chamber was introduced.

2003 -One of my fav years in WWE.2003 was great and showed Ruthless Agression.HHH being a monster heel,Debut of Goldberg in WWE,Evolution,Kane/Shane McMahon rivalry and many other great moments.

2004 - Mainly liked the HHH/Randy Orton rivalry in 2004 and the reign of JBL as the WWE Champion.

2005 - HHH/Batista,Undertaker/Randy Orton rivalries and an epic Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania.

2006 - DX/Rated RKO,Edge/John Cena fued.2006 in WWE had a kind of Attitude Era feel.

2008 - Liked SmackDown in 2008,RAW was kind of average.

Discuss your favorite time period(s) of WWE.
Easily, my favourite years would be from the tail end of 1997 to 2000 when Kane was a real monster in the WWF. Everyone was still in the sense of awe with The Undertaker so when Kane appeared and was able to stand toe to toe with The Phenom at every angle, it was new and refreshing. Unfortunately, Kanes flame went pretty cold after that until the unmasking in 2003 but even then, he was a monster for a few months and then it rolled down the big hill like a slinky being started from the top of a stairway (yes, i really did use a childs toy to compare with this, haha). 2002 was cool for The Rock vs Hogan at X8 but that, i thought, was propably one of only two big things to really happen that year along with the return of a humbled HBK Shawn Michaels...just because i, along with alot of people, kinda looked up to Shawn as the measuring stick in pro wrestling.
I can't say I like certain years better than others because I can appreciate all the Eras and different views that the WWE has brought to the table. I been watching wrestling for over 20 years so Im always intrigued by what's going to happen next and who's the next Superstar. Everything from the Golden Era with Hogan, into the Attitude Era with Austin/Rock/HHH/Undertaker, even to the Ruthless Agression Era with Angle/Gurrero/Hardys/Dudleys/E&C up until the PG Era of today. There are moments that stay with me from each of those which is why I continue to watch and will continue to watch.
2004-2005-2006 were brutal, I remember being SO board with wrestling during those few years. I have alot of favorite years in wrestling, Mostly all before 2004 though. Although 2009-2010-2011 I liked a few things just not the over all product and booking. For instance

-The debut of some great talent like
Wade Barret and others....

-Nexus (The original)
-Bret Hart (everything he did)
-Cm Punks push
-Rock's return
-Tough Enough
-WWE Network Announcement

__but to be specific some of my favorite years off the top of my head would be

Favourite era was by far and away the Hogan Era. The superstars, angles, styles and promos were just amazing and tops anything that came before or has come since.

To pick a year I'd have to go for 1992. You had the greatest Royal Rumble of all-time, the most stacked roster ever, the awesome Flair vs Savage feud, Bret Hart's first WWF Title win, Bret vs Bulldog, Bret vs Piper and Bret vs HBK
April 1, 2001 – March 17, 2002 (That's about a year, well, at least it's a "WWE" year)

My favorite year has to be WM X-Seven to WM X8. Just the thought of WCW and WWE merging alone got my excitement at an all time high. Without looking at what actually happened, the potential and anticipation for the whole WWF vs. WCW War was insane. When ECW emerged as a third front, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Following the War of Wars, Jericho rose to the top and was the “Face” of the WWF for about 3 ½ months. From the opening matches (Intercontinental and United States Title matches) to the double Main Events (WWF and WCW Title matches), I was glued to my TV. I mean, think about it. The roster doubled. That means the World Title matches doubled. The Mid-Card Title matches doubled. The Tag Team Title matches doubled. The Light Heavyweight and Cruiserweight Championships were also fun to watch. Dream matches were there at Vince’s disposal (bad choice of words). Almost every PPV was like Night Of Champions with all those Belts floating around. It was like having two girlfriends at the same time, and both are cool with it.

