WWE Championship Scramble At Night of Champions


Dark Match Winner
I'm thinking Cena vs Punk vs Del Rio vs Truth vs Miz

maybe they'll bring this match back for night of champions, for those who dont remember the rules were:
-5 guys
-20 minute time limit
- stars out with 2 and every 5 minutes a new guy enters the match until everyone's in
-if a superstar scores a pinfall/submission then he is the "interim" champion and whoever is "interim" champion by the end of the time limit they will be the Official Champion.

the only thing i always wanted to change about the rules was the time limit. I'd make it 25mins, that way when the last guy enters he won't be in the match for just 5 mins.

Also: I did see raw last night, but they can always change the main event between now and NOC
For NOC as Killer425 said, ADR vs Cena is absolutely the right move for NOC...and as for the WHC, I'm hoping that Mark Henry gets his shot on SD! this week and then there is a fatal four way between...Orton, Christian,Henry and maybe Sheamus.
Del Rio vs Cena is whats best for NOC. Championship scramble I am afraid will just result in Cena regaining the title, or someone else just ESCAPING with it. Which could belittle the ppv because there would be no real result, making this ppv just a stepping stone with not a whole lot of significance. I like what is going on with Del Rio, he is becoming a really great in ring technician, focuses his move set on the arm, setting up for his finisher i like, and his clean wins over the likes of rey mysterio and john morrison. so far its like del rio is unstoppable so it will be nice to see john cena who is like superman vs del rio whos like a top villain (who wins fair and when a heel is winning fair you know its gotta be a big deal). Give cm punk some time to feud this thing out with Nash, as that will only help put CM punk even more over, having him clash with a multiple time former world champ, whos still in above decently prime shape. adding to del rio vs cena is just not a good idea YET. after NOC by all means add whatever can fit, Del Rio vs Cena has been in my mind as a great ppv match for a while as a main event.
I was also thinking Championship Scramble while watching RAW last night. After Miz and R-Truths promo, I thought for sure they were going to attack Cena and Punk resulting in a double dq. Del Rio would then assume he has no opponent, but then next week they'd announce he has 4.

Frankly, I like the Scramble idea a lot better than what is currently scheduled. I already seen ADR vs John Cena 6 years ago when it was called JBL vs John Cena.
For NOC as Killer425 said, ADR vs Cena is absolutely the right move for NOC...and as for the WHC, I'm hoping that Mark Henry gets his shot on SD! this week and then there is a fatal four way between...Orton, Christian,Henry and maybe Sheamus.

Henry is taking on Sheamus on SD. There is nothing at all wrong with Henry/Orton at NOC. Actually, Henry is so strong as a heel right now that he deserves a short run with the WHC.
Totally agree. ADR vs Cena is the right move for ADR as a champ. but the thing is he needs to win and win clean either with a role up or something new because Cena is not allowed to tap out. Cenas streak in I quit matches is starting to rival Takers WM streak. So ADR has to win clean somehow to establish himself as a champion.

Can you guys imagine the ring work that will take place when ADR face Punk? thats going to be amazing.

But back on topic. The championship scramble isnt a good option for the next PPV. keep the singles matches going because gimmick matches are getting a bit stale.
I was also thinking Championship Scramble while watching RAW last night. After Miz and R-Truths promo, I thought for sure they were going to attack Cena and Punk resulting in a double dq. Del Rio would then assume he has no opponent, but then next week they'd announce he has 4.

Frankly, I like the Scramble idea a lot better than what is currently scheduled. I already seen ADR vs John Cena 6 years ago when it was called JBL vs John Cena.
difference between ADR and JBL is that ADR can actually wrestle. even tho JBL is a "wrestling God" and a legend ADR is better than he is in the ring fact.
I think I'd rather see ADR vs Punk vs Cena vs Miz vs Truth in the 3rd ever championship scramble than ADR vs Cena simply because the first option has more star power. Night of Champions is the ppv where every match is a title match, so if Miz and Truth are going to be on the card then they need to be in the WWE title match because they're much bigger stars than the current US champ/challengers (Dolph, Riley, Swagger). The same goes with CM Punk, unless Nash brings the Legends belt from TNA they have no belt to battle with at NoC so he should be allowed to compete in the scramble and Del Rio should win, putting him over as the guy who beat the 4 biggest stars on RAW in one match
Save the championship scramble for another time. Its a good concept that they just don't use enough.. hell why don't they have a championship scramble for anything but the main belts. I wouldn't mind seeing one for the I.C championship. But as for Del Rio & Cena.. leave it as it is. I swear I say this every time but the IWC doesn't know what it wants...

When the WWE are pelting out shitty gimmick PPV after shitty gimmick PPV, everyone complains that they should be putting on good solid one on one WRESTLING contests. Then when they start to do that it's not exciting enough and they want to overcrowd the main event. ENOUGH! Leave it simple and stop going on about it!

What with Cena/Punk at the past two PPV's and Cena/Del Rio for NOC, its getting into the rhythm of nice DIFFERENT main events for PPVs. I for one would love to see Del Rio/Punk for the title at maybe Survivor Series or something, but wouldn't anybody like to see some different headline one on one's?
del rio needs to win against cena one on one so he can be a credible champion. a scramble will make him look lucky or he will beat a lesser guy and look weak
A scramble will help ADR and Cena. ADR can roll someone up for the pin real quick like someone else mentioned, thus not making Cena look weak. Cena isn't going to win, not with that Mexico tour coming up. There is still plenty of time to get the Miz and R-Truth in it. Del Rio can win cleanly and it will have zero affect on Cena.

