WrestleZone Names

Comic Book character that I believe shadowmancer turned me on to. Before then it was Death Is A Right, which I made up around 2004 when I was trying to come up with a unique name without any numbers in it. It is pretty self explanatory, Death Is A Right. I was thinking and at the time it seemed like every right could be taken from you but the right to die; we all die and there is nothing anybody can do about it, this made death the only true inalienable right you have. At the time anyway, don't really care for the name anymore.
Comic Book character that I believe shadowmancer turned me on to. Before then it was Death Is A Right, which I made up around 2004 when I was trying to come up with a unique name without any numbers in it. It is pretty self explanatory, Death Is A Right. I was thinking and at the time it seemed like every right could be taken from you but the right to die; we all die and there is nothing anybody can do about it, this made death the only true inalienable right you have. At the time anyway, don't really care for the name anymore.

Is death really a right if it's something you HAVE to do? Doesn't that make it a requirement?
My first name is Billy. Even though I'm on the wrong side of 35, everyone still calls me Billy.

When I was in my twenties, I still looked like a teenager; I was still getting carded for cigarettes and beer. This is due to my baby face that still won't grow facial hair except for a few whiskers here and there. So the people in the bars called me Billy the Kid (original right?).

So I go by Kidd on all of my message boards.
A shortened form of my alter ego Deion Rodricks. Actually Rox came first because I have a fascination with the letter X and Deion Rodricks is based on Shawn Micheals.

Rodric Deion= Micheal Shawn. Pretty cool,right?
Captain America is my favorite super hero. Wanted to use Steve Rogers but it was taken so I went with Captain America's biggest enemy, Red Skull. Was thinking of using Johann Schmidt (true Red Skull's real name) but decided against it for no reason. Plus before this my username was ryanlavendier which is my name and is incredibly boring.
Captain America is my favorite super hero. Wanted to use Steve Rogers but it was taken so I went with Captain America's biggest enemy, Red Skull. Was thinking of using Johann Schmidt (true Red Skull's real name) but decided against it for no reason. Plus before this my username was ryanlavendier which is my name and is incredibly boring.

Ryan Lavendier? Class name - sounds like the alter ego of an Alpha Flight member... how about a new character - Ryan Lavendier is... Maple Leaf!
Ryan Lavendier? Class name - sounds like the alter ego of an Alpha Flight member... how about a new character - Ryan Lavendier is... Maple Leaf!

I've been told it is a good sounding name but living with it your whole life kind of dampers that I don't know why. Alpha Flight's like the Canadian Avengers right? It's a very french name so it would fit well in Canada.
Captain America is my favorite super hero. Wanted to use Steve Rogers but it was taken so I went with Captain America's biggest enemy, Red Skull. Was thinking of using Johann Schmidt (true Red Skull's real name) but decided against it for no reason. Plus before this my username was ryanlavendier which is my name and is incredibly boring.

It's a good thing you cleared this up, because I was concerned that you might have been a white supremacist.
My name Came from a couple of sources. The "infamous" part came from what i did in middle school, which was get suspended every 2-4 weeks, which somehow made me "infamous" to the school, leading to my picture on each wall of the school, that says "do not allow on/in premises" and is still there to this day. Go me. Enigma Came from my Ex Girlfriend, she says i was mysterious and thought provoking and always wondered what went on in my head, then she said i wish there was a word for it, I told her to google the words she used to describe and see what comes up, and enigma popped up as the only good one, which stuck like hell, even to the point that my current girlfriend calls me it. Contrary to most of everyone's belief on here, the Enigma part does NOT come from jeff hardy. I hate that tool. I hate what he is, what he does, and his "Imagination" or lack thereof.

Anyway, Thats where Infamous_Enigma Came from.
I've been told it is a good sounding name but living with it your whole life kind of dampers that I don't know why. Alpha Flight's like the Canadian Avengers right? It's a very french name so it would fit well in Canada.

Correct - Wolverine was a member for a while
Vindicator is the leader. His wife is also on the team. They have a set of twins, a sasquash(sp) type dude and Puck. Those are the ones I remember. Logan beat them all up once. Always wondered why they werent featured more frequently in the Marvel Universe.

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