I think anything before and after the Invasion Storyline, I was pretty much going through the routine 88% of the time with only 12% of content I was fully invested in. That 12% consist of Title matches and Main Event / Main Attraction feuds. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy it today, but it’s just not the same. You can call it WWF and WCW or you can call it Raw and Smackdown, but when it comes down to it, both girlfriends got old and the thrill of having them both at the same time was lost. I guess this is why I want some TNA…IW.
2001 - Wrestlemania 17 was the best Wrestlemania ever and I loved the Invasion angle! It wasn't as good as it could have been but Austin/Angle were comedy gold. Then had an awesome fued.

Booker, RVD, DDP and a few others also joined the WWF party. Great year!!!
1997 to early 1998 - We had the slow heel turn of Bret Hart and the subsequent birth of the Hart Foundation, their feud with a rising Austin and also with fan favorite HBK, who we would also see a slow heel turn as a result of circumstances with Bret and Undertaker, and leading to the the Formation of DX. Which in turn would directly lead to the beginning of HHH's rise, the fued between DX and the Hart Foundation and its climax at Survivor Series - which was cool cos you had a heel faction in DX who even though you hated, you thought was cool, and a heel faction in Hart Foundation, that even though you hated, consisted members of the Hart family (liberally using the term) (also they were cheered in Canada, and that was cool to, the fans were truly divided), and having Austin thrown in the mix just made it that much better. And of course the legendary HBK Undertaker feud which ran from Ground Zero to Royal Rumble, HBK seemingly unstoppable, manipulating and vanquishing all in his path (Good guy gone terribly bad)- Austin at the same time winning the 98 Rumble and on a drive to Wrestlemania 14, where to me, had it not been because of Michaels injury, would have been excellent (it was good as it was) - and finally the first superstar Anti-Hero in Austin going against the HBK who was the absolute fan favorite in '96 and for parts of 97 who then turned to an 'evil' heel, and Austin finally coming out on top. Oh, and the Rock as we would come to know and love manifested around the end of '97 as well. This was the best period for me, this was the real attitude era.
The golden years aka The Hogan era that era was by far the most unpredictable era ever. No one saw the heel turn of Macho Man Randy Savage or at Wrestle Mania V when Rick Martel turned on Tito Santana or the best one was Shawn Micheals turning on Marty Janetty. The Attitude Era and today's era are just so predictable it's laughable like when The Miz turned on Alex Riley or just recently when he turned on R-Truth and when Triple H turned on Ric Flair and Flair Batista and Hunter turned on Randy Orton the night after he beat Chris Benoit for the Heavyweight Title Everyone can tell when someone is going to turn heel or face now and to me it dose not leave a great shocking moment like it did back in the golden era of the WWF.
I'm gonna say 2002...

2002 was the year... from the return of The Game, to the return of The Showstoppa. From HLA to the Katey Vick Love Scene. The ever so controversial signing of Eric Bischoff. Brock Lesnar became "The Man" and obliterating Taker.

I may be off subject but My favorite part of that was the "pedigree heard around the world." It was what kicked off what seemed to be the first of many DX reunions, But boy were we wrong....

Let's get ready to ....and wham! the best pedigree ever seen (still to this day). The Build up was great, shawn going through a car window was shocking and finding out hunter did it was even more shocking. considering they were the best of friends.

So with all of that it lead to one of the best if not the most emotional and passionate match of all time... HBK/HHH unsanctioned street fight there were alot of good spots in that match but my favorite was when shawn kipped up (oh my god tell me you guys did not jump out of your seats as well.) that truly should have been the main event... it was a match that could not be followed. Im so marking out right now that im gonna watch that match right now.

Anyways, this is why 2002 is by far the best year of the WWE.
Bar-none 1992 was my favorite year in the WWF.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Gorilla Monsoon, Randy Savage, & Vince McMahon were your typical commentators over the course of the year and Heenan & Monsoon in particular were on fire all year long.

Ric Flair won the Royal Rumble to be the WWF Champion after being the 3rd entrant. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper won the intercontinental championship from The Mountie after Vince forced Bret Hart to drop the title to him due to the fact that his contract was about to expire.

