Wrestlezone Fantasy Football League

Seeing as I work at the ass crack of dawn Sunday night might not be as good for me. Maybe if it is something like 8 or 9 in the Evening that will work.
Alright since it appears a majority of you prefer Sunday I'm thinking 2 dates:

August 19
September 2

August 19 would be sooner which would give us more time to trade/bs/etc. while the 2nd would be at the end of preseason and we wouldn't get fucked over by injuries. I'd prefer the 19th because I want to get drafting, but we'll go to a vote here.

And the time I was thinking between 8 and 9 PM Eastern.
Alright since it appears a majority of you prefer Sunday I'm thinking 2 dates:

August 19
September 2

August 19 would be sooner which would give us more time to trade/bs/etc. while the 2nd would be at the end of preseason and we wouldn't get fucked over by injuries. I'd prefer the 19th because I want to get drafting, but we'll go to a vote here.

Sept. 2nd falls on Labor Day weekend, so I'm guessing a lot of people might have shit going on, I'd prefer Aug. 19th.

And the time I was thinking between 8 and 9 PM Eastern.

That works for me.
Yeah I'm gonna change the draft date to:

Sunday, August 19, at 8 PM ET/7 CT

EDIT: Actually, for some reason i can't get 8, so the next closest is 6:45 ET, is that fine with everyone?
Fuck me, I just realized that's this Sunday. Since that works for everyone, don't change it, I just will have to autodraft. I'm going to a Cards game then driving 4 1/2 back home after that.
Just a reminder for everyone that the draft is only two days away. Only one I believe is going to be MIA is Thriller at the moment, so hopefully we have a good turnout.
There is a slight chance I'll be psuedo-MIA. I'm going to pre-rank all my picks but I'll be detaching my laptop from the battlestation (read: I'll be out of my house with my laptop) and I might miss a pick or two. Hopefully not, but it is a possibility.
Shit, just realized I have a company event to go to tomorrow night. It ends 15 minutes after the draft starts but I likely won't be home until an hour and a half afterward. I guess I'll let the auto draft decide my fate.

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