WWE Fastlane - Roman Reigns VS Dean Ambrose VS Brock Lesnar

I think Roman is the obvious winner here, possibly via some Wyatt shenanigans....Itll be interesting to see how that pans out with Reigns needing to go over crowd favorite Dean Ambrose yet again on the way to the belt.

I think Norcal has nailed it. Reigns will win, Lesnar will be out because of some Wyatt's interference, which will set up their Mania match, Ambrose will be the loser again.

The only thing that bothers me is the fact that they keep pushing Reigns wanting to get him over, but booking him so horribly. He should be nowhere near Dean Ambrose in a match, especially when a title shot at Mania is the end result. If the WWE thinks the fans will take kindly to Reigns going over both Ambrose and Lesnar then they are sadly mistaken. They really can't be that stupid, or can they?
Did they announce that this was a #1 Contenders match? I don't think they've actually gone ahead and said that yet.


Skip to 4:01. She literally says that Triple H will be defending against the winner of the main event at Fastlane.

It's a Triple Threat Match because:

1 - Brock Lesnar won't let anybody pin him with X amount of extra zeroes added to his contract.

Your stupid is showing again. You're always so quick to state how little Brock cares for the wrestling business, going as far to say he "HATES" it. Now if he didn't care about wrestling, why would he care who beats him? Why would agree to let Cena go over him clean in his first match? Why would he agree to let Triple H go over him clean? Why would he agree to look like a chump who couldn't beat CM Punk without ridiculous amounts of interference from Heyman?

I had more, but why bother? It's clear that your developmental process stalled at age 14.
Ambrose is way more over with the fans than Roman is, if Roman wins then a lot of people would be mad including me. In my opinion WWE already blew they're chance with Roman Reigns and I don't see the fans liking him any sooner. When (and I know they are) Roman wins I honestly hope Triple H buries him.
Stephanie announced just a few minutes ago that the Fastlane main event is a triple threat match featuring Reigns, Ambrose and Lesnar with the winner challenging Triple H at WrestleMania XXXII.

This has the potential to be a fun match, though I have a feeling that Reigns comes out the winner. Lesnar will almost certainly be prevented from winning due to Wyatt Family interference, especially since there's no DQ in triple threat matches, leaving Ambrose and Reigns as the only two logical outcomes; besides, I don't think anyone's interested in Triple H vs. Lesnar Part IV.

However, if WWE does have Roman Reigns go over, they're possibly painting themselves into a bit of a corner by, once again, not listening to the reactions and interests of fans. With the exception of being as physically pretty as Roman Reigns is and not being as physically strong, Ambrose has every advantage over Reigns in terms of charisma, personality, promo ability and in-ring work. Plus, let's be honest, Dean Ambrose is much more universally over than Reigns is and I've little doubt that, given the choice, many more fans at Fastlane will cheer for Ambrose over Reigns.

I liked how the Authority brought the fans into the various insults during the opening promo tonight to help get heat on Triple H, as part of putting heat on Trips as a heel instead of cheering him. However, again, there's just no real way at this time that most fans cheer for Reigns at Fastlane over Ambrose; fans have long since embraced Ambrose in a way that they haven't with Reigns.

I agree with your prediction. However, Reigns vs. Ambrose worked as Survivor Series. I could even hear the crowd hyping their inevitable showdown after Brock is taken out with "This is awesome" chants. I just hope this time around Reigns and Ambrose have more of a match than that quick thing they had at Survivor Series.
A few things:

This is the same match that made everyone realize that Seth Rollins was ready last year, so this is probably Ambrose's audition for the Main Event tier. Turning him heel is stupid, and would actually be like they were following Rollins exactly, instead of trying Dean out, and giving him his own push.

The Wyatts will need to get involved, but probably AFTER the match, to steal Brock's soul, so that Bray Wyatt can cut promos for the next 4 or 5 weeks discussing how Brock is a phony, and how Bray is here to show the world or something terribly boring and rambling.

Roman wins this, and emphatically. I almost think that Brock needs to eat the pin, after a Roman Reigns spear, otherwise, the build can't amount to much going into WrestleMania. It makes sense for a sneaky heel to not pin Brock, that's smart heeling. But a babyface, proving his worth, he has to pin Brock. In the center of the ring. They can use tables and the floor, etc. But the spear and the pin have to be dead center of the ring.
You are absolutely correct. I was scratching my head at this one....If there is a logically answer I would like to hear it. But WWE defies logic sometimes and it is done for 'fun purposes' so I will run with it anyway.

