WWE Extreme Rules 2011: Preview and Predictions Disscusion


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we should know, Extreme Rules is the next upcoming PPV. Stemming from the Showcase Of Immortals, feuds from Wrestlemania intensitfy and new ones are born. Every match is extreme: no rules, no limits. Here is my card prediction:

Edge (c) vs. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio,
Triple Threat Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Edge and Christian pionereed in TLC, and I still feel that Christian hasnt quite gotten his kayfabe revenge.

The Miz (c) vs. John Cena,
Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship

Just as the match is close to finishing, The Rock runs out and hits a Double Rock Bottom (like Double Chokeslam but obviusly a Rock Bottom) on both Miz and Cena simultanesouly and knocks out both men out for the count.

The Undertaker vs. Triple H,
Hell in a Cell Match

If this happens, then I would hope they ditch the HIAC PPV concept. Both men have written history inside Satans Structure. Enough said.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton,
Street Fight Match

Should be better than their match at Mania if done right.

John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler,
Falls Count Anywhere

Its John Morrison in a FCA match, its a guaranteed show stealer unless theres a Stratus/Vickie Gurrerro/Laycool/Snooki run-in.

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio,
Stretcher Match

A good way too end the feud.

Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan,
Submission Match for the United States Championship

Bryan can do his awsome submission shit while Sheamus, while this could be a good oppurtunity to let Sheamus adopt a new submission "finisher".
I also believe in NO WAY they will have Undertaker vs. HHH again, they want to save that for a bigger show. I like your card though and I will name some of my match predictions and winners.

Edge(c) vs. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio,
Triple Threat Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

I also believe this match will take place. I just can't see them leaving Christian off ANOTHER PPV since returning, so this is their absolute best chance to include him in and if so, I'm actually going to go for Christian here. Just the fact that Edge winning at Wrestlemania when everyone thought Del Rio would win, makes me to believe this can be Christian's moment, whereas if Del Rio won, they wouldn't give him a one month reign and this could be to build Christian? Either way, I do not see Edge retaining here.

The Miz(c) vs. John Cena,
Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship

The Miz(c) vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk.
Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Championship

I see either one of these matches taking place, and wouldn't be surprised with either result. I also agree with your Last Man Standing Match because of how Cena vs Miz at Mania almost ended in a double count out, and they could use this by adding this stipulation. If this is the match, I see Cena winning, which I do not think he should with this year long match he has coming, he should just stay away from the title. I can also see Orton and Punk getting involved here to make it a Four Way, and seeing as Fatal Four Way has now been changed to Capitol Punishment, it seems as if that Four Way stip is done, so I see no harm in this match. I can see Punk stealing the title here, because everyone thinks Miz will lose to Cena or Orton because of just a feud, well this is the perfect way to get the title off of Miz without making him look weak and I feel the WWE Title should transition to the Orton vs Punk feud whereas Miz can feud with Cena, without a title.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton,
Extreme Rules Match

This is if the four way does not happen, then I see this happening. I would originally say a cage but seeing as they had two of these matches on both raw and smackdown in the last few weeks, then it would make no sense. I see Punk pulling out with the victory here, with outside interference from a former Nexus member, possible Mason Ryan, or even all of them. But I see interference in this match.

Sheamus(c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Sin Cara,
Triple Threat Submissions Count Anywhere for the United States Championship

Well Sin Cara just debuted and took out Sheamus, and this is just me hoping they don't leave Bryan out of this PPV, but I see Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan getting a shot at the title. And seeing as Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan both have submission finishers, and that WWE seems to be more interested in these types of matches, I can totally see this taking place. I see Sheamus winning after debuting some cool new devastating submission to Daniel Bryan, that way Sin Cara doesn't look too weak.

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio,
Mask vs. Mask

I can see this stip being added, where Rey will say Cody must take that face mask off if he loses, but Cody will only agree if Rey puts up his mask. And I can see this being a really good match and Rey getting the obvious win here.

