WWE Extreme Rules 2013 Discussion & Aftermath

No one Team Hell No has shared the ring with have appeared to even be the slightest bit of a threat when it comes to the tag titles.

Well I dunno about that. While it's true that WWE's interest in The Prime Time Players & Team Rhodes Scholars has faded over the course of WM season, they were pretty legit threats up until probably 2 or 3 months ago. Both teams scored wins and had some genuinely good matches against Team Hell No. For quite a while, people have been predicting when THN would implode due to their frequent arguments, which helped make the PTPs and TRS seem like even more of a threat. However, their time of being serious contenders to Kane & Bryan is over. They weren't built up to be as serious as The Shield but, frankly, I don't think anybody expected WWE to stay so consistently strong behind The Shield for as long as they have. The Shield has gotten one of the most consistent non main event pushes in WWE in quite some time.

The Prime Time Players & Team Rhodes Scholars are still both good teams, but they need to be re-established as threats to the tag team titles. Either that, or some new teams need to be introduced. I do expect one or the other, possibly a combination of both, because I don't see WWE putting the titles on The Shield just for the sake of having them carry the straps around. They've devoted too much time & energy into The Shield and have built them as far too big of a threat to the whole roster just to have a lame duck run with the straps that's all but meaningless right from the start.
I agree with most of the posters, The Shield should win the Tag Team Titles at Extreme Rules & continue their undefeated streak on PPV. I would have liked to see a TLC match but since the World Title is a Ladder Match I think an Extreme Rules, Falls Count Anywhere or maybe even Last Man Standing Match would all be very good & plausible options.

I know it's highly unlikely, especially since it has it's own PPV but I REALLY want to see The Shield in an Elimination Chamber match before the disband. They have the perfect sized team to do a 3 on 3 Tag Match Chamber & I think it could be really unique & awesome match for The Shield, especially if it is against a team like Undertaker & Team Hell No.
since Orton vs Big Show has been announced as an Extreme Rules Match for the PPV on WWE.com this past weekend, I expect the Shield vs Team Hell No match at the PPV to be either a Tables Match or Falls Count Anywhere Match, since there are really no other options left...
The big buzz has been flowing around the internet that The Shield members are projected to win all the titles tonight in their prospective matches.That being true remains uncertain. I feel that anything could happen and will happen.

Over the past few months or so The Shield has looked great but not booking wise. Besides their prospective loses (Rollins being pinned by cena and Ambrose/Reigns both being dq'd in the big six man tag team match this past monday night) and (Ambrose lost to the Undertaker a few weeks back) they have managed to stay relevant.

On topic, We all know the shield will fall sometime soon and with that being said a lose tonight will not hurt in any fashion if booked right.

This is what should happen, In the U.S title match Ambrose should lose cleanly making it look like an upset ala fandango beating y2j at mania. This would not make Ambrose look weak being that Kingston is looked at as the underdog of this match. Ambrose could attack Kingston and remain relevant. In the Tag title match we could see a similar situation occur. Have Kingston interfere in the match because we all know Ambrose will be by in the corner of Rollins and reigns. Thus putting Kingston over and still keeping him relevant as well. The next night on raw, The shield will be out for justice for what Kingston did to them. Team Hell No will not be far behind as they will be at the aid of Kingston.Making this feud continue.

This bring us to Payback, where their will be a six man tag team winner takes all match with the shield taking on Kingston and THN. In the end the shield walks away with the titles as a team because that is how wwe has put them over. This could also help Kingston elevate to winning the MITB but thats another subject.

Thoughts and comment please!!!!!!
WWE Extreme Rules
St. Louis, Missouri
Scottrade Center
May 19, 2013

1. Chris Jericho vs. Fandango - A solid match overall. There were a clunky spot at one point in the match from Jericho but, other than that, it was a good match overall. The live crowd was into the match and both guys worked well together. I kind of had a sense that they were sort of feeling each other out rather than going all out, which could be thought of as good or bad depending on where this program actually goes. The ending of the match was strong as they kicked it up a notch. The end comes after Fandango goes to the top and leaps off. He's intercepted by Jericho via the Codebreaker. Jericho gets the cover and scores the clean win just a bit past the 8.5 minute mark. Fandango losing here doesn't bother me as Jericho is someone that's lost a good number of matches and put a lot of younger guys over in the past few years. Given that they're tied at a match each, I suspect there'll be a rubber match coming up at the next ppv. **1/2

2. Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose for the WWE United States Championship - This match was also solid but it wasn't quite what I was hoping for. It went to the 6.5 minute mark and it seemed a little short. I think that if they gave these guys 12 to 15 minutes, they could tear the house down. All in all, however, the match was pretty good that had the expected, and the right, ending. They worked well together and the relative shortness of the first two matches has me thinking that WWE is going to give a lot of time to the main event matches. The end comes with Kofi going for Trouble in Paradise, he hit the move earlier but Ambrose was knocked out of the ring. After Ambrose dodges it, he follows up with the modified bulldog/DDT move that he's been using for his finisher. Ambrose gets the cover and scores the clean win. Dean Ambrose is the new WWE United States Champion. I'm excited about this move because, as I've said a lot of times, I simply don't see WWE putting gold on The Shield if they don't intend to use them well. They booking for them has been consistently strong and I just hope that doesn't change. **1/2

3. Sheamus vs. Mark Henry in a Strap Match - Meh, pretty forgettable stuff here. This match simply didn't do it for me and it just kinda felt half assed from the start. The match had the slapping with the strap as you'd expect but, to me, it's just an uninteresting & outdated concept. The fact that this is the third match of the card and has gone less than 8 minutes definitely is a sign than the main event matches are going to get lots of time. Sheamus ultimately wins after nailing Henry with the Brogue Kick. He'd managed to touch three of the four corners before this and slaps the fourth after taking Henry down. *1/2

4. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger in an I Quit Match - Like the first two matches, this was a solid outing but it wasn't as good as I was expecting. It doesn't help that the crowds simply aren't responding all that well to Del Rio as a babyface. Both Del Rio & Swagger worked hard during the match and there was some entertaining action. The ending of the match was a little overbooked but it was also something different. Ricardo being attacked by Coulter only for Coulter to throw in Del Rio's towel was a nice little touch that I didn't expect when the match started. Having another ref come down to tell the other ref what happened was sort of a buzzkill. Eventually, however, Del Rio is able to get the better of Swagger by putting him in the Cross Armbreaker, causing him to say "I Quit". Del Rio is the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. **1/2

5. Team Hell No vs. The Shield in a Tag Team Tornado Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship - Aside from that I wish this match had been given more time, it's been the best of the night thus far. It had a wild, chaotic sort of pacing about it and, given the ppv, it was especially appropriate. Aside from the I Quit match, none of the matches on the show have made it to the 10 minute mark. For this one, however, the short time frame didn't hinder it all that much. It would have been nice to see them go longer but I can't really complain all in all. The end comes with Daniel Bryan across Reigns' shoulders in a Torture Rack position. Rollins jumps off the top with a knee/foot, hard to tell which one, only for Reigns to deliver a Burning Hammer. Reigns gets the cover and the clean win. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns are the new WWE Tag Team Champions. Ambrose comes out after the match to celebrate. The Shield now has gold and while it was expected, it still makes it a noteworthy show. ***

6. Randy Orton vs. The Big Show - This match surprised me in that it was actually a lot better than I was expecting it to be. The St. Louis crowd simply ate up everything that the hometown boy did. The match had some nice physical action, I've always enjoyed the kendo stick. It delivers a really loud whack and looks like it's painful as hell, though 99% of the time it isn't. There was a pretty sick spot in which Show was going for a Vader bomb off the second rope. Orton was lying prone across a ladder which was suspended across a couple of chairs. Again, the live crowd was massively invested here and really popped when Show missed, hitting the ladder gut first. Orton then hit his DDT off the second rope and then nailed Big Show with an RKO, only for Show to kick out of a great & believable near fall. After this, Orton goes to work on Big Show with a steel chair, only for Show to eventually counter with a spear. Both men sold the effects of the match while the crowd tried to rally Orton. After they recover, Orton hits another RKO, this time onto one of the chairs in the ring. He doesn't go for the cover, however, and Orton's expression told a great story as he teased a punt. Orton set up the punt and delivered it and really got jacked up. He then made the cover and scored the win. A strong match, a surprisingly strong match that was made all the more enjoyable by the crowd just eating everything Orton did up. Orton himself seemed to be really, really jacked up and inspired, more so than he has been in quite a while. ***1/2

