Huge Backstage Blow-up At Extreme Rules; Brock Lesnar Flips Out

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I read this on WrestleNewz:

There was a huge backstage blow-up involving Brock Lesnar following Sunday's WWE Extreme Rules PPV, according to Mike Johnson of PWInsider.

Several sources stated that Lesnar lost it on a number of WWE officials and started to rip apart the dressing room. He was apparently upset over the John Cena promo that ended the pay-per-view.

Reports claim that the original plan was for Cena to be so beaten that he would have to be carried out of the building, despite winning the match. This would of left it open for Lesnar to brag that while he had lost the match by fluke, he won the war.

Lesnar perceived Cena as double crossing him when Cena decided to address the audience, causing Lesnar to then flip out on WWE officials. No word on how Lesnar calmed down, but the angle on Raw featuring Triple H's return was planned in advance as a way to remove Lesnar from WWE television.

Brock Lesnar's current deal with WWE only requires him to work two dates minimum, according to sources within the company.

Could be true. Cena quite clearly went into business for himself against the Rock during their feud (not the writing on the arm thing, the laughing in his face during what was supposed to be Rock's serious promo thing), so I wouldn't be surprised.
you mean like Lesner did to the Undertaker a few years back? When he was supposed to be beaten and battered he grabbed his WWE title and ran up the side of the hell in the cell and celebrated.

I dont think anyone can complain Cena is in business for himself and not claim that Lesner is the same. We're supposed to sit here and say that Lesner is tough and hard when he was afucking joke in UFC.
Right now Lesnar is sitting in his log cabin in the woods....counting his millions.....AND MILLIONS of $...that VKM paid him to job for a few weeks...I honestly doubt he gives a sh*t what John Cena does...

Now, if you look at this in the vacuum of wrestling only, yeah i would be pissed too. I bought the PPV for two reasons, to mark out for my favorite wrast'ler Jericho & see what Brock did with Cena. I'm a big MMA fan, have been since the late 90's, and was just pissed with how that match went. Brock would have legit killed Cena. For Cena to pop up after the match, hold his wee little arm to his side and bust out a "Owie I hurt, sniff, i goes home nows, tanks all you wondfol peoples" was crap.

I would NOT hold it against Brock if he said ya know what, I'm contractually obligated to be here only x more time in this calendar year, and that's all your getting Vince. If Vince pulls a typical scatter brained move and requests more dates I would reply with the number of my agent and the amount of $$$$ it will cost him...and it would be a lot. I would show up, give wooden Indian promos, fight my opponents as stiff as I could, and go back to my cabin in the woods....that is now gold plated
you mean like Lesner did to the Undertaker a few years back? When he was supposed to be beaten and battered he grabbed his WWE title and ran up the side of the hell in the cell and celebrated.

I dont think anyone can complain Cena is in business for himself and not claim that Lesner is the same. We're supposed to sit here and say that Lesner is tough and hard when he was afucking joke in UFC.

Actually Lesnar was good, NOT GREAT, in the UFC,,,,I assume when you type Joke, UFC & heavyweight your referring to Kimbo Slice...Brock could only fight the opponents in-front of him, kinda like how John Bones Jones is doing right now with his sh*t division and with limited MMA experience. Or maybe your writing this reply from two places, one being your lack of knowledge of MMA, only securing what limited knowledge you do have form sites like cage potato AND lastly your secret intimate special place in your cockles that you have reserved for all things fruity pebbles. Its cool man...just keep on keeping on
you mean like Lesner did to the Undertaker a few years back? When he was supposed to be beaten and battered he grabbed his WWE title and ran up the side of the hell in the cell and celebrated.

I dont think anyone can complain Cena is in business for himself and not claim that Lesner is the same. We're supposed to sit here and say that Lesner is tough and hard when he was afucking joke in UFC.

Are you serious? It was Vince's idea for Brock to do that. He just let Brock go over Taker in a big way, i believe the quote was Vince wanted him to look like "King Kong".

As for not being tough, see the above post!
If it does happen to be true, so what? Worst that can happen is that Lesnar asks to be let out of his contract and I don't see him doing that. He likes the money he's getting, which according to rumors has a downside guarantee of $5 million, and leaving after something like this would truly make him look like a chump.

Lesnar is a guy that has to learn that he's simply not going to get his way in everything he wants. It's that kind of immaturity that's led to lots of wrestlers backstage not being all that happy that he's back and led to problems with wrestlers during his first WWE run. Lesnar is a big name but like Triple H said last night, there's no single guy in WWE or has ever worked for WWE that's bigger than the company as a whole.

