WWE Championship - John Cena vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

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I'm not really surprised at all with DX being in this match Survivor Series is one of the "big four" and they need star power. Who do you want to face Cena Orton is the only main event heel on the show, you expect Swagger or MVP ? Guys that are mid carders can't be main eventer's.

This match was easy to see coming it's common sense really.
I'm pleasantly surprised at this match, as well as the fact that I'm pleasantly surprised.

HHH hasn't been in the title picture for a few months now, so somehow, it feels fresh to see him go for the belt. There's clearly no one else right now, since Orton has excluded himself, and there's no other main event talent right now. I also like seeing HBK get his yearly title shot, and although I'm pretty sure he won't win, I expect to see him come out big time. It's one of the supposed "Big Four", and he knows how ti shine in these environments.

I'm thinking Cena retains, if only because we don't need another title change already, but this should lead to DX dissolving again, maybe giving us one more good HHH v. HBK match.
What a load of shit! The match will be good enough I guess, but give me a break.

The segments on "Raw" last night, just proved to me, why this company is as stale as it is! Cena comes out and buries, Cody & Ted, he then said a feud with Cody & Ted would be like a re-run! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?????? AFTER THE LAST ETERNITY I SPENT WATCHING HIM AND ORTON BORE ME TO TEARS!!! Fuck you Cena, Fuck you WWE!

I mean, were they trying to go for a clever self satire here?? We've got the same main events we've been having for the past two years, you tease two new guys in the main event, Cena says fighting on a PPV, with two guys he's never had a PPV against, or given a title shot too, want to challenge him, he says it's a re-run! Man alive Cena's a bigger dumbass than Mysterio.

Cena than says they need to get in line and work for it.....ok, that's actually fair enough, so of course they lose, to two guys essentially going nowhere in this company, for no reason other than to say they're not worthy.

And of course the big announcement, Cena vs. HHH vs. Shawn...and what huge pop...wait a second...there WASN'T a huge pop, merely a collective bunch of "yays". So we've never seen this actual three way done before. I mean, this is like doing Freddy vs. Jason II featuring Alien vs. Predator. They've been in various combinations against each other, one on one, three ways involving the likes of Edge and Orton among others, for the last THREE FUCKING YEARS!

I'm blown away that a company that has grown more redundant than the 1999 WCW main event scene, is basically saying that the there younger guys aren't worthy of much, and that's that, and building to a match that hardly anyone is going to shell out $40 to see.

C'mon WWE, get it going with Cody, Ted, Kofi, MVP, Bourne, Swagger, Miz, or El Dandy or the FUCKING SLAP CHOP GUY! JUST ANYONE ELSE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!

Oh yeah, .l.. YOU WWE!
While I'm not particulary excited about the triple threat match I don't doubt for a second that 3 superstars as talented as Cena, HHH & HBK will give us a good build up and solid match on the night. I don't really see what people have to complain about. As previous posters have said; this match gives the mid-upper mid card stars the chance to get themselves over by giving them high profile feuds whilst the main event is being taken care of in some very safe hands.

What would be the point in thrusting someone in to the main event who is not ready? And right now there is no one on RAW (Obviously apart from Cena, Orton, HHH &HBK) who is capable of main eventing one of the WWE's "Big 4" PPV events.
I can tell you the buildup right now, a bunch of cheap ass unfunny jokes, Cena mugs for the camera, says WWF universe about 458 times!

Whoa Whoa Whoa! Who's to say they're not ready? They've had main event caliber feuds for quite a while now! And how are any new stars supposed to be made!

This show is gonna draw a shitty buyrate anyway, so why not draw a shitty buyrate with new guys in the main event, for future references!

If remember correctly, Steve Austin's first few PPV main events didn't exactly light the world on fire, but gave him credibility and built him up!
I think the most logical thing would be a HBK heel turn, since HHH is reported to want to stay face for his remaining career. However is HBK too perma-over to heel turn? hmmmm

Aslong as Cena retains I guess, to have a decent length reign for a change.
Surley Its Maria's Time To Shine In The Diva's Stakes. I Think She Deserves A Shot At The Diva's Title.

It Is Good To See Tripe H And Shawn Micheals Go After The Title Again But Its Old Stuff Repeating Its Self. Would Like To See People Like Cody Rhodes, MVP, People Like That Getting A Shot At A Title.

I Hear Edge Will Soon Be Returning From Injury. How Long When He Returns Before The WWE Makes In A Champion Again. About 30 Minutes In To The Show He Returns On??
chill out my friend....

in MY opinion there is no one else capable of main eventing the SS with Cena right now. Should they have stuck the Miz back in there with him so he can get buried again? or should they let him put on a good show with Swagger? Which do you really think would do more for him? Same can be said for the rest of the guys you consider to be main event caliber.

And say what you want about what the build up is going to be like but these guys know exactly what they are doing I believe they will do a good job and the crowds will love it.
And yet it will lead to another situation, of "Been there, done that, drew less than 200 000 buys". I just don't find these guys entertaining anymore, and elevation is key in pro wrestling. And the WWE is doing none of that right now.

Yes the kids and adolescent teens in the crowd will laugh, the girls will think Cena is cute and go "tee hee hee", and boys will think D-X is funny, and go home and pleasure themselves to pics of Miley Cyrus. Older fans like myself, will find it redundant and rediculous.

But you see you pretty much proved my point, it didn't have ot be that way with Miz, had they not buried Miz, he COULD be the guy in there with Cena right now, fighting for the title! Put on a good show with Swagger? I'd love that!! What would do more for who? Cena? What the hell else does he need! He's got the world right now, and I'm sorry but Cena is not the be all end all of this business, and TV has made him that way! That's not how wrestling is supposed to be...

What would've happened if Bret Hart said to Austin....you're not worth my time, forget you.

Heck even the Rock gave the damn HURRICANE stuff to work with for crying out loud!
I think you misunderstood, I didn't mean it would do more for Cena. My point is that guys like the Miz would be better served being given the time to put on a good show with Swagger (which hopefully will happen) rather than being in a squash match with Cena. Throwing the Miz right in to the main event with Cena when he hasn't been pushed enough does not make him a Main Eventer it just gives the impression that he is punching above his weight.