7. John Cena vs. Ryback in a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship - This was a very physical match that some people will praise and others will probably outright despise, mostly because of the ending. However, I think WWE did what they needed to tonight: they made Ryback look like he was on Cena's level. Ryback & Cena just went back & forth through the match and, frankly, it was better than I'd hoped or anticipated. Cena seemed to jack up the intensity & aggressiveness to another level as he really took it to Ryback in a manner that we don't usually see from him. Ryback, just like Cena was for him, took everything that Cena had to give and just kept coming back for more. I honestly expected The Shield to interfere in this match and lay Cena out when it looked as though Ryback was done. Personally though, I'm glad it didn't go down that way. I thought the ending overall was much better. After an attempted AA attempt, Ryback drives Cena backward through the Extreme Rules set. Both men sell unconsciousness and Ryback is eventually helped by two refs while Cena is stretchered out. The live crowd chants "bullshit" and I'd normally agree but, personally, I think this match had just the right ending. WWE needed to make Ryback look like an absolute beast against it's golden boy, John Cena, and they most definitely did that in my opinion. Ryback looked versatile, resourceful and just flat out tough as he took EVERYTHING that Cena could dish out and just keep coming. The match ends in a no contest about the 23 minute mark. Hate on it if you want but I really enjoyed this match and the ending helped make Ryback look stronger than he ever has. In the follow up to this, WWE shouldn't have Cena downplay the violence of the match or his "injuries" during it. I also think that he shouldn't try to make any jokes about Ryback and treat him like he truly is a threat the likes of which Cena hasn't faced before. ***3/4

8. Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar in a Steel Cage Match -Much like their match at WrestleMania, I thought both men worked their asses off and delivered a really good match. It was much better, in my opinion, than the overall reaction they got from the fans. It's a better reaction than WrestleMania, but still. Triple H spent a good portion of the match working on Lesnar's knee, which Lesnar started to favor after hitting Triple H with a running knee early in the match. I would have preferred that Heyman stayed out of the ring altogether but his actions did get some great reactions from the crowd. It was also something of a change to see Triple H using great wrestling holds like the Figure Four & the Sharpshooter against Lesnar. Not saying that Trips can't wrestle or anything, it's just that we've only seen him wrestle in brawl gimmick matches for several years now that I guess I just kinda forgot about it. Late in the match, after Triple H had pulled down a sledgehammer, and before Heyman interfered, Lesnar is able to get the hammer, eventually, and nails Trips with it. Lesnar then puts Trips up on his shoulders and delivers an F5. Lesnar gets the win in the center of the ring, pinning Trips at the 20.5 minute mark. I thought the story of Lesnar's injury was told well throughout and Trips was protected some while Lesnar still looked like a badass. ***1/2

Final Thoughts - From top to bottom, Extreme Rules was a very solid show. I thought WWE had things paced out in such a way that, for the most part, the matches simply got better as the night went along. With the exception of the strap match, the undercard matches were all solid, though most were a little on the short side in my opinion. Jericho scoring a win to even things up with Fandango works for me, he's lost a lot lately so giving him this one won't hurt Fandango. Kofi vs. Ambrose was also a solid match with the right guy, namely Ambrose, winning. The strap match just didn't work for me frankly. The I Quit match was well wrestled, albeit ending in a pretty predictable way. The tag title match was fun, but would have been better with more time. Also Rollins & Reigns winning was the right call. Orton vs. Big Show was a surprisingly good match, one much better than I was expecting. Cena vs. Ryback was match of the night, in my opinion. They delivered a very physical match that protected John Cena while making Ryback look like an absolute beast. People might not like that the match was a draw but considering that Ryback needed to look strong while Cena needed to retain, it was absolutely the right call and I enjoyed it. Lesnar vs. Triple H was also a good physical match with both wrestlers working hard. I'm glad they got a better response than their WM match. Lesnar picking up the win here was also the right call, so I'm hoping now that they'll move him onto other things. Not a lot of surprises on the show tonight but the show was really good, overall, in my opinion. It'll be interesting to see how they follow up things with Cena & Ryback, The Shield, Team Hell No and Lesnar & Triple H.

Grade: B
I was glad I ended up getting this PPV. You did feel like your were a part of history watching the Shield gather up all those belts. Ambrose won't dazzle you with his athleticism but his ring psychology and demented attitude makes him not to watch. He reminds me a lot of Raven and his finisher on Kofi looked devastasting.