Roman would get some sort of clause in his kayfabe contract about a rematch. This way, the authority is making him EARN his rematch, instead of just being given one.
Roman wins this, and emphatically. I almost think that Brock needs to eat the pin, after a Roman Reigns spear, otherwise, the build can't amount to much going into WrestleMania. It makes sense for a sneaky heel to not pin Brock, that's smart heeling. But a babyface, proving his worth, he has to pin Brock. In the center of the ring. They can use tables and the floor, etc. But the spear and the pin have to be dead center of the ring.

No. Not likely. If Lesnar gets pinned clean it should be in a 1v1 match to give the rub to whoever it happens to be. To do it in a triple threat just cheapens it. I doubt he'd take the pin even if the Wyatts get involved before the end. Even at WM31 they had Reigns take the pin over Lesnar, and look how hard they're trying with Reigns.
No. Not likely. If Lesnar gets pinned clean it should be in a 1v1 match to give the rub to whoever it happens to be. To do it in a triple threat just cheapens it. I doubt he'd take the pin even if the Wyatts get involved before the end. Even at WM31 they had Reigns take the pin over Lesnar, and look how hard they're trying with Reigns.

Why would he get pinned clean in a 1 v 1? That would diminish his entire year from last year. No, he needs to lose to Roman and Dean, and eat the pin, but Roman has to do most of the offense, and Dean has to sell most of the damage. WWE top babyfaces aren't supposed to sell, for some reason, so, I can't envision anything else, unless they're hitting the reset button and letting Dean Jean and TankTop get the title shot.
The problem I have with this match is simply the silliness of it. For MONTHS(or even years if you count the first Rollins vs Ambrose feud) The Authority has tried to keep the World Title off Ambrose and Reigns. So what do they do, put BOTH of them in a triple threat, knowing they are friends and could take out Brock then battle each other for one of them to face HHH at Mania.

The only thing I could think of is maybe The Authority already planned for an Ambrose turn and stacking the deck against Roman.

Honestly, at this point. Ambrose turning on Reigns would just get him cheered more. The fans love Ambrose.

Interesting next month or so.
The fact that they are trying to build Fastline as a big PPV is the reason why the Reigns vs Lesnar vs Ambrose is happening. It is weird that they wouldn't have Sheamus or Rusev in there but you can see why all three should be there from what has happened in recent weeks. I'm not complaining that it doesn't make sense at all so I'm quite looking forward to the match.

On intial thought, the obvious finish seems to be Reigns winning with Ambrose taking the pin and Lesnar getting taken out by Bray or the all the Wyatts. However something tells me WWE might spice things up here. Wishful thinking I know but I cannot see them running with the obvious for what seems to be like the infinite PPV in a row. I don't think you ruin anything about Lesnar vs Bray so I would imagine something is in store for either Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns. It'll be HHH vs Reigns at Mania no matter what as far as I'm concerned but does Roman show maybe a bit of a change of character here? I don't think you do anything to Ambrose because he is very over at the moment. So running through the options it like it will be pretty straight forward and nothing changes but I hope that feeling I have is right. It's basically just a WWE 2k universe mode match in real life so i'll sit back and enjoy.

In summary; Lesnar is about to win but lights go out. Wyatts destroy Lesnar. Amrbose vs Reign in a mini stand off with Reigns hitting a spear for the win.
This is how it will go Roman wins, during the match Brock gets attacked by The Wyatt's and they cause him to lose. Dean loses because he is distracted by his eventual WM32 opponent.
This is what I think they should do Brock does not win because the Wyatt's take care of him. I know HHH and Roman have a feud going and he is suppose to win but I think Dean Should win and this is how Roman turns heel because of his jealousy towards Dean.
Than you could have HHH vs. Dean, but wait Doesn't Roman get a rematch because he lost his Title, so here we go HHH vs. Dean vs. Roman at WM32. I guess Roman does not have to turn heel but here is our main event at Wrestlemania 32.
My Fastlane prediction: Lesnar F-5's both Ambrose & Reigns, then the lights go out and the Wyatt's attack Lesnar. Brock is layed out unconscious in the ring. Ambrose and Reigns both slowly cover Brock with one arm and the ref counts three. Both Roman and Dean slowly rise to their feet and as the ref raises both their hands they look at each other in a state of confusion as niether realized that the other man had also pinned Brock at the same time.