He put on a good match with Morrison on Sunday and now gets the chance to have a fairly high profile feud with Swagger IMO this will do much more for him than simply throwing him to the main event.

Yes we've seen these 3 go at in different combinations before and yes the groups of fans you mentioned will love it but I think people have to accept that the product is simply not aimed at older guys like us anymore. As I said in my previous post, I'm not particlary excited about it myself (being like you, an older fan) but Cena and DX are the most popular guys on RAW right now and the fans will love seeing the 3 of them fighting it out for the title. I believe they will do a good job.
You don't understand how this works do you? Wrestlers aren't simply 'ready' to be in the main event. WWE shouldn't just push a youngster because they're young. I can't think of anyone not currently in the main event who deserves to be there, or is ready to be so. Pushing someone too soon is just as bad as not pushing them, it could ruin their career.

I've been watching wrestling since 1999 I know how it works by now. The WWE has had plenty of chances to push guys like MVP, Kennedy, Morrison, Shelton Benjamin etc. And they have dropped the ball.

Look at this:
Since Wrestlemania 25 this year there have only been 4 people that have competed for the WWE Championship!!! They are Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista and John Cena. That stat is so unacceptable and you can not give me a good enough reason to make it acceptable. Im not saying they even have to take the title off Cena, but for the love of god have him be in a new feud for once. All were doing is going in circles and seeing the same guys fight over and over. Look at Chris Benoit in 2000 or 2001, we all knew WWE didnt think he was ready but they still gave him title matches because it was just something different. Even back in 2003-2004 when Triple H was ruling Raw he faced about 10 different guys(Steiner, Nash, HBK, Goldberg, Benoit, Booker T, RVD, Kane, Orton, Jericho). I just want something different and that isnt something crazy to ask for like you make it seem.
But see what made the WWE interesting in the 80's, while it was geared toward kids, they made it enjoyabvle for older fans and adults as well. It wasnt insulting to our intelligence. They've taken it even farther than they did in the 80's with this family friendly crap! If you have one target demographic that's fine, but apppease the rest of your audience. Because from the looks of it, these kids aren't dropping $40 on PPV. That's the big problem.

Back in the 80's, a kid would say, "Mom and Dad, Survivor Series is tonight, Hulk's team vs. Andre's team". And the dad would be like, "Oh that's tonight? It'll be the first time they've gotten in the ring together since Wrestlemania, I'll call the cable company".

Today, a kid would be like, "Dad, Cena/HHH/Michaels are facing off". And the father will either say, "Haven't they done somehting like that a million times?". Or even, "Forget it, I'm not dropping $40 on that shit, its a waste of time".

I don't think anything will be technically wrong with the match per se, I mean, I enjoyed the main event at WCW Spring Stampede '99, with Sting, Flair, Hogan & DDP, with DDP having only main evented a couple PPV's under his belt, the rest were cluttering up the scene. The match was good yes, but the buyrate was not.

I don't refute the abilities of the three involved. But I'm sick of Cena mugging for the camera like a complete moron and saying WWE Universe a million times, and not taking a damn thing seriously! The thing I used to love about Cena, is that, yes, he was a wisecracker, but took any challenge he had for his belt seriously! I don't see that anymore.
You hit the hammer right on the nail Y2J_havok. Leave it to a condesending HBK fan, who's favourite wrestler happens to be in this match, to tell us why young talent doesen't deserve to be there.

Well, ISN'T THAT THE FUCKING PROBLEM????? It's because the WWE has failed to build up any significant new main eventers in the last couple years, is exactly WHY they don't "belong" there like he so put it. I mean, man alive I like Shawn just as much as the next guy, but come on already!

I want something more, and in my opinion, there are guys who DO belong there but haven't been given the proper chance.
Of course everyone, including myself is gonna want HBK to turn heel because it'd bring a fresh change to RAW, and to HBK himself. HBK when on point as a heel is untouchable, that's been proven. It can still be done, definitely. I smells a heel turn ladies and gentlemen. REGARDLESS! I'm looking forward to it, it'll be interesting to see what the build up and everything is. Plus Survivor Series always delivers, so yeah. Go WWE!
The WWE dropped the ball on this one for sure. Swagger, Henry, MVP, and Miz...all better choices then the same old b.s. we've gotten for months on in now. At least HBK is there and he'll be enjoyable to watch. I want 2 things to happen here. 1. Cena retains. 2. Triple H turns on HBK. We'll see what happens.
Everyone needs to stop their bitching, this match is fine. I mean who the fuck else were they going to put in there? At least it's not a one on one match. To my knowledge I don't think Cena, Triple H, and HBK have been in a triple threat together.

The options were limited. Henry and MVP haven't done anything to deserve a shot. Miz and Swagger look like they are going to feud over the US title, so that leaves them out. Kofi is starting what looks to be a great potential feud with Randy Orton so he's out. And Legacy shouldn't be anywhere near a main event WWE title match. This should be a very good match and it allows the young upper mid card guys like Kofi, Swagger, and Miz to develop more before they are thrown into a WWE title match.
Everyone needs to stop complaining and whining about the young guys not getting a chance because this is the best possible match right now. Survivor Series is one of the four big PPV's so why not have three of the biggest stars in the WWE in the main event. You bitch and moan about Swagger, Miz, Kofi, etc. not getting a chance. Kofi is entering a program with Orton hopefully. Miz has more of a shot at a main event than Swagger since Miz has a midcard title but he needs a good run with that title before you can put him in a main event PPV. MVP hasn't done anything in a long time to deserve a shot. This is the best match right now and I believe it will be a good one.
What a load of shit! The match will be good enough I guess, but give me a break.

Oh fun another person to rip on!

The segments on "Raw" last night, just proved to me, why this company is as stale as it is!

What the hell are you talking about? Last night was one of the better Raw's of the year. When was the last time that you saw a 20 minute match open up Raw? I don' think we've had one this year. Did we have a cheap DX promo? No we didn't. We didn't really see DX till the end of the show.

