WWE Extreme Rules 2012: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar

I'm also surprised that they booked the match at Extreme Rules,but that's a good thing because (hopefully) it means that Lesnar will be on the program week in,week out like everyone else. I can see Lesnar and Cena feuding until at least No Way Out (or whatever the PPV after Over The Limit is called).

Btw,who else was shocked that Cena got a bloody lip during the brawl? It really looked like Brock Lesnar went MMA on his ass. Maybe that's what they mean by bringing "legitimacy" to the WWE. By playing off Lesnar's UFC past and his perceived abrasive real-life personality. Anyway,this is way better than Cena vs. Rock.
I could watch Lesnar beat up Cena for the next 100 raws and it wouldn't get boring lol.

This reminds me of Rock vs Goldberg at Backlash 03 where you had a potential WrestleMania match put on a lower ppv.

I can see why it surprises people that this match is so soon but hopefully it's a sign of WWE building up their smaller ppv's more instead of them being glorified Raw's.
In regards to this match I am surpised that Lesner is booked in a match already, Truth is (pardon the pun) I prefer no stipulation to this match and because it will porbably be Lesners first match back. I don't see him losing this match, I can see 1 of 2 outcomes.

1 Lesner beats Cena senceless causing the referee to stop the match and awarding victory to Lesner.

2 The brawl becomes so intesne that the ref has to stop it for their safety which leads to the match being thown out.

In conclousion it couid lead to a stipulation rematch at Summerslam with the tagline THERE MUST BE A WINNER!
First thing no-one has considered...What if the match doesn't ever take place?

I know it's been announced but what happens if next week Brock and Cena go at it again, this time F-5 off of the stage, and suddenly Cena is out of action. I know it's less likely but right now I wouldn't bet money against that happening.

No way in hell will they have Brock cleanly go over Cena and Vince is more likely to give birth to a kangaroo before Cena gets squashed in a PPV Main Event.

Brock and Cena both need to come out strong after ER. I like the idea of the roll-up for the 3 count giving Cena the win. Cena comes out with a win showing his "in-ring awareness" and Brock has beat Cena down badly showing his dominance.

Only other ways I see it going are;

An interference costing either man the win but I don't know who would be plausible right now.

No winner, it doesn't matter how it ends just it ends in a draw or doesn't end.

My personal pick;

It's been mentioned but have Cena get taken out and take some time off. Have the match as a Falls Count Anywhere. Both guys brawl more and both get close counts, they move to the back where it gets more intense and both guys go for the win still. Cena gets some momentum and just as he goes to AA Brock off of something it gets countered, Brock picks him up and hits an F-5 from a height. Or maybe Cena just goes for an AA, F-5 to counter then Brock takes it to another level and runs Cena's leg over with a car or something taking him out for a good amount of time.
I was thinking about this, and no idea if this true but most wrestlers nowadays carry around a lot of nagging injuries and I see no reason as to why John Cena isn't affected by these injuries. It's been a long time since we have had an extended absence from Cena and maybe now this is the time for him to take a 2-3 month break and come back revitalised and see how the product suffers or benefits without his presence. I put forward the argument that Lesnar destroys Cena at Extreme Rules, putting him on the shelf, allowing Brock to move on to Punk or someone else. This is just a hypothesis but it might just work.
I couldn't even hazard a guess as to the outcome of this match, which is one of the things I like so much about WWE. There will be all sorts of predictions made by folks on this forum, but no one really knows.

On the one hand, I can't see Brock getting pinned cleanly, not with all the fanfare of his coming back to a place we thought we'd never see him again. He may eventually lose by pinfall, but not this early in his tenure. Also, I doubt they'll have him submit to Cena; it would immediately compromise his image as a raging beast.

Cena? Well, he's no Hulk Hogan as far as being unwilling to lose. Cena does what's best for the company, which includes suffering clean pinfall victories. Therefore, if there is to be a clean loss in this contest, Cena will be the one to go down.

(Note to those of you who "hate" Cena: Someday you might appreciate what you have in a top guy who probably has the power to veto storylines that make him look bad, yet doesn't let his ego dictate what he does).