Michael Cole and Jack Swagger vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jim Ross

I had a hard time thinking of a stipulation for this match so I just picked this. Now this match if a big IF, but I can see it happening with whats been going on. Jim Ross and Lawler get the win here and they celebrate like they should have at Mania.

Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel(c) vs. Big Show and Kane
Elimination Tag for the Tag Team Championships

This is a match I will be surprised they don't add. Now I would say tables match, but since there is already a ladder match, and with TLC, i see this match being added as an elimination match. I see Show and Kane eliminated one of the guys and then double teaming the other and win the titles.

Wade Barrett(c) vs. Kofi Kingston,
2 out of 3 Falls Match for the Intercontinental Championship

I am running out of match types so I just added this on, it could make sense, but I see this being a pretty good opener, with Wade Barrett getting the win.

Then they will add in some pointless Diva Match

There's my card.
I Like Most Of These Matches Except For a Few And I Think A Couple Matches Will Be Different.

Cena Vs. Miz - The Rock Won't Get Involved Because He Will Be Too Busy Promoting His New Movie Plus I don't think we'll see him until late this year/early next year so they can build thier WM Match. I do think The Alex Riley or Michael Cole Will get involved and Miz Will get lucky yet again. I look for Cena To get the title at Over The Limit

Edge Vs. Alberto Del Rio- I think it would be a great Idea to make this match a triple threat and maybe just maybe give the title to Captian Charisma I know I would love to see him as the champ because it is long overdue

The Undertaker Vs. Triple H- The likelyhood of this match happening is slim to none as Triple H dosen't have much desire to wrestle any more and It looks like Taker suffered a severe concussion at Mania and won't be anywhere near ready to wrestle any time soon

Morrison Vs. Ziggler- Vickie will probably find a way to screw Morrison out of a win but I don't think Trish Stratus or Snookie Or Laycool will have anything to do with this match as I see a fued between Michelle McCool and Layla brewing within the next month or two. Trish Stratus will probably make one or two more appearances and that's it and Snookie will go back to the Jersey Shore and get drunk and act like a moron in public

One Match I do think will happen that you didn't touch on is

Jerry The King Lawler Vs. Michael Cole- I think these two will have a rematch and it will probably be a no DQ match or something like that.
AK2V8 - didnt you mention new fueds? Just seems like everyone is basically going for Extreme Wrestlemania. Not all fueds will continue and matches like HIAC and a Fatal four way would be stupid to add as they are PPV concepts now.

Edge v Del Rio v Christian to me this makes the most sense. E & C in ladder matches always seem to be able to raise their game. Del Rio is still quite new to the WWE so this can further push him.

The Miz v John Cena I dont want to see this match again. It is going to happen most likey as a falls count anywhere or last man standing match, however I think The Miz needs something new. Why not Morrison? Its a second rate PPV and Morrison could put on a much better match with a stipulation than Cena (saying that so could my dog)

I dont think we will see Taker there. They are trying to push HHH as the man who came so close to ending the streak that the Undertaker nearly 'died' trying to defend it. It woud hurt both men if Taker returned 4 weeks later. This would be a perfect opportunity for HHH to start pushing the younger mid-carders. Why not give him a programe with the New Nexus? A CM Punk V HHH match in the future would be a good match.

Lets not forget about Sin Cara either. Just debuted and has made a massive impression on the fans I think. DID YOU SEEM HIM JUMP IN THE RING ON RAW?? That was sweet! I think he is going straight into the US title picture but woud love him to have a match with Rey. No need to have a reason just let them show the WWE fans what they can do and what Lucha Libre is about.

Other matches I can

Cole & Swagger v Lawler & ? Their WM match was a mess and did not deserve such a high spot on the card. Lawler deserved better than that match too, Id like to see Swagger v Lawler with Cole as the special ref. I think this fued could easily be taken on another couple of PPV's before the end (Where we all hope Cole goes and JR comes back. Id like to see Joey Styles as the voice of Raw..... another rant for another thread.)