Randy Savage was re-instated and fought Ric Flair and won his second WWF Championship, Hogan "retired", The Ultimate Warrior returned and Bret Hart beat "Rowdy" Roddy Piper for the Intercontinental Championship all at Wrestlemania.

Razor Ramon debuted & Yokozuna debuted & Nailz debuted & Crush was repackaged to Kona Crush.

Shawn Michaels started his singles career by throwing Marty Jannetty through the barber shop window (this was actually Dec of '91), but the fallout was basically all in '92

The tag team division was incredible, with LOD, Money Inc, Natural Disasters, & the Nasty Boys.

Summerslam featured Savage vs Warrior which is for my money the best told story in the WWF/E over the course of a single match. Perfect & Flair & Heenan made that match. The Undertaker fought Kamala and entered the arena riding on the back of a Hearse in his best entrance ever. Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith main evented Summerslam in a feud for the Intercontinental Championship and gave us the best intercontinental championship match ever.

Randy Savage was counted down for the pinfall after passing out from being stuck in the Ric Flair's figure 4 during a house show, and Bret Hart then won his first WWF Championship by beating Ric Flair. Then Mr. Perfect stood up to Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair and joined Randy Savage as his replacement partner after Warrior was fired. Mr. Perfect's face turn was epic.

Survivor Series featured Taker vs Kamala rematch in the first casket match ever, The Perfect team beat Ric Flair & Razor Ramon, and Bret Hart had his first WWF Championship match against Shawn Michaels.

Marty Jannetty returned to begin his feud with Shawn Michaels and the buildup to this match was great, even if the 1993 RR match wasn't that hot, but then, such was 1993.

The vast majority of my all-time favorite wrestling memories come from 1992, and only 1998 comes anywhere close.
The best individual year would be 1992 because WWF had their deepest roster, but I'd also say that 87-89 was just as important. They built stars and the angles made sense and had closure. 1997-98 was also very well written. While there have been many special "MOMENTS" since 98, none of the YEARS were, overall, as good as 92, 87, 88, 89. The great Michaels/Undertaker matches were great moments (best match ever!) but the year leading up and following, were very bland and vanilla. In short, if the question is best YEAR, it should be 1992
1989 is my pick!.. i loved all the hulk vs savage matches & weekend promos .. Rockers, Harts, Arn&Tully, Rogeaus, Demolition, akeem&bossman, haku&andre, PowersofPain not any other year can hold a candle to those tag teams.. loved rude, roberts, perfect, piper, rhodes.. my 2nd fav year would be 1990 for alotta the same reasons then 92.. but 92 twards the end is when the dry period slowly started to show itself w/ horrible workers comin in & even worse gimmicks : nailz, repo, skinner,

89&90 then 1997&98 due to just how much fun monday nights were...

i wish wwe would asap implement some crutial things that made all those years my favorite.. which would be more tv shows like weekend sat or sun late mornings.. especially w/ alll the kids watching... then sumthing i have been seeing a little more of recently but we need ALOT more of it: and that is those quick little Promos by a face or heel instead of all the walkin out to the ring and spending 15mins on the mic, when a pre-taped promo pops up on the screen where a Superstar quickly tells you A. Who he is, B. why he is here C. who he has beef with D. what he plans on doing..

one more thing WWE needs to do more of which i havent heard since a 1989 house show from gorilla monsoon, is the stress over how much more " money" the wrestler gets if he wins a match instead of losing... its a work, but when gorilla would say, " whos gonna leave tonight with the bigger end of the purse money.." it reminded you of the competition aspect, and added realism..