Naturally, this won't be the only Cena-Brock fight; eventually, Cena will get him. After agreeing to lose to the Rock, I believe Cena will prevail in this feud. Don't be in a hurry, though......it will take months, maybe even the whole year that Brock has signed on for.
I am a bit surprised that it is happening at Extreme Rules, and I actually wonder if Lesnar will actually be ready for a match. No matter how much some of "the fans" want the WWE to become legit MMA, its not going to happen, at least not right now. Two different sports, two different mentalities of preparation. Not that I'm really a Cena fan, but Lesnar is legitimately too powerful to just be turned loose, I don't want to see him botch a move (al la Matt Bloom in the past) and injure anyone.
I am alil shocked they are going to have cena-brock at extreme rules but that only makes me think they have a lot in stored for us for brocks run....i can c brock-cena going on to extreme rules where brock gets the win due to interference from johnny ace or someone associated with johnny ace....i c this fued going to over the limit in an number one contenders match where brock again gets the win due to outside interference and brock goes on to no way out or summerslam to face cm punk for the gold
There has to be a tainted finish to this match. Brock and Cena both have a lot to do with the rest of the roster, but I don't want this feud to stop four weeks in.

I'm a Cena fan, but I don't really know how a finish can be tainted without making Cena look bad again. From losing to The Rock (after promising a victory), to getting beat up by Lesnar, to most likely losing to him, to feuding with someone new (if the rumours about him and Lord Tensai are true) - it's going to be a tough few months for Cena.

I know its a bit of a tangent, that's why I don't understand why they let Rock go over Cena. Cena got over (most recently) because he beat Kane. Kane got heat because he pushed Ryder. Ryder got sympathy because of what Eve did to him. By letting Rock win, the momentum that Eve gave to Ryder gave to Kane gave to Cena is lost. And now, if Lesnar goes over against Cena, how do they every get 100% fan support for Cena ever again?
I was so excited when I saw Lesnar come out and F5 Cena on the Raw after 'Mania, and I've been waiting for their match ever since. I certainly didn't expect to get it at Extreme Rules, but I'm more than happy we're getting it. That being said, I don't think we'll get anything near a decisive finish with such short of a build. I'm more inclined to believe that this match will be an absolute brawl, ending in a draw or something of the sort, allowing the two men to go another few weeks (or even months) before the actual blow-off match. Even so, I'm loving the amount of bad blood we're seeing just two weeks in.

Cena and Lesnar will be able to put on a show, no doubt, as I enjoy the work both men put on in the ring. I don't know how great Brock will look, even Rock looked a little rusty, but I won't doubt the amount of preparation he'll put into it. Besides, Cena can carry anybody, not that I think it'll be all that necessary. With the amount of physicality we've seen in their segments together, I can't wait to see what they do in the match. Extreme Rules seems like a fitting place to have this match, even if it is only a stepping stone for them. The Chicago crowd will go nuts, Cena and Lesnar will rise to the occasion, and we should be in for one hell of a match.
I don't think I've ever actually got over their Backlash match from eight years ago.

Can't think why they're promoting this match now. WWE were disappointed with the Backlash 2003 buy rate because they expected Goldberg to draw bigger numbers. Same situation here. They should hold off Lesnar's first match back until SummerSlam. Lesnar should just keep costing Cena in match-ups up until that PPV.

WWE want Lord Tensai to get over, have him feud with Cena. Tensai can win the feud and Cena can be protected because Lesnar costs him the match. As it stands I'd say Cena vs. Lesnar is a lot more missable than it should be.
Cena does what's best for the company, which includes suffering clean pinfall victories.

(Note to those of you who "hate" Cena: Someday you might appreciate what you have in a top guy who probably has the power to veto storylines that make him look bad, yet doesn't let his ego dictate what he does).

No I agree with that wholeheartedly ... after the euphoria of seeing The Rock pin Cena clean @ Mania I looked at the bigger landscape and realized

Damn, that's back to back Mania main event losses for John Cena. WOW, how ballsy of him to be the face of the company yet lose back to back Mania's. I don't find Cena entertaining in the least, but I at least give him props for that.

