Heel Turn - Reigns or Ambrose

Who turn heel Reigns or Ambrose

  • Reigns

  • Ambrose

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The build to Summerslam has featured WWE overemphasising the relationship with Reigns and Ambrose which along with rumours suggests a heel turn for one is possible. My preference is Reigns, I would like to see him be dominant and controlling the pace of his matches which would allow him to show more, however as WWE see big things for Reigns it may be Ambrose who turns on Reigns which I think will lead to fans cheering a heel Ambrose over Reigns which isn't good plus Ambrose chasing Reigns like he did Rollins will be interesting in my opinion.

Yours Thoughts on if there should be a heel turn and which one does.
Reigns should if anyone considering Ambrose is the more popular of the two. I think it would make Reigns even more popular once he turned back eventually too.

But I think Rowan (or a new family member) will return and cost them the match at Summerslam and they'll tag with Sting at the next ppv!!!
I don't feel there should be a heel turn in this situation. But if there was one, I would turn Reigns on Ambrose. Ambrose is one of the most popular guys on the roster. Reigns would get major heat. Think RR but double it. That's what I think anyway.
I almost hate to say this, because I've enjoyed Reigns as a good guy and hoped for him to attain main event status this way........yet, his momentum seems to have stalled in the past couple months. The creative people have (imo) been directed to slow his push to allow him to gain the needed experience and presence, yet he doesn't appear to be advancing as efficiently as I hoped he would. A heel change might really work to his advantage leading all the way up to WM32.

As for Dean Ambrose, a change in attitude is inevitable, anyway....the guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Whether Ambrose and Reigns will wind up taking out their aggression on each other is anyone's guess, too......although if the one who goes bad winds up re-allying with Seth Rollins, there's got to be an odd man out.
As crappy as my prediction powers are , I don't think a heel/face change will happen at all. But IF one happens..I voted for Ambrose ...I always thought that Ambrose was going to emerge from The Shield as the Piper-like heel. An evil Ambrose would help his stagnant career ...it would do way more for Ambrose instead of Reigns.
None should turn. They should just beat the crap out of Lame Wyatt and his psychic and get done with match. Would hate the turn just because they needed to do something to stay relevant. And the are both pretty relevant faces(Ambrose is over and Reigns is slowly there). So just book them properly and they would be relevant without heel turn of one of them.
I almost hate to say this, because I've enjoyed Reigns as a good guy and hoped for him to attain main event status this way........yet, his momentum seems to have stalled in the past couple months. The creative people have (imo) been directed to slow his push to allow him to gain the needed experience and presence, yet he doesn't appear to be advancing as efficiently as I hoped he would. A heel change might really work to his advantage leading all the way up to WM32.

I have to agree with this. For some reason even although he has had great matches both on TV and in PPV's, he seems to be similar to a mouse running on a wheel. Going great guns but really achieving nothing. This feud with Wyatt isn't really catching my attention at all. Partly because I'm not a fan of anything Wyatt is involved in, and probably the main reason is they've shifted the focus of it many times over.

First of all it was about Reigns and his daughter, then that idea was dropped. Then it became something about Reigns being the "only one", or some crap like that. Now they've involved Harper and Ambrose.

I've hoping that they haven't involved Harper and Ambrose just because they aren't doing anything at this point in time, that's lazy booking, but their insertion into the middle of this feud makes no sense at all to me. I also still believe that Ambrose is being used to put Reigns over. Even though he has gained fans back, he's not quite there yet.

Anyway on topic, I picked Ambrose. His career has taken a backseat to others, and out of the three Shield members, he's the one with the greater range of character and the one the WWE could do the most with. Rollins is a good heel, but he needs the backing of the Authority to help him along, and is really a natural face. Reigns would lose all he's obtained over the last few months if he turned heel. Plus I don't know if he would make a great heel on his own. It worked when he was with the Shield but on his own, I'm not so sure.
my hope is that NONE of them turn and that they either have 1) Bo Dallas joining the Wyatt Family or 2) a returning Erik Rowan screws them.....as for who i'd rather seen turn (if one of them turns) it's Reigns. i like Reigns, but i feel his character is better used as a heel. he reminds me a bit of Batista in that he's a powerhouse wrestler. on the other hand, Ambrose has Stone Cold-likable traits about him and it's something that i would keep as a face. plus, his moves also can get a crowd to react favorably. i think he should stay a face and hold the WWE title as a face sometime....in fact, if i were WWE, if they aren't high on Bryan's health, then the winner of the Royal Rumble should be Dean Ambrose. his wrestling is great and his promos are great.
Roman Reigns would make more sense because he would have a stronger motivation. Ambrose is the bigger fan favorite and there is a vocal group of fans that dislike Reigns and one fan even threw a fucking breifcase at him. If that's not a great motivation to turn against the fans and become a heel I don't know what is.