Now you have a triple threat at Mania. And they have from Fastlane to Mania to decide if they want to stick with the plan of putting the title on Reigns or switch to Ambrose. Reigns is still winning the title imo but at least this way it's a more interesting story and you have a built in backup plan just in case.

WM: Triple H vs Dean vs Roman. As for Dean's IC title, since Triple H is in charge he can order Dean to drop the IC title if he wants to be in the Mania main event. That leads to the vacant IC title being up for grabs in a multi man ladder match at Mania featuring AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn (possibly), Dolph Ziggler and The Miz. All of those men are connected in some form or another. Ziggler beat Owens who elimnated Zayn and Styles at the Rumble; while Styles recently beat Jericho and Miz.

There's your answer fishbulbs.
WWE really doesn't need another Triple H VS Lesnar match or feud anytime soon. The extended break needs to continue after the lengthy (and exhausting) feud from 2012-2013, including two main events, and a featured match at Wrestlemania. As far as quality goes, Triple H and Lesnar never had a truly awful match, but at the same time, their matches were a chore to sit through (especially the Summerslam match).

It's no secret Lesnar is headed for a feud with Bray Wyatt. WWE added someone of Lesnar's stature, so people would buy into the chances of someone else having a real shot to win, but we all know Reigns is walking away with the victory here. WWE will follow through on the storyline with Reigns and Triple H with everything culminating at Wrestlemania, where Reigns inevitably wins the title again.

As far as Dean goes, the best you can hope for his Ambrose receiving a nice rub for some momentum after everything is said and done. The Brothers will team up in an effort to take out The Beast, so it'll be interesting to see how things play out, when Roman and Dean are forced to fight each other, while Brock is incapacitated after they double team Brock for a big spot (or spots).
The Brothers will team up in an effort to take out The Beast....

That's troublesome in itself, no? How are they ever going to get Roman Reigns fully over with the fans if he needs a partner to join him in fighting Brock? At WM31, we saw what happened to Roman when he tried Brock one-on-one.

Okay, so a year has passed and you'd figure Reigns would have learned enough to give Brock a better battle, so how is ganging up on him with Dean going to do anything but damage Roman's standing?

Whether they overcome Brock or not, Roman looks weak while Brock is still a monster......while Dean is still just a supporting player.

No, I would hope Fastlane is a good time for either Ambrose or Reigns to turn evil.
That's troublesome in itself, no? How are they ever going to get Roman Reigns fully over with the fans if he needs a partner to join him in fighting Brock? At WM31, we saw what happened to Roman when he tried Brock one-on-one.

Okay, so a year has passed and you'd figure Reigns would have learned enough to give Brock a better battle, so how is ganging up on him with Dean going to do anything but damage Roman's standing?

Whether they overcome Brock or not, Roman looks weak while Brock is still a monster......while Dean is still just a supporting player.

No, I would hope Fastlane is a good time for either Ambrose or Reigns to turn evil.

This is why I said that Ambrose needs taken out somehow, and Reigns needs to dominate Brock. If Brock doesn't eat a singles pin, then this entire thing is for nothing.
After talking to a few of my friends they think that Ambrose is going to pull this one out of the bag. He will win the match and the result will infuriate Reigns so much he'll turn on him, becoming the badass heel everyone wants.

It might lead to a 3 way at Mania, we didn't get that far, but it is an interesting option. Even though Reigns is being pushed, the fans still aren't behind him the way the WWE wants them to be. Ambrose and Lesnar are both much more popular, and Vince runs the risk of having almost 100K boo his chosen one out of Cowboy Stadium. They can still push Reigns but push him as a heel, let the boo's work for him. From what I can see, he has come a long way in his promo and in ring skills, but he's just not connecting with the fans. Until he does that either as a face or a heel, putting the title on him at their biggest show of the year would be a mistake.

But I've been wrong before, and most likely wrong this time around as well.
After talking to a few of my friends they think that Ambrose is going to pull this one out of the bag. He will win the match and the result will infuriate Reigns so much he'll turn on him, becoming the badass heel everyone wants.

