Wrestlers in the "Dog House"


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was recently reading an article on one of these sites about whose in good with TNA management and who is in the dog house. The way it was noted was that Desmond Wolf, for example is finally getting out of the dog house and on the good side of TNA management. Now I know its all speculation and nobody really knows the details of what goes on backstage, but people tend to link a push or burying a wrestler as how good they are with management.

Now my question for all of you is, do you think that it would do management more harm than good to use burying a wrestler as a tactic to punish them if they are in the dog house? In a way I think it makes the whole product suffer and even impacts other wrestlers especially if it is obvious to the audience that something has changed.

Think about if a wrestler starts out on a roll and wrestlers great matches with main eventers and then all of a sudden starts jobbing to mid card guys. What does that say about the credibility of product as a whole?

How does that effect the credibility of say for example, Kurt Angle, who puts people over by having great, long, drug-out matches with lots of near falls to having that same opponent squashed by a mid carder weeks or months later?

Last point is that if a wrestler is way over with the fans, shouldnt that determine the push or bury and not back stage politics? Isnt giving the fans what they want the drive that makes people want to watch the show and spend money on the product? So wouldnt the whole product suffer from this?
Ricky Steamboat came to mind here. He was supposed to have a long reign as IC Champ after Wrestlemania 3 and then he wanted to take some time off for the birth of his son and Vince immediately made him lose to the Honky Tonk Man and really never did anything else in WWF/E. He did go on to have fantastic matches with Flair in the NWA but I think that it took something away from Savage for a while after Steamboat lost so quickly after their epic bout.
in interviews, Steamboat said he was punished for "one-upping" the Hogan-Andre main event at WrestleMania III. what the hell does that even mean? him and Savage put on a better bout than Hogan and Andre?
in interviews, Steamboat said he was punished for "one-upping" the Hogan-Andre main event at WrestleMania III. what the hell does that even mean? him and Savage put on a better bout than Hogan and Andre?

They didn't just put on a better bout, they stole the show. I can see how Vince would be pissed about this since Hulk Andre was supposed to be the focus of the whole event, hell, the whole year, but after, people were probably talking about Macho and Steamboat more. Im not surprised they had such an amazing match though especially since they worked the whole thing out before the match, whereas i'm sure andre and hulk didn't have much of a plan in comparison.

Back on topic though, I think having a "doghouse" is ridiculous and completely unfair to the fans. When a wrestler the fans like gets put in the dog house everyone loses, and for what, management to make some kind of point. I think that it really hurts the product and the business in general. If a wrestler isn't performing well, then you can bench him, but for some personal issues it's absurd and no way to run a company IMO.
If there was anyone in the doghouse, it would have been the Dragon in 1987. Taking time off for the birth of your child is alright so long as the wrestler who is the father is your son-in-law. I guess working for McMahon is more important than the best day in a father's life. To make it worse, he lost to a joke like the Honky Tonk Man, and not in a rematch against the Macho Man, which could have surpassed WM 3. How many mid-card matches have we seen that were better than the main event? My opininon is that this was the greatest match in WWF/E history. And because it upstaged the main event (Hulk and Andre), McMahon made sure Savage would take a back seat to the Honky Tonk Man, and the Dragon would lose his IC belt to him.
The worst example recently was the alledged CM Punk benching cos he lipped off at Taker... If it was true, that Punk said "What about Cena?" when Taker questioned his dress then Taker is not the pro I thought he was...

Many will say Trips gets favourable treatment, but he did take a shit bath for Henry Godwinn... so he was more in the Hog House...

I always find it amazing how supposed political faux pas in WWE seem to be so important... In a normal workplace they would be let go... in a sports team, they might run a fine system... but Wrestler's court, bans from the locker room... it all sounds a bit silly really...
Wrestling is just like any other blue collar business. If management does not care for a certain employee they will pass over that employee for promotions or force said employee to work crappy shifts. Said employee may be an amazing worker but for some reason management does not care for the employee. Backstage in wrestling there are old school guys like Taker and Trips, rub them the wrong way, your screwed. It sucks, when you like a wrestler , just to see him get buried. Case in point, currently is Jericho, Vince is upset that Chris hosted a game show, therefore missing a few house shows, and has been hinting at retirement in the new future. Yes, he is elevating new talent like Evan Bourne, but I personally believe that this is more of an example of Vince putting him in the doghouse than anything else
This is a great topic for discussion, and it's a shame we can't get some real insight from those who have lived it.

