WWE Championship - John Cena vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

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Would anyone else be extremely pissed off if Hornswoggle appears to help Cena retain over DX? This past week, we saw DX picking on him, and he showed he wasn't happy with them. Cena saved him, and he ran off.

I know it's (hopefully) a long shot, but I think there's a chance they use him to keep the belt on Cena...It's unnecessary to. Why not just have him win cleanly over HBK and HHH, since they're all faces, and there's no feud going into the show?

I was actually going to post some comments on this, but I definitely think this is a distinct possibility of happening. Hornswoggle has been heavily involved with DX as of late with their little "Merchandise feud". Because of that, I would not be in the least surprised to see him come down to ringside and start his antics ... only to cause something to backfire and cost one of the members of DX the victory.

How does everyone else feel about the possibility of Hornswoggle interference in costing DX the win ... and/or causing a split between Triple H and Michaels?
There's no way that anything like that, anything involving Hornswoggle should be part of a WWE championship match. It's pretty much an insult to the title if Horn-fucking-swoggle ended up costing 2 main eventers the match. People just wouldn't accept that.

Hornswoggle should have no part in this match. If they want to put him in a segment on Raw where he turn Triple H and Shawn Michaels against each other, fine. But if a comedy character is booked to affect the decision of the main event in one of the biggest PPVs of the year... That's just wrong on so many levels.
I was actually going to post some comments on this, but I definitely think this is a distinct possibility of happening. Hornswoggle has been heavily involved with DX as of late with their little "Merchandise feud". Because of that, I would not be in the least surprised to see him come down to ringside and start his antics ... only to cause something to backfire and cost one of the members of DX the victory.

How does everyone else feel about the possibility of Hornswoggle interference in costing DX the win ... and/or causing a split between Triple H and Michaels?

It's funny, the whole reason I started reading this thread was because Michael Cole, of all people, alluded to something like that on Raw this past week. I wanted to check this thread to see if any mention was made of it before starting a new one about this exact subject. But, since it's already been broached, let's discuss it here.

After Cole's comments on Raw, it seems like almost a given that Hornswaggle will in some way factor into this match. The comment was made to Cena, who was on guest commentary for the tag match between DX and JeriShow. Specifically, he asked Cena if he was trying to "use Hornswaggle as a distraction to DX." As soon as he made the comment I thought to myself, oh my god the midget is going to get involved in the title match.

This of course sounds like such a monumentally terrible idea that I think we are all overlooking one possible benefit of the whole situation. Someone posted a thread a while back asking if it would be possible for a face to instantly turn heel just by beating up the leprechaun. At the time, I suggested Goldust. But picture this:

We have a fairly decent match for the title, with all three guys hitting their normal spots. Around the 20 minute mark or so, the midget pops up on the apron to provide a distraction to DX. At this point, it could go several ways.

A) The distraction backfires, costing Cena the match. Cena, in a fit of frustration, grabs the midget and starts just demolishing him, and in the process does the one thing that is sure to turn the kids against him. After all, its pretty hard to turn the man when the kids love him so much, right? Problem solved. DX may or may not make the save.

B) The distraction works, Cena retains. HHH is pissed and, in a fit of frustration, grabs the midget and starts just demolishing him. Cena makes the save, only to get pedigreed. HBK tries to calm down HHH, eats a pedigree. Pedigree to the midget, HHH is now a heel.

C) The distraction works, Cena retains. HHH is pissed and, in a fit of frustration, grabs the midget, gets stopped by HBK, who backs HHH up a step or two to talk sense into him. The midget gets up on the turnbuckle and starts doing DX chops, HBK superkicks him right out of the ring. HHH starts yelling at HBK, eats a superkick. Cena may or may not taste boot.

D) The distraction works, Cena retains. After the match, the leprechaun pulls off the DX shirt to reveal a Cena shirt underneath. DX complains, both eat Attitude Adjustments. The kiddies pop as Cena walks around the ring with the midget sitting on his shoulders. Then BAM, Cena flips him over and Attitude Adjustment to the midget. Cena turns.

