WWE Championship - John Cena vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

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Oh yes, of course how could i forget that, my bad... Was it different than raw had been in the past? Yes it was. What I'm getting from your post is that you think all the older guys need to get out the way? Am I right?

And let me rephrase my question. When was the last time you saw a 20 minute match on Raw in the first hour?

Maybe I should've specified a little more!! I don't want them completely out of it, I just want them feuding with new talent! Something tells me you're just out to try to rip me to shreds and not really thinking about what I'm saying.

Main event? Hmm Kofi is moving into the main event! Are you really that blind. Orton who's been WWE champion 3 times this year is not moving down to the midcard. Kofi is moving up. Guess what that means? That it is a new main event feud... Something that's not stale....

Ok, I'll meet you halfway on this one...but yet if Orton goes over, Kofi's just back to where he was. See also: Carlito 2006.

Exactly, so why are you shitting yourself complaining about the best that they can offer? The mid-carder's are coming up. Calm down...

Because it should've happened a long time ago, I shouldn't be having to sit through the same thing.

Are you serious? You're fucking idiot!!!! (infract me but seriously) I've concluded that you don't have fucking clue as to what you are talking about. You do realize that this is one of the 4 big ppv's right? Why the hell are they going to put some new guy in there? Need I remind you the last time they did that? Orton in 04, look what happened to him, it was one of the worst championship reigns in recent memory. Remember Shawn Michaels vs Diesel? It wasn't that great of a match, not bad but not good. It didn't do anything for Michaels. When did he actually win the title? Two years later! You throw a new guy into a title match at one of the big ppv's and he doesn't perform. He's screwed!!! Austin was thrust into the main event's after spending his time in the mid-card. He spent time in the mid-card for a couple of years. He wasn't just shoved into a match with Hart.

The big 4 PPV's aren't drawing much more than the other ones these days *******! Putting a new guy in will establish him just a notch higher at least in my eyes,

Again, Orton was the victim of pure sabotage from a creative standpoint, it could've worked had they gone about it a lot better. His reign was dead once Evo turned on him. That was that, they killed him out of the gate. That was hardly Orton's fault. He could've been something, and I've said that for the last 5 years now.

And I'm the one who has no idea who he was talking about! Well it was ONE year later Shawn won the belt, 1995-96, yup, that's only a year actually. The match lead to Shawn turning face, so it did do something for Shawn's career.

Austin joined the company in late 1995, almost one year, JUST ONE year, he was put in the feud with Bret.

A lot of these guys have been in the mid-card for two maybe three years.

Yeah, and he's right! What have they done even in the mid-card that has been good? Look they've been main eventing Raw almost every other week all summer. Yet they haven't been impressive in the ring. You want to move up, you have to impress Vince. Why did Punk move up as quick as he did? He impressed Vince....

IMO, they have lived up to expectations, and done a fine enough job ata least the way I see it. And to me, Vince's preferences, may be the problem with as to why none of the guys have moved up. I've been very impressed with the performance of many of the mid-carders we've been talking about on here. And Punk's booking as champion was piss poor at best when he won it in '08, and really, despite the fact he's been a great heel, his title run ended up meaning dick all again.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Orton was built up for a YEAR, against big name wrestlers, and IMO...He...was...ready!

That's what all Cena haters say... They also say that he needs to get out of the main event scene... Which is what I'm sensing from you...

Never said that, I just want to see him fighting someone else. Stop putting words in my mouth.

I will agree that WWE hasn't built them up, they've been moving in that direction. Miz had a feud with Cena early in the summer.

IMO, Miz got absoloutely nothing from that feud.

Actually the focus of this post is the WWE championship match at SS. Not the main event as a whole, but you're there.... These guys have never been cut off at the knees... They simply haven't... if they have give me a case where....

Well Legacy had a lot of momentum going into "Raw" this past Monday night, and lost to a team that's ultimately going nowhere.

Again, you mention the Miz, I still think he got nothing from the feud with Cena. He was close, but than it was over like that. Maybe they're making up for now, but only time will tell.

Even going back, Carlito's popularity was rising quite a bit, and now he's practically a jobber.

MVP was well on his way, the first night he appeared on "Raw" and called out Orton. Now where is he?

Benjamin...oh let me count the ways. I could, but I don't wanna miss dinner.

Oh that was a great one... Truly I have to give you credit... Dick for a brain... So what have we learned so far from your post... You don't know what the hell you're talking about and you're an idiot....

And we've learned so far, that you're a condesending jerk who thinks he has a monopoly on the truth!