On top of that we have a new feud. Orton vs Kofi. You're complaining about stale? Right after you're given something fresh....:lmao: You're out of your fucking mind! Wait a minute... We have another feud starting up that I forgot about. Miz vs Swagger. Which is going to be an amazing feud. You have Miz coming of a win over Morrison, and Swagger with his Undefeated streak.

Dammit you're right this is so Stale!!! Wrong why don't you get your facts straight before you start shitting yourself!

Cena comes out and buries, Cody & Ted, he then said a feud with Cody & Ted would be like a re-run!

:lmao: Yep, you've confirmed what I thought. You don't have any idea of what you're talking about. Let me ask you a question. How many times have we seen Cena and Legacy in the same ring over the course of this year? More than 15 times! It is a re-run! My god are you crazy?


Nope there not... What the hell do you want? There isn't another legit main eventer. Yes there are guys coming up but none of them are ready, that's why they are moving them into the feuds that they are. Do you really think WWE cares if you watch? No, so take you ball and go home if you don't like it!

I mean, were they trying to go for a clever self satire here?? We've got the same main events we've been having for the past two years,

Really? Because this is the first time this match has ever happened before. :blush: When was the last time that HBK was in the title picture? Two years ago. Cena, he's been in and out of the title picture. He's in it now, that's what he gets for working his ass of and being the face of the company. Trips is the only one that I can give you, but. We haven't seen Trips vs Michaels since 04.

you tease two new guys in the main event, Cena says fighting on a PPV, with two guys he's never had a PPV against, or given a title shot too, want to challenge him, he says it's a re-run! Man alive Cena's a bigger dumbass than Mysterio.

Who did they tease? Legacy? That's a fucking Joke! Neither of them would be able to stand in the main event. They are nothing more than a tag-team at the moment. They are slowly building them up into legit main eventers. As it should be done. Not just throw them in there. Orton 5 years ago, ring any bells?

Cena than says they need to get in line and work for it.....ok, that's actually fair enough, so of course they lose, to two guys essentially going nowhere in this company, for no reason other than to say they're not worthy.

Wait, didn't they just main event a ppv? Yeah they did... Oh shucks hate that I ruined that one for you. They are moving up slowly but none the less.

And of course the big announcement, Cena vs. HHH vs. Shawn...and what huge pop...wait a second...there WASN'T a huge pop, merely a collective bunch of "yays".

Actually there was a pop, but when the two moron guest host came out that was gone automatically. Go listen to it. I'm right.

So we've never seen this actual three way done before. I mean, this is like doing Freddy vs. Jason II featuring Alien vs. Predator. They've been in various combinations against each other, one on one, three ways involving the likes of Edge and Orton among others, for the last THREE FUCKING YEARS!

Were you complaining back in 99-02? Because you had the same guys at the top then.... If you were, then more power to you. If not, get the fuck over it!

I'm blown away that a company that has grown more redundant than the 1999 WCW main event scene, is basically saying that the there younger guys aren't worthy of much, and that's that, and building to a match that hardly anyone is going to shell out $40 to see.

Yep, you're full of shit, and haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about. Like I said, the past two weeks of Raw have been the best back to back episodes of Raw over the past couple of months. No they are not telling the younger guys they aren't worthy. They are making them better, building them into strong contenders. Look Austin wasn't huge over night, he gain a following. Then broke out. Look at The Rock same, 'Taker same. You have to go through the ranks. You just can't throw them there, it doesn't work. Look at Orton and how badly that hurt him.

C'mon WWE, get it going with Cody, Ted, Kofi, MVP, Bourne, Swagger, Miz, or El Dandy or the FUCKING SLAP CHOP GUY! JUST ANYONE ELSE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!

They are, if you can't see that you're an idiot. They are building the future Main event. Look back at 96 and 97... Who was your midcard? Steve Austin, Rock, Triple h, Kurt Angle. Some of the biggest names in the business. It takes time. You can't rush it...

This is the best match, it's the strongest match. It will draw more than Cena vs Swagger, or Cena vs Miz. Get over it.... gah you people piss me off, all you do is fucking complain. I'm tired of Cena and Orton. Orton's gone. Dammit I'm tired of Cena vs Triple h vs HBK.... Once they put a new guy up there you're going to complain that he should have won, or he was made to look like shit.
Really? Are people really coming on here and complaining that the young, not ready at all guys, are not getting a shot at the title at Survivor Series? Really? This just confirms what I believe about the IWC. You give them an apple, they will complain that they want oranges and vice versa.

What is so wrong with this match at Survivor Series? Survivor Series is one of the big four PPVs of the year. Why not have the three biggest stars on Raw in the main event? Who else on the Raw roster is ready? Kofi Kingston? What has he done? The Miz? Nope, he just got his first individual title. Jack Swagger? Oh yes, he has proved a lot since he has been on Raw. I can't remember his last win. Legacy? This is your best shot because they had a hell of a feud with DX, but come on. They aren't proven in singles competition, so they don't really deserve a title shot. They will have to break up before that ever happens, trust me. So who does that leave? NO ONE!

This match at Survivor Series is going to be a good one. You have, arguably, the three best performers on the Raw roster in one match. How can this not be fun to watch? Plus, this is a big one too, we get to see HHH and HBK go at it again and not because of a feud. I don't know about the rest of you wrestling fans, but that makes my pants wet right there. The promos and segments leading into this match should be golden and, I don't know what you all are thinking, but I think this could set up a DX break down and lead HHH and HBK all the way to WM 26. That is to say, if HBK is retiring.

All in all, you can't really go wrong with this kind of match. It has golden written all over it. Raw should be interesting from now until Survivor Series.
I am soooooooooooooo very disapointed in this being the match for the wwe championship. honestly who could have thought TRIPLE H BEING IN ANOTHER TITLE MATCH!!!! it's like watching reruns over and over again. i honestly hope he gets hurt again during this match so we don't have to see him on t.v. for a long while
What the hell are you talking about? Last night was one of the better Raw's of the year. When was the last time that you saw a 20 minute match open up Raw? I don' think we've had one this year. Did we have a cheap DX promo? No we didn't. We didn't really see DX till the end of the show.

