WWE Fastlane - Roman Reigns VS Dean Ambrose VS Brock Lesnar


Stephanie announced just a few minutes ago that the Fastlane main event is a triple threat match featuring Reigns, Ambrose and Lesnar with the winner challenging Triple H at WrestleMania XXXII.

This has the potential to be a fun match, though I have a feeling that Reigns comes out the winner. Lesnar will almost certainly be prevented from winning due to Wyatt Family interference, especially since there's no DQ in triple threat matches, leaving Ambrose and Reigns as the only two logical outcomes; besides, I don't think anyone's interested in Triple H vs. Lesnar Part IV.

However, if WWE does have Roman Reigns go over, they're possibly painting themselves into a bit of a corner by, once again, not listening to the reactions and interests of fans. With the exception of being as physically pretty as Roman Reigns is and not being as physically strong, Ambrose has every advantage over Reigns in terms of charisma, personality, promo ability and in-ring work. Plus, let's be honest, Dean Ambrose is much more universally over than Reigns is and I've little doubt that, given the choice, many more fans at Fastlane will cheer for Ambrose over Reigns.

I liked how the Authority brought the fans into the various insults during the opening promo tonight to help get heat on Triple H, as part of putting heat on Trips as a heel instead of cheering him. However, again, there's just no real way at this time that most fans cheer for Reigns at Fastlane over Ambrose; fans have long since embraced Ambrose in a way that they haven't with Reigns.
Seems pretty much a lock that Roman Reigns will go over, but I am curious as to Ambrose's role in the storyline playing out as I actually was expecting the Rock to be in Reigns' corner for Mania against the Cerebral Assassin.

As for Dean Ambrose Main Eventing WrestleMania 32:
I just can't see WWE going with him in a Main Event slot for a Mania which they are looking to break records with, and no way the WWE aborts their Roman Reigns push at this late stage. That would make no sense whatsoever at this point regardless of what occured last night at the Royal Rumble.
My exact thoughts on this match is that I don't mind the triple threat itself...

And I don't mind that it will further build Wyatts/Brock and Roman/Hunter...but it's such an idiotic way to get there when none of it was necessary. Brock/Bray are already on collision course, and Hunter/Roman have been for months...why does WWE feel the need to convolute it so much?

My guess is that they want to add the element of "surprise". And may be they think more people will watch that match or tune in since Dean Ambrose is involved and since it's a triple threat match, so they won't be bored to death watching Roman.

My prediction is:-

Wyatt family screws Brock.

Roman somehow either pins Ambrose, or just ends up spearing an already-decimated Brock for the emphatic pinfall victory.

Like others, I just don't see Dean Ambrose winning the match, especially when he's the IC champion.

Also, I disagree with Jack and the IWC when they just declare in unison that Dean Ambrose is charismatic and all. To me, personally, he's just a guy in the jeans who wrestles OKAY, and lately, I've turned my opinion into a conviction that all his grimaces and "Oh I'm crazy" stuff is overrated. Dean Ambrose is overrated. Whom do I think is actually charismatic and better? Kevin Owens. Oh and of course, the IWC's beloved Seth freakin' Rollins.

Did anyone else find it weird that none of the four competitors in the first two singles matches, especially Kevin Owens, was included in the match as part of "Impress the Authority" series of matches? So AJ Styles and KO failed to impress them but Dean and Roman succeeded? Like, why isn't KO in the main event and Dean Ambrose is? Once again it seems to me that it has something to do with how they will STILL try to get Roman over. I sense a heel turn, either of Roman or of Dean. I already sensed it the minute when I saw the promotion of the Highlight Reel featuring Ambrose and Reigns this thursday on Smackdown. Chris Jericho is going to play insidious here, and ask Reigns or Ambrose some questions and ask them whether they really care about each other and whether Roman can really "trust" Dean and vice versa.
I figured Reigns would've used his rematch clause like every other person has that loses the world title. Overall I'm satisfied, at least Fastlane has a main event in place and we saw the plot thicken with the Reigns/Authority angle. Brock gives the match more value with his presence so it's not total face vs face. Kinda funny they add in Brock despite him not even being there to "impress" The Authority.

