WWE Extreme Rules: Strap Match - Sheamus VS Mark Henry


As Sheamus accepted Mark Henry's challenge, they'll meet at Extreme Rules, the stipulation hasn't been announced as of yet.

If I had to guess, however, I think it'll be a strap match given that Henry used a belt to whip Sheamus last night.

It's a pretty lame gimmick, in my opinion, if that is indeed the match they're going with. On top of that, there's just something unsettling about seeing a white man whipping a black man with a piece of leather. It'll be even more unsettling considering that Sheamus is a white as can be pure blood Irishman and Henry is a very dark skinned African American.

While I'm sure WWE isn't purposely trying to do anything to court racial tension, if this match does turn out to be a strap match, it doesn't erase centuries of history that the sight of a black man being whipped is bound to bring to mind.
Lmfao. Dude that had me laughing so hard, but is so true. I understand that the wwe are running out of extreme pg gimmicks, and that they're using the top gimmick matches for better performers, but c'mon now. Thats a lazy ass booking. A falls count anywhere match, a tables match, a barbed wire match (not very pg), extreme rules match,ect i mean this was a very lazy booking.
Good point JH very good point! But Mark Henry is a proud African American man! He understands the business standpoint if that match happens and knows there is no Ill Intent. That said i do agree that match shouldn't happen as i just watch Django and that movie to me was unsettling. Yes i understand back then thats how it was but still its unsettling. I would have preferred that Mark Henry vs Sheamus match would have been a last man standing match and Cena and Ryback would have been a streetfight falls count anywhere.

What this match the stip is going to include im sure we will find out on Smackdown or Raw next week. Maybe a tables match? Or an I quit match? Anything but a strap match mark henry might be ok with that but just the thought of it is not ok with me and im sure not okay with a lot of people mainly their sponsors
Personally, Mark Henry whipping Sheamus last night didn't bother me at all, but I was surprised WWE allowed/or approved the post match beatdown. With Henry screaming "I'm a whip you like you stole something, boy", and tanning Sheamus' hide so to speak, I think it's more unlikely we'll see a strap match at Extreme Rules. I just can't imagine WWE taking THAT kind of risk, especially when you consider the potential backlash leading up to and after the match.

Henry whipping Sheamus was just a way for Mark to get revenge on the Irishman for weeks of embarrassment. The welts, the brutalization, and the dominance. All of this was designed for Henry to get the most brutal form of revenge, and maintain his aura as an unstoppable beast. Also, Sheamus' pasty white skin color has been the butt of many jokes in WWE, including comparisons to a bottle of ketchup. It just so happens Sheamus is going up against a large and intimidating black man. Nothing less, nothing more.

With all that said, it's kind of tricky to pick a winner here. Sheamus hasn't picked up a major and strong victory on pay per view since defeating Daniel Byran at last year's Extreme Rules pay per view. You can say Sheamus needs the win more. Since his feud with Big Show ended, Sheamus continues to bounce back and forth in the mid card, while playing the role of someone, who stands up to and fights The Shield. Mark Henry maintained his dominance as the nasty monster heel upon his return. Then WWE pretty much pissed away and fumbled his momentum after Wrestlemania by having him compete for the right to face John Cena after defeating Ryback at Wrestlemania 29.

But all signs are pointing towards a Sheamus win. I have strong feeling Sheamus is going to get his revenge for the sneak attacks and the whipping on Raw last night. A hard fought victory over Henry can give Sheamus the momentum he needs to get back into the WHC picture, and I just can't picture a scenario that involves Henry walking out of Extreme Rules with the win.
The Strap Match is a tired gimmick that needs to be retired. I mean maybe it worked 30 years ago, but today's audience could care less. I'm pretty sure Hogan and Flair killed this gimmick in WCW with their "Yappapa Strap Match" garbage.

To top it off, this feud was interesting a year ago when they first paired these two up, but anymore it's just lame and boring.

Sheamus sucks as a face. I'm sick of him smiling and cracking the same lame jokes. G back to being a monster heel or just go away Lobsterhead.
I don't have a problem with a Leather Strap match, but using that stipulation for this type of match is meh. These guys are two tough powerhouses, they need a match in which they can really brutalize each other and have access to more weapons. That's why I would go with a Falls Count Anywhere match. Also the last two times they faced each other, both men won by count-out. Neither man has truly beaten the other until one of em is pinned or submitted and that's how this match should be decided, not by one man touching all 4 turnbuckles. Or if they don't wanna go with a match in which either man doesn't get pinned or submitted, an Ambulance match would be perfect for these two. Again, it would give them the chance to really brutalize each other.

