Punk in the Dog House

Now hold on a second people! I think there's one thing were forgetting!

This is The Undertaker saying this...right? The Undertaker! Perhaps one of the very few guys who still lives under the code of Kayfabe right? So why should the one guy who still believes in Kayfabe, encourage someone to braek it.

The similarities between CM Punk the wrestler, and Phil Brooks the man, aren't all that different! There's a reason his name is CM PUNK! Now there's a lot of speculation here that Punk was being snarky with Taker and getting a bit of an attitude! I think the man was just stating opinion!

Look, I'm a HUGE 'Taker fan, and his reputation is well known throughout the smark community as a lockeroom leader. But it almost sounds as if Punk's not allowed to have an opinion! I'm sorry, but if the man wants to state an opinion, he has a right, I don't care! 'Taker is not his boss! It's not right.

Now that said, I'm aware it's likely 'Taker was going over anyway, and that Punk was going to lose the belt. But he got NOTHING from this match, NOTHING! Where as Legacy, got everything, ACCEPT for the 1-2-3, and came out looking good because of it.

I'm sorry, but if this is all steming from Punk just stating his opinion, it's pure bullshit, I don't care who 'Taker is.

You have a point, but the best way to answer your reply is to say this...

Professional wrestling is broken down into parts. Something like this...

20% personality, looks, mic skills
30% physicality


If you cannot respect the men and women that paved the way for you in wrestling, you will never succeed. It's basically the first commandment of wrestling... always respect the veterans no matter what. Punk, with his experience, should know this more than most of the rookies. But, Punk is also documented to be an ass in real life, so his real personality came out in front of the wrong guy.
Two points I would like to make...

1) If Punk has an attitude backstage, i think he has every right to do so. I mean, people seem to be talking about "their workplace" in relation to this. If I worked in an environment where other employees were promoted over me, even though they *allegedly* are abusing substances and alcohol - I think I would have an attitude too!!

2) People need to stop thinking the title was taken from Punk because of the dress code error. Punk was going to lose the title anyway - surely nobody thought that Punk would beat Taker in the "Invisible" Cell. The issue is the placement of the match on the card, and the nature of the match....
I don't care if 'Taker walked up to Punk and said, "Don't look at people like that!" The fact is, that 'Taker is the veteran in this situation and in the wrestling world, respect can carry your ass for miles!

I guarantee you that if 'Taker had said the same thing to Cena. Cena would have said, "I completely understand and I will change." That would have been that and in 'Taker's eyes, he would have gained alot more respect for Cena.

Instead of being respectful towards the most respected man in the industry. Punk decided to revert back to grade school and say, "But what about him?" You just don't do that in the work place. 'Taker wasn't talking about Cena, he was talking about Punk. Punk should have agreed and lived to fight another day.

One more thing. If what he was wearing was bad enough for 'Taker, The Undertaker, to pull him aside and say, "You are representing the WWE as Champion and what you are wearing is unacceptable." Then it must have been something aweful. I don't know that for sure, but I'm sure 'Taker didn't just do it because he was bored.

That is all!
No offense to anybody on here...but it seems that some on here are either letting "smarky-ness" get in the way of logical thinking or living in some fantasy world. If I worked at some coporate office...and the most respected, veteran worker was nice enough to pull me aside and say..."Hey, go fix your attire" and I replied "What about ___" or "It's not fair, __ doesnt have to do it." Do you honestly think, I would get away with that? Do you think that there would be no consequences for my smartass, childish remark? There's a good chance, that I would get fired over that shit. Me get fired...and why? All b/c I tried to be a smart ass. Punk didnt get fired, but now he knows that he doesnt run shit. You cannot do that shit, in the real world. You can't just talk to anybody, any kind of way and not get busted for it. I see some on here saying things like "Taker isn't Punk's daddy. He can't tell him what to do." You try pulling that shit, in the coporate world...and see how long you'll last. Like I said, that shit doesnt fly in the "adult world". This isnt High School. You try that smartass "rebel" crap in the real world, and you'll get canned. They don't put up with it, in college. And they damn sure, don't stand for it in the coporate world. You think it's unfair? Fine. Go start your own business and you can be the boss and make your own rules. Or, just be umemployed and do nothing for the rest of your life. The WWE does not need CM Punk. If he doesnt like what they do, fine...get your salary reduced by a large percentage and go back to the independents. At pretty much every work place on this planet, including WWE, there's going to be Seniority. Alot of times, you have to suck up and deal with it. Life isnt fair. It isnt easy. You are not going to always get your way. Higher up at your job tells you to correct something...then you do it. End of story. And Taker is known as the most respected guy in WWE, and one of the most respected dudes in the business. Punk is known for being an asshole, to people. There's been alot of fan reports that have said that. To me, it seems that Punk tried to be an ass to the wrong person. When Taker first got in the business, CM hadn't even reached puberty. So who in the hell is he to question The Undertaker? And why bring Cena's name up? Was Cena even there to defend himself? If it's a SD tour, then no he wasnt. If Punk has dislike towards Cena, then he needs to go talk to Cena bout it...instead of pulling that childish "but he doesnt have to do it" bullshit. And if Taker would've asked Cena to change his attire...Cena would have did it. He wouldnt have been a smartass. He wouldnt have pulled any childish stunts. I'm a fan of Punk and I enjoyed his reign as champion. But seriously dude, think before you speak. Is it really worth getting in trouble over such trivial bullshit? I really hope CM, learned from this.
Exactly, its trivial bullshit deadmaninc2009. Very trivial, but what else could i expect from wwe. They are trying to appeal to children, so i expect them to be very childesh. This guy is on a clean slate unlike many of the other wrestlers, and they want to act so childesh. So what if he said what about cena, thats his right to free speech. Its bullshit to not make all the wrestlers follow the rules, i dont care who the person is or how long they've been there. rules are rules so make everyone follow them. Thats why wwe cant keep or sign any real talent. Petty bullshit.
Exactly, its trivial bullshit deadmaninc2009. Very trivial, but what else could i expect from wwe. They are trying to appeal to children, so i expect them to be very childesh. This guy is on a clean slate unlike many of the other wrestlers, and they want to act so childesh. So what if he said what about cena, thats his right to free speech. Its bullshit to not make all the wrestlers follow the rules, i dont care who the person is or how long they've been there. rules are rules so make everyone follow them. Thats why wwe cant keep or sign any real talent. Petty bullshit.