I was anticipating an Ambrose heel turn tonight - seeing if they'd stack the odds against Reigns. The problem with this angle is Reigns has gone over The Authority every week up until last night. At some point I figure they could balance it out more now that Triple H has the championship belt. I like Reigns, but I feel nothing about him has changed and he just doesn't excite me.
My exact thoughts on this match is that I don't mind the triple threat itself...

And I don't mind that it will further build Wyatts/Brock and Roman/Hunter...but it's such an idiotic way to get there when none of it was necessary. Brock/Bray are already on collision course, and Hunter/Roman have been for months...why does WWE feel the need to convolute it so much?

This is what you consider convoluted? Jeez no wonder the story-lines never have any sort of depth to them. You'd rather just have them announce both main event matches without any sort of build?

Reigns is the obvious winner of the match but I'm still looking forward to it. Deans going to bump his ass off.
I was anticipating an Ambrose heel turn tonight - seeing if they'd stack the odds against Reigns. The problem with this angle is Reigns has gone over The Authority every week up until last night. At some point I figure they could balance it out more now that Triple H has the championship belt. I like Reigns, but I feel nothing about him has changed and he just doesn't excite me.

Now that you've mentioned it, the heel turn at this point would actually make sense and make WWE TV more interesting. And Roman Reigns certainly doesn't excite me either, and things aren't really that interesting.

Why would Dean turn heel? He could just attack Roman viciously and cut a promo about how he's sick and tired of being Roman Reigns' shadow and being a "secondary" champion while Reigns is already a two-time champ. And so on.

The problem if that were to happen is that fans might still cheer for him, and it'd look terrible if they continue booing a face Reigns- The God of Misfortunes- and cheering a HEEL Dean Ambrose.

May be Dean could attack him and needn't even turn "heel" but be somewhat like Austin in 1996/97.

Sigh...I'm hanging on to the hope that this will be like last year. The build to WM31 was generic, predictable, and dull. But, with the exception of Lesnar/Reigns, the entire show delivered and every match was great. Hopefully this year will be similar and the big event will deliver despite the sub-par build thus far.
Brock can't ignore wyatt, so either Bray gets involved to lock WM (no DQ in triple threats), or they're building to that anyways

Dean is IC champion, unless he drops it on Free TV, or they make him still defend the title at fastlane, AND join the Triple, I don't see them putting Ambrose in the ME.

Reigns is like 90% chance here, and 10% Brock, as someone else said though, Your money matches at WM are the World Title, Brock, Undertaker, the less you mix them, the more diverse card you have to draw more people.

Ambrose turning on Roman or Roman turning on Ambrose are the only way I see this match being "interesting" from a story perspective.
Dean Ambrose's presence in this No.1 Contender Match for Triple H's WWE World Heavyweight Championship is both bane and boon. Its good because Roman Reigns doesnot need to pin Brock to win. He can pin Ambrose. Its bad because crowd is gonna cheer Ambrose over Reigns and if Reigns wins by pinning Ambrose, He will probably be booed.

Speaking of heel turns, I see neither Dean nor Roman to turn heel. Roman willnot turn heel because you already know why. Dean willnot turn heel because he is gonna be cheered over Roman despite being a heel.

About this match's result, I think Bray Wyatt & his family screws Brock and Roman goes on to win his 3rd WWE World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 32 and Wyatt faces Brock in which i hope Wyatt wins.

Depending on how the next few weeks go in terms of how the fans respond to Roman Reigns then I can see the match ending with Dean and Roman pinning eachother and the match at Wrestlemania being a triple threat.
Can someone please explain to me how this is the match the authority has set up? The same authority who did everything to screw Roman Reigns out of the title and put the belt on HHH has the power to make any match they want. In what world does HHH want to defend his title against any of these 3 guys. Why not Sheamus? Why not someone who has no chance or will take it easy on him kayfabe? I lick the match, but storyline wise it makes no sense to me.
Depending on how the next few weeks go in terms of how the fans respond to Roman Reigns then I can see the match ending with Dean and Roman pinning each other and the match at Wrestlemania being a triple threat.