Please take Michael Cole off of the freakin announce teams and become a full time manager with a stable of heels..

the lack of managers ( vickie is perfect too!) more so the lack of stables is pathetic.. its only natural for a group of wrestlers to "get along" and share a common bond to help each other out.. and it really helps bring up lower guys.. ( recall those few weeks on raw where crymtime became cena's boys!.. k bad ex but u get it! )

i could go on & on.. but the BIGGEST thing is More Promo time.. Mick Foley went from mid card to HUGE Superstar after those sit down interviews w/ JR... this is what helped kill John Morrison.. an uber talented athlete w/ unlimited in ring potenial but we have no idea why he is there, who he is, what he likes to do, where he came from, i brought this up to jim ross one time when he answered emails more often & he agreed.. ne1 else feel that way..!!
From the years I watched WWF/E (93-99 and 09) I'd probably say 1996 was the best year with 2009 being the worst year I've seen from any promotion (caused me to give up on WWE). Undertaker vs. Mankind took place in 1996 and that is one of the best feuds I've ever seen. I've still got the Boiler Room Brawl and Buried Alive matches on VHS up in the loft. Undertaker was the be all and end all for me, growing up, and this feud was one of his best. I don't really remember anything else specific that happened in 1996 but I just know nothing the WWE has done tops that.

1997 and 1998 were also strong years for the WWF but I became more of a WCW and ECW fan during that time. Undertaker used to always lose to Stone Cold so I became less interested, WCW had nWo and ECW had RVD so I became more interested in those promotions. But I do remember enjoying a lot of what I did see from the WWF in 97 and 98.
2004: This was arguably Triple H's best year as a heel. His match with HBK at the Royal Rumble was amazing, and he put over Benoit at WrestleMania and cut one of his best promos ever the following night on Raw. The dissolution of Evolution was amazing and put Randy Orton on the map. Eddie Guerrero also won the WWE title early in the year, and the JBL reign began. I thought Kurt Angle as General Manager was also pretty entertaining as well. The Rock and Sock Connection's return to face Evolution was a good time... I loved this year mainly because both Raw and Smackdown were on fire, and the whole product was just fun to watch.

2008: The Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels feud alone sold this year of wrestling for me. Jeff Hardy also won the WWE title late in the year, CM Punk won the World Heavyweight title, and John Cena won the Royal Rumble and somehow (via mostly injury) managed to not be a champion for almost the entire year!

1988: It's quite simple: the face turn of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, his winning the WWF Championship, and the formation of the Mega Powers. What followed in 1989 was a travesty, but as a long-time Savage fan that was one of my favorite years to be a wrestling fan...
Hard to argue with RicoLen, 1992 was an awesome year. The storylines, characters/superstars, and the matches were all top notch.

You mentioned the Michaels/ Jannetty match at the RR. Got me thinking about Marty's shoot interview where he talks about their non televised match the night before being the best hes ever had. He was so exhausted the next night at the Rumble and the match suffered because of it.

Anyways, 1992 is my answer as well. From the main card to the bottom talent, everything was great and well booked. As close a perfect a year as the WWF/E has ever had.
Awesome to see all the love for 1992. I cant agree more. I started watching right after Summerslam 1991. Loved that time.

Roddy Piper finally got a singles title. Shawn Michaels was starting his singles carrer. Is there anything even needed to be said about Flair in the 92 Rumble?

SNME had a ppv feel to it with the Taker/Flair Hogan/Sid tag match.

Savage/Roberts had the best feud ever. Wish it ended with a cage match, still cant get enough of those two together.

Wrestlemania 8 was the best wrestlemania ever even though we didnt get Hogan/Flair title for title. Flair/Savage storyline with Liz was cool and match was great.

Summerslam 1992 was my favorite ppv ever. The enviroment there made it so special. 2 face vs. face matches and a heel vs. heel match. Warrior/Savage with Flair/Perfect involvement was such a great storyline. Bret/Bulldog was the best match ever.

Michaels gets his first singles title on SNME.

This time ended the moster era in WWF and Bret and Michaels started their legendary feud. Perfect/Flair feud was great, only move to make after Warrior up and left.

Oh, and Hennan and Moonson was the best commentary I ever heard

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