This could be more likely than we think. For weeks now they've been teasing the Dean turn, constantly alluding to Reigns "overshadowing" Ambrose or stealing his spotlight. Any fan of WWE knows they love to swerve the audience in these sort of situations. Repeatedly tease an Ambrose turn until Reigns ends up being the one to turn on Dean. Reigns attacking Ambrose after Dean pinned him would get some major heat.

However, I don't know if WWE has the cahones to make the main event Dean/HHH or even Dean/HHH/Roman. Either way, the face Ambrose becomes the focal point of WWE and it seems to me that WWE has been trying to work away from that for a while. There's also that damn IC title to think about... maybe they should have just left it on Owens. It's actually hurting Dean at this point.
They can still push Reigns but push him as a heel, let the boo's work for him.

It's the best way to go. If WWE really does feel Roman hasn't risen to the position they want him to be, wouldn't it be a near disaster to do the same thing they did with him last year.....to have so many fans feel he's being measured for greatness, only to keep him down at the last minute? (Yes, he the champion, but look how many folks don't feel he should be.....or figure Brock or Dean will emerge from this match with the belt)

Wonder what Roman himself would think of that? Sure, he'd probably be a good soldier and keep trying, but it would have to be professionally disappointing.

Turning Reigns heel would fill a double purpose: If fans want to boo him, they'll have a good reason if he's as evil as can be.....plus, the turn would negate the pain of his failure to score as a face for the second year in a row.

At any rate, among the 3 guys in the match, I figure somebody's gotta go bad.

Make it Roman.
The most predictable match since...well probably the Royal Rumble. Pretty much everyone can agree it will be Wyatt's taking out Lesnar and Roman pinning Dean to win and face Triple H at Wrestlemania. Predictable doesn't always mean bad, but my goodness if Lesnar vs Wyatt and Triple H vs Reigns sound more like Night of Champions matches than Wrestlemania caliber.

Injuries definitely plagued what could have been a stellar Mania card. I mentioned earlier predictable doesn't always mean bad and in this case I am not quite so sure. Triple H vs Roman Reigns with Reigns overcoming odds and winning the title for the third time with around 2 more rematches with Triple H heading into the summer doesn't exactly blow my skirt up. If it was a marquee match but not the main event and not for the title I wouldn't mind as much but its not like they have another option. Just isn't the most interesting one.

Haven't been big on Lesnar vs Wyatt since the get go. No way Wyatt wins against Lesnar. Like its not even debatable. And Heyman's promo from a few weeks ago where he flat out said the Wyatt's are whatever and Brock will deal with them when he pleases didn't exactly help the build for the match. Its just going to be Brock getting out numbered for a few weeks leading up to Mania and trying to make us think Bray has a prayer of pulling it off. I would believe it if you know every one of Brays opponents didn't just swat him away like a fly and treated him as a threat. I mean Roman, Cena, Undertaker all of them never seemed to be in trouble when facing Wyatt. He just came off as a thorn in their sides for the most part.

Lesnar vs Owens or Ambrose would have been MUCH better options. Such is life though
Well clearly they had the Authority screw Ambrose out of the IC Title to try and make it seem like there was at least a 1% chance he could maybe win at Fastlane. They're banking on the fact that since Ambrose has dropped the IC Title, it's now believable that he could move on to the World Title. And here's the thing: it does free him up to do exactly that. In terms of fan investment that might ultimately be the best decision. Obviously Reigns is gonna be going over, but I honestly don't see that as the right call.

Let's face facts. Roman Reigns isn't over a babyface. I'm not meaning this as a comment on his talent or his ability or how I personally feel about him as a performer. I'm reporting the facts. He doesn't get a strong babyface reaction. People don't care to see him win the World Title at Wrestlemania. He's had his big Title win moment already, and they are not going to be able to build up Reigns vs. HHH for the World Title into a match people actually care about. It doesn't matter what bells and whistles they add on, at the end of the day seeing Roman Reigns regain the World Title is not a captivating driving force behind a Wrestlemania main event. It's not a big moment people are really clamouring for. There isn't that strong emotional investment you need.