He easily could have used his ego to book himself wins vs Miz + Rock. Now to address the other stuff

"why I don't understand why they let Rock go over Cena"

well I feel Cena needed the win more, when you look at his career compared to where the Rock's is (wrestling wise) but a win by the Rock makes for a more interesting storyline, as Rock cost Cena his WM 27 match up, then beats him clean the next year at Mania

**and IMO it's not like the Cena-Rock match was all that great any way. A couple exciting near falls but I think what'll stand out most from that match is the end result. A Cena win, and it's just another big name John beat (like Triple H HBK)

"how do they every get 100% fan support for Cena ever again"

are you kidding me? When has Cena ever gotten 100% fan support? After a long break from pro wrestling I came back to watching in 2006 and from what I've seen Cena's been getting mixed reactions where the crowd goes back and forth from "Cena sucks" to "lets go Cena" chants

**as For Brock-Cena this feud has got a hot start to it and hopefully momentum can be maintained past Extreme Rules. The more I'm thinking about it, the more I'd like to see a draw or some other inconclusive result .. but what will Cena do post Lesnar feud?

because Brock's been rumored to go after the WWE title and or Undertaker

but what about Cena?
I have to say, I'm surprised this is happening at Extreme Rules. I'm happy it is, as I didn't like how Rock vs Cena was just a year long build that lead to Rock winning then leaving for another few years. But it seems like they'd milk this more. We have Wrestling vs MMA in feud form. Former unstoppable machine in WWE vs Current unstoppable machine. That said, I'm kind of curious how well Brock will do, as he hasn't wrestled in a while, but, I think the match will be certainly a match to remember, this may possibly be the biggest Extreme Rules since it was called One Night Stand and the first ever One Night Stand.

That said, I figure Brock to win this one to continue the feud, but I'd say in a rematch, Cena will in fact, win. He still needs to build up a bit more credibility after losing to The Rock, but at the same time if Brock is really back, he's going to want to build up some momentum, too. Just, all I'd say is this feud should really be a bit more back-and-forth than one-sided like Cena/Rock seemed in the Rock's favor.
It is surprising that this match has been announced so soon but, in a way, it makes sense. Lesnar is no Rock. His whole aura is based around the fact that he is a beast. So, what is the best way to showcase a beast? Put him in the ring against the best talent you have got and have Lesnar beat the shit out of him.

Beat the shit out of Cena? Yeah, you heard that correctly. That is possibly the only way to book this feud. Have Lesnar completely dominate Cena. It does not need to be clean. Maybe Lauranitis and a few of his henchmen like Tensai can interfere but the last image of Extreme Rules needs to be Cena lying motionless as if he were dead. That will establish Brock as a dominant force right from the start of his run. It will also build some sympathy for Cena. Rock vs Cena was booked as a battle between the equals but I think that this needs to be an underdog story.

It is actually not all that difficult to imagine as to why Cena might struggle against Brock. He has just come off from a big match against The Rock which has drained him both physically and emotionally while Brock is fresh as a daisy. Cena will get beaten here but he will eventually be the man to end Brock, possibly at WrestleMania 29. This also might just be the story that Cena needs to establish himself as a clear fan favorite once again. Or as close to it as is humanly possible. I think as the story progresses it would not be a bad idea for Brock to mention that he dislikes the WWE in general and has just come back to make a few bucks. The initial response to Brock may have been positive from the fans but that is just because he has come back to the WWE after a long time. As the story progresses, I do not think that he will have any problem in getting a negative reaction from the crowd.

But he needs to destroy Cena at Extreme Rules.
I personally think it could be a good thing if he does. The guys in the back probably wouldn't like it, but having Cena start losing to these part timers could actually buy him some fans. I was at Wrestlemania and to be 100% honest, I did not expect The rock to win, and to win clean nonetheless. How bout doing it back to back PPVs? Instead of the Super Cena that always wins, you have a Cena that comes this close just to lose. Thoughts?
Of course he should. If he loses the match against Cena, it ruins all credibility he has going forward over the next year in fueds. He will lose sooner or later, but you deff dont start losing when you first come back and make an impact.
I would only want lesnar to go over if its a real tough match!! Cena cant suddenly become a wimp and lose to every one, but lesnar always has that potetial to rip through a roster and finally put someone over in the end who can take him out!! His match with Cena back in the day really helped Cena out atleast!

Its a complicated bout, cause it wouldnt be great for either to lose!! I would have lesnar go over if its a... I cant really decide! Lesnar should go over, definately! He needs a strong start! Cena, as always, will be here the next day and can easily rebuild!
I am pretty sure Lesnar will win.. but I doubt it's clean..

WWE probably doesn't want Brock to lose this early.. but i doubt they want Cena to lose 2 in a row cleanly..
Trust me, if Cena loses to Lesnar he is not going to look like a wimp. Losing to The Rock followed by Lesnar is not the end of the world. It's John Cena, relax. He doesn't lose credibility. He just loses...it happens.

I think it would benefit Lesnar a lot if he can come right back and destroy Cena. It will give him a strong return, re-establish (if this is even needed) that he is the true monster of WWE, and it will make him want to go for something better (aka the title).