This!!! THat's a good call. Wyatt's definitely taking Brock out. 1) To protect Brock 2) To further the storyline that started last Raw and at the Royal Rumble. Ambrose & Reigns simultaneously pinning each other is perfect and stacks the deck against HHH. Also it allows for Roman & Dean to separate from one another with the WWE WHC on the line. Also both former SHield members have beef with HHH that's brewed going back to the Evolution/Shield feud. What they could do is have Ambrose pin HHH. Roman raise his hand to close WM and then the next night on Raw have Reigns turn on Ambrose. Then, when he explains himself he says that he's sick of others always stealing his spotlight. His opportunities. That Dean betrayed their brotherhood by pinning HHH and robbed him of his WM moment. Dean is selfish. Dean rode Roman's coattails. He should have stayed out of Roman's business. Now, Dean severed their brotherhood due to his own greed and personal glory.
Bray Wyatt is going to cost Lesnar the match - very very predictable. Reigns will go over Ambrose, they will shake hands and then he will go on to face Triple H.

I usually try to put a positive spin on all things WWE - I am not really a moaner and in the main I enjoy their show but this doesn't look good to me. My 7 year old could predict this.
Can someone please explain to me how this is the match the authority has set up? The same authority who did everything to screw Roman Reigns out of the title and put the belt on HHH has the power to make any match they want. In what world does HHH want to defend his title against any of these 3 guys. Why not Sheamus? Why not someone who has no chance or will take it easy on him kayfabe? I lick the match, but storyline wise it makes no sense to me.

You are absolutely correct. I was scratching my head at this one....If there is a logically answer I would like to hear it. But WWE defies logic sometimes and it is done for 'fun purposes' so I will run with it anyway.
And I don't mind that it will further build Wyatts/Brock and Roman/Hunter...but it's such an idiotic way to get there when none of it was necessary. Brock/Bray are already on collision course, and Hunter/Roman have been for months...why does WWE feel the need to convolute it so much?

I have to disagree because this would add more fuel to the fire. Look at it from this perspective: in the Royal Rumble, it's "every man for himself" and, logically speaking, Lesnar could understand Wyatt using his Family to help eliminate Lesnar. He hates it, obviously, as it means he didn't win the WWE World Championship, but he understood it as it's the nature of the match. However, the Royal Rumble is over and Lesnar has another opportunity to headline WrestleMania to face Triple H for the title; it's not as grand for Lesnar to be going into WrestleMania as challenger rather than champion, but it's the next best thing. So, all of a sudden, here comes Wyatt and his Family to interfere yet again and cost Lesnar the opportunity to main event WrestleMania. For the Rumble, it could be understood as it's "business", for Fastlane, it's personal and there's no way of getting around that.
Don't know why Brock is involved. Reigns is the former champ, Ambrose came 2nd in the Rumble. It should just be them.

That said, Brock Fucking Lesnar.
Roman wins but who cares, it's logical. Crazy maych right there. I believed that we were going to get some boring Roman vs Sheamus #1 contender's with Roman's career on the line. But hey, WWE did something I did not expect for once.

One problem though: If Bray and bros screw Brock, then Roman should not win, since he's a face. Also "anyone but you Roman" gets flushed down the toilet that way.

This concludes me to this: Bray should not run in to make an interference. Instead what Bray can do, is while Lesnar is paying attention to the triple threat during the build-up, Bray will be paying attention to Lesnar, with attacks and various other tricks.

Also, the family will attack Brock before the match with hammers or something like that. Brock will still have a strong showing, but he will lose, due to the physical and psycological exhaust caused by the Wyatts.
This should be balls-out badass, continuing what is become a FastLane tradition.