Austin was a one time thing... No one grew as fast as he did, and no one in recent history has. Thanks... Oh and Angle arrived in 98... not 99... Also he was one of the faster one to grow, but not at a fast pace like Austin.. Also Angle was one of the best in ring performers of our generation. Can you say that about any of these young guys?

I'm aware Kurt was under CONTRACT and doing dark matches by the begining of 1999, but when was he on TV?? SURVIVOR SERIES '99!

Yup, I'm the idiot who doesen't know what he's talking about...man alive you're too much.

I'm not even going to argue...

Good because you know you'd be wrong. They can't make up there minds wether they're pushing these guys, Kofi would have a string of momentum going, than he'd be getting killed by Kane, Henry or Show, now I'll admit, Show is going somewhere now, but back then at least the way I saw it, he and Kane were just two guys, that Vince is still hoping can draw him some big money, and they beat all these talents, who DO have a hope in hell of making it, while they, at least now for Kane & Henry's part, DON'T!

And now you're telling them to just throw them out there?

How would they be thrown out there? As you so put it, The Miz feuded with Cena this summer. I mean shouldn't that have done for Miz, was feuding with Bret did for Austin?? Now I'm not at all saying Miz will be a big star like Austin, I mean really who will, but just for arguements sake, that's the best example I can use.

And Legacy has been in the limelight all year. And has feuded with tons of main eventers on TV, and of course D-X on PPV.

How long as that been? A week?

Nope more than two years, I used to have another a couple other accounts, and I've even had this one for quite a while now.

I love how you don't even respond to my post... And just call me an idiot. We've seen Legacy and Orton vs Cena for the past 4 months you moron! It's old it's been done to death.... This is different!

Should I use flash cards,ala Chris Jericho...TITLE...MATCH...TITLE...MATCH!

Oh because we've seen something before means it going to be terrible.... Question... How boring was it for us to see Rock vs Austin? Or Rock vs Triple h? Or Triple h vs Austin??? It wasn't, why because they were good matches. Just like this one will be! As I've said this one of the four major ppv's. They are going to put the biggest names together. Just like they did at Mania with 'Taker and Michaels... Do you even understand that?

Ok, Rock vs. Austin...they feuded off and on for nearly six years right? 1997-2003! Now in those six years, they had two free TV matches! The one after Survivor Series, and the one after WM X7. There first match was at IYH: DX, the I-C Title match where Austin drove in the truck. Austin was the biggest star in the company, Rock was well on his way. There next PPV match wouldn't be for another 15 months! There next one, two years, there next match, two years! So yes they were a little stretched out over time.

Now I can agree with you that Rock/HHH was getting stale by Spring of 2000, especially with all the McMahons cluttering up the TV, but again, that was only a year. The last PPV match the two had with one another was at Armageddon 2000.

But yet the storyline was built to a point where we were still waiting for babyface Rock to have his run with the belt! I was fine with the feud until the Rock's win at Backlash, than after the Iron Man Match at J-Day, I just rolled my eyes. Plus after Kurt was included in the Summer, it spiced things up again, because Kurt was a NEW main eventer.

HHH/Austin, there feud started in late 1999, and they've only had 3 PPV matches against each other. Four counting Armageddon 2000.

'Taker and Michaels hadn't fought each other in over 11 years.....

They raw one is... You have DX going against Cena... Partners going at it.. with the chance of one of the turning....

I will conceed I'm in the minority on this...and that's mainly because I've been a fan for a long time, that I don't want to see Michaels/HHH!

What the hell, did you see how awful he was... He had it made for him. He just turned his back and been betrayed by the biggest heel in the business and he couldn't cut a face promo to save his life!!!!

Hence why they never should've turned him!!

Yes it was boring, but now that you're getting something new with the new feuds that I've already listed your complaining...

Again, it doesen't SEEM new to me with this main event....just because it's a combination we hadn't seen before. I enjoyed Alien vs. Predator, and Freddy vs. Jason, but I hated the AvP sequel, and knowing how bad Freddy vs. Jason sequels have been in the past, I don't want to see Freddy vs. Jason II, feat. Alien vs. Predator. Even if we hadn't seen that EXACT combo, we've seen it elsewhere.

Hate to break it to you, but Lashley wasn't that great, and right as he was starting to get a push he left. Umaga was injury prone. Hardy? Hardy was given the title he chose to leave. No one in creative screwed him over.

Hence why I said they were gone by crappy circumstances. And both Hardy's title reigns lasted a MONTH!

Your assuming he can.... What was the last major match that he had on a big ppv? Yes Cena carried him to a great match... I'm not denying that, but he hasn't done anything lately, and were just throwing him into him into a main event match.... Aren't you complaining about booking that makes no sense? When you say stupid shit like that this condensing peckerwood will...