And as great as the opening match was, it didn't open up "Raw", no it as announced that Show was fighting 'Taker again...yup! Not stale at all...but thankfully after reading the spoilers, they've made the proper changes to that one. So I'm not angry about that anymore really....

On top of that we have a new feud. Orton vs Kofi. You're complaining about stale? Right after you're given something fresh.... You're out of your fucking mind! Wait a minute... We have another feud starting up that I forgot about. Miz vs Swagger. Which is going to be an amazing feud. You have Miz coming of a win over Morrison, and Swagger with his Undefeated streak.

Again, talking about the main event here That's what this thread is about isn't it? I never ripped on any of the mid-card stuff! Learn to read!

Nope there not... What the hell do you want? There isn't another legit main eventer. Yes there are guys coming up but none of them are ready, that's why they are moving them into the feuds that they are. Do you really think WWE cares if you watch? No, so take you ball and go home if you don't like it!

There isn't another legit main eventer! That's the problem here you fucking moron! None of them are ready? When are they ever going to be ready?? Legacy beating D-X wasn't enough?? I mean by god, my point is this show is going to draw a shitty buyrate anyway, so why not draw the shitty buyrate and put a new guy in the main event. Speculate to accumulate. Again, Austin was thrust into PPV main events, after LOSING to Bret Hart, and looking all the more better because of it.

The WWE pushes these guys just enough to get them over, but when they get to a certain point, they're cut off at the knees when they're getting a little too close. Otherwise, why did Legacy job to a duo of guys ultimately going nowhere in there careers. (MVP another missed shot).

Yep, you've confirmed what I thought. You don't have any idea of what you're talking about. Let me ask you a question. How many times have we seen Cena and Legacy in the same ring over the course of this year? More than 15 times! It is a re-run! My god are you crazy?

How many times have we seen a title match?? My god are you stupid? Yes.

Really? Because this is the first time this match has ever happened before. When was the last time that HBK was in the title picture? Two years ago. Cena, he's been in and out of the title picture. He's in it now, that's what he gets for working his ass of and being the face of the company. Trips is the only one that I can give you, but. We haven't seen Trips vs Michaels since 04.

And again, if you'd read what I say, I'd say just because we never saw this exact variation of the match, they've all been in different combos of matches with each other, and yes granted this is the first time since Taboo Tuesday '04 I believe that Shawn & HHH have been opposed to each other, but so what! Again, Cena vs. HHH seen it, Cena vs. Shawn seen it, Cena vs. HHH vs. Insert Other Guy here! Cena vs. Shawn vs. Insert other guy here!

When was the last time HBK was in the title picture? Umm, how about a year ago!! Than he feuded with JBL, fought 'Taker, and took time off. I'm sure that if Shawn didn't need to heal up after 'Mania, he would've been in the title picture again by late Spring.

Who did they tease? Legacy? That's a fucking Joke! Neither of them would be able to stand in the main event. They are nothing more than a tag-team at the moment. They are slowly building them up into legit main eventers. As it should be done. Not just throw them in there. Orton 5 years ago, ring any bells?

Orton 5 years ago, was the fault of ass backward booking, not Orton, or even the fact they thrust him into the main event. Orton was ready, and he was sabotaged by whoever was on the writing team or not. I'm not saying it was intentional, but I do believe he was more than ready.

Actually there was a pop, but when the two moron guest host came out that was gone automatically. Go listen to it. I'm right.

Wow in all the time I've been posting here, that may be the funniest explanation I ever heard.

Were you complaining back in 99-02? Because you had the same guys at the top then.... If you were, then more power to you. If not, get the fuck over it!

The '99-02 era. Well the fact is, is that I wasn't for the first couple years, because they were finding interesting ideas to shake things up, despite having a lot of the same guys in there. The angles were good, and well written, and not contrived Now in the odd times, I did find the McMahon's annoying, but thankfully the work of the talent here themselves was good enough to make it fun to watch. Now I'm not a big HHH fan, but that's merely by preference. But I can appreciate the talent he has, and what he brings to the table for the most part, and back in these daysI enjoyed him. That was until '02.

In the 99-01 era they kept spicing up there storylines, doing different things with the same guys, but I will agree with you by 2002, to quote Hogan, I was bored brother!

But even so, amongst the era of the big four, being Austin, Rock, Taker & HHH, who main evented more than anyone in that era, they were still throwing in guys like Benoit, Jericho, Booker RVD, we still had Foley and of course Angle became a big star out of the deal, now granted the ball was dropped on Booker & RVD.

The thing is, everytime a new guy is thrust into the WWE main event scene, nothing else really happens. Lashley, Umaga, Hardy among many others, are gone due to crappy circumstances.

I'll be honest with you, if any of these title feuds were interesting I probably wouldn't mind so much. But they're not, especially with Cena mugging for the camera like a complete jackass. I'm not a protypical Cena hater, I actually used to think he was great, now I can't stand him.

There were many small circumstances that differentiate the eras, at least IMO.

But to generalize your quote...I was bored by '02, so STFU.

Yep, you're full of shit, and haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about. Like I said, the past two weeks of Raw have been the best back to back episodes of Raw over the past couple of months. No they are not telling the younger guys they aren't worthy. They are making them better, building them into strong contenders. Look Austin wasn't huge over night, he gain a following. Then broke out. Look at The Rock same, 'Taker same. You have to go through the ranks. You just can't throw them there, it doesn't work. Look at Orton and how badly that hurt him.

Cena just pretty much told them in that promo, that they're not worthy, were you not listening???

And again, Orton was for a YEAR for crying out loud! That wasn't his fault, it was the writers fault.

Over night? Some of these guys have been around quite a while. Austin was with the company about 14 months when he main evented his first PPV, he only had a cult following at that time.

This main event is the direct result, of WWE's LACK of building these guys!

The focus of this post is THE MAIN EVENT. But excuse me if I'm not somewhat afraid of history repeating, and these guys being cut off at the knees once they get to the top.