Let me say that the Tornado Tag Team Match was A LOT of fun to watch. It was a pleasure seeing powerhouses like Kane and Roman Reigns and fast technical wrestlers like Byran and Rollins mix up. Kane grabbing both Shield members by the throat and forcing them over the top and then Bryan soaring threw the ropes taking them out and then doing the YES chant was a highlight for me. The Shield also revealed a tag team finishing move with Reigns holding up Bryan is a Torture Rack position and then Rollins coming off the top rope with his knee on Bryan's throat as Bryan came down in a reverse Death Valley Driver.


Call me a mark but I really thought John Cena and Ryback were injured. Ryback picking up Cena and charging threw the Extreme Rules set lights and all was quite an image. At first I thought it was a planned spot but then when the match was throw out I thought it was a little odd. Then the somber voiced Jerry "the King" Lawler , talking about how he's seen some crazy Mick Foley falls in the WWE and how the show was called Extreme Rules but sometimes thing going beyond entertainment, (something along those lines) I was starting to think it was legit. Could Ryback have thought that set was leaned against a wall and that there was has ended. It was just a really odd way to end a match. But after seeing footage of Cena getting up from the stretcher I'm almost 95% sure the spot was planned, but it looked pretty real for a second.

Those were the things that stood out for me. I enjoyed the show top to bottom and looking forward to Raw tomorrow.
That Cena match sucked, I'm glad I didn't go to that otherwise I'd have been pissed. Its all planned and shit so who wins isn't as important you want to be entertained and it looked like a cool spot, but at the same time, what a stupid way to end the match....

And I don't get how Cena keeps the title after that... makes no sense what so ever. What an awful ending, and the shield winning their matches, how predictable because I thought Ambrose would win before, but once he won, you know the shield is winning the other match and if he lost you know they are losing. It's just so bland and predictable for the most part seriously, what an awful show.

Big Show and Orton was an awful match how it ended was just stupid considering what Big Show kicked out of earlier in the match, and the Sheamus/Mark Henry match was flat out trash. I'm glad I watched it for free on the internet...
Well I dunno about that. While it's true that WWE's interest in The Prime Time Players & Team Rhodes Scholars has faded over the course of WM season, they were pretty legit threats up until probably 2 or 3 months ago. Both teams scored wins and had some genuinely good matches against Team Hell No. For quite a while, people have been predicting when THN would implode due to their frequent arguments, which helped make the PTPs and TRS seem like even more of a threat. However, their time of being serious contenders to Kane & Bryan is over. They weren't built up to be as serious as The Shield but, frankly, I don't think anybody expected WWE to stay so consistently strong behind The Shield for as long as they have. The Shield has gotten one of the most consistent non main event pushes in WWE in quite some time.

The Prime Time Players & Team Rhodes Scholars are still both good teams, but they need to be re-established as threats to the tag team titles. Either that, or some new teams need to be introduced. I do expect one or the other, possibly a combination of both, because I don't see WWE putting the titles on The Shield just for the sake of having them carry the straps around. They've devoted too much time & energy into The Shield and have built them as far too big of a threat to the whole roster just to have a lame duck run with the straps that's all but meaningless right from the start.

It just shows they don't think anything through... The tag team division went from looking like it could be interesting to being terrible within what, 6 months.... I mean you really have to fuck up to do that.
Average PPV at best
Dean Ambrose looks tired and clumsy
Team Hell No vs The Shield was the best match on the card.

Cena vs Ryback - was a slobber knocker but gotta say Cena carried that match as awfull as it was past the 50% mark but the ending no doubt many agree Ryback won he got to his feet b4 they helped him Cena didn't and there was no official result. That leaves a rubber match at Payback i guess

Triple H vs Brock III was ok not alot can happen between two sluggers in a cage match where there's bugger all room.

C minus. Nothing special but not TNA quality either. LOL
Chris Jericho vs Fandango: A good, solid opener that go the crowd going early on. Good back and forth action from both men and the crowd popped huge for the midair Codebreaker. Overall a good way to start a PPV and it's something that WWE doesn't always do and really should. Always start a PPV with a crowd pleasing match.

WWE United States Championship, Kofi Kingston (c) vs Dean Ambrose: Again another good, solid match. I'd have liked to have seen it to for a little bit longer, but that's could have tarnished the match due to Kingston's limitations. Dean Ambrose wins with a Headlock Driver. What I liked was that Ambrose didn't have Reigns and Rollins at ringside and that he went over clean. Imagine that, a heel in the WWE winning clean. When I was listening to Shawn Michaels on the Steve Austin Show, he said that the Intercontinetal Championship was always for the good workers. That's what the US Championship should be know that Ambrose has it. You could go through the summer with Ambrose and Bryan feuding over it. I'd like to see a Best Of Seven Serie like Booker and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named had in WCW. Good match and the right outcome.

