WWE Championship - John Cena vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

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UM.....i knew it was going ot be those two!!! I JUST KNEW IT

i am not happy bout this but i guess HBK and HHH are really trying to push themselves AGAIN FOR NO FRICKEN REASON....GET OVER YOURSELVES

this blows
So, Survivor Series is on the way, and there was all this speculation on who would face Cena. Was it going to be Legacy? Nope, they want to try something new. Would it be Jack Swagger? With an undefeated streak in place, he could get over quickly. But no. Could it be Miz in a champion-champion kind of match? Nah, they buried him the last time he fought Cena. Perhaps Henry? MVP? Hell, I was even going to consider Booker T, as he is now gone from TNA, and his best of 7 series with Cena in 05 was EPIC. No, no, and no. Instead, we get HHH in another world title match, yet again. And now in days, where Hunter goes, HBK goes. So now at SS, its Cena vs Triple HBK. I hate this with a passion. But what does the IWC think? Yay, or nay?
Honestly I think its great. Dont get me wrong I hate DX with a passion, but there will be moments that they will have to wrestle each other. And on top of that this is a triple threat match with 3 FACES. How will this end. Will John Cena win clean as he should so he can begin a legitimate title reign and we can finally stop watching the WWE play hot potato with its most important championship?

I hope so.
In a surprising turn of events, Cena will defend the title in a triple threat against HHH and HBK. I know many, including myself, believed DX would lead a team in a traditional Survivor Series match. This is a cool twist, and there are many possibilities that could happen in the aftermath of this match. Thoughts?
I would have to say a yay on this one. Its really nice to see good old hbk in the picture for this one also. We have seen all this people go at it 1 on 1 and now its nice to see them all 3 go at it. Its going to be really interesting to see how the next few weekd go for dx
This is really a bad move on WWE's part they had a perfect chance to push some one like Swagger but instead were seeing the same stuff we've seen the past three years
I think the WWE really dropped the ball with this one. While I love HBK and Triple H, they don't need to be in the title hunt. I was liking their fued with Chris Jericho and The Big Show. So I guess that gets forgotten about.

I would have like to have seen a fresh face, like Kofi after the Raw he had. This would really enrage Orton leading to interference at Survivor Series and setting up a fued between them. Or someone like the Miz being rewarded for winning at Bragging Rights, setting up a champion vs. champion. Even someone like Swagger, although I think they and hope they continue his winning streak through the rest of the year. Looks like he will head off to fight the Miz now after their issues on Raw.
On one hand, this does kind of stink. On the other, what can WWE really do? There are no heel ME's on RAW other than Randy and Show. Randy is obviously out of the title scene for a while (and hopefully into the feud that brings Kofi up to be at least a credible Main Eventer if not a Championship Contender (in due time, of course)); and Show is being used on SmackDown! to challenge the Dead Man (wow, let's tear Punk down a little more, shall we?) Face vs. Face is boring without proper buildup, and a LOT of today's younger fans do NOT have the patience necessary for that kind of thing. A Triple Threat, however, removes Face/Heel considerations, and just throws some guys together for the gold. I'm OK with the match, so long as Cena wins. They pushed Orton as an intense, stop at nothing champion. They shouldn't have John beat him in an Iron Man, only to drop the belt (even though it's a Triple Threat) four weeks later.

I hope this is just used as an intermediary setup and match for SS only, and not some push to put Trips back up in the title scene again. He'll be back up there in time for WM, I could do without him up there until then...

Edit: After SS, Miz or Swagger could be up next for Cena...IF WWE uses the next month to build those two up...
The only thing i like about this is that most of the potential No.1 contenders have all started new feuds tonight! So Cena vs DX seems likely to run on past survivor series!

And as past feuds have showed face vs face (or even face in this case) never really work! Possible heel turn in the future for one of these guys? Considering the way Big Show signed off tonight it looks like he's going to smackdown! Therefore leaving only Orton as a major heel and he's guna be wrapped up with kingston! Leaving raw lacking in heel talent in the main event!

Any of the 3 in my opinion really could do with a heel turn!
Honestly who is surprised by this what do you expect something fresh ? I'm happy Orton is out of the title picture I think I will enjoy his feud with Kofi but as for the rest of Raw it remains to be seen.

Expect Cena to beat Shawn and retain HHH will attack HBK after turning him heel in he process (it's been to long). HHH will be the main event level heel Cena has because we all know nobody is getting elevated to the WWE title picture.
The only thing i like about this is that most of the potential No.1 condtenders have all started new feuds tonight! So Cena vs DX seems likely to run on past survivor series!

Very true. I loved Kofi's segment, and Swagger was sensational on the mic tonight too. It also makes sense, as while the ME is occupied, Miz and Swagger and even Sheamus can work their way up in the mean time. And hopefully they will be ready to step up in January.

Any of the 3 in my opinion really could do with a heel turn!