Wade Barrett
This guy needs a massive push to become a good heel again. I would like to see a good IC title match - 20 mins at least. Make it a tables match! Kofi could do great things with that stipulation. Leave the gold on Barrett though. Push him to the moon this year and make him the first English WWE Champion!

Diva's match
Its going to happen, it always does. It looks like Layla v McCool is going to be the match. Probably an extreme pillow fight or lingere lesbian match or something dumb.
I see some ideas I really like here, actually. I said yesterday that a Ladder Match featuring Edge vs Christian vs Alberto Del Rio would be an awesome way to either give Christian the strap or put ADR over HUGE. Either way, Edge is losing the belt on this night I believe.

Cena vs Miz is probably a given, but the stipulation intrigues me. A Last Man Standing Match could be good, maybe a Cage Match which would make sense given Miz's need for outside interference. I hope it's not a Table Match though, he already had one against Orton.

Wade Barrett should have a title defense, I'm thinking against The Big Show or Kofi. A Table Match would be a good stipulation for a match with Show, it could work with Kofi as well. Either way, Wade needs to go over.

If by chance we do see both Mid Card titles defended, I expect that we'll see Sin Cara get a shot at Sheamus. No clue what the stipulation would be, though the idea of adding DB and making it a Submission Match intrigues me.

Also, would like to add that there is no way Taker will be featured on the card. He just wrestled a month ago, he's going to need at least 6 months to recover.

Also, Cody vs Rey in a Mask vs Mask Match? Seems probable.

There should probably be some new feuds starting up in the coming months, so I'll wait and see, but this looks like it could be a solid card this year.

Alberto wins. Christian screws Edge.


Last man standing due to the initial finish at WM27.


Punk wins this one. No surprises really that Punk will win. Given that Punk still wears Nexus gear, they return.


Bryan regains the US championship. Sin Cara starts fued properly with Sheamus.


Barrett retains.


Kane and Show become champs again, credibility back to the titles.


I expect John Morrison vs Miz very soon. Ziggler can fued with Daniel Bryan for midcard title.
If Del Rio gets a rematch for the WHC at Extreme Rules then id hope they make it a triple threat ladder match. TLC sounds best.

If there's an actual tag title defense for Gabriel and Slater then they could go with a tables match. Santino and Kozlov could get a rematch. Which will probably become some comedy bullshit. There's no one else I can see challenging them.

For the US title a ladder match, Sheamus with any combination of Bryan, Kofi (if traded after the draft), Dolph Ziggler, Morrisson.
The intercontinental a triple threat falls count anywhere, Barret vs Kofi vs any of the following Mcintyre, Rhodes, Dibiase, Bourne.

The WWE title, Edge or anyone else who Miz hasn't feuded with.

Divas, I hope they have Kong premier if she hasn't by then.

id like to see all the titles defended because of the midcard titles exclusions at Mania.
I agree with the fact that we will have the inevitable:

Edge vs Del Rio and i hope sooooo badly that they make it a triple threat...i've waited so long to see that belt around Christian!

but lets not forget, as we all know that obviously we will have the normal boredom of the divas match, but lets not forget...the WWE have yet to introduce us to Awesome Kong
Did they ever give johnny curtis and r-truth there chance at the tag belts as that was his reward for winning NXT wasn't it? Might do tag table elimination with a few teams such as the corre, kane and show uso's and curtis and r-truth might as well stick kozlov and santino in it just a thought.
Did they ever give johnny curtis and r-truth there chance at the tag belts as that was his reward for winning NXT wasn't it? Might do tag table elimination with a few teams such as the corre, kane and show uso's and curtis and r-truth might as well stick kozlov and santino in it just a thought.

No they did not give the chance yet.

As for my card and reasons why.

Miz vs John Cena Table Match

I think we could see another Sheamus vs Cena finish to the match having Mix look good retaining and having Cena lose nothing in the match

Edge vs Del Rio Ladder Match

Now if Del Rio had won I would say it would be a submission match but since Edge is champ it will be a ladder match because that is what he is best at.