Sheamus vs Mark Henry in a Strap Match: This is where I feel that WWE went wrong. This match should have been on after Jericho/Fandango and the US Title match should have taken this matches place. This match was the worst match of the night, hands down. The strap was barely used and the finish defied the rules of the match. When Henry had Sheamus up for the World's Strongest Slam, he stopped Sheamus' momentum and therefore the lights should have gone out. Also the wrong person went over here. This rivalry actually has legs so classic booking logic would dictate that the heel wins the first encounter. Bad match, wrong outcome and killed the crowd.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger in an I Quit Match to determine the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship: After the crowd killer that was the Strap Match, I'd have put the Tag Title match on here to break up the monotony. This match wasn't bad but it also didn't really capture the crowd in my opinion. The only thing that really annoyed me was that in recent I Quit matches the ref asked the wrestlers if they quit. To me, this takes something away from the drama of the match. It should be one wrestlers beats the hell out of the other and then screams at them to say "I Quit". Del Rio wins which is the right result.

WWE Tag Team Championship, The Shield (Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) vs Team Hell No (c): Very good match and it got the crowd back. Good back and forth action and I liked the aggressiveness of Reigns ("you tried to break my arm?! I'm going to break your face!"). Again, this was the right result and The Shield get a clean win! After the match Ambrose joins his team mates and they celebrate with their Titles in the ring. This is just the beginning for The Shield. Triple H is 100% behind them and they are just going to rocket from here. I mentioned the idea of a Punk vs Ambrose match at WrestleMaina XXX on the comments section and had abuse thrown at me. Well, maybe that match won't happen at next years 'Mania because I honestly believe that we'll see either the blow off match between Punk & Cena or Punk will face Austin. I also feel that Ambrose will face Undertaker. Again I mentioned that in the comments section and was abused for it. But I think that some people don't know what the "being out over" means. Ambrose doesn't have to win. He just has to take 'Taker to the limit. Anyway, good match, right result. Believe in The Shield.

Randy Orton vs Big Show in a Extreme Rules Match: good match and better that I expected. Matches like these suit Orton and his hometown crowd were behind him. Orton wins with a punt to the head. I thought the move had been banned so maybe this is foreshadowing a heel turn. I didn't like the way that Big Show no sold the RKO onto a chair, but when is see what that lead to I'm okay with it. Right result and hopefully this feud is now over and Orton can move on to better things.

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship, John Cena (c) vs Ryback: A good match and it was what I expected, a brawl. The only issue I have with the match is that Cena in no way sold his ankle. Maybe Mr. Cena would care to watch the Lesnar/Triple H match to see how you sell and injury. The finish, whilst some may dislike it l, made sense....sort of. The only issue I'd have is that Ryback got up so why didn't he make the ref count Cena out? Both men should have been stretchered out. Good match, right outcome, leads into Payback perfectly.

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar in a Steel Cage: This match was very good but should not have been the main event. With the ending of the Cena/Ryback match, that match should have been the main event to act as a hook for Raw tonight. Lesnar seemed to be really emotionally invested in this match, which is something that can rarely be said about him since his return. Paul Heyman really is the best manager ever. His comments to Brock and Brock's to him elevated this match. I thought it was a nice touch with the taped sledgehammer, although I did comment on Twitter that Triple H has just been hit with a sledgehammer from Monopoly. The finish was schmoz, with Heyman getting involved and costing Triple H the match. Wrestlezone reported that this match was made a cage match to prevent either man being pinned. Well I guess that Vince didn't read their report as Lesnar pinned Triple H. The only problem with his finish is that it may set up Triple H/Lesnar 4. This shouldn't happen. Lesnar needs a new fued. Ideally he'd fued with Cena for the WWE Championship. But with his limited dates that may not be possible. It may turn out to be a Punk/Lesnar feud over the summer.