I think Roman is the obvious winner here, possibly via some Wyatt shenanigans....Itll be interesting to see how that pans out with Reigns needing to go over crowd favorite Dean Ambrose yet again on the way to the belt.
My exact thoughts on this match is that I don't mind the triple threat itself...

Neither does WWE, It's always a handy way to keep Brock from victory without sacrificing his reputation as a monster. It worked at WM31 and it will work again.

Meanwhile, I really don't see Dean Ambrose as a world champion.....but then, I didn't see him lasting this long as an important player in the company, so what do I know?

Either way, I figure Brock will be occupied with the Wyatt clan come WM32, leaving whomever wins this 3-way as the opponent of Triple H at the big event.

Brock's presence in this match will create the 'buy a ticket!' excitement but I'm figuring Roman wins the match.
Did they announce that this was a #1 Contenders match? I don't think they've actually gone ahead and said that yet. While I'm all for this match, it practically guarantees that HHH won't be defending the title at Fast Lane which kind of sucks. I never like watching PPV's where the top prize is not defended, but considering I only have to pay 10 bucks nowadays, I'll let it slide.

The match should be good, but I doubt it comes anywhere near the Triple Threat at the Rumble last year. I'm mostly intrigued as to how Ambrose is going to be handled in this match. Will he and Roman team up on Lesnar? Will Ambrose just be there as a punching bag? And I doubt Lesnar gets pinned so that means once again, Roman will pin Ambrose. There has to be a turn on the horizon for Dean. That's the only reason I can see them still keeping him around Reigns. It's almost like they're afraid to pull the trigger though.

Good match, predictable outcome.
Did they announce that this was a #1 Contenders match? I don't think they've actually gone ahead and said that yet. While I'm all for this match, it practically guarantees that HHH won't be defending the title at Fast Lane which kind of sucks. I never like watching PPV's where the top prize is not defended, but considering I only have to pay 10 bucks nowadays, I'll let it slide.

The match should be good, but I doubt it comes anywhere near the Triple Threat at the Rumble last year. I'm mostly intrigued as to how Ambrose is going to be handled in this match. Will he and Roman team up on Lesnar? Will Ambrose just be there as a punching bag? And I doubt Lesnar gets pinned so that means once again, Roman will pin Ambrose. There has to be a turn on the horizon for Dean. That's the only reason I can see them still keeping him around Reigns. It's almost like they're afraid to pull the trigger though.

Good match, predictable outcome.

I have a feeling that if they hadn't had the recent string of injuries, they would have pulled the trigger on the Dean turn. They need him to be a face for now to cover for the injuries though.

While my brain says that we will get Reigns vs. Triple H and Mania, my heart says WWE will throw a curve ball in and let Lesnar win, setting up Brock vs. Triple H and having Dean vs. Reigns fight it out, possibly over the IC title at Mania.

I just don't want to believe that WWE is going to be so stupid as to push Reigns at the expense of another over face. I like Reigns, I enjoy what he does and how far he has come in a little over two years now, but WWE seem so dead set on pushing him that they keep getting negative results.
Why a 3 way match? Dean Ambrose has next to no chance of winning in my opinion.

Still, I suppose it's better for him to have a chance at the World title than feuding with a fat French Canadian who does 4 moves and has rubbish mic skills.
Why a 3 way match? Dean Ambrose has next to no chance of winning in my opinion.

Still, I suppose it's better for him to have a chance at the World title than feuding with a fat French Canadian who does 4 moves and has rubbish mic skills.

It's a Triple Threat Match because:

1 - Brock Lesnar won't let anybody pin him with X amount of extra zeroes added to his contract.

2 - #LOLRomanWins
So there are two super over guys and Roman Reigns, good luck getting Reigns over! I see WWE calling an audible, because there is no way Reigns is getting a good reaction. Reigns headlining Mania is worse than Big Show, it's going to take Rock by his side to be over. I take that back, Rock being there won't help Reigns at all.

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