That was an example for arguements sake, and merely a personal preference.

Ah yes the big four... What do we have now? Cena, Triple h, 'Taker, Edge, Batista and Orton. Would you say those men have been around title for the last two years? (I didn't throw hbk in there since he hasn't won the title) Now during there reigns, we've seen the rise of Jeff Hardy, CM Punk become one of the best Heel's in the business. We've seen the other guys get there shot at the big dogs as well.

Punk nor Hardy were booked as good champions! At all...

This is a forum... You should expect someone to attack your position.... I'm stating my opinion, so deal with it....

All I'm doing is disagreeing with you, you present it in a way that your opinion is the be all end all of the wrestling world. You're like Madden for crying out loud.

Yeah, I read, and look what you did at the end... complained... All you're doing is complaining.... They've been alright, but they been done terrible because of the booking... what the hell is your definition of complaining....

Well you're complaining about my opinion, so don't center me out for it!

I mean you said yourself this is a forum right? This is where I come to do this, because my girlfriend, my roomate and most of my friends aren't wrestling fans!

And lastly, that assclown comment wasn't directed at you, again, if you'd READ, it was directed at a guy who said he didn't even know the last time Swagger won a match on "Raw". Considering the new angle he's doing, that's a little asanine!

But I'll admit I was harsh on that comment to him, merely because I was carrying momentum from everything stated above it.
I think it's great HBK is in it. He's getting up there, but I always thought he deserved one more title reign. A month or 2 or 3. I don't care. One more title reign and HBK could defend it against the younger guys or something. It'll be interesting to see what will happen between him and Triple H. I see Cena walking out the WWE Champion still though.
Maybe I should've specified a little more!! I don't want them completely out of it, I just want them feuding with new talent! Something tells me you're just out to try to rip me to shreds and not really thinking about what I'm saying.

Hmm. They are starting new feuds. As I said with Kofi and Orton. Then you had Punk vs 'Taker which was very good until creative got in the way of it.

Ok, I'll meet you halfway on this one...but yet if Orton goes over, Kofi's just back to where he was. See also: Carlito 2006.

Carlito also decided to leave the company, and then come back...

Because it should've happened a long time ago, I shouldn't be having to sit through the same thing.

Then don't watch it, go watch TNA, I do. It's highly entertaining.

The big 4 PPV's aren't drawing much more than the other ones these days *******! Putting a new guy in will establish him just a notch higher at least in my eyes,

Yeah, the Bash gets a higher buy rate then Mania, or the Rumble... Or Breaking point received more buys than SummerSlam. I grantee you that Survivor Series will get a better buy rate than Bragging rights or TLC.

Again, Orton was the victim of pure sabotage from a creative standpoint, it could've worked had they gone about it a lot better. His reign was dead once Evo turned on him. That was that, they killed him out of the gate. That was hardly Orton's fault. He could've been something, and I've said that for the last 5 years now.

Hmm... Pure sabotage.... No it wasn't. If he is was as good as you say he was. He should have been able to make that transition easily. How big of a face to you have to be, he was over with the fans. He spit in the face of the biggest heels in the business. Yet he couldn't cut a promo to save his life! He wasn't ready.

And I'm the one who has no idea who he was talking about! Well it was ONE year later Shawn won the belt, 1995-96, yup, that's only a year actually. The match lead to Shawn turning face, so it did do something for Shawn's career.

Yes he headlined the the biggest ppv and did nothing.... He went on later to win the belt yes. Was he ready to be on top, no. That's why they didn't let him have the belt.

Austin joined the company in late 1995, almost one year, JUST ONE year, he was put in the feud with Bret.

Wait, who was it that Austin came in as the ringmaster? How well did that work for him? Oh that's right he went no where until his gimmick changed. Also like I said Austin was rare not everyone can lunch into the stratosphere into wrestling lore.

A lot of these guys have been in the mid-card for two maybe three years.

Who exactly? Swagger has been there a year? Kofi just over a year.

IMO, they have lived up to expectations, and done a fine enough job ata least the way I see it. And to me, Vince's preferences, may be the problem with as to why none of the guys have moved up. I've been very impressed with the performance of many of the mid-carders we've been talking about on here. And Punk's booking as champion was piss poor at best when he won it in '08, and really, despite the fact he's been a great heel, his title run ended up meaning dick all again.

Orton was built up for a YEAR, against big name wrestlers, and IMO...He...was...ready!

So why was it when he was hand fed the best possible opportunity of going into the main event he fell flat on his face?

Never said that, I just want to see him fighting someone else. Stop putting words in my mouth.

