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WWE Championship - John Cena vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

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Big F*CKING NAY!!!!! Who are all of you people that still like HBK, and what show are you watching. This Balding, Lazyeyed old Piece of SH........ oh ya its PG now.....

Cant even do his Signature Move ( which he has been doing since he sent Janetty though the Barber shop with it in 92 ) properly . It looked way off on Show tonight. He barely Wrestles 1 on 1 anymore with anyone beside Cody Rhodes. And has been pinned or tapped out regularly, to two guys who couldn't even beat MVP and Henry tonight.

So how do they justify HBK back in the title picture .

So in closing , am I happy.......... NAY. but as it was said " what else were they gonna do? " and HHH / Cena would have been worse,

So I will just be happy with Kofi / Orton
Jericho will get into the match somehow at Survivor Series and it'll create tention between Jeri-Show but Taker will win in the end and the Jeri-Show will go on. Jericho and Show do work very well together as a tag team. I really want to see them actually DEFEND the titles though. WWE has a ton of potential in Tag Division. One match I'd love to see happen is JeriShow vs Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov. I mean seriously... that would give them a ton more exposure and finally put Kozlov over as a legit monster heel putting him up against Show.
Hopefully WWE will give me an early christmas present and turn HBK heel! :)

Late 90's heel hbk would just be the best thing ever!! Since he returned in 2002 he's been face throughout except for that tiny glimpse we got bck in canada when he was feuding with hogan and he done that bret promo! Which was one of the best promos that year!

Maybe its just wishful thinking on my part but just imagine a HBK vs HHH feud but with the roles swapped round, (HBK = heel & HHH = face) i for one would think that would be awesome!

I know alot of people have said a hbk heel turn is very unlikely cos were coming to the end of his career and he shud retire as face but damn didnt just earlier this week wrestlezone get news that it might be another 2/3 years before he hangs up his boots! I think you could easily fit a heel turn in time!
Am I the only one that is actually excited for this? It seems fresh to me because HBK hasn't had a title shot since WM 23 or something, so I'm happy. It's fresh. And we haven't seen HBK vs. HHH in LONG time either, even though they're both faces, but you know they'll push it to the limit. Who knows, maybe we'll get a heel turn out of it. But, I can't wait for this.

You are not the only one excited for it, I'm looking forward to this match quite a bit as well. Mainly because of the implications it could have with Triple H and HBK. I've not enjoyed this same old DX at all, but I'd gladly welcome a feud between the two, both men work wonderfully together, and it would certainly be fresh after the same main events on Raw for the last 4 months.

Cena will definitely retain here, but this has potential to be very good. I'm looking forward to this one.
Don't blame Triple H on this one. Blame Vince for not doing what he should have been doing in producing more stars and elevating them to the Main Event over the years. What you are seeing today is the price the fans have to pay for lazy booking on the part of Vince these past several years.

You can't just put any person in the Main Event successfully unless they have been elevated properly and have established credibility with the audience. Meaning, nobody should graduate to the Main Event unless they hold a Mid-Card and preferably a Tag Title first to establish that credibility. (See John Morrison)

Jack Swagger has yet to do just that. And being that the ECW Title is a Developmental Title for a Developmental League (minor leagues of WWE) that doesn't count.

John Morrison and The Miz are the next to graduate to the Main Event. Looks like Kofi Kingston is on his way, next.

You should be hurling your frustrations at both Vince and his legions of WWE Apologists all over the IWC who were voicing that "Vince is God. Vince can do no wrong. Don't question what Vince McMahon does because he created wrestling. Etc." Just like little sheep being led to the slaughterhouse, those fans should have instead been sticking up for a lot of the critics on here who have been saying the same stuff for years .... as opposed to kissing Vince's ass and supporting this piss poor lack of effort into the shows for the past couple years.