They are, if you can't see that you're an idiot. They are building the future Main event. Look back at 96 and 97... Who was your midcard? Steve Austin, Rock, Triple h, Kurt Angle. Some of the biggest names in the business. It takes time. You can't rush it...

My point is, dick for brain, that they should've gotten it going along time ago!

Austin was main eventing within 14 months...
Rock and HHH took longer, I'll give you that...
Angle didn't arrive until '99 and was main eventing in less than a year.

But see there's no storytelling or sequencing in the booking! It's all random, with no real effectiveness.

With those four names you just named, the WWF was a little more careful.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't get excited over two weeks of decent TV.

his is the best match, it's the strongest match. It will draw more than Cena vs Swagger, or Cena vs Miz. Get over it.... gah you people piss me off, all you do is fucking complain. I'm tired of Cena and Orton. Orton's gone. Dammit I'm tired of Cena vs Triple h vs HBK.... Once they put a new guy up there you're going to complain that he should have won, or he was made to look like shit.

Actually, I wouldn't mind if Swagger had a 22 minute match with Cena and lost you fucking condesending peckerwood, don't tell me what I think, because you don't know shit about what I think.

All people like you do, is grill us for having opinions that you don't agree with, and think you have a monopoly on the truth. All i'm doing is stating my opinion.

You didn't actually read what I said, so you my friend are the one who has no idea what they're talking about. The mid-card storylines and pushes have improved slightly, but I don't think they're great, due to the random booking in this company.

Jack Swagger? Oh yes, he has proved a lot since he has been on Raw.

Hahahahahaha...what an assclown.
And as great as the opening match was, it didn't open up "Raw", no it as announced that Show was fighting 'Taker again...yup! Not stale at all...but thankfully after reading the spoilers, they've made the proper changes to that one. So I'm not angry about that anymore really....

Again, talking about the main event here That's what this thread is about isn't it? I never ripped on any of the mid-card stuff! Learn to read!

There isn't another legit main eventer! That's the problem here you fucking moron! None of them are ready? When are they ever going to be ready?? Legacy beating D-X wasn't enough?? I mean by god, my point is this show is going to draw a shitty buyrate anyway, so why not draw the shitty buyrate and put a new guy in the main event. Speculate to accumulate. Again, Austin was thrust into PPV main events, after LOSING to Bret Hart, and looking all the more better because of it.

The WWE pushes these guys just enough to get them over, but when they get to a certain point, they're cut off at the knees when they're getting a little too close. Otherwise, why did Legacy job to a duo of guys ultimately going nowhere in there careers. (MVP another missed shot).

How many times have we seen a title match?? My god are you stupid? Yes.

And again, if you'd read what I say, I'd say just because we never saw this exact variation of the match, they've all been in different combos of matches with each other, and yes granted this is the first time since Taboo Tuesday '04 I believe that Shawn & HHH have been opposed to each other, but so what! Again, Cena vs. HHH seen it, Cena vs. Shawn seen it, Cena vs. HHH vs. Insert Other Guy here! Cena vs. Shawn vs. Insert other guy here!

When was the last time HBK was in the title picture? Umm, how about a year ago!! Than he feuded with JBL, fought 'Taker, and took time off. I'm sure that if Shawn didn't need to heal up after 'Mania, he would've been in the title picture again by late Spring.

Orton 5 years ago, was the fault of ass backward booking, not Orton, or even the fact they thrust him into the main event. Orton was ready, and he was sabotaged by whoever was on the writing team or not. I'm not saying it was intentional, but I do believe he was more than ready.

Wow in all the time I've been posting here, that may be the funniest explanation I ever heard.

The '99-02 era. Well the fact is, is that I wasn't for the first couple years, because they were finding interesting ideas to shake things up, despite having a lot of the same guys in there. The angles were good, and well written, and not contrived Now in the odd times, I did find the McMahon's annoying, but thankfully the work of the talent here themselves was good enough to make it fun to watch. Now I'm not a big HHH fan, but that's merely by preference. But I can appreciate the talent he has, and what he brings to the table for the most part, and back in these daysI enjoyed him. That was until '02.

In the 99-01 era they kept spicing up there storylines, doing different things with the same guys, but I will agree with you by 2002, to quote Hogan, I was bored brother!

But even so, amongst the era of the big four, being Austin, Rock, Taker & HHH, who main evented more than anyone in that era, they were still throwing in guys like Benoit, Jericho, Booker RVD, we still had Foley and of course Angle became a big star out of the deal, now granted the ball was dropped on Booker & RVD.

The thing is, everytime a new guy is thrust into the WWE main event scene, nothing else really happens. Lashley, Umaga, Hardy among many others, are gone due to crappy circumstances.

I'll be honest with you, if any of these title feuds were interesting I probably wouldn't mind so much. But they're not, especially with Cena mugging for the camera like a complete jackass. I'm not a protypical Cena hater, I actually used to think he was great, now I can't stand him.

There were many small circumstances that differentiate the eras, at least IMO.

But to generalize your quote...I was bored by '02, so STFU.

Cena just pretty much told them in that promo, that they're not worthy, were you not listening???

And again, Orton was for a YEAR for crying out loud! That wasn't his fault, it was the writers fault.

Over night? Some of these guys have been around quite a while. Austin was with the company about 14 months when he main evented his first PPV, he only had a cult following at that time.

This main event is the direct result, of WWE's LACK of building these guys!

The focus of this post is THE MAIN EVENT. But excuse me if I'm not somewhat afraid of history repeating, and these guys being cut off at the knees once they get to the top.

My point is, dick for brain, that they should've gotten it going along time ago!

Austin was main eventing within 14 months...
Rock and HHH took longer, I'll give you that...
Angle didn't arrive until '99 and was main eventing in less than a year.

But see there's no storytelling or sequencing in the booking! It's all random, with no real effectiveness.

With those four names you just named, the WWF was a little more careful.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't get excited over two weeks of decent TV.

Actually, I wouldn't mind if Swagger had a 22 minute match with Cena and lost you fucking condesending peckerwood, don't tell me what I think, because you don't know shit about what I think.