Either way, to be in the doghouse is fine, who hasn't had issues with their employers? It's a natural part of being employed in my experience. But I've never had my employer take me off of important projects or reduce my hours because I upset them. If you're a good worker, you're a good worker. I've always said you don't have to like me and I don't have to like you, we can still WORK together.

That said, honestly, if I was in a locker room and using the Miz for example, say I did something like "eat chicken over your bag". If you BANNED me from the locker room, I'd still be using that locker room. Hate to tell you big boy, we're ADULTS now. This isn't middle school or high school where your clout and feeling of self-importance carries any weight with me being able to do my job.

I've always thought that was ridiculous, and if these GROWN MEN are playing locker room junior high politics, then shame on them. Grow up.
When I think about the "dog house"
I think about the Bull CM Punk went through when he lost the belt because of how he dressed OUTSIDE OF THE RING,
& Taker had a problem w/ it,
Punk answered
"What about Cena"
You would of swore he cussed Taker out or ignored him,
Just that simple reply,
and he lost the belt
Even JR thougt it was stupid,
So I think the dog house is stupid,
I there's a problem w/ someone,
sit 'em down and explain,
Don't start pulling strings and what not
This thread is in the TNA section. Therefor it should discuss TNA workers. I don't know if the opening poster made a mistake, but if he did, kindly ask a staff member to this to the General Wrestling section.

But on to the actual topic, I don't believe there an actual "doghouse" in TNA. Mainly because it doesn't seem to work that way there. If one talent messes up they all end up taking part of the blame. Either they are called out apart and simply told to do better or the entire locker room sits through a conference about it.

TNA isn't as "gun jumping" as other companies tend (or tended) to be.
I agree if they are wrestling bad, or have no mike skills 'dog house' them, but otherwise it is school yard crap.

Once again HHH getting dogged coz he was allowed time off when his kids were born, maybe Vince has mellowed since the steamboat incident. Anyone remember the curtain call when HHH had his arse handed to him for months? HHH isn't the only one to use these back stage politics but yet he is the one everyone crys about.

Sorry me again, someone posted at the same time and I hadnt read there post, this is the second time it was bought up so I am wondering.....What was wrong with how CM Punk dressed outside the ring and why did Taker have a problem with it (and IMO Taker is way worse than HHH with wrestling politics)
In every business that's mainly big strong athletic alpha male dominated respect is the currency that pays the way.
Look at UFC. Those guys can kick serious ass but they show respect to their opponents. EVEN IF THEY DESTROY THEM.
The WWE will go on no matter whos being pushed. SO if you want to be pushed adhere to the locker room edicate. Say hello and shake hands. If your opponent gets hurt in your match, FOR WHAT EVER REASON, call and check up. Be true to your word. These things are vital to keeping peace and harmony in the lions den. Taker is absolutely right to expect anyone, including CM PUNK, to carry the title with respect. He's earned the right to be the guy calling those shots. None of us have the slightest bit of right to admonish him for it.
If you've never had to deal with a locker room type atmosphere please sit down and close thy lips. I"m sure Miz deserves the ire of Benoit at first. But as we can tell he's learned and prospered. Respect is second to nothing.
So I guess this turned into a whining about CM Punk thread when it was supposed to be a why won't they push Wolfe anyway thread. WWE bias strikes again. But on Wolfe, or the dog house in general I have to support management when it is not about politics. It is the wrestling BUSINESS. Fans have the luxury of not worrying about the second part. We have the luxury of not worrying about how pushing Nigel effects other wrestlers or other facets of the company. Once you push someone into the main event full time you are stuck with them. Their attitude does not usually improve either. If Wolfe is rubbing more important (yes wolfe is not the most important wrestler in TNA) established main event types the wrong way then that could be a huge problem for the company. I would love to see Wolfe get a huge push but if he needs to straighten his approach out first then I can support that.
As far as TNA wrestlers in the doghouse, I really don't know if I believe the story. Wolfe was always held in high regard in the past. Angle said in an interview the reason why Wolfe was held back was because he was so much better in the ring then everyone else. He made everyone else look bad so he had to tone down to learn other aspects in the ring. I don' t think that warrants putting him in the dog house or in his position now, but I will never understand the wrestling business.

Morgan was supposedly jumped on for not allowing Hernandez to give him the border toss. I don't think you can put all of that on Morgan's doorstep since Hernandez has had problems performing that move in the past. Whatever this debacle is I'm sure it is either gossip or not even an issue anymore.

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