Overall I thought that this was a good PPV. One bad match out of 8 isn't too shabby at all and better to WrestleMania's one good match out of how ever many. I think that Extreme Rules this year will be looked back on as a pivitol moment in the history of the WWE. This is the event that strapped The Shield to a rocket. In a year, maybe two Roman Reigns will be the top face of the company (Rock 2.0) and will the WWE Champion. Ambrose will be the top heel in the company and Rollins will either be number two face or heel. Hell, I might be wrong and seeing as Triple H seems to support Ambrose a little bit more than the other two maybe Ambrose will be the face of the company. Either way this PPV is the start of something that the WWE needs to focus all of their attention on.
^^^ I agree, I stopped watching for like 5 6 yrs and came back last yr, and this I quit match at first I was like wtf is wrong with Swaggers voice and then I saw the ref doing it. I don't get that, that was stupid, considering they had managers to u could even have had them doing it instead of the ref... that was dumb. Their was no intensity in any of the attempts to get the other to quit, or not as much as their should have been in.
Last night made it blatantly obvious that creative just doesn't give a shit anymore. I've stuck in there for longer then i should've, praying that the show would improve, but it just doesn't go anywhere worth watching. Think about every finish tonight:

Swags/ADR - WORST FINISH EVER! Fucking instant replay? Sooooo, you're saying every match that ends sketchy from now on will be overturned? No..... no it won't because fuck you it's pro wrestling and you'll keep watching anyway.

Cena/Ryback - Its a last man standing match, meaning the guy who cant get up loses! If both guys are down, you stand there and wait for one of those motherfuckers to get up, and that guy wins! No contest because both guys are down, really fucking EXTREME guys! Whats the point of this stip if you just call it after a big spot? Pitiful, lazy, more negative adjectives.

Even the diva segment backstage. Fat jokes? **** jokes? Aren't you girls competitors? Isn't AJ in line for a title shot? Why can't you say something about that? Why is EVERY SINGLE line of dialogue from these girls mouths about there fucking boyfriends and how ugly the other one is? Its pathetic and if I had a daughter I would never let her watch WWE programming. "Be A Star"
Come the fuck on.

The strap match made Henry look so fucking weak it made me sick. He was basically out there to be humiliated. After last night how can anyone think Mark can win anything....ever.

As for the cage match, I didnt even watch it because Im sure I would've chucked my computer at the wall. Brock won, and it doesn't matter because neither guy is a real superstar and they'll never fight for a title, and Im sure they'll fight again in August in a loser gets divorced match.
Just finished watching this. The Shield tag team win was kind of anti-climatic. Still do not see the appeal of Ambrose that so many are seeing. I felt Kofi shined more in that match. The finish for the strap match was stupid and against earlier rules. I preferred ADR/Swagger's match at WrestleMania. The referee was annoying with his questioning and the restart finish is horrible.

Cena and Ryback surprised me with a pretty good main event match. Loved how they put Lesnar competing with a bumped knee off his own move. Managed to bring Lesnar back to human level so that they can use classic heel narratives for the match. A one legged Lesnar pinned HHH.

It was an OK show, but probably because I watched without any high expectations. The main events were solid, meeting the minimum requirements of a decent PPV.
I've watched Extreme Rules twice and now have come up with a review of how i rate the matches.
1.Chris Jericho vs FanDanGoo:**3/4-Much better than their WM match.Good opener for the night.
2.US Title match:Kofi Kingston vs Dean Ambrose:***3/4-2nd best match of the night.Only went for 6-7 minutes but was fun to watch and really good wrestling.
3.Strap Match:Shemaus vs Mark Henry:**-Poor match,nothing came of special.
4.I Quit Match:Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger:***-Good wrestling match with some good storytelling.But the ending killed the match.
5.WWE Tag Team Title:THN vs The Shield:***1/2-A very good match in short period of time and all 4 men in the match shone.
6.Extreme Rules Match:Randy Orton vs Big Show:***1/2-Another good match.The crowd ate up everything that Orton did.The Punt was a nice finishing touch to a good match.
7.WWE Title LMS match:Ryback vs John Cena:***-A good match till the ending.Ryback carried a good amount of the match.The spots were great.But the No Contest ending was crap.No matter what happens,the ref is supposed to count to 10 in a Last Man Standing match.But they acted like both men got killed.It was crap.The match was ruined due to the finish.
8.Steel Cage Match:Brock Lesnar vs Triple H:****-Match of the night.There was awsome storytelling,great wrestling and incredible intensity between the two men.Both men looked like beasts in cage who were trying to rip each others throat apart rather than escaping.It was a great finish to a great year long feud.
Overall Rating:***-The PPV had some pretty solid matches.But the booking in the WWE Title match and I Quit match was shit.Which ruined the PPVs quality.

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