So here's what I'm proposing. We know that the entire Wyatt Family is going to come out and destroy Brock Lesnar during this match, and that's fine. Is there a better opponent for Lesnar at this year's Mania? Probably. But this is clearly what they're going with. Lesnar hits the F5 and goes for the pin on Ambrose. Ambrose kicks out. Lesnar gets pissed and suplexes the shit out of the referee. Lesnar hits an F5 on Reigns, another ref comes down. Reigns kicks out. Lesnar suplexes the shit out of the second referee. Then the lights go out and here comes the Wyatt Family. 4 on 1, the Wyatts destroy Lesnar, I mean absolutely and completely destroy him. They need the heat. Reigns and Ambrose both crawl to the cover. The two semi-conscious referees each make the count for the win. One ref awards it to Reigns, the other awards it to Ambrose. It's a Dusty finish, kids.

This leads us to Wrestlemania. We now have two #1 contenders, the so-called "brothers" Reigns and Ambrose. Obviously Triple H is not interested in defending his belt against two guys, so he announces that Reigns and Ambrose will go one-on-one with the winner facing him in the main event at Wrestlemania. He also announces that the match between Reigns and Ambrose will take place at Wrestlemania. This is a perfect heel move for Triple H to pull, and it creates a bit more intrigue at Wrestlemania. In the build to the big night we see Reigns and Ambrose feuding with Triple H and the Authoirty, but with tension building between them as well.

So at Wrestlemania it's Ambrose vs. Reigns. Reigns has Ambrose down and calls for the spear, but Ambrose dodges it at the last second and catches Reigns with a rollup. Ambrose shocks the world by getting the win on Reigns, and he will challenge Triple H for the World Title. Compeltely exhausted from his war with Roman Reigns, Ambrose barely pulls himself to his feet in the ring when Triple H's music hits. The World Title match begins immediately. Ambrose is perfect in the role of the underdog and this would be a classic underdog scenario to put him in. He's a guy the fans legitimately like, he has history with Triple H from the Rumble where they teased an Ambrose win, and he's a guy who's never had that World Title win moment. So Ambrose overcomes the odds and hits the double arm DDT on Triple H to win the World Title and send the crowd into a fucking frenzy. After the match as he's holding up the gold he gets SPEARED out of nowhere by Roman Reigns. Reigns is now the most hated man in the company and Ambrose is positioned as the ultimate never say die babyface.

You have a money feud going forward.
With Dean dropping the IC title back to Owens I just got a lot more interested in this match. Before tonight I was 100% sure Roman would win because Brock has a feud with the Wyatts going into WrestleMania and Dean (I thought) was going to defend his title at WrestleMania. Now Owens can defend at WrestleMania which makes me think that maybe, just maybe they'll have Dean go over at Fastlane and face Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. That match I would love to see especially seeing how well Dean works with Lesnar who like Triple H is a lot bigger and stronger than Ambrose.

I'm still 90% sure Roman will win and get his WrestleMania moment but at least they made it look like someone else may have a chance.
That's troublesome in itself, no? How are they ever going to get Roman Reigns fully over with the fans if he needs a partner to join him in fighting Brock? At WM31, we saw what happened to Roman when he tried Brock one-on-one.

Okay, so a year has passed and you'd figure Reigns would have learned enough to give Brock a better battle, so how is ganging up on him with Dean going to do anything but damage Roman's standing?

Whether they overcome Brock or not, Roman looks weak while Brock is still a monster......while Dean is still just a supporting player.

No, I would hope Fastlane is a good time for either Ambrose or Reigns to turn evil.

Well said. I honestly thought the Roman Reigns story would come full circle after he let loose on HHH at TLC. It would have made perfect sense to show how he fought tooth and nail at Mania 31 when he was a rookie in every sense, and now, he has grown throughout the year to this time, truly stand against Brock as an equal. Would have made loads of sense in terms of storyline.

As for who turns evil. I am hoping Roman as he definitely needs it, lMO. However, an HHH vs Reigns match just doesn't interest me as much, given that Ambrose's inclusion in the feud means that a Triple threat Main Event(HHH vs Reigns vs Ambrose) for Mania would be an even more enticing storyline and it could be the perfect to have both Reigns and Ambrose leave Mania with huge momentum.
Well clearly they had the Authority screw Ambrose out of the IC Title to try and make it seem like there was at least a 1% chance he could maybe win at Fastlane. They're banking on the fact that since Ambrose has dropped the IC Title, it's now believable that he could move on to the World Title. And here's the thing: it does free him up to do exactly that. In terms of fan investment that might ultimately be the best decision. Obviously Reigns is gonna be going over, but I honestly don't see that as the right call.