Imagine Lesnar vs. CM Punk in the future? Followed by a very lengthy Lesnar title reign?

WWE would establish a refreshing, gigantic, dominant star...just by defeating Cena. If he loses, there's a chance he can look like a waste (aka Jericho's return).
Brock Lesnar, a man who's return has been anticipated for a few years now, can not, and I mean can not come back and lose his first match back. He can not lose it, whether it is a stipulated match or not, he can not. Especially to John Cena. You may say, well, Cena is the only one believable to beat him. But, think about it, Lesnar wins the feud with Cena, his next feuds with other stars will be even bigger because Lesnar just came of the heals of beating Cena.

If Lesnar loses, all of his "momentum" for not just now but the future will be drastically hurt and the believablility and interest in Brock will dramatically fall. Just ones opinion, but it is the most logical.
They should fade to black with the ending having Lesnar putting cena in a legit looking UFC move, which would have called for the bell, and maybe having people pull him off of him. Fade out with noone knowing how it ended, work or shoot.
That's an idea at least. I don't think they should fight so soon.
I think he should lose personally. Maybe have them revisit near the end of Lesnar's contract and have Cena win then but at Backlash I think it would be wise to give Lesnar a clean victory.

Lesnar just came back and it would be smart to establish him as a big threat to everyone in the locker room and what better way to do that then have him go over Cena cleanly. Its not just helpful to Lesnar but can be beneficial to Cena as well.

After RAW and their physical confrontation and with Lesnar's past I think Cena losing after a very tough match would really help him. If he hangs tough with a former UFC champion and legit box office draw and stays with him throughout the match, even have Lesnar against the ropes at some parts it would further establish Cena as a competitor with tremendous heart. Even if it was a Austin/Hart ending where Lesnar puts Cena in the Brock Lock and Cena passes out and loses that would actually raise Cena's stock even higher. In this case these things happen:

1) Lesnar is established again as a legit monster and threat
2) Cena is established as a guy with tremendous heart and fight in him (even more so than now).
3) You leave the possibility for another big match down the road.

Its a situation where everyone wins. If Cena wins then you automatically take away Lesnar's momentum. Usually wins and losses don't matter in the long run but in Lesnar's case it does. He is supposed to be a legit bad ass and an unstoppable monster, if he gets stopped in his first match back you basically paid Lesnar 5 million dollars for nothing.
Personally I'd say Lesnar needs the win, more so for the younger fans who don't remember or know him, especially his MMA career so a win over their beloved Cena gets Brock back into the swing of things.

That said having Cena job twice against part timers I'm not a fan of, simply because it makes him look weak.

If WWE spanned the feud out say two months, have Lesnar lose via DQ at Extreme Rules, he can look strong in doing so, ruthless, war machine WWE could use this opportunity to make him look far more devistating have have WWE write Cena out of storylines for a month to skip Over the Limit PPV and build towards Brock/Cena III at No Way Out.

And it wouldn't matter if either Cena or Brock wins at No Way Out as they could do so via escaping the cage so the other still looks strong and can move forward with their next feud with a strong hand.
They should fade to black with the ending having Lesnar putting cena in a legit looking UFC move, which would have called for the bell, and maybe having people pull him off of him. Fade out with noone knowing how it ended, work or shoot.
That's an idea at least. I don't think they should fight so soon.

That would be great but there's the live crowd to take into account. How does it end for them? They stand up and walk away? There would be riots. It needs a finish and even if it's just in front of the live crowd it won't be long until they tell everyone what it is anyway.

I think Brock should squash Cena. Cena can build up credibility easily he just needs to Super Cena a couple of Mark Henry's or Christian's or whoever and eureka he's back! They possibly have Lesnar for a year. A year that should end with someone going over a totally dominant (until that moment) Lesnar at Wrestlemania and receiving a huge push for it. It's heel booking 101 and the only way I can see WWE getting anything out of this Lesnar situation. Squashing Cena sets him on course for that instantly.
No way Lesnar gets pinned or submitted. Either he wins, or the match ends in a DQ, no contest, or some other kind of fashion that makes Lesnar look like a dominant badass. In fact, if they are planning on having Lesnar/Taker at next year's WM, then I don't see Lesnar losing all year. It's the only way you can sell the possibiliy of Taker losing next year if he goes up against Brock.

It'll be the Last Outlaw VS The Unstoppable Force.

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