Reigns = Heel, Ambrose = Face


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
I saw an article posted a few days ago on Cageside Seats and it makes a lot of sense...

If you don't want to read the whole thing, or click on the link, here's the main takeaway...

So how do you do this? Simple... Ambrose defeats Lesnar at Wrestlemania (the no-DQ stipulation, allowing for the usage of weapons, could be the equalizer than Ambrose needs to slay the Beast), then in the main-event, Triple H defeats Roman Reigns, and leaves Reigns wallowing in dissapointment & self-doubt. Then, the next night on Raw, Shane McMahon (the new GM of Monday Night Raw) grants Dean Ambrose a shot at Triple H's title, which Hunter arrogantly accepts. Only that proves to be his downfall, because Ambrose defeats Hunter & wins the championship, to a huge ovation (it's Dean Ambrose winning the title at Smarkamania, you think that crowd ain't gonna pop like a motherfucker???) & is crowned WWE Champion!!!

Afterwards, Ambrose & Reigns engage in a friendly rivalry, heading into Extreme Rules, where they face each other for the title. And this is where Roman Reigns, seeing that he can't beat his best buddy fair & square, sees the opportunity, sees an opening, and with the referee distracted, smacks Ambrose in the head with the championship belt, turns heel & beats Ambrose, thus becoming a heel WWE champion!!! And this time, the fans are booing, but at least, they're SUPPOSED to be booing this guy, since he's now the top heel in WWE, and he just screwed over the most popular babyface in the company!!!

It seems rather brilliant, in my opinion.
Been suggested many times already. I think most people agree a heel turn for Reigns is necessary at this point. They should've made him corporate champion already, but that ship has sailed for at least a while now.
I saw an article posted a few days ago on Cageside Seats and it makes a lot of sense...

If you don't want to read the whole thing, or click on the link, here's the main takeaway...

So how do you do this? Simple... Ambrose defeats Lesnar at Wrestlemania (the no-DQ stipulation, allowing for the usage of weapons, could be the equalizer than Ambrose needs to slay the Beast), then in the main-event, Triple H defeats Roman Reigns, and leaves Reigns wallowing in dissapointment & self-doubt. Then, the next night on Raw, Shane McMahon (the new GM of Monday Night Raw) grants Dean Ambrose a shot at Triple H's title, which Hunter arrogantly accepts. Only that proves to be his downfall, because Ambrose defeats Hunter & wins the championship, to a huge ovation (it's Dean Ambrose winning the title at Smarkamania, you think that crowd ain't gonna pop like a motherfucker???) & is crowned WWE Champion!!!

Afterwards, Ambrose & Reigns engage in a friendly rivalry, heading into Extreme Rules, where they face each other for the title. And this is where Roman Reigns, seeing that he can't beat his best buddy fair & square, sees the opportunity, sees an opening, and with the referee distracted, smacks Ambrose in the head with the championship belt, turns heel & beats Ambrose, thus becoming a heel WWE champion!!! And this time, the fans are booing, but at least, they're SUPPOSED to be booing this guy, since he's now the top heel in WWE, and he just screwed over the most popular babyface in the company!!!

It seems rather brilliant, in my opinion.
Not a bad idea. Another possibility, HHH retains the belt and Ambrose gets a title shot only to be screwed by Reigns then we have him in the same spot Rollins was after A) Triple H "awards" the belt to Reigns or b) a finger poke of doom kind of scenario. Then Rollins is set to return as a face in the same underdog spot Reigns is in, Triple H and Reigns can berate him for being handpicked but not being good enough to hold the top spot or something to that effect. I know this isn't very likely unless they expect us to forget how much Reigns and Trips hate each other (crazier things have happend). I don't like this angle as much as what was in the Cageside article and doubt it would play out this way, but sometimes it seems this is how the creative team brainstorms recently-"hey what could we do that makes the least sense and could piss off the fan go with it"
At this point, Roman's fate its not tied to him being a heel or face, the heel turn should've happened month ago, after WM31, now it will be useless, it wont have the desired effect. He will only get x-pac heat.