That, however, is not gonna happen because of how well the merchandise does. Plus, I think HHH enjoys what he does, or he'd be getting extremely stale. And if he wants a change, he can do that. So DX won't break up until WM, I think, and even after thats over, HHH may return to be a face. And Cena? As much as I want it to happen, theres not way in hell its going to happen. Plain and simple.
Am I the only one that is actually excited for this? It seems fresh to me because HBK hasn't had a title shot since WM 23 or something, so I'm happy. It's fresh. And we haven't seen HBK vs. HHH in LONG time either, even though they're both faces, but you know they'll push it to the limit. Who knows, maybe we'll get a heel turn out of it. But, I can't wait for this.
I think this is a good main event for Survivor Series. Would you really rather see Cena vs. Mark Henry? Really? I love Swagger (not undefeated), but he's not at that level yet. Neither is Miz. He was lucky to get a ppv match with Cena over the summer. He should not be challenging for the title at Survivor Series. The triple threat match is a pretty good idea. It's not exactly fresh, but it's not stale either. It will be interesting to see what DX does against each other and what it will lead to. I'm not sure if there has ever been a triple threat with all faces. That makes it a little more interesting too. The three top guys in a triple threat gives Survivor Series the big event feel it deserves.
well i hope that cena wins... not b/c im a cena fan, but b/c that wud put the last 4 or 5 wwe champs at a combined reign of 7 or 8 months! i mean, i dont want him champ 4 a year, but let him hold it a few months at the least! and i rly hope that orton actually starts doing a full fued w/ kinston, which will get kofi into main event status, and will give orton something to do for a few months...
That's not a surprise or is it exciting. This just means that we won't get to see a Jerishow- Dx feud which is a terrible idea. It seemed like Triple H and Shawn Michaels had been out of the title picture for too long for the WWE's liking. Seriously, how could you like this booking? It's the same repackaged crap over and over again. Suprise pft.... I was hoping for a possible Big Show title shot for both championships but that too isn't going to happen.
Would you really rather see Cena vs. Mark Henry?

At this point I do not know...

That makes it a little more interesting too. The three top guys in a triple threat gives Survivor Series the big event feel it deserves.

I guess you're right though. Series is often overlooked as the least popular of WWE's four main payperviews. The title match usually lacks starpower beacuse of the elimination match (which I still hope happens), but this year we KNOW that will not be the case.
First, I don't know who's going to win this...I thought HBK at first cuz the rumored retirement, but now I'm hearing he's going to stick around for a 2 years or so. Now I'm accually hoping Cena wins and has a decent title reign...too many title changes hurt the credibility of the belt, at least I think so.

Hell, I was even going to consider Booker T, as he is now gone from TNA, and his best of 7 series with Cena in 05 was EPIC.

Memory may not serve me right...but wasn't the best of 7 series with Booker T and Chris Beniot?
Perhaps this match might be used as way to solidify cena as 'the man' on raw and lead to a HHH vs. HBK feud. Its about the only thing on raw we haven't seen in the last three years. I agree with everyone on here saying cen should be facing younger talent like swagger and the miz. The only other thing that would spice things up is maybe a cena heel turn but we all know hat will never happen.
Memory may not serve me right...but wasn't the best of 7 series with Booker T and Chris Beniot?

Yes, Booker had a series with both. But if you asked me, I'd say his series with Cena was better because it forshadowed his meteoric rise to the top, and he had a rivalry with Cena that was HOT from Jun 05-October 05.
Get over all the HHH hate-festing. No one on RAW is even remotely built enought to pose a legitimate threat to Cena other than HHH, HBK, or Orton. So with Orton out of the picture they went the most logical way they could go to sell tickets and PPVs Cena/HBK/HHH. Just be happy it wasnt Cena vs Big Show, cuz we all know Undertaker vs Big Show will be the stinker of the night at Survivor Series. It could have been much worse, and someday when HHH is gone you will regret bashing him, be careful what you wish for.
Memory may not serve me right...but wasn't the best of 7 series with Booker T and Chris Beniot?

Booker had a series with Cena in 2004. I believe it was a best of 5. He also had a series with Benoit in late 2005 early 2006. I believe that was a best of 7. Orton ended up subbing for Booker after Booker got hurt.
Show for both? Um...no. No, no, and no. Did I mention no? Show has been golden with Jericho, and the team might just have saved his career, as he was a midcard, multi-man match jobber before Edge went down. Throwing him into the title picture on SmackDown! is an interesting change of pace, but it feels like a one and done to me...I mean, as soon as Jerishow drops those belts, he's on RAW. Are they really gonna put BOTH world titles on RAW until WM? Nope. I expect Jericho to turn on Show @ SS for getting the title shot, anyway...setting up a feud on RAW with Jericho vs. Show while they hold those belts, and setting up some Jericho/Taker action on SD!

As to the Triple Threat...I'm cool with it. As some folks have already pointed out elsewhere, this guarantees that the title matches won't be lacking in star power, which is a common problem at SS what with the elimination matches to take care of. So long as John wins (seriously, leave the belt there for a while, OK?), the Triple Threat is cool by me.
im half&half. Truly tired of the cena & orton, i guess creative wanted 2 try something innovative. cena & hhh(like we didnt see this coming) the only gud thing is that they added hbk. HBK+ SS 09= possibly best ppv since mania. Another plus is 3 faces 4 the wwe title means heel turn most likely. So i change 2 yay
This match can serve several purposes I would think

a) DX Split
b) PPV killer while an actual contender is built up
c) Seems like Swagger-Miz fued is coming along
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