All people like you do, is grill us for having opinions that you don't agree with, and think you have a monopoly on the truth. All i'm doing is stating my opinion.

You didn't actually read what I said, so you my friend are the one who has no idea what they're talking about. The mid-card storylines and pushes have improved slightly, but I don't think they're great, due to the random booking in this company.

Hahahahahaha...what an assclown.

My friend, I am going to respond to your post flame-free because I do for the good of the people. There may be some cleverly hidden insults here or there but I don't know if you will be intelligent to find them.

I've said and before and I'll say it again. Cena vs. HBK vs. HHH is the best main event for one of the big four PPV's right now. I don't agree with Lord Sidious much but I do agree that Vince should have built up young guys earlier and that to get into the main event you have to at least hold a mid-card title first.

The only ones on RAW who can say that are MVP, Kofi, and The Miz. Miz has yet to prove himself holding a mid-card title and Kofi is a much better than MVP. I could attribute it to the fact that when MVP was on Smackdown there wasn't much competition compared to Kofi on RAW. Kofi has dropped his Jamaican accent which was the only thing holding him back from being view as a serious contender. Now he is supposedly in a program with Randy Orton and that can only be a good thing.

I'm not too wild about a Swagger/Miz feud other than the fact that is heel versus heel. Swagger has said that he will be undefeated the rest of the year and if he is thrown into a feud with Miz, I don't believe he's going to win the title the first time so he could be stuck in limbo for a while, thus hindering his chances of being in a main event.

I don't think Orton was ready to hold the championship in 2004 and after that it took him over a year to recover then after Wrestlemania 22, he was back to where he was and it took him one more year before his next world title in 2007. I would rather have Orton hold the title now so he can better elevate Kofi Kingston like JBL did to Cena in 2005 but that meant Cena would go to Smackdown and I can't see HHH and HBK as the top two faces on RAW right now.

I really think Vince is trying to prevent the next Brock Lesnar and buid up the young guys slowly. The reason they threw Booker T, Benoit, and RVD in a main event every once in a while is because they were established stars in WCW and ECW. The young guys now just don't have a big enough following that if you stick them in the main event, people are going to automatically buy. Same goes for the older guys too i.e. Hardcore Holly 2004 but that had backstory to it and every situation will not be similar to a broken neck.

I don't think Cena is mugging for the camera like a complete jackass as you so eloquently put it. He is the champion and I see him being the champion most likely until Wrestlemania so I don't see any reason for Orton to win it anytime soon because it was his last chance granted he does have a rematch clause. HBK is really only in the title once a year, and even though I'm not a fan of his, I will be interested to see what he does because you always have the possibility of either HHH or HBK turning on each other and there's a feud right there although I thought it was overrated the first time.

In closing, Cena vs. HHH. vs. HBK is the best possible main event right now and the young guys will get their shot but not one of the Big Four just yet. Vince has to see how they do first before graduating them into a Summerslam or Royal Rumble main event. The Elimination Chamber would be a great start for Swagger, Miz, or even Sheamus and expect to see at least two in there come February.
Can't blame the WWE for doing this, though it is their fault that no one else is ready and that they didn't have anyone else on the roster that could have competed in this one.
And as great as the opening match was, it didn't open up "Raw", no it as announced that Show was fighting 'Taker again...yup! Not stale at all...but thankfully after reading the spoilers, they've made the proper changes to that one. So I'm not angry about that anymore really....

Oh yes, of course how could i forget that, my bad... Was it different than raw had been in the past? Yes it was. What I'm getting from your post is that you think all the older guys need to get out the way? Am I right?

And let me rephrase my question. When was the last time you saw a 20 minute match on Raw in the first hour?

Again, talking about the main event here That's what this thread is about isn't it? I never ripped on any of the mid-card stuff! Learn to read!

Main event? Hmm Kofi is moving into the main event! Are you really that blind. Orton who's been WWE champion 3 times this year is not moving down to the midcard. Kofi is moving up. Guess what that means? That it is a new main event feud... Something that's not stale....

There isn't another legit main eventer! That's the problem here you fucking moron!

Exactly, so why are you shitting yourself complaining about the best that they can offer? The mid-carder's are coming up. Calm down...

None of them are ready? When are they ever going to be ready?? Legacy beating D-X wasn't enough?? I mean by god, my point is this show is going to draw a shitty buyrate anyway, so why not draw the shitty buyrate and put a new guy in the main event. Speculate to accumulate. Again, Austin was thrust into PPV main events, after LOSING to Bret Hart, and looking all the more better because of it.

:lmao: Are you serious? You're fucking idiot!!!! (infract me but seriously) I've concluded that you don't have fucking clue as to what you are talking about. You do realize that this is one of the 4 big ppv's right? Why the hell are they going to put some new guy in there? Need I remind you the last time they did that? Orton in 04, look what happened to him, it was one of the worst championship reigns in recent memory. Remember Shawn Michaels vs Diesel? It wasn't that great of a match, not bad but not good. It didn't do anything for Michaels. When did he actually win the title? Two years later! You throw a new guy into a title match at one of the big ppv's and he doesn't perform. He's screwed!!! Austin was thrust into the main event's after spending his time in the mid-card. He spent time in the mid-card for a couple of years. He wasn't just shoved into a match with Hart.

The WWE pushes these guys just enough to get them over, but when they get to a certain point, they're cut off at the knees when they're getting a little too close. Otherwise, why did Legacy job to a duo of guys ultimately going nowhere in there careers. (MVP another missed shot).

They're setting up a five on five match I bet. Or something of the sort. Also Legacy has been doing the same thing for the past 4 months they haven't been cut off in any way...

How many times have we seen a title match?? My god are you stupid? Yes.

I love how you don't even respond to my post... And just call me an idiot. We've seen Legacy and Orton vs Cena for the past 4 months you moron! It's old it's been done to death.... This is different!

And again, if you'd read what I say, I'd say just because we never saw this exact variation of the match, they've all been in different combos of matches with each other, and yes granted this is the first time since Taboo Tuesday '04 I believe that Shawn & HHH have been opposed to each other, but so what! Again, Cena vs. HHH seen it, Cena vs. Shawn seen it, Cena vs. HHH vs. Insert Other Guy here! Cena vs. Shawn vs. Insert other guy here!

