Now, I'm worried about who's getting the main event at WM32. Are you interesting in Triple H vs. Dean Ambrose? I'm not.
I am. More than I'm interested in seeing Triple H vs Reigns or Lesnar, at least.
I think Dean has been killing it the last few weeks. Getting in Lesnar's face in a way that even Reigns won't, cutting some of his best promos, fighting his heart out in the Fatal Fiveway, only to lose it because Owens is a sneaky bastard. I think the audience is empathising and getting behind Ambrose in a way they haven't done with anyone since Daniel Bryan. Ambrose is not to that level, obviously, but he's the only thing the crowd has to latch on to, since AJ is nowhere near the main event.
I don't want to see Roman Reigns versus Triple H. I really liked Reigns last year. I was super excited to see Reigns vs Lesnar, and I loved the match. I was one of his biggest defenders around here. But after a whole year of watching the Roman Reigns show, I'm apathetic. He hasn't improved as much as he should, in my opinion. I don't want to watch him as WWE champion.
Dean Ambrose as champion might make you feel skeptical, or weird, or curious. But at least that's something. Roman Reigns as champion makes me feel nothing.