Now, the company has to play catch-up, you have to pay the price, and you have to unfortunately be patient as they do get back on track.
I for one am a little sick of the Triple Threat Matches involving Triple H and John Cena. Enough already. We've seen it time and time and time again.

At the same time, I can't deny that the match will probably deliver considering the talent involved. I don't buy for one second that either member of DX will defeat Cena for the title. It needs to be on Cena's shoulders.... as much as it may personally pain me to say it..... for a few months. The hot potato of the WWE Championship has been ok for a few months. Now is the time for Cena to hold the title. I'm by no means advocating another year long reign with the title. Hell no. But if he holds the title for a few months, it'll put over whomever defeats him for the title that much more.

I'm not saying that the match won't entertain. It's just that I thought the whole point of Bragging Rights was to refresh the main event match after the PPV. Instead, it's the same old retread. Just subtract Orton for Triple H and add HBK to the mix.
UM.....i knew it was going ot be those two!!! I JUST KNEW IT

i am not happy bout this but i guess HBK and HHH are really trying to push themselves AGAIN FOR NO FRICKEN REASON....GET OVER YOURSELVES

this blows

I'm sorry, I forgot Shawn was the one who chose the matches and who competed in them. Oh, wait...

This is really a bad move on WWE's part they had a perfect chance to push some one like Swagger but instead were seeing the same stuff we've seen the past three years

Yeah, all those times we've seen Shawn with the WWE championship these last 3 years..

Wow will you all stop complaining? Unless WWE is pushing some random superstar who wouldn't have a match as good as these 2, you're not going to be happy. Me? I'm shaking with excitement at the thought of Shawn being near championship gold one more time. This match will be great, and the odds are, while Shawn probably won't win, something interesting between him and Triple H will happen. Maybe carry it on to the Royal Rumble where a real feud begins?
I was pretty sure when it was announced that Triple H and Big Show were main eventing Raw and the hosts were waiting until "later on" to reveal the next challenge that it would be Triple H. I didn't see the DX swerve coming though and I was pleasantly surprised.

And to Gotham7 who called it the same repackaged crap... when has there been a Cena/HHH/HBK triple threat for the WWE Championship? If there was I surely don't remember it. I know everyone here hates seeing HHH anywhere near a world championship, but the fans love him right now, the fans love Cena, the fans love HBK, the crowd should be cheering and booing at random intervals and I believe that the match will be a lot of fun.

Also, what kind of dynamic could there be between DX in this match? Does HHH let Shawn grab the gold, does Shawn look after his buddy and give HHH the strap or do they implode and let Cena pick up the win. I do hope Cena wins to provide some continuity to the WWE Championship picture. And, again, I'm not a Cena fan... more of an HBK mark myself, but the title needs just a little bit of stability from now until Mania.

Just my thoughts.
Thank God for a main event I can actually be excited about for once. The only two people in the WWE today who are worth a title shot finally get it. Basically we get a worse version of WM 20's main event, since Cena won't be able to add as much as Benoit did, but still I am very pleased with this. I thought for sure it was going to be Y2Show v. DX for a while, so I was blown away by this.

@ SAMBOLIEWWE: Someone can't be balding to be good? Someone can't misplace a finisher once in a GREAT while to be good? Your perspective of things is so assbackwardly skewed.
You guys wonder why Vince never listens to the IWC. This thread is the reason why. We haven't seen HBK/Cena in a while. We haven't seen HBK/HHH in a while. It's a reasonably fresh main event giving them another month to either build up Kofi, the Miz/Swagger, MVP or someone else. Vince gives you what you want and you still bitch about it. HHH/Cena had a fantastic match last week on Raw and HHH is the logical #1 contender based on his clean pin of Cena last week. He's getting Kofi into the main event picture with a feud with Orton and a clean win over Jericho tonight. Swagger/Miz are starting a feud for the US title and getting plenty of air time. He's actively building the upper mid card-main event and the IWC still isn't happy. If you aren't happy with it, turn it the fuck off.
On the other hand, you can't just follow the same formula and have everyone "graduate" to the main event. If they did that, it would be like real life when you graduate from college and get thrust into real life and there simply aren't enough jobs for everyone. The main event is the elite of the WWE. It's not something taken lightly and it's something you must earn. When some guys do, they will be there, but just because a few of us decide a guy has potential doesn't mean they will be a main eventer, especially not right away. The WWE is a little behind as no one has stepped up to the plate, but don't blame Vince or creative for that. The guys who are truly stars leave creative with no choice BUT to push them. We got a new main eventer in Punk recently and he's doing a commendable job. Give it time, the guys who deserve a top spot will find a way to earn it and the guys that don't will fizzle out.
UM.....i knew it was going ot be those two!!! I JUST KNEW IT