Before Del Rio lost the title, I would've said Mark Henry would come out the winner here, but now that Ziggler has the title I agree with Mitch that Sheamus will come out as the winner, giving him the momentum he needs to get back into the WHC picture.
While I'm sure WWE isn't purposely trying to do anything to court racial tension, if this match does turn out to be a strap match, it doesn't erase centuries of history that the sight of a black man being whipped is bound to bring to mind.

In fairness, the plight of the Irish Catholics who fled to the United States in the 1800's was much the same of the African American, as they were considered slaves in their native land. When the Irish first came to the United States seeking refuge, they were allies of the 'black man', and in the South, often wedding one another during the time of slavery. And imagine this: Upon arrival, they were generally only given work when the jobs were considered 'too dangerous' for that of a black slave! It wasn't until the 1860's and the infamous New York Draft Riot that the Irish and the African American found themselves enemies.

What does that have to do with this match? Well nothing, really, so enough history time with LSN. :) This feud seemingly came out of nowhere, with Henry attacking Sheamus backstage while Sheamus was doing a backstage interview. This came the Smackdown after Henry was thrown into and then subsequently out of the WWE Title Picture when he took a countout loss to John Cena on Raw.

Many may not remember the circumstances that lead to Sheamus turning face. In the summer of 2011, while Christian and Randy Orton were feuding over the World Title, Henry was running roughshod through everyone on Smackdown. He had putten several guys on the shelf, including Big Show and Kane. He had attacked the timekeeper and officials, and Teddy Long was ready to essentially suspend him because there was noone who wanted to get involved with him. Enter Sheamus, whose music hit, and he uttered 3 simple words: "Ill fight him." And there was your face turn.

They had several good matches, with each winning one by countout, Henry the bigger one at Summerslam, but it never felt like they properly ended their feud. But when I think strap match, I think of the 'Country Whipping Match' that pitted JR and Jerry Lawler against Michael Cole and Jack Swagger, and I groan heavily. Generally with strap matches(other then that one), they've done the four corners gimmick, haven't they? Not that those are much better, but it would be preferable to a simple strap match. Tie the two together with rope, have them beat the hell out of each other, whoever touches four corners first wins.

Before Del Rio lost the title, I would've said Mark Henry would come out the winner here,but now that Ziggler has the title,I agree with Mitch that Sheamus will come out as the winner, giving him the momentum he needs to get back into the WHC picture.

Not necessarily. seperation is gone, Now that the brand seperation is gone, this could give Henry momentum to power him into the WWE Championship picture. WWE is in desperate need of credible heels, and Mark Henry certainly fits the bill. With the brand separation gone, he could be built back as a credible challenger to John Cena down the road.

Heck, he beat Cena's number one contender at Wrestlemania, so why isn't he there already? Strap match, four corner match, whatever. It's a tough one, but I'm going with Henry winning this.
As Sheamus accepted Mark Henry's challenge, they'll meet at Extreme Rules, the stipulation hasn't been announced as of yet.

If I had to guess, however, I think it'll be a strap match given that Henry used a belt to whip Sheamus last night.

It's a pretty lame gimmick, in my opinion, if that is indeed the match they're going with. On top of that, there's just something unsettling about seeing a white man whipping a black man with a piece of leather. It'll be even more unsettling considering that Sheamus is a white as can be pure blood Irishman and Henry is a very dark skinned African American.

While I'm sure WWE isn't purposely trying to do anything to court racial tension, if this match does turn out to be a strap match, it doesn't erase centuries of history that the sight of a black man being whipped is bound to bring to mind.

That is your opinion but mine is a little different. I would think that Mark Henry thinks of himself as a entertainer that is currently at the top of his game and peak of his career (which I agree with) and not have that prefaced as being an African American entertainer. To shy away from putting him in a leather strap match against a white performer is, in a way, having his race play against him which is something we all want avoided.

A strap match is perfect for these two because of the pale skin of Sheamus. When he gets knife edge chopped his chest turns beet red. Those pictures of him after getting whipped with the strap are gruesome to look at, although we all know that they probably didn't hurt him too badly and just stung for a little bit. This kind of match is something where even if Sheamus does go over he will look like he was completely destroyed by Henry when you look at the welts all over his body.

Mark Henry is the 2nd best thing going in WWE right now behind the rise of Ziggler and this match has the potential to create one of those special moments of the year. Let's leave race out of this, as I'm sure both wrestlers and anyone at the WWE would hope, and just let it be a match that we don't see very often against one solid performer and one that is at the pinnacle of his career.