Morrison vs Ziggler Falls Count Anywhere

This one was more tough when picking a stipulation because neither one really have a match that is their own. I personally believe Morrison could shine in a Falls Count Anywhere so that is why it is there.

Orton vs Punk Last Man Standing

I feel we haven't seen the last of this feud and a match like this would be epic.

Sheamus vs Cara 3 Street Fight for U.S Title

I think back to back Street Fight EC matches for Sheamus could be interesting. Also it would show off Cara.

Elimination Fatal Four Way Tag Championsip Truth and Curtis vs Corre, vs Red Show, vs Rydimo (Ryder and Primo).

I think what better way than to have one huge tag match. I think this would be very cool and a good showcase of talent.

6 Man Anything Goes IC Title Match

Between- Barett, Kingston, Rhodes, Mysterio, McIntyre, Masters.

I think it would be a good way to give guys different matches while keeping alive Mania feuds while adding McIntyre and Masters.
Edge (c) vs. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio,
Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship

I see this match but not as a ladder match. Edge stated recently that he doesnt want to do anymore ladder matches. they take too much out of you and he has done enough of them in his career.

The Miz (c) vs. John Cena,

Don't really want to see this match but I think it'll happen. there really isnt anyone in the championship picture who arent in a fued already

The Undertaker vs. Triple H,
Hell in a Cell Match

It's too soon for Taker to be in another physical match like this. I think taker is gonna dissappear for a while.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton,
I think this match is gonna have some kind of stupid stipulation like one of them cant use their main move or some crap like that. or something about the end of nexus.

John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio,

this match will be a mask vs mask match.

Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan,
Submission Match for the United States Championship

Lay vs. Cool or
one of laycool vs. divas champ, with one laycool chick causing the other to lose.
Coming off what I'd say is a lackluster Wrestlemania WWE will make up with some great matches at Extreme Rules

1. The Big Show Kane and Kofi Kingston vs The Core in Street Fight for the Intercontinental and Unified Tag Team Titles. If any Core Memeber is pinned by Big Show Kane or Kofi they lose both of the titles within The Core. Have the Corre getting the win with Wade Barrett getting pinfall and starting his push for 2011 on Smackdown

2. 4. Shemaus vs Daniel Bryan in a Submission Match for United States Championship. Due to the match being scratched off Wrestlemania. Feel these two can have an epic match with Shemaus developing a new submission feature to his repertoire. Im one with Shemaus using the Torture Rack feel he can make it legit like Lex Luger.

3. Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio in a Strap Match Think the buid up and feud has been great between the two superstars. Would make sense with Cody winning Wrestlemania bout that Rey picks up the Win to set up the Rubber Match between two at Over the Limit

4. Dolph Ziggler with Vicki Guerrero as Manager vs John Morrison with Trish Stratus as Manager in a Steel Cage Match. Both superstars are great upincoming talent for WWE and both have made names for themeselves in being the future. However due to John Morrison getting heat backstage I Have Dolph Ziggler getting the win in match with suprise for ending as the Debut of Awesome Kong arrives and she debuts taking out Trish Stratus what a way to debut in WWE

5. Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole Hair vs Hair Match in NO DQ Match. Lawler gets his revenge on Cole finally

6. CM Punk vs Randy Orton in Last Man Standing Match. The premise is here for another great match judging with the storyline these two have built off of feel this match would make sense Will Orton get the Punt on Punk or Will Punk take out Orton's knee and get the win

7. Edge vs Alberto del Rio in Ladder Match for The World Heavyweight Championship. This is were Edge will Lose his Title due to Christian turning heel and turning on Edge setting up The Edge vs Christian storyline for possible last run for Edge's Retirement. Alberto del Rio finally catches his destiny like Forrest Gump

8. The Miz vs John Cena Falls Count Anywhere Match for WWE Championship due to the Wrestlemania botch up need match were won't end in draw. Miz drops the Title to Cena here to start up big premise for Wrestlemania 28. Cena holds Title till Royal Rumble for the close of 2011.
Here is my card:

1) Edge vs Alberto Del rio in an extreme rules match - Most likely, del rio would win the title and strengthen their feud or maybe start a new one

2)The Miz vs. John Cena in a last man standing match - John Cena will probably get another shot at the WWE title via announcement from the GM and this type of match would end the feud and they both can go to someone else.

