Wrestling Fan Couples

It was meant to be.

Poor ol' me Down Under. The chances that I could find even a remote wrestling fan are slim enough, and that includes guys (well my friend is a wrestling, but ya' know). Finding a girl who is even a remote wrestling fan would be an impossibility, let along someone who is close to die-hard, or at least watches some of the shows each week.

You know, the only reason it wasn't mentioned to begin with is because we aren't a couple.. however..

My first love, Desiree', was a indy wrestling valet. Northern Iowa had a wrestling group called "P.C.W." and a friend of mine knew one of the wrestlers under them. She sent me the website because she knew back then (2001) I was trying to become a wrestler.

Well, this was the single greatest thing to me, because I was barely over 100lbs. then.. (now almost 200lbs. LOL so a lot has changed) but the "biggest" guy on their roster was 214lbs..

So I sent out an e-mail and never heard anything. I looked through their roster and came across 'her' profile. Without going into the long drawn out story of love and first sight and everything else, short story is.. I just "knew" I had to talk to her. So I sent an e-mail regarding the indy group.

Over the course of the following monthes we got to talking, etc, etc.. and I set up a trial date to come up and look over their group.. but more so by then to meet her.

If EVER there was a girl made for me through wrestling, I'd likely say it was Desiree'. We joked about when I made it, she'd be my valet and everything. I had likely literally hundreds of dreams of that singular event happening and it never did...
One of my good friends AKA the guy I have ginormous crush on is the only other person I know who watches wrestling. We argue over Edge. :p

Flames Out
I could never date anyone who liked Cena.

It's not that I hate the real life person, I hate the character, but I can respect what he has done for Vince and WWE.
I could never date anyone who liked Cena.

It's not that I hate the real life person, I hate the character, but I can respect what he has done for Vince and WWE.

I could never date anyone who admired Val Venis.

It's not that I hate the real life person, it's just I can't live up to the character.. err.. :glare: wait. :lmao:
I could never date anyone who admired Val Venis.

It's not that I hate the real life person, it's just I can't live up to the character.. err.. :glare: wait. :lmao:


I just remembered, I almost dated a Cena fan though, only reason I never officially asked her out was because she was a ****e.
Only girl I ever 'dated' that liked pro wrestling was, oddly enough, the only black chick I ever 'dated' and that was all the way back in middle school. Her favorite was Stone Cold, like pretty much everyone else back at that time.

Since then, never had a girlfriend who liked the sport, and never pushed it on any of them either. One though, her dad was a huge fan, so that was cool and gave me and her dad an instant bond. And you know what was weird about him though? He was in a wheelchair, but you’ll never guess how he ended up like that…. he got hit by a fucking bus. You hear that all the time as a joke on TV or something, but here was a guy walking down the street and actually got hit by a fucking bus forreal. He was super cool though, and his daughter (Tiffany) is my favorite out of all my exs.
I've never dated a girl that was into pro wrestling. Its rather difficult to find women that like it, which is odd because I've known women that like ballet, theater, movies, and comic books.... bunch of hypocrites :rolleyes:

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