And I forgot to put it in earlier but I hope they do the 4 corners rule with it. If so I'd like to see Sheamus go over. I can just imagine him with welts all over his bright red back and chest struggling to carry Henry to each corner. I could be a really cool moment.
I will tell you this much, JBL sold that beating on Raw very well. Henry did as well with his yelling I whipped you like you stole something. Mark Henry is one of my absolute favorite right now and I hope they go with something other than a strap match now. I would love to see these two go at in an I Quit match. Imagine the brutality it would take to get one of them to quit. The feud has now reached that personal level where I think one really wants to humilate the other, and what better way than making the other say I Quit. I am really into this feud, and I get the feeling they will have more than one match. Just a shot in the dark, but I say Henry wins at Extreme Rules and the feud continues.
henry is a beast but sheamus is no more then a mid card wrestler...see you in the hall of pain sheamus nuff said
Mark Henry has been one of the most consistent and enjoyable talents in WWE for the past two years or so. i know, somebody find me some rock salt cuz i think hell just froze over. sucky joke aside, Henry is a monster heel and has been booked according to his strengths. great job by WWE in handling him and the Hall of Pain.

Sheamus is a bit too goofy sometimes to be taken seriously, but he's also a big bruising brawler and has had some of the most enjoyable matches in recent memory. his 2/3 falls match with Bryan and matches with Big Show were very good. and i think Sheamus and Henry can have a good slugfest that benefits both men, keeps both looking strong and is fun to watch for us the fans.

i actually thought they might go with the strap match ever since the tug-of-war deal on Raw a few weeks back. and then on Smackdown with the arm wrestling segment too. the whole idea of Sheamus "letting go" so he can cheap shot Henry and gain the advantage just made me think that Henry would demand a stipulation to their match in which Sheamus couldn't run away. now with Henry whipping Sheamus, it seems like a foregone conclusion. quite frankly, i'm good with it.

the image of a white guy whipping a black guy with a belt never crossed my mind as being a big deal or a bad thing. but my mind just wasn't going that direction. if they do stick to a strap match, i hope they do a win by pin or submission match as opposed to touch all four corners match. i think using the strap to either tie up the opponent and lock in a submission or a using the strap to gain leverage on a pin would make for a match ending that doesn't make either guy look weak and could then be used in storyline to continue a feud that currently i'm really enjoying.

hoping for Sheamus/Henry strap match at Extreme Rules... cuz that's what i do. all right, that's my last bad joke.
On Main Event just now, it was announced that the Sheamus vs. Mark Henry match at Extreme Rules will indeed be a strap match.

After seeing the welts on Sheamus' back just now, coupled with how JBL helped sell the beating, this does have at least the appearance of a brutal match. As fair skinned as he is, Sheamus' welts looked pretty damn awful, probably far worse than they actually were, but the point got across.

Still, as I said in my original post, I do get a little squirmy about having a black man literally whipped, albeit with a belt, by a white man. I know it's wrestling and no racial tension is intended, it's just that it still simply feels a little weird.
Actually surprised they went with the strap match. I thought Henry whipping Sheamus was a one-off thing, but I was wrong.

I'm sure some people will feel uncomfortable watching a black man being whipped by a white man, but in the end, I hope it doesn't become a big deal. Being whipped by another man is beyond humiliating and degrading, so Sheamus will have his chance for some payback at Extreme Rules. That's all it is, and I hope the strap match won't blow up into a big issue.
Hopefully, Henry will win this one. I think, even though you've mentioned the race part of this, nobody is really going to focus on it when it comes down to the match, because they're watching purely for the entertainment and the brutality. This match has the potential to really hurt both men and I think it will. While you say it'll be awkward watching a white man whip a black man, what happens when it's the other way around?

Anyway, racial talk aside, I think this match deserves to go to Henry. He's been beaten up by Sheamus every week, being humiliated with Brogue Kicks and it's time that Henry told him that enough is enough, beating him to the corners.

Mark Henry to win
This is a different stipulation which is good. I haven't seen a "strap match" for a while so a change will be good. The problem is that I can already account for watching at least 5 minutes of Sheamus lying on the ground while Henry walks around the ring - that is NOT entertaining.