Oh You knew it... Aren't You fool of knowledge!!! Thank you for your insight.

i am not happy bout this but i guess HBK and HHH are really trying to push themselves AGAIN FOR NO FRICKEN REASON....GET OVER YOURSELVES

Really? I mean really? When did HBK start deciding who was in what match? When did Trips start doing that? I don't care how much stroke he has back stage... Vince has the final say on everything that happens.

They need to get over themselves?

When was the last time that HBK feuded for the title genius.... I believe it was late 07... Holy shit! That was two years ago... What has he been doing since then? Oh that's right putting over younger talent. Having some of the best matches in the last couple years. Yes, Trips has been in the title scene. This match is fresh, and I think it will be good... You have some of the best performers in the business going at it... on one of the big ppv's... It makes since for them to put a legit match together.

this blows

No it doesn't... It's a logical decision get the fuck over it! What do you want Miz or Swagger? Neither of them are ready to main event a major ppv... That's why they are feuding.... To get one of them both over.... Kofi isn't ready either, that's why he's feuding with Orton, which should be good!

I for one am looking forward to this match. You have 2 mania main events in this match.We've seen what Shawn and Cena can do... We've seen what Triple h and Cena can do, NoC last year... It should be a great match, I'm hoping that Cena can carry his moment from the Iron man match to this match. I see him retaining her and then moving on to a feud with the young guns before having a high profile feud at mania.
I actually think this matchup is perfect. It likely won't disappoint, given the quality of the performers involved, and does its job as a filler title match until the next PPV. Cena almost certainly will retain, and we may or may not get a DX breakup or some type of interference to setup the next feuds for these three.

For those that say this is Triple H hogging the main event scene, I think it is necessary. Either he and Shawn bury an opposing team in a Survivor Series match, or they put over the champion. Given the rate the title has been passed around for the past few months (nothing against that really) we could use a strong PPV title defense for this belt. What better way for Cena to look really good than to go over not only Orton but HBK and HHH as well. It makes it seem better when Cena defends the title against a fresh face, as it really comes as a breath of fresh air.

This also does the job of keeping Orton out of the title mix for a bit, as Cena will likely retain and this means Orton will not have a quick fix back into the title picture. And before I forget, Shawn hasn't been mentioned in the title race since January, so while the "he doesn't need the title and the title doesn't need him" may or may not apply, I hardly consider one title match "hogging" anything.

I really can't find a major downside here, other than predictability. Surely, Cena losing here without a heel turn by either DX member would be a major surprise, however I don't see that happening. I expect a solid match that really gets the crowd riled up (with or without interference), with good in ring action by everyone involved. Expect a few twists and turns leading up to it, and the payoff should be decent enough. Sometimes, it is good to just sit back and watch, even if we already know the outcome.