As a heel, Reigns would stop coming through the crowd, because he considers them unworthy. He could say that he doesn't give a damn about what they think of him or his ability, and that they just resent him because they're jealous. Like I said in another thread a couple weeks back, had a fan thrown something at Reigns 17 years ago, it definitely would have been capitalized on and used to launch a reality-based storyline, which is ultimately what draws. It would probably become a tradition for fans to litter the ring with trash when Reigns enters, and he would become a huge heel. But no, that would be too interesting and entertaining.

If they do turn Reigns though, it can't be into a cool or edgy heel that the audience wil eventually cheer for again. Heels like that fucking suck. Put in him in a position where he is legitimately hated and he actually gets booed. If you can do it with Rollins, you can definitely do it with Reigns.
Ambrose is clearly the better option. They're both over as babyfaces, Ambrose character would work so much better as a heel, it seems like WWE is not sure how to use him as a babyface, if Ambrose turns heel that opens up so many more options for them.. Ambrose has been playing Reigns lackey as of late, it makes sense Ambrose would turn over Reigns... And rumor's have been swirling this past year WWE wants Reigns as a next big babyface so why turn him now when he's starting to get over with the crowd?

Argue with that logic.
The better option is certainly Ambrose. If they want him to be a massive face later, then turn him heel now. Reigns' move set has been built up to get pops from the crowd. Ambrose is just a scrappy guy that whose moves are fine as a heel or a face.

That being said, with all the clues pointing to Ambrose turning, I wouldn't expect either of them to actually turn. I would guess, if he's ready, Rowan comes back. If he's not ready, perhaps we get the Ascension joining the Wyatts.

If they want to do an "anything can happen" idea, then maybe Someone joins the Wyatts, Sting comes in for the save and we get a little Teddy Long-esque switch to a six man tag right away. I can't see them having Sting work anything but the former big 4 PPVs. Do the six man switch Sunday, Sting gets the fall, and then goes on to lay down for Bray at Survivor Series.
In the beginning I wasn't a fan of either of them to turn heel as it would kill their momentum. WWE lacks MainEvent level babyfaces at the moment. So it wouldn't have been a great idea to turn either of them as a heel. But after scrutinizing the OP and other commentators, it feels like Reigns' heel turn should take place. Yes, he's putting on some solid matches in the last couple of months but still isn't getting back the fans behind him. But if he might turn heel, he'll draw heat which can eventually be turned into a positive vibe that could lead to a good babyface turn.

Both guys are in limbo, but there is no doubt that Dean Ambrose has the fans firmly behind him.

However, Reigns, who whilst getting many fans back on his side after the RR-debacle, is still not universally liked so much so, WWE is reportedly afraid of his being booed in Brooklyn. In such a case, why not have them lose and then Reigns, fuelled by Bray's constant tampering over the past couple of months, alongwith his constant failures to get to the top, just snaps and turns on his brother, Ambrose. That would garner nuclear heat in Brooklyn, which could carry over going forward.

With Cena and Brock as the Top faces and even Orton as well, on the Babyface side... I really feel the heel ranks need freshening up somewhat, and having Reigns being booked as the replacement Monster heel in place of Brock, for instance, might do wonders for him in the long run.
With Cena and Brock as the Top faces and even Orton as well, on the Babyface side... I really feel the heel ranks need freshening up somewhat, and having Reigns being booked as the replacement Monster heel in place of Brock, for instance, might do wonders for him in the long run.

Brock Lesnar isn't a face. The instant Undertaker returned, Lesnar was heel again, except in Minneapolis. And Lesnar doesn't work as a babyface, that's been proven time and again. The fans are not going to cheer Lesnar over Undertaker, and if you think they are, you're nuts.

As to the topic, turning Roman Reigns heel works much better. Although fans aren't as anti-Reigns as they were late 2014 to a few months ago, Reigns is still disliked in most "wrestling" cities. He's loved by women for his looks and by kids because he's another invincible superhero, but most wrestling fans are still booing him incessantly. He's already a heel to most fans. Turning him officially heel and sending him in a new direction might be the only way to make him somewhat interesting.
Reigns can definitely NOT turn, he is barely noticed in the main event as is. Certainly could not hang with Rollins and Sheamus on the dark side

Ambrose however

He could easily switch roles twice - a -week and people would still want to know what he does next.