Only problem I have is that there are technically 4 heels against 1 face. Punk is still supposed to be somewhat of a heel. That could hurt Cena,
Save the championship scramble for another time. Its a good concept that they just don't use enough.. hell why don't they have a championship scramble for anything but the main belts. I wouldn't mind seeing one for the I.C championship. But as for Del Rio & Cena.. leave it as it is. I swear I say this every time but the IWC doesn't know what it wants...

When the WWE are pelting out shitty gimmick PPV after shitty gimmick PPV, everyone complains that they should be putting on good solid one on one WRESTLING contests. Then when they start to do that it's not exciting enough and they want to overcrowd the main event. ENOUGH! Leave it simple and stop going on about it!

What with Cena/Punk at the past two PPV's and Cena/Del Rio for NOC, its getting into the rhythm of nice DIFFERENT main events for PPVs. I for one would love to see Del Rio/Punk for the title at maybe Survivor Series or something, but wouldn't anybody like to see some different headline one on one's?

Yeah i see what you mean, im not one of those guys to constantly complain about it but i agree with what one of the other posters said about the scramble having more star power. It's NOC so if punk mix and truth are gonna be on the card then they should be competing for the wwe title. I remember last year when punk vs show got added last year alot of people gave it so much heat because it was a non title match.
In WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 during Universe mode Night of Champions has it set up where the world and wwe title are defended in a championship scramble match, is that why you asked this question????

As for my opinion night of Champions should be 1 on 1 matches and every title should be on the line. I hope there is no triple threat matches or anything else. Just let the night be about good old fashioned prestige of the titles.
difference between ADR and JBL is that ADR can actually wrestle. even tho JBL is a "wrestling God" and a legend ADR is better than he is in the ring fact.

Another difference would be JBL was light years beyond ADR character-wise. Unlike most heels, JBL actually did his job. He made sure whoever he was facing was going to get the baby face pop of their career because everyone wanted to see JBL get his ass kicked. ADR... Crickets. He shows up, cuts promos about how rich he is, wins the Royal Rumble, wins MITB, wins the WWE Championship and he's not any more over than the day he showed up. I don't know what makes this guy any more fit to hold a main event title than any of the other midcarders who aren't doing anything right now.

But that being said, if the plan was to keep the belt on ADR then I'd say a scramble would be better for the WWE. It wouldn't require out right jobbing Cena for a third straight ppv (I guess that's a plus for some fans), plus it would allow Del Rio a chance to play that crafty heel champion who sneaks the winning pin fall right before the clock runs out in some sort of shadey fashion. One thing WWE needs to re-learn about heels is how to book them from bell to bell. Promos and segments they're heels but all of these clean wins for Del Rio really doesn't fit his character. The last heelish win he had was at Summerslam and everyone looks like a heel when cashing in MITB.
I think I'd rather see ADR vs Punk vs Cena vs Miz vs Truth in the 3rd ever championship scramble than ADR vs Cena simply because the first option has more star power. Night of Champions is the ppv where every match is a title match, so if Miz and Truth are going to be on the card then they need to be in the WWE title match because they're much bigger stars than the current US champ/challengers (Dolph, Riley, Swagger). The same goes with CM Punk, unless Nash brings the Legends belt from TNA they have no belt to battle with at NoC so he should be allowed to compete in the scramble and Del Rio should win, putting him over as the guy who beat the 4 biggest stars on RAW in one match

Agreed. I like that scenario a lot more than another one on one Cena vs heel of the month scenario. John Cena has been in a WWE Title Match at every ppv this year.

In a perfect world they would have just put the belt on Punk at MITB and kept it on him. Give him the ball after that amazing match in Chicago and have him fight Miz, then Del Rio, etc, etc. Give him the typical lineup of heels that Cena would get. THEN do the screwjob with Nash at the Survivor Series, which has a pretty rich history of screwjobs. Instead they gave away months worth of booking in a few weeks. All so we could quickly get back to the usual Cena vs heel of the month formula.

Why is it that Miz has to be demoted to tag team status, why not Cena? Would it kill them to leave him out of the title picture for even ONE ppv.

Stupidest argument I've ever heard is "Punk is so over right now, that he doesnt need the title". Ok. But couldnt you apply that same logic to Cena? He's over with the crowd. So why is he in the title match at every ppv? It's illogical. If he always gets another shot no matter how many matches he's lost, then in the end wins and losses mean nothing. If Cena has the belt, then he defends it at every ppv. And when he loses it, he just gets an endless line of rematches until he eventually gets it back.

At least with a championship scramble match, it would be something different from the usual Cena formula. Plus, as you said, it makes ADR look even stronger if he beats 4 guys. Someone said that ADR would leak weak in a championship scramble. Thats not true. He's a heel, he's supposed to sneak out a victory. Thats what heels do folks. Besides, we all know Cena will never get beaten cleanly, so its not like a Cena vs ADR one on one match will end with anything less than ADR cheating to win.
No Championship scramble please why does there need to be more than 2 wrestlers squaring off against eachother. One on One is the way to go.
I don't see the championship scramble match type ever returning. They tried it but it was not used again due to being too strange and complicated. I would be fine with a 5 man elimination match between Cena, Del Rio, Miz (if he loses), Truth, and Morrison or something. They did something similar last year. Matches with 4 or more guys can be good when not done with complicated booking and a simple elimination match where all are in the ring at once is the better way to go. I'd get a migraine even thinking about another scramble match and I know I'm not alone in that opinion. What's worse is that WWE might try to theme a whole PPV after it at some point when they run out of theme ideas and it wouldn't sell any better than the infamous December to Dismember.
I think I'd rather see ADR vs Punk vs Cena vs Miz vs Truth in the 3rd ever championship scramble than ADR vs Cena simply because the first option has more star power.

um it would be the fifth ever scramble match, the first three were in 2008, one for the ecw title, and if they did this then it would be the fifth.

I think it would just take away from the fued of cena and del rio.

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