If Lesnar was somehow "double crossed", then I'd say it was good for backstage morale. Cena truly and legitimately is one of the boys backstage and, at the end of the day, sacrificing the morale of your entire roster just to keep one guy happy is probably not great business.
Actually Lesnar was good, NOT GREAT, in the UFC,,,,I assume when you type Joke, UFC & heavyweight your referring to Kimbo Slice...Brock could only fight the opponents in-front of him, kinda like how John Bones Jones is doing right now with his sh*t division and with limited MMA experience. Or maybe your writing this reply from two places, one being your lack of knowledge of MMA, only securing what limited knowledge you do have form sites like cage potato AND lastly your secret intimate special place in your cockles that you have reserved for all things fruity pebbles. Its cool man...just keep on keeping on

No i mean joke as in the compolete and utter lack of a fighters brain. he had absolutely no strategy in any of his fights because he was so arrogant he thought he could beat anyone. he was so stupid he had no idea what to do when he had got hit, he just shut his eyes and wildly swung at the air until he got knocked out. he was so unfit he was blowing after 2 minutes of every fight. same as he is so unfit and fat that he cant even do his little skip now. now shamrock was legit at the time because he was a legend. lesner is already forgotten.
I doubt that the "report" has any truth, but it was pretty stupid to have Cena basically no-sell the match right afterwards. "I can't feel my arm and I taste my own blood" comment aside, it was pretty stupid and completely pointless.
You got this info from WrestleNewz the most unreliable dirt sheet. Why would Lesnar give a shit what Cena says on the mic afterwards. Cena sold the ass whooping in that promo,Lesnar did his job which was kick Cena's ass, get hit with the chain, take the AA on steel steps proving that's the only way anyone can stop him and that he cannot be beaten clean, go home count your money see ya in a few weeks.

WrestleNewz WOW!
I doubt that the "report" has any truth, but it was pretty stupid to have Cena basically no-sell the match right afterwards. "I can't feel my arm and I taste my own blood" comment aside, it was pretty stupid and completely pointless.

I don't think he no sold the match afterwards, he looked pretty beat up.

I think the match was no sold last night on Raw. I mean the guy says he needs some time off to heal up and instead comes out with a piece of cloth on his arm and says 'actually I'm fine'.
No i mean joke as in the compolete and utter lack of a fighters brain. he had absolutely no strategy in any of his fights because he was so arrogant he thought he could beat anyone. he was so stupid he had no idea what to do when he had got hit, he just shut his eyes and wildly swung at the air until he got knocked out. he was so unfit he was blowing after 2 minutes of every fight. same as he is so unfit and fat that he cant even do his little skip now. now shamrock was legit at the time because he was a legend. lesner is already forgotten.

Please stop junior. You wouldn't know mixed martial arts if you were getting your ass kicked by a fighter right now. Lesnar was as solid a heavyweight as anybody else. He defended his title more than once, and there are 'legends", as you would call them because all you know is what you've heard others say, who couldn't even do that.
Triple H's appearance on Raw was planned in advance, to punish Lesnar for something that hadn't even happened yet? Calling bullshit.

I don't believe a story from a site called WrestleNewz, especially because it hasn't been published anywhere else, and this thread is just going to turn into a bunch of fans who think they know what's going on behind the scenes.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3881358 said:
Triple H's appearance on Raw was planned in advance, to punish Lesnar for something that hadn't even happened yet? Calling bullshit.

I don't believe a story from a site called WrestleNewz, especially because it hasn't been published anywhere else, and this thread is just going to turn into a bunch of fans who think they know what's going on behind the scenes.

You misunderstood the OP. They say that the angle with Triple H was in the storylines anyway, as means of writing Lesnar off TV for a few weeks, I assume because he has a limited dates contract.

The flip out story is something else entirely
Actually Lesnar was good, NOT GREAT, in the UFC,,,,I assume when you type Joke, UFC & heavyweight your referring to Kimbo Slice...Brock could only fight the opponents in-front of him, kinda like how John Bones Jones is doing right now with his sh*t division and with limited MMA experience. Or maybe your writing this reply from two places, one being your lack of knowledge of MMA, only securing what limited knowledge you do have form sites like cage potato AND lastly your secret intimate special place in your cockles that you have reserved for all things fruity pebbles. Its cool man...just keep on keeping on

Just adding my 2 cents before I talk about the actual thread...

Lesnar was pushed into the UFC Title match because he was a draw. Lesnar didn't work at all to get where he was. Most champions: Carwin, Dos Santos, Mir, exc. took more than 5-6 matches before they got into the title match (With the exception of Tim Sylvia who was 14-0 in other MMA companies before his title win). Lesnar didn't deserve to win the title that fast. He won the title in his 3rd match with UFC against old, beat-up Randy Couture.