I didn't, I was merely stating what I was sensing from you.

IMO, Miz got absoloutely nothing from that feud.

How did he gain nothing from that feud? He had three matches with the face of the company, the top guy in the business. He gain experience, and showed Vince that he had what it took, on the mic and in the ring.

Well Legacy had a lot of momentum going into "Raw" this past Monday night, and lost to a team that's ultimately going nowhere.

People have been saying that they've had momentum all year. Besides breaking point the haven't had a decent match.

Again, you mention the Miz, I still think he got nothing from the feud with Cena. He was close, but than it was over like that. Maybe they're making up for now, but only time will tell.

Look up.

Even going back, Carlito's popularity was rising quite a bit, and now he's practically a jobber.

Cartlito left the company, complain about everything.

MVP was well on his way, the first night he appeared on "Raw" and called out Orton. Now where is he?

MVP? What the hell has he ever done that's been worthy of a main event push? A lack luster feud with Hardy....

Benjamin...oh let me count the ways. I could, but I don't wanna miss dinner.

Mr. I botch everything? I can't cut a promo.... Yeah he's great!

I'm aware Kurt was under CONTRACT and doing dark matches by the begining of 1999, but when was he on TV?? SURVIVOR SERIES '99!

Actually he was on heat in march of that year. Hmmm

Yup, I'm the idiot who doesen't know what he's talking about...man alive you're too much.

Yeah you are...

How would they be thrown out there? As you so put it, The Miz feuded with Cena this summer. I mean shouldn't that have done for Miz, was feuding with Bret did for Austin?? Now I'm not at all saying Miz will be a big star like Austin, I mean really who will, but just for arguements sake, that's the best example I can use.

Yeah he feuded with Cena, but Miz is no Austin as you said. Why do expect everyone to rise as quickly as Austin? It doesn't work that way.

And Legacy has been in the limelight all year. And has feuded with tons of main eventers on TV, and of course D-X on PPV.

Yeah they've been in the limelight and what have they done? Nothing to prove themselves... Yes the booking has been shit, but what have they done in the ring that was great?

Should I use flash cards,ala Chris Jericho...TITLE...MATCH...TITLE...MATCH!

:lmao::lmao::lmao: good reference... It still old!!! It's still stale and completely pointless.

Ok, Rock vs. Austin...they feuded off and on for nearly six years right? 1997-2003! Now in those six years, they had two free TV matches! The one after Survivor Series, and the one after WM X7. There first match was at IYH: DX, the I-C Title match where Austin drove in the truck. Austin was the biggest star in the company, Rock was well on his way. There next PPV match wouldn't be for another 15 months! There next one, two years, there next match, two years! So yes they were a little stretched out over time.

Have we seen Orton vs Triple h on free tv? Have we seen Orton vs Cean on free tv?

Now I can agree with you that Rock/HHH was getting stale by Spring of 2000, especially with all the McMahons cluttering up the TV, but again, that was only a year. The last PPV match the two had with one another was at Armageddon 2000.


'Taker and Michaels hadn't fought each other in over 11 years.....

You didn't even get the point. Michaels and 'Taker the veterans put the best match on the card! Better than any match that the young guys put on. You have the veterans going at it again on one of the 4 big ppv's.

Hence why they never should've turned him!!

When was the last time you had to Main Even heel's in the same faction? Where both of them were going for the title? That's dumb booking! If they were going to give him the belt he had to go face.

Again, it doesen't SEEM new to me with this main event....just because it's a combination we hadn't seen before. I enjoyed Alien vs. Predator, and Freddy vs. Jason, but I hated the AvP sequel, and knowing how bad Freddy vs. Jason sequels have been in the past, I don't want to see Freddy vs. Jason II, feat. Alien vs. Predator. Even if we hadn't seen that EXACT combo, we've seen it elsewhere.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: good analogy, it's your opinion.. My opinion is that it's going to be a good main event.

Hence why I said they were gone by crappy circumstances. And both Hardy's title reigns lasted a MONTH!

Hardy left... He had the chance to have a reasonable reign, he chose not to.

Punk nor Hardy were booked as good champions! At all...

Punk was before HIAC. He was a cowardly heel. He took out Hardy, and then impersonated him. Then to win a cheap heel way at breaking point. How was it not?
I absolutely LOVE this match, on paper. It seems like one of the best Triple Threat matches ever, depending on how you look at the three superstars, who are each established. But, then I remember that Triple H is in the match and is getting yet another shot at the WWE Championship.

I like this match, but I will love it even more if Triple H does not win the title. I'd be even happier if Shawn Michaels was able to win the WWE Championship.

