CM Steel
A REAL American
The WWF Attitude Era was one of the greater era's in all pro wrestling. With the Monday night wars as the root of it to the fruit's that we as wrestling fans see and enjoy today! The Attitude Era first began in the WWF in late 1997. But ended four years later right before the WWF became the now WWE.
But what year during the Attitude Era was the best?
1998: The begining of the Austin Era, the new D Generation-X, the rise of the Rock, the on-screen debut of Shane McMahon.
1999: The rise of Mankind (Mick Foley), the push for Triple H, the WWF debuts of the Big Show & Chris Jericho, the on-screen debut of Stephanie McMahon.
2000: The Radicalz make there debut in the WWF, the super push of Kurt Angle, The Undertaker as "the American Badass" debuts, Rikishi is known as the man who ran down Stone Cold Steve Austin with a car.
2001: Stone Cold turns heel, Vince McMahon buys WCW, the WCW & ECW invasion, Chris Jerich become the first-ever Undisputed WWF champion.
So, Which year of the Attitude Era was the best?
But what year during the Attitude Era was the best?
1998: The begining of the Austin Era, the new D Generation-X, the rise of the Rock, the on-screen debut of Shane McMahon.
1999: The rise of Mankind (Mick Foley), the push for Triple H, the WWF debuts of the Big Show & Chris Jericho, the on-screen debut of Stephanie McMahon.
2000: The Radicalz make there debut in the WWF, the super push of Kurt Angle, The Undertaker as "the American Badass" debuts, Rikishi is known as the man who ran down Stone Cold Steve Austin with a car.
2001: Stone Cold turns heel, Vince McMahon buys WCW, the WCW & ECW invasion, Chris Jerich become the first-ever Undisputed WWF champion.
So, Which year of the Attitude Era was the best?