WrestleZone Names


Defender of the Universe
There are a lot interesting names on Wrestlezone. Id like some insight on how you came up with your handles. When I see names like Klunderbunker and Mintberry Crunch, I wonder, what the hell is that?
So if you dont mind, give us some insight on your name and post a video thats significant to it.

OK so, back in 2001 The Rock was once again feuding with Chris Jericho. It was a feud before the match leading up to Jericho becoming the first undisputed champion. Jericho was in a dressing room voicing his frustrations to Vince.

Jericho: "You know something Vince, Im tired of the People's elbow. And...Im tired of the people's eyebrow. And you know what else??? Im especially tired of....the people!"

And right on queue the 'people' start booing like mad.

In a backstage segment the next week, Rock coerced Vince to tell him everything Jericho said.

Rock: "Christ Jericho is tired of the peoples eyebrow?" Does the eyebrow for Vince. "No problem. Tired of the peoples elbow?" Slams his elbow into his free hand a few times to demonstrate. "No problem. Tired of the people?? Problem."

So the line Tired of the people always stuck with me. I tired finding the clip but couldnt find it no matter what I searched, but did come across this video of a sweet people's elbow. I like the little slide he does. Listen for King's little shrill as Rock lands the elbow. LOL.

So if you dont mind, give us some insight on your name and post a video thats significant to it. (or not, as long as it funny, I guess.)

Well, my original name was Hamler (last name). Everyone started calling me Hamburglar on occasion and now I'm The "don't steal my hamburgers bitch" Hamburglar.
I told Jonny B how I liked The Killers' 'Uncle Johnny'. He agreed. He put Uncle in a lot of people's names. I was one of them.


Originally published in Uncle Sam's Rep 'n' Trivia Extravaganza.
Serious Jones was a nickname I came up with on the spot in middle school. We were just throwing around ridiculously manly names one day.

I recently realized that that was around the time I was really getting into Homestar Runner (I'm sure at least someone here is familar with it), so I probably subconsciously got it from one of their Halloween toons.

He says "Serious Jones" around the 3:45 mark.
I've always been a huge wrestling fan. I'm naturally a ginger, and been always an active girl when it comes to fighting, or trying to wrestle. Trust me, with a sister who is 17 months younger than me, we did some hardcore fighting when we were younger. It was Trish-Lita all over. Then when I got older, I befriended one of my good friends, Michelle, who jokingly got told she looked like Trish Stratus with her blond hair and her tiny build. I already had been tattooed at the time, and was a huge Lita fan. I already had the same gargoyle tattoo as a tribute to her on my right upper arm, and the long naturally red hair (sometimes enhanced with other hi-lites.) But I had always been a bit displeased with women's wrestling since she left. Even around work, my friends call me Lita, for shits and giggles, just cause of my admiration for wrestling and the sport in it, I've even been known to challenge guys who have stepped to some of my female friends, or female friends who step out of line as well. I'm just naturally kinda catty when it comes to people I don't like, and can be still a bit seductive when it comes to things I want. That's why I went with LitasRevenge. Because, depending on my mood, if I want you, or hate you, you don't know what's coming at ya.
The word "Awesome" has always been one of my favorite words and then when the Miz started using it, I started liking it even more so. And the Mister just came from out of no where.


it doesnt seem like my vid linked up so I'll link it here. And MBC I dont have time to google a shit ton of cool sounding user names. Some may not be able to be googled as far as I know, like Uncle Sam's or mine...I wouldnt get the essence of how it was created. But Im guessing yours is from some cartoon or comic book or something....cool.

it doesnt seem like my vid linked up so I'll link it here. And MBC I dont have time to google a shit ton of cool sounding user names. Some may not be able to be googled as far as I know, like Uncle Sam's or mine...I wouldnt get the essence of how it was created. But Im guessing yours is from some cartoon or comic book or something....cool.

South Park. The power of mint and berry with a satisfying taste of crunch.
@ Serious Jones, I thought your name was from this guy

He's one of my favorite underground MC's. And Ive watched about 2 mins of that vid you posted and since I dont smoke weed Ive realized I cant watch any more of it lol. Dont think sober and that video is a good mix.
@LitasRevenge thats a very good insight on you as a Lita fan and how she's slighty influenced you over all...pretty cool. How did you feel when she cheated on Matt?
@Milenko I would have thought your name was in reference to the man of 1000 holds. That great Milenko album was pretty dobe, its a shame they didnt get along with Slim Shady.
@LitasRevenge thats a very good insight on you as a Lita fan and how she's slighty influenced you over all...pretty cool. How did you feel when she cheated on Matt?

You know...I really can't judge people for their past indiscretions. We're only human. Plus, as of lately, as talented as both the Hardys have been in the past, they both seem to be real ass clowns as of lately with some of their behaviour and that seems to overshadow past accomplishments, but that's another story to be quite frank.

I mean, I'm not perfect either, nor do I claim to be. I just know that she's a tough girl, and even when I read her biography, she really did bust her butt to try to make it into what she wanted to do, wrestling. Even to this day, my TRUE friends don't give me flack for wanting to be different whether its haircolor, some unusual choices of clothing, or listening to loud and aggressive music, or knowing various things about wrestling.

Heck, my father even let me dress up as wrestlers when I was little, and I was more tomboyish as a kid, and he loved when I would get into the hobbies with him. I mean, like I said earlier, I know people aren't perfect, and if I damned someone for having a moment of weakness, I'd also be damning myself. Especially when someone like Hogan still has the power to bring a room to a standing ovation, I know everyone whether heel or face no matter what skeletons in their closet will have their own fans who appreciate what they brought to the table the time they were in that ring.
Sorry to say that my username is not as clever or original as many others on here. I am a huge NHL fan and the Boston Bruins are my favorite team and always have been. Their main rivals being the Montreal Canadiens, who have had far more success against the Bruins than the other way around. The Canadiens are nicknamed the Habs, and because they have defeated my Bruins many times over the years, often in a frustrating and painful manner, I have grown to hate them and I think I always will. Forever.

A bit of a lame name but when I joined wrestlezone I did not really expect to stick around, so I really didn't put much thought into the name. I occasionally think about changing it but I simply never bothered. Plus, I don't like the constant name changes on here, too hard sometimes to keep up with who's who.

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