I was a bit surprised when I heard this match was announced. It was not so much as a shocker. It's just that this is Survivor Series, I assumed that DX would be captaining another team, but I just remembered the unlikeliness of that because of Bragging Rights.

This will obviously be a great match, better than others. But, the outcome just should not be too obvious. It would be too predictable for John Cena to retain by pinning or forcing Shawn Michaels to submit. As a matter of fact, having HBK taking the fall would be weak booking in general. I think the best choice would be to have Cena looking to get a big of payback for his pinfall loss to HHH, by having them fight for the majority of the match. With HBK doing his run-ins, and spots, and whatnot. HHH is weakened when Cena goes for the "Attitude Adjustment", while Shawn Michaels comes out of nowhere and Superkicks the life out of Cena. Pinfall! 1-2-3... Here is your winner and the new WWE Champion Shawn Michaels! That would be the most unpredictable outcome there is. Unless, HHH would foolishly sabotage his chance to be WWE Champion by helping HBK win the title. But, let's be logical...

Prediction: John Cena retains the WWE Championship.
This should be a fantastic main event. Michaels and Cena have had some phenomenal matches in the past, as have Cena and Triple H, as have Michaels and Triple H. Logic dictates that throwing three guys with huge heat and track-record for good matches with one another will produce another good match. Couple that with the possible build towards a DX break-up, and we've got us a barn-burner on our hands. Add all of that up and then look at the fact that this is the first WWE Championship match since Wrestlemania that doesn't involve Randy Orton... well, it starts to get me a little giddy just thinking about it.

Cena should retain to bring credibility back to the title and start a long term, but knowing Hunter this could be the start of reing number 14... Ugh.

One thing is almsot certain: Michaels, like Big Show, hasn't got a chance.
Hmm. They are starting new feuds. As I said with Kofi and Orton. Then you had Punk vs 'Taker which was very good until creative got in the way of it.

Wow..now I actually agree with u especially onthe lat part!

Carlito also decided to leave the company, and then come back...

Apparently because higher ups pleaded with him! I wouldn't blamed him for a second.

Then don't watch it, go watch TNA, I do. It's highly entertaining.

I do watch TNA, but I've been a WWE(F) fan for about 22 years now, and even remained loyal to them while WCW was kicking there asses.

Yeah, the Bash gets a higher buy rate then Mania, or the Rumble... Or Breaking point received more buys than SummerSlam. I grantee you that Survivor Series will get a better buy rate than Bragging rights or TLC.

Last year it bombed with all the others, it was pretty much drawing the same numbers! And when did I make comparisons to Summerslam & 'Mania. Stop putting words in my mouth!

Hmm... Pure sabotage.... No it wasn't. If he is was as good as you say he was. He should have been able to make that transition easily. How big of a face to you have to be, he was over with the fans. He spit in the face of the biggest heels in the business. Yet he couldn't cut a promo to save his life! He wasn't ready.

That's why I said, they nevver should've turned him in the first place it was a mistake! They really gave us no reason to cheer for him. You can't tell me Randy's face turn was not a creative farce, becaue it was.

Yes he headlined the the biggest ppv and did nothing.... He went on later to win the belt yes. Was he ready to be on top, no. That's why they didn't let him have the belt.

IMO he'd been ready for a year.

Wait, who was it that Austin came in as the ringmaster? How well did that work for him? Oh that's right he went no where until his gimmick changed. Also like I said Austin was rare not everyone can lunch into the stratosphere into wrestling lore.

What does that have to do with anything? They didn't have any idea what kindof star he'd be when they took a chance on putting him with Bret.

So why was it when he was hand fed the best possible opportunity of going into the main event he fell flat on his face?


MVP? What the hell has he ever done that's been worthy of a main event push? A lack luster feud with Hardy....

I didn't find that feud lackluster whatsoever.

Actually he was on heat in march of that year. Hmmm

I'll grant you "Heat" was drawing good ratings, and yes that was his actual debut, but he didn't start getting a significant push in the limelight until later that year.

Yeah you are...

Good one...

How did he gain nothing from that feud? He had three matches with the face of the company, the top guy in the business. He gain experience, and showed Vince that he had what it took, on the mic and in the ring.

Time will tell, i'm not fully convinced yet until I see how this feud with Swagger pans out.

People have been saying that they've had momentum all year. Besides breaking point the haven't had a decent match.

IMO they've had quite a few good matches on TV.

Yeah he feuded with Cena, but Miz is no Austin as you said. Why do expect everyone to rise as quickly as Austin? It doesn't work that way.

I'm just using Austin for arguement sake! I'm just using an example of what feuding with a big star can really do for someone.

good reference... It still old!!! It's still stale and completely pointless.