The match will be physical and I can think we see Henry winning setting up an inevitable rematch.
I think Mark Henry needs the win more than Sheamus just because of his gimmick. He's been seen as being an unstoppable monster. He beat Ryback clean at WM. I think he needs to whip the ever loving sht out of Sheamus and win cleanly. If that were to happen he could be the next contender for the WWE Title. Even in EC he was destroying everyone and it took a finisher from every person left to get him out. I love the way he's been booked since returning from his injury but a clean loss to Sheamus will completely kill that momentum IMO.

I'm not expecting too much out of this one. I'm not that much of a fan of the strap match type, although at least it is something different. I hate to say it, as I dislike Henry and rarely ever predict against my puppy's namesake (Sheamus), but I've got to give the predicted win to Henry here. Cena needs new heels to face after Ryback and Henry might be next in line. I really hate to admit it. Unfortunately that is the direction I see them going in. I have no desire to see Henry get any more world title shots but that doesn't mean it won't happen. I'd much rather see Sheamus win. I try as best I can to go by what I think will happen in these predictions though, not necessarily what I as a person would rather see.

The match won't be the worst of the evening, I have low expectations for it though. Hopefully it goes on earlier in the evening so we can get it over with. Henry wins. He needs it more than Sheamus does if he is going to be built up for a WWE or World Heavyweight Championship shot. Sheamus will be fine. A loss here will not hurt him and he will regain his own momentum in no time. Henry moves on to a title shot somewhere down the line while Sheamus goes into another filler feud that he can use to regain his own momentum.

Mark Henry will defeat Sheamus.
I'm not sure if this match is going to be awesome or it is really hyped up. When the feud started, all the random attacks between both men we're incredible, it made a great storyline between these two characters, a brawler and a bully (basically), they don't need much to prove or to talk about. Recently it came down a little, I was hoping for more physicality but it's OK with Henry kicking Sheamus's ass with that strap.

Like other, I'm not a big fan of a strap match, but it's different I guess, anyway it can be an interesting match. It can go either way, I can see both men winning and feuding against Cena if it¡s Henry or Ziggler if it's Sheamus. However both oportunities wouldn't come immediately since ADR could win the number 1 spot and I don't see Ryback finishing his feud with Cena. I legitimately don't know who is going to win, that makes this match so interesting.
I know it's wrestling and no racial tension is intended, it's just that it still simply feels a little weird.

Understood, but it's a four corners match as much as anything. This isn't the Country Whipping match we got with JR/Lawler vs Swagger/Cole two years ago, it's simply tying the two together and the first to touch four corners win. In many matches of this variety, I don't recall the rope coming into play all that much as a weapon, more as keeping the two within close proximity so they can beat the hell out of each other.

I think Henry wins this. Sheamus doesn't seem destined to be back in the main event picture at this point, and Henry could be the next challenger for Cena if he beats Ryback and their program ends after one match. Not that this mattered with Ryback, as he got the title shot after losing to Henry at WrestleMania. Hey, maybe they'll do the same here, have Henry lose, then give him a title shot! Since when did wins and losses mean anything, after all? ;)

In all seriousness, WWE is short on heels to face Cena for the title. I expect Swagger to lose at ER, and even if he won, he wouldn't be challenging for the WWE Title, it would be the World Title. So who does that leave? The Shield to be settling into the mid-card picture in terms of title chase, so I don't see that happening. I suppose if Kane and Bryan break up, one of them could get a shot, but again, they would be coming off of losing. Not that it means anything. ;)

I think Henry wins this. They're likely biding time until Punk comes back, and what better challenger after one monster for Cena if he beats Ryback then....another monster? I'm not really looking forward to this match, as strap matches have, on the whole, been pretty bad. But this could be a brutal affair, and I see it playing out exactly how Henry said it would.

Henry is simply too big, no matter how many brogue kicks he gives him, to drag him around the ring. Henry wins.
PR backlash aside, this could be an entertaining match and play off the strengths of both men. Henry is a monster and Sheamus is a brawler. Let them duke it out and whip eachother pretty bad. Sheamus pulls off the win here somehow and Henry bullies someone else or finds another match to face Sheamus in down the road.
Sheamus wins this. It's rare for Sheamus to lose on PPV, and even though Show beat him on a PPV recently, you can't have such a strong face lose this often. I want to see some brutal action with these two and wouldn't be opposed to some bloodshed, but I'll settle for some stiff shots with the straps and a good, solid back and forth.

Sheamus has to win this though...
This was the most disappointing match of the night for me, I was expecting these two to really go at it and have a brutal strap match, but it was tame and the strap was barely used, plus the finish shouldn't have counted as the sequence is clearly broken between Sheamus touching corner 3 and 4.

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