Just my 2 cents...
I'm ready for this one. What better way to personify the Survivor Series than with a triple threat title match with three of the biggest stars in the WWE. Sure we've seen HBK/Cena, we've seen Triple H/Cena, we've even seen Triple H/HBK. But I think throwing the three of them together is going to be a pretty good contest. Say what you like about Cena [Lord knows I have] but like him or not, he's come/coming into his own. And as Sidious said before, you can't just throw someone into the main event scene over night, it just doesn't work. I'd rather be patient, see someone built properly and then get put in the scene. We're seeing that now with Kofi actually. It's only a matter of time before he gets his shot at a world title, I'm guessing after Wrestlemania next year.
My only gripe is that I wanted to see a DX survivor series team; to me that was a main reason to have them resurface prior to this event. Beyond that, I think it's a good and innovative (by modern standards) move. I do think a Cena heel turn at some point needs to be done, and done right. But I don't think this is quite the place or the time.
I'm sorry, I forgot Shawn was the one who chose the matches and who competed in them. Oh, wait...

Yeah, all those times we've seen Shawn with the WWE championship these last 3 years..

Wow will you all stop complaining? Unless WWE is pushing some random superstar who wouldn't have a match as good as these 2, you're not going to be happy. Me? I'm shaking with excitement at the thought of Shawn being near championship gold one more time. This match will be great, and the odds are, while Shawn probably won't win, something interesting between him and Triple H will happen. Maybe carry it on to the Royal Rumble where a real feud begins?

Oh god one change at that is HBK being involved in the match changes everything? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!.

Since Wrestlemania 23, let me repeat Wrestlemania 23, one more time Wrestlemania 23. Every PPV since then either John Cena/Orton/HBK/HHH have been involved in a WWE/World championship match. That is ridiculous, im sick of seeing the same 3-4 guys wrestle for a championship every PPV. Its time to start building the young guys and giving them a chance to shine.
When watching Raw tonight, I was actually missing HHH as a main eventer. And look what happens. Put smack dab in the middle of a 3-Way dance for the WWE Title. This is more than likely going to be the start of the Shawn Michaels farewell tour. I think he ends up in a feud with HHH and it concludes at Wrestlemania. It's the only logical reason to have this match up. That and to have a somewhat new look to a Cena title reign.
The triple threat at survivor series should be awesome. Maybe HBK can heel turn ,lay to rest the dx reunion and stick it to Cena and Hunter that he is the showstopper and he needs to be cahmpion.
Maybe shocking Hunter with his actions could lead to a HBK win for the title with Hunter helping Shawn.
But thats just a idea .
IMO this was a good call by the WWE,you make HHH happy by giving him a main event spot,set up suspense for the kiddies by making them wonder if DX will split due to this.I think Cena will retain by pinning HHH and leaving HBK to challenge Cena at the TLC PPV in his hometown of San Antonio.The other upside to this is its gonna give Kofi,Miz and Swagger 2 months to build into credible main eventers,since the look of that tonight means Team Orton vs.Team Kofi and Swagger/Miz will also make the card.
Oh god one change at that is HBK being involved in the match changes everything? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!.

Since Wrestlemania 23, let me repeat Wrestlemania 23, one more time Wrestlemania 23. Every PPV since then either John Cena/Orton/HBK/HHH have been involved in a WWE/World championship match. That is ridiculous, im sick of seeing the same 3-4 guys wrestle for a championship every PPV. Its time to start building the young guys and giving them a chance to shine.

Ummm mate, Ok so not for aslong but due to the recent trade all we're going to see in SMACKDOWNS main event is; Batista(Heel! Yes!), ReyRey, CM Punk, and obviously the champion The Undertaker. (Not including Big Show because there's no way he's going to win!)

So does this mean your going to stop watching WWE altogether ?
Who else on Smackdown can get into the main event apart from Maybe John Morrison? Ziggler? Finlay? Jimmy Wang Yang?
No exactly my point.
WWE needs some more challangers no doubt, but all shows are facing the same problem,minus ECW;).
Why does everyone have such a problem with HHH and HBK??? Honestly, they fill seats where ever they go sure alot of you may be tired of seeing them but I bet for everyone of you that is there's at least twenty that aren't and who cares about backstage politics and blah blah blah we as wrestling fans are not judges on what goes on backstage and in wrestlers private lives we are however judges of what goes on in the ring and outside when it has to do with the match or story that's it. Sorry if some of you don't like hearing that but it's the truth now on to the topic I think it's great as soon as I heard that HBK and HHH were going to be competing against each other I was immediately reminded of their HIAC match which was outstanding I still watch it lol.