I don't get how, but whatever.

Have we seen Orton vs Triple h on free tv? Have we seen Orton vs Cean on free tv?

If it's not one on one, it was always a tag match or something everyweek. Austin & The Rock kept those limited.

You didn't even get the point. Michaels and 'Taker the veterans put the best match on the card! Better than any match that the young guys put on. You have the veterans going at it again on one of the 4 big ppv's.

But yet what would happen if they kept doing it over and over, it would lose its luster. And the match at 'Mania was so mind blowing, that they'll never repeat that again.

When was the last time you had to Main Even heel's in the same faction? Where both of them were going for the title? That's dumb booking! If they were going to give him the belt he had to go face.

How about actually spending time building up friction between the two, HEY, there's an idea! And the fans could've ultimately decided who they're going to decide with. And lets keep in mind, this feud was brewing just before Batista took off. If they had gone that route, who knows what the business would be like today.

I would've turned HHH face if I had the book, because, even as a heel he's always had a large following, and people are going to cheer the saavy vet over the jerk of a young guy. Evo commits a mutiny on him after months of buildup! It would've worked, Orton should've stayed heel.

good analogy, it's your opinion.. My opinion is that it's going to be a good main event.

There'll be nothing wrong with the actual match, but for me it's nothing to get excited about.

Punk was before HIAC. He was a cowardly heel. He took out Hardy, and then impersonated him. Then to win a cheap heel way at breaking point. How was it not?

Punk pretty much kept the belt warm for the Deadman. And his first reign was not good at all, it was lame duck all the way.

As for Hardy, ok his 2nd reign came off as merely a bribe to keep him, but his first one??
I also believe this to be a good match. As previously stated HBK knows how to shine when it comes to his annual title oppertunity (not to mention this being one of the big ppv's) so he'll definetly bring the 'Showstopper' to this match. Which hopefully involves screwing HHH out of the title, inwhich case leaves the title on Cena(mind you not a cena fan) but will give the title a little bit more credibility. Also will give us a HBK vs HHH one last time, while some more mid-cards are being worked on.
If they aren't gonna turn Cena heel, maybe make him a tweener. It would be a swerve of sorts if he used some little underhanded tactic that kids wouldn't hate, but we would, sorta like he does now, but more blatant. Hell, have him destroy HBK or something, be vicious or snap, then come to his senses later on.
Nobody is going to turn heel in the course of that match, mark my words. If HHH and HBK feud again, they aren't going to do it so there's a big pay off at Armageddon, or whatever name it's got now. DX will remain together until at least then, but probably the Royal Rumble if they are to split at all anything other than amicably.

The match will be won by Cena, with some seeds of tension sown within DX. I really wasn't that suprised, because as soon as it became clear that Swagger and Miz were entering a programme together, the only viable options left were these two. The problem as I perceive it isn't who wins here, but who challenges next. I'd have preferred to see HHH this month and HBK next, because as it stands, we're either going to get the same multiman match twice, or some lameo like Ted DiBiase is going to get a title shot. Nicht so gut.
Alright, let’s get the options straightened out first.

1. Cena retains, DX stays together, but tension starts to build.
2. Triple H wins his 14th World Title, but HBK could slowly turn Heel in the process. Cena would definitely get his rematch and HBK could then cost HHH the Title.
3. Shawn Michaels wins his 5th World Title, and replace every “HBK” reference in point # 2 with “HHH” and vice versa.

So either way, DX is about to end and most of you are complaining about the Triple Threat match?? Would you rather a Main Event Mafia style ending where it just ends out of nowhere?? Don't answer that.

I think the first option, Cena retaining, will happen. Hopefully Cena defends against Big Show next to really make JeriShow “Team Undisputed” (assuming Jericho wins the Smackdown Survivor Series Triple Threat World Title match), but that’s just me.

What I would like to see is the third option of having HBK winning number 5. If Sting can win the World Title 3 times in TNA, then HBK can win too.
I was pretty sure when it was announced that Triple H and Big Show were main eventing Raw and the hosts were waiting until "later on" to reveal the next challenge that it would be Triple H. I didn't see the DX swerve coming though and I was pleasantly surprised.

And to Gotham7 who called it the same repackaged crap... when has there been a Cena/HHH/HBK triple threat for the WWE Championship? If there was I surely don't remember it. I know everyone here hates seeing HHH anywhere near a world championship, but the fans love him right now, the fans love Cena, the fans love HBK, the crowd should be cheering and booing at random intervals and I believe that the match will be a lot of fun.