Oh because we've seen something before means it going to be terrible.... Question... How boring was it for us to see Rock vs Austin? Or Rock vs Triple h? Or Triple h vs Austin??? It wasn't, why because they were good matches. Just like this one will be! As I've said this one of the four major ppv's. They are going to put the biggest names together. Just like they did at Mania with 'Taker and Michaels... Do you even understand that?

When was the last time HBK was in the title picture? Umm, how about a year ago!! Than he feuded with JBL, fought 'Taker, and took time off. I'm sure that if Shawn didn't need to heal up after 'Mania, he would've been in the title picture again by late Spring.

He did feud with Jericho. He had a match with him, but that match wasn't about the title. I love how you assume these guys are just greed bastards and all they want is the glory...

Orton 5 years ago, was the fault of ass backward booking, not Orton, or even the fact they thrust him into the main event. Orton was ready, and he was sabotaged by whoever was on the writing team or not. I'm not saying it was intentional, but I do believe he was more than ready.

What the hell, did you see how awful he was... He had it made for him. He just turned his back and been betrayed by the biggest heel in the business and he couldn't cut a face promo to save his life!!!!

Wow in all the time I've been posting here, that may be the funniest explanation I ever heard.

How long as that been? A week?

The '99-02 era. Well the fact is, is that I wasn't for the first couple years, because they were finding interesting ideas to shake things up, despite having a lot of the same guys in there. The angles were good, and well written, and not contrived Now in the odd times, I did find the McMahon's annoying, but thankfully the work of the talent here themselves was good enough to make it fun to watch. Now I'm not a big HHH fan, but that's merely by preference. But I can appreciate the talent he has, and what he brings to the table for the most part, and back in these days I enjoyed him. That was until '02.

Holy Shit, I actually agree with you.

In the 99-01 era they kept spicing up there storylines, doing different things with the same guys, but I will agree with you by 2002, to quote Hogan, I was bored brother!

Yes it was boring, but now that you're getting something new with the new feuds that I've already listed your complaining...

But even so, amongst the era of the big four, being Austin, Rock, Taker & HHH, who main evented more than anyone in that era, they were still throwing in guys like Benoit, Jericho, Booker RVD, we still had Foley and of course Angle became a big star out of the deal, now granted the ball was dropped on Booker & RVD.

Ah yes the big four... What do we have now? Cena, Triple h, 'Taker, Edge, Batista and Orton. Would you say those men have been around title for the last two years? (I didn't throw hbk in there since he hasn't won the title) Now during there reigns, we've seen the rise of Jeff Hardy, CM Punk become one of the best Heel's in the business. We've seen the other guys get there shot at the big dogs as well.

The thing is, everytime a new guy is thrust into the WWE main event scene, nothing else really happens. Lashley, Umaga, Hardy among many others, are gone due to crappy circumstances.

Hate to break it to you, but Lashley wasn't that great, and right as he was starting to get a push he left. Umaga was injury prone. Hardy? Hardy was given the title he chose to leave. No one in creative screwed him over.

I'll be honest with you, if any of these title feuds were interesting I probably wouldn't mind so much.

They raw one is... You have DX going against Cena... Partners going at it.. with the chance of one of the turning....

But they're not, especially with Cena mugging for the camera like a complete jackass. I'm not a protypical Cena hater, I actually used to think he was great, now I can't stand him.

That's what all Cena haters say... They also say that he needs to get out of the main event scene... Which is what I'm sensing from you...

But to generalize your quote...I was bored by '02, so STFU.


Cena just pretty much told them in that promo, that they're not worthy, were you not listening???

Yeah, and he's right! What have they done even in the mid-card that has been good? Look they've been main eventing Raw almost every other week all summer. Yet they haven't been impressive in the ring. You want to move up, you have to impress Vince. Why did Punk move up as quick as he did? He impressed Vince....

And again, Orton was for a YEAR for crying out loud! That wasn't his fault, it was the writers fault.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Over night? Some of these guys have been around quite a while. Austin was with the company about 14 months when he main evented his first PPV, he only had a cult following at that time.

Yeah, Austin was the one case in which that happened. No one else has done that, you can't assume that everyone is going to do that!

This main event is the direct result, of WWE's LACK of building these guys!

I will agree that WWE hasn't built them up, they've been moving in that direction. Miz had a feud with Cena early in the summer.

The focus of this post is THE MAIN EVENT. But excuse me if I'm not somewhat afraid of history repeating, and these guys being cut off at the knees once they get to the top.

Actually the focus of this post is the WWE championship match at SS. Not the main event as a whole, but you're there.... These guys have never been cut off at the knees... They simply haven't... if they have give me a case where....

My point is, dick for brain, that they should've gotten it going along time ago!

Oh that was a great one... Truly I have to give you credit... Dick for a brain... So what have we learned so far from your post... You don't know what the hell you're talking about and you're an idiot....

Austin was main eventing within 14 months...
Rock and HHH took longer, I'll give you that...
Angle didn't arrive until '99 and was main eventing in less than a year.

Austin was a one time thing... No one grew as fast as he did, and no one in recent history has. Thanks... Oh and Angle arrived in 98... not 99... Also he was one of the faster one to grow, but not at a fast pace like Austin.. Also Angle was one of the best in ring performers of our generation. Can you say that about any of these young guys?

But see there's no storytelling or sequencing in the booking! It's all random, with no real effectiveness.

:wtf: I'm not even going to argue...

With those four names you just named, the WWF was a little more careful.

:lmao: And now you're telling them to just throw them out there?

You'll have to excuse me if I don't get excited over two weeks of decent TV.

I'm not telling you to, but it's moving in the right direction, and it's better than it has been...

Actually, I wouldn't mind if Swagger had a 22 minute match with Cena and lost you fucking condesending peckerwood, don't tell me what I think, because you don't know shit about what I think.