Right now the only thing to salvage Roman is to depush him quickly, put him on the freezer for a couple of month, create a injury storyline, and have him coming back semi-repackage with an attitude going after the most over guy at that time.

If this guy keeps showing on tv, as i said in other thread, he will be hurt as a character beyond repair.
too damn late, they should of made him heel around TLC, but them waiting has killed any chance of Reigns to have a good career, it's gonna be forced push after forced push until they finally decide ratings matter again.

There's been a million fantasy booking situations I've read since ~Survivor Series that all looked genuinely entertaining and engaging, but instead we get superman Reigns defying the Odds, the 30:1 odds that he's going to win! Yay Underdogs.
Its late but still better late than never. Its a really good idea. I have been advocating heel turn of Reigns since a long time. He needs to be a badass dominating heel who speaks less and beats more. And if you want to create a top heel, there is noone better than Dean Ambrose who is the most over babyface despite bad booking. WWE failed at making him the top babyface but I hope they succeed at making him the top heel because he is good enough. There is no way out except heel turn.

Funny thing, WWE is trying SOOOO hard to avoid the heel turn.....when in fact the heel turn was what made Roman's counsin became one of the biggest stars in WWE history.

The same exact scenario, vince tried to push rocky as a stupid face, that didnt connect with the crown, turned him have created The Rock.

Im not saying that Roman has the same charisma and everything that Rock had in him, but at that time we didnt think that Rocky Maivia was anything but annoying and untalented.
The long term plan should be for Reigns to be a face and Dean to be a heel. The way they get there can be altered for sure. I think the story that the OP said could work with a few minor tweaks.

Brock beats Ambrose but shows him some respect post match and helps him up, raises his hand etc etc. The next night on Raw, Brock and Paul announce the arrival of the new next big thing: Dean Ambrose. They would work as the baby faces and Brock would go away for a while.

Roman Reigns goes into Wrestlemania and overcomes the odds after a few glitches in the match where the ref is onocked out and Reigns is pinned. Reigns sees the ref is out, hits a cheap shot and assults HHH with a sledgehammer and by then the ref is up. Reigns hits the spear for the 1 2 3. Next night on RAW, they clarify that Reigns has not won the championship due to him being pinned and show the video and reverse the decision. However HHH is injured due to the sledge beating he took and unable to defend the title.

A match is set for the next PPV against Dean and Roman in which Roman turns heel by doing a simple eye rake or low blow or something dirty to win.

Eventually a few months down the line, Roman is the heel WWE champion and Dean is a big babyface. A challenger for the title like the legend killer Randy Orton keeps beating up Dean Ambrose until Roman gives him a title match. Dean says it won't work and collapses but Orton keeps beating him bloody until Roman comes out and unleashes hell on Orton. This gives him a big babyface turn.
No, Reigns needs to win at WrestleMania and get his revenge on Triple H.. Triple H won the title to put Reigns over.

Foget about the negative crowd reaction, it doesn't mean shit and it won't mean shit at the end of WrestleMania.. People are still buying tickets and they'll all tune in to the WWE Network to watch WresteMania.. Crowd reaction means so little nowadays.. Reigns is walking away WrestleMania with the WWE Title, doesn't matter if the fans boo him or not.
If it's at Extreme Rules, using a weapon wouldn't be so much of a shock as I would assume weapons have been used throughout their match.

Behind the ref's back wouldn't make any difference as it's still legal.

I get that your story is the 'cheat to win' scenario but don't think extreme rules would be the place to pull this off.
No, Reigns needs to win at WrestleMania and get his revenge on Triple H.. Triple H won the title to put Reigns over.

Foget about the negative crowd reaction, it doesn't mean shit and it won't mean shit at the end of WrestleMania.. People are still buying tickets and they'll all tune in to the WWE Network to watch WresteMania.. Crowd reaction means so little nowadays.. Reigns is walking away WrestleMania with the WWE Title, doesn't matter if the fans boo him or not.
I tend to agree here. I like to think about possibilities of weird double turns or different scenarios, but in all likelihood this is what I think we will see. They are too far in to abandon what they've been trying with Reigns and I don't think they are too worried about losing fans, what else are they going to watch?

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