Now for the subject at hand:

Lesnar is a hot-head and he's full of himself. Of course he'd flip out because things didn't go to "plan". Well, Cena has more respect by all of WWE and the Universe than Lesnar will ever have. There's valid reason for all of that too. Yes, things didn't go to plan for Lesnar. But Cena addressed the audience, boohoo. Lesnar needs to suck it up because honestly, I don't care if he came back or not. He's a draw, but a waste of money for what he is and what he does.
Please stop junior. You wouldn't know mixed martial arts if you were getting your ass kicked by a fighter right now. Lesnar was as solid a heavyweight as anybody else. He defended his title more than once, and there are 'legends", as you would call them because all you know is what you've heard others say, who couldn't even do that.

even the guy above knows your talking shite mate. go back to you lesner dvds mark
even the guy above knows your talking shite mate. go back to you lesner dvds mark

So I'm a mark because I understand mixed martial arts and Lesnar's place in it? He was a solid heavyweight, one who fought high level opponents from his second fight on. Far from "a joke". Nobody, and I mean nobody else, in the history of mixed martial arts had a career arc like that. Ignorant children like you fools whine that he got the title shot right away. That's on Joe Silva and Dana White. He has a bad reaction to getting hit, but that was post diverticulitis. Before the sickness, he ate Frank Mir's shots (oh, and Frank Mir is currently considered the #3 heavyweight in the world) and still dominated him.

Now please, stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Wrasslin' tools who don't understand mixed martial arts shouldn't talk on it. In fact, you probably should't talk wrasslin' either, because it's quite evident you have a fundamental lack of understanding there too.
I dont think anyone can complain Cena is in business for himself and not claim that Lesner is the same. We're supposed to sit here and say that Lesner is tough and hard when he was afucking joke in UFC.

Is Lesnar a self serving prick? Yes. Is his loyalty to any given company non-existent? Yes. Has Brock got the personality of a petty bitch diva at best? Yes. Are these tantrum rumours probably true because of that? Also yes.

That doesn't change that you're the joke here.

Lesnar come into UFC and for that brief period where he was in peak health completely dominated everyone he faced, only losing through his inexperienced ground game.

The dude went out of shape because he got a disease that he nearly died from. He had to have a large chunk of his intestines removed. That last fight with Overeem never should have happened, those kicks he took to the gut probably knocked a couple of years off of his life and that's no exaggeration (Also besides the point it would have been ruled a no contest by now if he was still under UFC contract).

Also. Brock Lesnar is only the second man in the history of PPV; the ENTIRE history of PPV, other than Mike Tyson to have two PPV shows sell at over a million; 1,000,000, buys in a single calendar year.

No one in WWE can even come close to claiming that... and he's a joke? Riiight...
So I'm a mark because I understand mixed martial arts and Lesnar's place in it? He was a solid heavyweight, one who fought high level opponents from his second fight on. Far from "a joke". Nobody, and I mean nobody else, in the history of mixed martial arts had a career arc like that. Ignorant children like you fools whine that he got the title shot right away. That's on Joe Silva and Dana White. He has a bad reaction to getting hit, but that was post diverticulitis. Before the sickness, he ate Frank Mir's shots (oh, and Frank Mir is currently considered the #3 heavyweight in the world) and still dominated him.

Now please, stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Wrasslin' tools who don't understand mixed martial arts shouldn't talk on it. In fact, you probably should't talk wrasslin' either, because it's quite evident you have a fundamental lack of understanding there too.

At least at my end, I understand that Lesnar was pushed to the top by Silva and White, and for that, I don't blame Brock. But fact of the matter is, he didn't work to get to that point. Overeem was 35-11-1 before he got his UFC title shot. Lesnar was 2-1. Lesnar was good, but mainly good because he's huge and marketable. Granted, Lesnar fought in difficult fights and held his own. Everything with Mir, I give him so much credit. Because of the Diverticulitis, his career was killed and again that isn't his fault. Just my dislike of "The Man" Brock Lesnar overshadows what he's done. There's times where being cocky is good, and there are times where being cocky isn't needed and you look like an arrogant douche bag. That's where Lesnar shines. I'm not calling you dumb or dismissing your opinion. I'm just throwing mine in and elaborating on the naive boy's opinion that you are arguing with.
Let's recap:

1. A report from a "newz" site with no credibility
2. A moron who thinks Cena "went into business for himself"
3. Another moron who thinks Lesnar was a joke in the UFC
4. Another moron who is on a wrestling forum and calls someone else a "wrasslin' tool"
5. Another moron who is on a wrestling forum calling people "mark"
6. Another moron who...well, you get the idea

Add them up and what do you get? A closed thread for the good of the forums.
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