Also, what kind of dynamic could there be between DX in this match? Does HHH let Shawn grab the gold, does Shawn look after his buddy and give HHH the strap or do they implode and let Cena pick up the win. I do hope Cena wins to provide some continuity to the WWE Championship picture. And, again, I'm not a Cena fan... more of an HBK mark myself, but the title needs just a little bit of stability from now until Mania.

Just my thoughts.

I actually think that at this point in his career HBK should get a final run with the title in DX, it would be so much like the old days of the original D-Generation X. HHH doesnt need another title reign, Cena is a good superstar that has made WWE tones of money however the true ring warrior Shawn Michaels should get one more reign before his retirement.
I Hear Edge Will Soon Be Returning From Injury. How Long When He Returns Before The WWE Makes In A Champion Again. About 30 Minutes In To The Show He Returns On??

G'day Mate I dont no where u "hear good information" but i wouldnt go there again, Edges injury is one of his worst as in is expected return was wrestlemania 26...but now the date has to go further because it isnt healing properly. Mate I find Edge to be a great Heel in the WWE, people LOVE to HATE him. I was watching some old Edge matches like at Armageddon vs Atain, and his tag team with rey....simply classic so when he comes back i as an Edge Head would love to see him as a Face, but a Heel would be good also.
It would be nice to see HBK win but Cena should retain so he can have a good title reign and maybe this match could start a HHH-HBK fued.
Would anyone else be extremely pissed off if Hornswoggle appears to help Cena retain over DX? This past week, we saw DX picking on him, and he showed he wasn't happy with them. Cena saved him, and he ran off.

I know it's (hopefully) a long shot, but I think there's a chance they use him to keep the belt on Cena...It's unnecessary to. Why not just have him win cleanly over HBK and HHH, since they're all faces, and there's no feud going into the show?
I'm not quite sure I understand this writing. WWE knows Cena is close to losing his babyface, yet he gets thrown into a match with 2 guys that will always be over in HHH and HBK. It's no secret that in all stadiums around the world, Cena is being booed by a certain group of fans that are sick of him.

Anyone else have a problem with this or am I just making a mountain out of a mole hill? Also, your opinions would be greatly appreciated on the writing here. Maybe I'm just missing something that's right in front of my face.

Would anyone else be extremely pissed off if Hornswoggle appears to help Cena retain over DX? This past week, we saw DX picking on him, and he showed he wasn't happy with them. Cena saved him, and he ran off.

I know it's (hopefully) a long shot, but I think there's a chance they use him to keep the belt on Cena...It's unnecessary to. Why not just have him win cleanly over HBK and HHH, since they're all faces, and there's no feud going into the show?

Oh boy.. if this happens in a big 4 PPV... that would be a huge blow to the momentum the WWE is getting.

I've always checked results and have been a fan since 1993, but I never made a big pt of being a wrestling fan. I've just always enjoyed it within myself. Now, even my friends who only watched wrestling in the attitude era, are starting to watch wrestling again. It's starting to reach the mainstream more and more each week.
I hate the whole Idea of putting hhh in another title match yet again we all know he's not gonna win hopefully hbk turns on hhh and sweetchin music's him and john cena and become wwe champion. Besides i'm gettng sick of "super cena" as champion we need something new.
I would be happy to see HBK win this one. I certainly don't want Trips with the belt til maybe after Royal Rumble or maybe after Wrestlemania. I'm just wondering if this match might just be a way to set a upcoming program between Michaels and Hunter. Kind of like what The Undertaker/Cm Punk/Batista/Mysterio match did to set up a feud for Batista and Mysterio.
I can see a finish be HBK hitting the Super kick on Cena, and then Triple H sets up the Pedigree, but before he hits it, HBK Super Kicks him and pins HHH. That is, however, if HBK wants the title. If he doesn't want the title, then I can see Cena giving HBK the Attitude Adjustment and then getting Pedigreed. Either way, Cena's not retaining the title.
I really hope that Shawn Michaels wins this match. I would like to see HBK turn heel by super kicking Triple H and pinning him to win the WWE Championship. They could have Cena get a return match at TLC and avoid putting Triple H and HBK in the ring together. Have Triple H win the Royal Rumble or an Elimination Chamber match and set up a fantastic match between these two at Wrestle Mania.

I really can't stand Cena and listening to him doing commentary on Raw was just brutal. I think they need to change his gimmick or turn him heel. He is getting even more stale then he already is.
DX are the last two guys I wanted to see in the title picture. I think Orton should've kept the title. Cena is a point in his career where he can really put some young guys over. Unfortunately we didn't see that in his feud with the Miz. Obviously Swagger comes to mind as somebody Cena could put over. If Orton can put over Kofi then why can't Cena put over Swagger?
I really hope that Shawn Michaels wins this match. I would like to see HBK turn heel by super kicking Triple H and pinning him to win the WWE Championship. They could have Cena get a return match at TLC and avoid putting Triple H and HBK in the ring together. Have Triple H win the Royal Rumble or an Elimination Chamber match and set up a fantastic match between these two at Wrestle Mania.