3) Sheamus vs. Sin Cara for the US title- with sin car's attack on sheamus, i believe they have nough time to build up to a match at this pay per view.

4) Rey mysterio vs Cody rhodes in mask vs mask match- This would be a great idea for a match and if cody loses he would have to show his face to everyone and make him more vicious in the ring.

5)John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler in a no holds barred match for WWE # 1 contendership- This is a long shot but either one who wins would get a major push that they deserve.

6)Eve vs. The Bellas in a handicap match for the divas title- there is always a divas match and this would be the most interesting and if the bellas do win it could start a Laycool 2.0 and they could feud together.

7)Randy Orton vs CM Punk in Falls Count Anywhere match- with all the weapons hiding around in this pay per view set, they could make an entertaining match, especially if both claim to be sick and vicious, we can see who is more sick in the head.
Edge w/Christian Vs ALberto del Rio - Ladder Match
(Christian turns on Edge either costing Edge the Title or by attacking him just after he retains and challenging him on the following Smackdown)
For the Extreme Rules PPV I feel that it's sad that this can outdue Wrestlemania but it has that feeling in sight. So far on the ppv we have 6matches which leaves two to three more left to put onto the card here is what I'm looking at and predicting for Extreme Rules

Opening Match

1. Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston for The United States Championship in Street Fight. I feel they'll need someone to take title off Sheamus hands and bring back over to RAW and see that Kofi will be target of Sheamus on Smackdown so i feel this match will be penciled in and should be one of the best in the night. Kofi Kingston wins United States Title and claims it back to WWE RAW.

2. Michelle Mccool vs Layla in NO DQ NO COUNTOUT Match. I personally thought at first that Michele Mccool would turn out the one to win this match but now I'm feeling that Layla will pull this one out and Michele McCool will end up with her husband The Undertaker on WWE RAW when he makes his return back to WWE again

3. Jerry Lawler/Jim Ross vs Sir Michael Cole/Jack Swagger in a Tag Team Country Whipping Match Gotta feel that Cole will lose his cool in match and end up having Swagger turn on him leaving him to get a whippin of a lifetime from Lawler and Ross

4. Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio in Falls Count Anywhere Match. This is the match I'm looking forward to most has been the best run storyline with promo the new character development to Cody Rhodes and Rey and Cody working the feud well together. This will be the end to there feud hoping that Cody can pick up the win but feel Rey may get his win due to Wrestlemania outcome.

5. CM Punk vs Randy Orton Last Man Standing Match. i feel that Cm Punk deserves the win here but feel Nexus will turn on CM Punk and Randy Orton will start out as new top face on Smakdown.

6. Eve vs Brie Bella in Extreme Makeover Match for the WWE Divas Championship Don't Care will be short lived match as this will be the debut of KHARMA and leaves and extreme impact on these divas with her debut in WWE.

7. Christian vs Alberto del Rio in Ladder Match for World Heavyweight Championship Well I'm confused if WWE sends two World Heavyweight Titles to one show so the obvious is that Christian will win Title then i see him eventually going back to his heel roots with Orton coming on as the new face. Or Alberto del Rio wins World Heavyweight Championship and takes that over to RAW and either Morrison or The MIZ win WWE Championship and heads over to SMACKDOWN.

8. The Miz vs John Morrison vs John Cena in Steel Cage Match for WWE Championship I feel either Miz retains or Morrison finally gets a shot at Championship run. If John Cena wins then he's going to retain till Wrestlemania 28 but i'd rather Rock vs Cena just be a icon vs icon with nothing up for grabs except for match itself like Hogan and Rock. I feel Miz wins and maybe moves over to Smackdown with WWE Championship with Alex Riley or John Morrison moves over and starts new Championship Era on Smackdown.

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