I like the direction Raw is going as far as pushing the mid carders and the mid card titles (which is what so many wanted) I think Swagger and the Miz will be a great fued for the U.S. Title and it wouldn't be bad to throw Bourne in there as well. I also can't wait to see where they take the Kofi Kingston v. Randy Orton thing. So in closing for all of you who just can't seem to stop complaining even when you get what you want (and I know this is going to be like trying to controll the weather) please stop concerning yourself with things you have no controll over and just enjoy the show really when you get all mad because the show isn't catered exactly to you your just ruining the show for yourself...something to think about...I'm getting off my soapbox now lol
Oh god one change at that is HBK being involved in the match changes everything? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!.

Since Wrestlemania 23, let me repeat Wrestlemania 23, one more time Wrestlemania 23.

First of all, lose this attitude, you're acting as if I'm in the wrong for your horrible post. I believe what you said was

were seeing the same stuff we've seen the past three years

to which I simply explained this is NOT the case.

Every PPV since then either John Cena/Orton/HBK/HHH have been involved in a WWE/World championship match. That is ridiculous, im sick of seeing the same 3-4 guys wrestle for a championship every PPV. Its time to start building the young guys and giving them a chance to shine.

You don't understand how this works do you? Wrestlers aren't simply 'ready' to be in the main event. WWE shouldn't just push a youngster because they're young. I can't think of anyone not currently in the main event who deserves to be there, or is ready to be so. Pushing someone too soon is just as bad as not pushing them, it could ruin their career.
If im honest i didnt really want this match, personally i hate it when people are given title shots especially faces and especially by nascar drivers who i dont even know cuz im english which annoys me but back to this subject! I may not like but its going to happen so all i ask for is for the WWE to bring back the cerebal assasin and turn HHH heel we all know he has been wanting to for ages this would be perfect all has to do is beat on shawn and cheat cena out of the title in someway.
You know what, I'm happy about this match. I'm happy because I actually believe that Shawn Michaels could become a 5 time champion! Think about it, it would of been 7 years since Shawn had won any major title. Why not give him one last run. I'd personally absolutely love to see Shawn as champion. Plus with Shawn winning the WWE championship, that could lead to a number of options leading into WrestleMania.

How about Michaels v.s Cena part II? Or how about Michaels v.s HHH at WrestleMania, we haven't seen these two go one on one on the grandest stage! Those two have proved in the past that they can have a great match together. This would be the perfect oppotunity to turn Triple H heel as well, which is the right thing to do! Triple H is a much better heel then he is babyface!

I'm actually really looking forward to seeing this match, two of my all-time favourites (Cena & Michaels, I don't care to much for Triple H these days) wrestling for the WWE Championship, as far as I'm concerned it dosen't get any better. :D

My new sig says it all as far as I'm concerned. :D
This blows. HHH and Cena were in a triple threat at NoC in July. 3 1/2 months later HHH is back in the WWE title picture big surprise. Honestly, I want HBK to win but I'm thinking that HHH will win here.

Sometimes you just have to push someone. For Sidious I believe look at CM Punks first 2 WWE world titles. He won the ECW title from Morrison, then dropped it in Jan. He wins MITB and then pins Edge for the WHC. And it worked.

This is a good chance to build a Cena vs. MVP/Swagger match for Survivor Series by building up promos with these guys. But this is like a quick cop out by WWE creative. Since there are like 4 weeks to the PPV, MVP or Swagger could open RAW talk about how they are going to beat Cena and get some pops.

Anyway im going to the PPV and hope that the Titles change hands. And Dammit Christian better be there.
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