E) The distraction backfires, costing Cena the match. Trips wins, Shawn complains, Trips hits the pedigree, shutting Shawn up, then another one to the midget just because he can.

F) Same as E, with HBK instead of HHH.

Now, all of these scenarios have the same basic flaws. First, the require that a freaking leprechaun be involved in a title match at Survivor Series. Second, they require that one of your top three faces turn heel, which may or may not be a good thing. But look at the positives. First, you get the chance at some relatively fresh feuds in the ME scene, including the possibility of the newly turned heel working some programs with the upper-midcard faces so they have someone to fight other than each other or Orton. Plus, in every single one, the midget gets destroyed at the end. That's a WIN in my book...

Now, that all being said, here is the ending I would like to see, although it is becoming less likely every week.

We have a fairly decent match for the title, with all three guys hitting their normal spots. Around the 30 minute mark or so, we go for the finish. Shawn, having been outside the ring for a bit, has just gotten back in. As he does, Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment on HHH in the center of the ring. Maybe it's a second AA, after just hitting a first one. As he jumps up, HBK superkicks him, knocking him over the top and to the floor. HBK stands there for a second, looking at Cena on the floor, slowly turns his head to look over his shoulder at HHH laid out on the mat, shrugs, drops down and covers HHH for the win.

It's classic Michaels, it allows for him to get the win over HHH without really damaging the team, and allows for all three to remain face if need be, while still providing incentive for any one of them to turn heel. And you could still have the midget come out afterwards to celebrate with DX and end up getting destroyed by any of the three that you want to turn. Because, you know, I really want to to see the leprechaun get destroyed...
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My gut feeling has been Cena retains the title this Sunday. But with him filming a new movie, I can't help but wonder if McMahon will put the title on HBK/HHH simply for the house show marketability of having the champ on the card. The title has been tossed around a lot lately already. Though I'd like to see some championship stability, in a tough economy you're more likely to sell more tickets with the champ on the card. That being said, I've head HBK doesn't do house shows much anymore himself, so that leaves HHH.

If HHH wins Sunday I think this will be the reason why, not because of any overarching storyline (he doesn't need the title to get over, after all). In fact, I think putting the title on him could hinder the DX program somewhat. But in the end, this is a business.

Any thoughts?
I'm actually looking forward to this match, both people in this match are very good workers and can pull of a fantastic match, this could off match off the night is everyone in the match gives 100%, I believe it will be a little bit better than the Undertaker, Jericho and Big Show triple threat just because Undertaker seems to be on his last legs as of late.

I'm hoping that Cena retains as I don't want another month long reign but I wouldn't be too annoyed if Michaels were given the belt, I would probably like that alot more than Cena retaining, I just don't want HHH capturing the title again, its been done too many times and just gotten old.
In my opinion, I do not see HBK walking out as WWE champion. He is not a very active wrestler nowadays, and he is doing more promos than matches. I believe that Cena will retain after beating down HBK.
i would hope that if hbk wins (which i hope will happen) He will change the title because that is the ugliest title I have ever seen in my life.


Thank you for that thoughtful, awe-inspiring post, dman1373. Don't strain yourself, now.
Ya, I don't see Hornswoggle getting involved in the match here, WWE wouldn't do that, would they? Actually, Vickie has been involved in plenty of main events, so who the hell knows. It would be interesting, that's for sure. In fact, I'm actually rooting for that to happen.