Let's face facts. Roman Reigns isn't over a babyface. I'm not meaning this as a comment on his talent or his ability or how I personally feel about him as a performer. I'm reporting the facts. He doesn't get a strong babyface reaction. People don't care to see him win the World Title at Wrestlemania. He's had his big Title win moment already, and they are not going to be able to build up Reigns vs. HHH for the World Title into a match people actually care about. It doesn't matter what bells and whistles they add on, at the end of the day seeing Roman Reigns regain the World Title is not a captivating driving force behind a Wrestlemania main event. It's not a big moment people are really clamouring for. There isn't that strong emotional investment you need.

So here's what I'm proposing. We know that the entire Wyatt Family is going to come out and destroy Brock Lesnar during this match, and that's fine. Is there a better opponent for Lesnar at this year's Mania? Probably. But this is clearly what they're going with. Lesnar hits the F5 and goes for the pin on Ambrose. Ambrose kicks out. Lesnar gets pissed and suplexes the shit out of the referee. Lesnar hits an F5 on Reigns, another ref comes down. Reigns kicks out. Lesnar suplexes the shit out of the second referee. Then the lights go out and here comes the Wyatt Family. 4 on 1, the Wyatts destroy Lesnar, I mean absolutely and completely destroy him. They need the heat. Reigns and Ambrose both crawl to the cover. The two semi-conscious referees each make the count for the win. One ref awards it to Reigns, the other awards it to Ambrose. It's a Dusty finish, kids.

This leads us to Wrestlemania. We now have two #1 contenders, the so-called "brothers" Reigns and Ambrose. Obviously Triple H is not interested in defending his belt against two guys, so he announces that Reigns and Ambrose will go one-on-one with the winner facing him in the main event at Wrestlemania. He also announces that the match between Reigns and Ambrose will take place at Wrestlemania. This is a perfect heel move for Triple H to pull, and it creates a bit more intrigue at Wrestlemania. In the build to the big night we see Reigns and Ambrose feuding with Triple H and the Authoirty, but with tension building between them as well.

So at Wrestlemania it's Ambrose vs. Reigns. Reigns has Ambrose down and calls for the spear, but Ambrose dodges it at the last second and catches Reigns with a rollup. Ambrose shocks the world by getting the win on Reigns, and he will challenge Triple H for the World Title. Compeltely exhausted from his war with Roman Reigns, Ambrose barely pulls himself to his feet in the ring when Triple H's music hits. The World Title match begins immediately. Ambrose is perfect in the role of the underdog and this would be a classic underdog scenario to put him in. He's a guy the fans legitimately like, he has history with Triple H from the Rumble where they teased an Ambrose win, and he's a guy who's never had that World Title win moment. So Ambrose overcomes the odds and hits the double arm DDT on Triple H to win the World Title and send the crowd into a fucking frenzy. After the match as he's holding up the gold he gets SPEARED out of nowhere by Roman Reigns. Reigns is now the most hated man in the company and Ambrose is positioned as the ultimate never say die babyface.

You have a money feud going forward.

Apart from my scenario having an Authority-endorsed Heel Roman Reigns, it is pretty spot on on a whole.

The Fast Lane scenario is the perfect curve-ball that is needed given how much of its build has centred around Dean Ambrose.
I'd actually have another Triple Threat at Mania between HHH, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, but your scenario is something I wouldn't mind seeing at all as it would also serve the same purpose, perhaps do it even better.

Reigns and Rollins, lMO, have made it to the Main Event level, and hopefully this current Ambrose push is leading to him joining them come the end of Mania 32.
Reigns and Rollins, lMO, have made it to the Main Event level, and hopefully this current Ambrose push is leading to him joining them come the end of Mania 32.

Since this match was announced, I've been figuring Roman wins it. If not, Brock takes the duke. But after the events of last night's IC title match, I'm wondering if Dean didn't lose his belt because a world title run is being planned for him. It just seems easier to accomplish if he's not holding a minor belt, and now he isn't.

Personally, I don't want Ambrose in the world title picture, much less outsmarting Reigns & Lesnar to gain the shot at Triple H. Yes, I know a lot of fans absolutely adore Dean.....and I like him, too.....but not as a main event performer. He's too skinny, his moveset is very limited (yes, even less than Roman's) and I maintain that a 'crazy' persona doesn't work for a long term gimmick.

Now, I'm worried about who's getting the main event at WM32. Are you interesting in Triple H vs. Dean Ambrose? I'm not.

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