Reigns: The Superman punch, the Hoo-hah would have to be dropped and what has he got?
Have you ever noticed how Reigns' theme is kind of like a slower version of Taz's theme?

If it were up to me; I would have Bray Wyatt admit in an interview that he did go too far in his feud when he brought Reigns' daughter into the spotlight, and agree that he should try apologizing to Reigns in person. Wyatt confronts Reigns backstage prior to a match between them, or better yet a tag team match involving Luke Harper with Bray and Dean Ambrose with Reigns. Wyatt apologizes and holds out his hand, Reigns smiles and attacks Wyatt before being held back by Dean. Reigns says something to the effect of "That's the last time you will ever get in my way" to Dean before storming off.

During the tag match, Roman starts off and does the usual shady routine where he doesn't tag in Dean. Eventually Dean catches Roman with an unexpected tag and hits a move off the top rope making the crowd erupt. Roman superman punches Dean and proceeds to wail away on him while he's prone. Wyatt shows an evil sneer as he and Luke walk off shouting "It worked, I knew it would!" to Harper as they return to the back. Dean gets carted off on a stretcher. Roman grabs a mic and says something like "Hey Dean! You got what you deserved!" before storming off.

In promos with future opponents, Roman reminds them that they're in his way and that people who stand in his way tend to end up leaving in an ambulance. He also goes on about "justice is when people get what they deserve", and he keeps up with his "believe that" quote.

Maybe change his theme music at this point to Taz' old theme, the EKG sound effect would fit a gimmick about putting people in the hospital.
I would turn Dean Ambrose heel if I had to pick one of the two. I think its obvious that Reigns is being prepared to become the face of the company in the future so I'd like to cement himself as THE babyface before he ventures into territory which isn't necessary for him at the time.

Dean Ambrose has however needed to turn for a while now since he has just been roaming and floating on the roster with no definitive direction. The character of Dean Ambrose is much more fitted as a heel, just look at his AMAZING work with William Regal down in NXT. Dean Ambrose will in the long run be a multiple time face/heel guy similar to Randy Orton, Big Show, Punk and so on so a turn here would not hurt his character in the long run.

Ambrose could go onto feud with John Cena or Cesaro after his feud with Reigns would finish.
Reigns probably needs to turn heel more but I don't really want to see it. He is entertaining as a babyface and is definitely getting better reactions. Ambrose would be superb as a heel but he too is getting favourable reactions.

The roster is definitely loaded with babyfaces. Especially at the top with Cena, Orton, Reigns and Ambrose. Throw in Brock, Bryan and even Taker, Sting and Rock then it is clear they have a lot their. Plus mid-carders like Ryback, Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville; they are doing fantastic (possibly the best they ever have) in that department.

The heel side is struggling a little in comparison so one of these two top stars turning would make sense. I'm still unconvinced.

I don't think it should happen and I don't think it will. If I had to pick one of the two then I'd say Ambrose because I think he would thrive in that role. For what it's worth; the WWE would be better suited going full on with the Ambrose/Reigns bromance because I think they can really profit from it.
If one has to turn, it should be Roman Reigns. If Ambrose turns, the crowd might cheer for him anyway. Furthermore, I think it would develop both characters much more effectively.

WWE has cut off most of the heels at the legs. Rollins has been emasculated, Rusev and Owens were fed to Cena and are now doomed to the midcard. Big Show seems to be losing A LOT lately, even though he'll also likely lose at Summerslam. The New Day might win back the belts, but became much less important once they had previously lost them. Barrett has become a joke. I suspect Stardust is only being built up to lose for his PPV match and he'll likely drop back afterwards.

Roman Reigns has been presented as dominant and if he goes heel, he will be able to be the next big villain...until he also gets fed to Cena. On the other hand, Ambrose will have suffered betrayal twice within a short period of time. If he snapped when Rollins screwed him over, how will he react when that happens again? That could push him beyond the midcard and it will be credible.

Ambrose turning heel is too predictable and does anyone think heelbrose would stand a chance against babyface Reigns? Switch it around and the face becomes the underdog, which will be a more compelling storyline. Plus, as I said, fans might not react the way WWE wants them too.

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