This match sounds pretty decent, but nothing getting me too excited. Pretty much the guys we've seen for the past couple of years now in the main event. The WWE had no other choice, but it still sucks. It'll be a decent match and the crowd will no doubt be really into, but once again, the winner seems quite obvious. Why would Cena lose here? He won't, that's the answer. The only question is whether we'll see an HBK or HHH turn, which I oculd really see happening. With Cena/Orton being overdone, Raw needs a top heel, and I think HBK could be that guy, at least for the short term.
It would be a damn shame if Hornswoggle caused the split between dx and/or cause dx to lose the match. Cena is preparing to film another movie, and I could def see dx walking out with the gold. I'm hoping to high heaven that Shawn Michaels wins the WWE Championship. He has been so impressive since he came back in 02 and still puts on great matches and deserves one more than him. HHH has been shoved down our throats for so long now it's time we got a fresh face as the champion is Michaels.
With the way things have been playing out lately I wouldn't be surprised if the belt changes hands. I read Cena will be taking time off to film so he will be off TV and events. If HBK or HHH were to double-cross Cena, they would get cheered because the fans boo Cena already and they would look like heroes. If HBK or HHH crosses anyone, its got to be one of them. I could see HBK taking the belt, but getting swerved soon after that and dropping it to someone.

He worked the house shows in Europe, and if he holds the belt for a few weeks, he could handle that. Undertaker hasn't been working that many house shows since becoming the champ. If HBK did 1-2 per week besides TVs while holding the belt if he wins it would be plenty for him. If either member of DX wins, there will be tension as a result. If Cena wins, he will be booed. He got booed at the Garden, like Shawn did at Survivor Series 1996. Only difference is the kiddies love John and so do the parents wallets of the kids who love Cena. It would be really sad and disturbing if Hornswaggle plays a major role in this match.
Cena is supposedly going to film a new movie soon, so there's definitely a good possibility of him dropping the belt. Unless he can get to Raw on Monday's then I see HBK winning the title. HBK is almost done, and I really think he deserves another title reign rather than HHH. At SS I think HHH will be frustrated about not winning and turns on HBK and we get a HHH/HBK feud while Cena takes some time off.
Cena is supposedly going to film a new movie soon, so there's definitely a good possibility of him dropping the belt. Unless he can get to Raw on Monday's then I see HBK winning the title. HBK is almost done, and I really think he deserves another title reign rather than HHH. At SS I think HHH will be frustrated about not winning and turns on HBK and we get a HHH/HBK feud while Cena takes some time off.

If Cena is taking time off, I could see HHH working as the champ and still keeping DX strong. DX could feud with Jerishow.. saying they have the title that means something. Inevitably DX would break up for the Wrestlemania match... but HHH could be champ and DX could be together til at least the Royal Rumble. That'd be the only way I could stand HHH as champ.

I would love HBK to get the title, but lets face it... he doesn't want to work a heavy load so it just can't happen. I know we are all HBK marks and would love to see it, but it just doesn't work for HBK or the WWE.
If Cena is taking time off, I could see HHH working as the champ and still keeping DX strong. DX could feud with Jerishow.. saying they have the title that means something. Inevitably DX would break up for the Wrestlemania match... but HHH could be champ and DX could be together til at least the Royal Rumble. That'd be the only way I could stand HHH as champ.

I would love HBK to get the title, but lets face it... he doesn't want to work a heavy load so it just can't happen. I know we are all HBK marks and would love to see it, but it just doesn't work for HBK or the WWE.

The Undertaker doesn't work a heavy load either and he has the Smackdown! world belt. They can give it to Shawn under that same principle. HBK could hold it for a few weeks to a month. It wouldn't hurt the company at all.
Well if one of DX wins, that might mean we might see a heel turn. I personally would like to see Michaels turn heel because its been so long. Have HHH the day after SS congratulate HBK and challenge him then they shake hands and Shawn superkicks Trips. After a close match at the next PPV have them feud once more til RR and have HBK bring some muscle in at the end for some help (Big Show for ex) then Show will screw over HBK at mania to become champion. Everyones happy: new heel, someone new at champ besides RKO, Cena, HHH, new feuds for the title.
Seeing Cena as the champ makes my eyes bleed. Mathematically, theres a 2/3 chance he should lose, even higher due to the partnership of DX. Unfortunately, 'beating the odds' is the foundation on which this weak character (and worse wrestler) is built on. I think Cena will retain, and my desire to watch RAW while decrease even more.
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