I really can't stand Cena and listening to him doing commentary on Raw was just brutal. I think they need to change his gimmick or turn him heel. He is getting even more stale then he already is.

I can definitely see a heel turn happening, seeing the match consists of 3 faces. And last night on Raw they would not stop hinting at it, but I think it'll be HHH that turns on HBK rather than HBK turning. I think they are trying to have a HHH vs HBK Wrestlemania bout before HBK retires.
It comes down to who's going to draw....Jack Swaggar or Shawn Michaels? Kofi Kingston or HHH? Its a given. Especially on one of the biggest PPVs of the year. HBK hasn't had a title shot since Survivor Series 2007 against Orton, HHH has been out of the title picture for probably the longest time in 3 years. If they want Cena to get a good rub, its not gonna be from Jack Swaggar yet. Maybe down the road but he's no where near that level yet. All the young guys are generic and the audience hasn't really connected with them yet.

I saw someone comparing the mid-card of today to Austin, Rock circa 1996-97 and how they got their shots into the spotlight. The major difference was the WWF was desperate and fighting for their survival. They seriously needed guys to step up, get over, and draw. At that point all they had was HBK, Bret, and Undertaker as established main-eventers. I guess Sid could be thrown in too. The WWE rides the gravy train right now. They have no competition or threats in sight.

Austin was white hot after the 3:16 speech. Everyone showed up with signs, Austin shirts, screaming their heads off for him. He won the Royal Rumble in 1997, semi-main evented WM13 with the Hitman, and kept on rolling. The people were chomping at the bit to see and hear Austin every week. I don't get the same feeling with guys like Swaggar, Kingston, Miz, Legacy, etc. The WWE gives them chances for exposure and time, but you can't just stick someone in the main event with no real resume. There's gotta be a track record. Austin was in the business since 1989 so he payed his dues.

It will be a good match. There are some interesting back stories to this angle that could play out. I can't wait to see what happens right after depending on who takes the belt. If HHH wins, I see HBK turning on him, and vica versa if HBK wins. The title has been changing hands so much that if Cena retains it will be a solid and credible victory.
My synopsis is that they should give the title to HBK. I was trying to remember when HBK last held a world title and I couldn't understand why it was so difficult to remember. It was because he hasn't held a title since 2002! And he hasn't held the WWE title since 1997! He only held the WWE title 3 times and the World Title 1 time. How can it be that HBK... one of the biggest icons in WWE history and a sure-in for the hall of fame... has only held the title so few times???

I think they should have HBK win, not have DX fued but maybe send HHH back to Smackdown, then use HBK as the rub for a younger guy. They should pick a younger guy and have HBK face him at wrestlemania in a match like Hart vs. HBK where it really put HBK on the map. The Miz, Swagger, Kofi... all come to mind. (note on DX... they sell too much merchandise, are too entertaining, and it would be too obvious for them to make them fued at this point)

HBK's title history http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/shawnmichaels/titlehistory
This is actually one of the most interesting matches of this year because not only does no-one knows who's leaving with the belt, they also don't know where the turn is coming, if at all.
The worst thing the WWE could do is have Cena win clean and nothing else happens. I don't believe they're that stupid but then again, the iron-man match had a ******ed ending that defied logic. What I'm really hoping for is a shock, they're so rare these days and a HBK heel turn would be great. How do you turn HBK heel though? If he kicks Cena's head off, half the crowd are going to go apeshit.
This is actually one of the most interesting matches of this year because not only does no-one knows who's leaving with the belt, they also don't know where the turn is coming, if at all.
The worst thing the WWE could do is have Cena win clean and nothing else happens. I don't believe they're that stupid but then again, the iron-man match had a ******ed ending that defied logic. What I'm really hoping for is a shock, they're so rare these days and a HBK heel turn would be great. How do you turn HBK heel though? If he kicks Cena's head off, half the crowd are going to go apeshit.

You're right about that one. Everyone wants to see Cena lose and look stupid. HBK would look like the hero if he kicked Cena, so thats why he's gotta kick HHH and then act like he only did it for the business, the match, and had nothing to do with their friendship, etc. It causes tweener feelings for HBK and causes HHH to get really pissed off. It would lead to the inevitable HBK/HHH feud that we've seen though so I don't know if they would take that route.
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