Your assuming he can.... What was the last major match that he had on a big ppv? Yes Cena carried him to a great match... I'm not denying that, but he hasn't done anything lately, and were just throwing him into him into a main event match.... Aren't you complaining about booking that makes no sense? When you say stupid shit like that this condensing peckerwood will...

All people like you do, is grill us for having opinions that you don't agree with, and think you have a monopoly on the truth. All i'm doing is stating my opinion.

This is a forum... You should expect someone to attack your position.... I'm stating my opinion, so deal with it....

You didn't actually read what I said, so you my friend are the one who has no idea what they're talking about. The mid-card storylines and pushes have improved slightly, but I don't think they're great, due to the random booking in this company.

Yeah, I read, and look what you did at the end... complained... All you're doing is complaining.... They've been alright, but they been done terrible because of the booking... what the hell is your definition of complaining....

Hahahahahaha...what an assclown.[/QUOTE]

The only assclown here is you... :lmao:
QUOTE]My friend, I am going to respond to your post flame-free because I do for the good of the people. There may be some cleverly hidden insults here or there but I don't know if you will be intelligent to find them.
I was clever enough to find that one.
I've said and before and I'll say it again. Cena vs. HBK vs. HHH is the best main event for one of the big four PPV's right now. I don't agree with Lord Sidious much but I do agree that Vince should have built up young guys earlier and that to get into the main event you have to at least hold a mid-card title first.
Ok, but if I recall correctly, and this is going far back, but I'm doing this for arguements sake! Back in '92, there were only 4 PPV's a year, now Bret Hart had just become champion, and Shawn Michaels had just won the I-C Title, he's pretty much where Miz is right now. The show still drew a decent number, primarily thanks to another big main event pitting Macho Man & Mr. Perfect vs. Flair & Ramon. I'm just saying the WWE could do that here.
I understand the whole marketing thing and what not, and what match you think will sell your show the most, but with PPV buys at the abissmal numbers they are right now, I just think at t his rate it wouldn't matter. Much like the WWF was starting to do in the mid 90's. The shows drew sub-par numbers, but new stars were made.
The only ones on RAW who can say that are MVP, Kofi, and The Miz. Miz has yet to prove himself holding a mid-card title and Kofi is a much better than MVP. I could attribute it to the fact that when MVP was on Smackdown there wasn't much competition compared to Kofi on RAW. Kofi has dropped his Jamaican accent which was the only thing holding him back from being view as a serious contender. Now he is supposedly in a program with Randy Orton and that can only be a good thing.

Another point I was trying to make was that, those guys COULD be in that spot right now! See, I think a lot of people are misinterpreting what I mean.

Now as I said earlier, I made the allusion to Bret & Shawn, I think the Miz is the one guy who coild do that, and you have over a month for him to do something drastic to Cena, clean pin in a six man tag even, would suffice at least in my eyes. No fluke, no roll up. Skull crushing finale, clean in the middle of the ring.
Just by looking at the buys lately, I don't think it would make much of a difference.
That said however, I think Miz would be the only one you could get away with that with. Maybe it's just a matter of opinion, but with the consistency of low buyrates, with the big guys in the main events, I can see quite a few people taking notice of someone new in the main event. At a BIG event.

I also think Legacy can hold there own wether anyone agrees or not...

I'm not too wild about a Swagger/Miz feud other than the fact that is heel versus heel. Swagger has said that he will be undefeated the rest of the year and if he is thrown into a feud with Miz, I don't believe he's going to win the title the first time so he could be stuck in limbo for a while, thus hindering his chances of being in a main event.

Ok that I can agree on. I think Bourne should be involved somehow, but it would help I guess if he actually won matches more often.

I don't think Orton was ready to hold the championship in 2004 and after that it took him over a year to recover then after Wrestlemania 22, he was back to where he was and it took him one more year before his next world title in 2007. I would rather have Orton hold the title now so he can better elevate Kofi Kingston like JBL did to Cena in 2005 but that meant Cena would go to Smackdown and I can't see HHH and HBK as the top two faces on RAW right now.

That's just a matter of opinion, and I respectfully disagree, I do believe Orton was ready in '04, and I'm not even that big a fan of him, and I think he was sabotaged quite badly.

I really think Vince is trying to prevent the next Brock Lesnar and buid up the young guys slowly. The reason they threw Booker T, Benoit, and RVD in a main event every once in a while is because they were established stars in WCW and ECW. The young guys now just don't have a big enough following that if you stick them in the main event, people are going to automatically buy. Same goes for the older guys too i.e. Hardcore Holly 2004 but that had backstory to it and every situation will not be similar to a broken neck.

Well, that could be true, but that was 5 years ago for crying out loud. It's not like there's anyone in the company that has the appeal or for that matter, background of a pure athlete that Brock had, outside of Benjamin's atheltic background, who I've given up all hope on.

I honestly think with teh coverage that some of these guys get, in the prime quarter hour segments on "Raw", that they've gotten enough exposure to get one crack at the main event.

I don't think Cena is mugging for the camera like a complete jackass as you so eloquently put it. He is the champion and I see him being the champion most likely until Wrestlemania so I don't see any reason for Orton to win it anytime soon because it was his last chance granted he does have a rematch clause. HBK is really only in the title once a year, and even though I'm not a fan of his, I will be interested to see what he does because you always have the possibility of either HHH or HBK turning on each other and there's a feud right there although I thought it was overrated the first time.

Been there done that...don't wanna see it again! I actually enjoyed the initial inception of there feud in 2002, and yes, I'm aware it's been 5 years, and I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I don't want to see it again.

And I don't know what show you're watching, but anyone who comes out one night after losing the title, and treats it like its no big deal, kinda gets under my skin.

In closing, Cena vs. HHH. vs. HBK is the best possible main event right now and the young guys will get their shot but not one of the Big Four just yet. Vince has to see how they do first before graduating them into a Summerslam or Royal Rumble main event. The Elimination Chamber would be a great start for Swagger, Miz, or even Sheamus and expect to see at least two in there come February.

Well I happen to think differently, but again, ti's a matter of opinion, and nobody's mind is going to be changed.
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