This is not trivial bullshit at all! 'Taker noticed that Punk was out of line and he tried to pull Punk aside and help him. Help him! Any advice from 'Taker is good advice and Punk should have appreciated it. Instead, he acted as a child and said, "Well what about the biggest face in the company?" That is disrespectful to a major degree. 'Taker wasn't talking about Cena was talking about Punk. If Punk would have shown respect and listened, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.

Again, I say that if it was bad enough for 'Taker to pull him aside and address him, then it couldn't have been ignored. 'Taker didn't just do it because he could.
On the surface, the idea of a dress code might sound ridiculous to some people. However, as a Corrections Officer, I have to go to work everyday dressed in a very particular way. I can't just throw on a pair of ratty old blue jeans and a wife beater even if it's what I prefer to wear.

Now, is it unfair that Punk can't violate the WWE's dress code while the Undertaker can? Probably not, but life's not fair. Sometimes, life likes to ram it in, twist it around and break it off if it can. Sometimes in life, no matter how much it might personally chafe, you just have to do what you're told if you expect to get along alright. Anybody that thinks otherwise has their head so far up their ass that they're practically turning inside-out.

What's going on in the WWE isn't anything new. In all of wrestling's history, sometimes a young guy does something that gets backstage heat and needs to be addressed. To us, it might seem like it's ridiculous but if any of us worked for the WWE, it'd be a different story. Bottom line is, if someone like the Undertaker makes a suggestion that you should do something, it's probably going to be in your best interest to take him up on his suggestion. Taker is a respected legend with an old school way of looking at things. It's one of the reasons why he's so respected.

Now, once again, I agree that the whole situation might not necessarily be fair. But Punk doesn't have the stroke to say the things he's supposed to have said and not expect some retribution. Wrestling has been that way for as long as I can remember. I know it can be a shitty thing, I know that nobody likes being told what to wear or how to act but that's life sometimes. When you work for someone, whether it be on the graveyard shift at the local 711 or the WWE, you have to follow the rules if you hope to continue to work in the same capacity as you have been. As a grown up, sometimes you just have to suck it up, grit your teeth and behave in a dignified manner even if it personally wrangles you.
Exactly, its trivial bullshit deadmaninc2009. Very trivial, but what else could i expect from wwe. They are trying to appeal to children, so i expect them to be very childesh. This guy is on a clean slate unlike many of the other wrestlers, and they want to act so childesh. So what if he said what about cena, thats his right to free speech. Its bullshit to not make all the wrestlers follow the rules, i dont care who the person is or how long they've been there. rules are rules so make everyone follow them. Thats why wwe cant keep or sign any real talent. Petty bullshit.

It was trivial. All Taker asked him to do, was change his attire. That's it. Nothing major, at all. But CM, wanted to use his "freedom of speech" and now he's paying for it. And WWE isnt acting childish. CM Punk is the one, who's acting childish. The dude says "What about Cena?" Are you f'n kidding me? What is he, 10yrs old? WWE is a company. And like all corps. you're going to have seniority, like I said before. Alot of times, you have to deal with it. That's how we adults handle it. We don't pout and get mad b/c so and so doesnt have to do something. We don't give out childish remarks, b/c we don't get our way. We just suck it up and deal with it. You don't like it? Then go and start your own business and be the boss. No offense dude, but come on. And when it comes to the freedom of speech argument, I swear that is the most overused excuse for stupidity. That shit gets used WAY too much, to cover up a one's lack of sense. And also what's more important...me using my "freedom of speech" and being an ass to a somebody who's above me and possibly getting fired? Or me keeping my mouth shut and not getting fired? Like my Mother says, "You have to pick and choose your battles. You can't win them all. And alot of them, simply arent worth it." Some will say "well I'll have my self-respect after saying my opinion." Please. Self-respect, doesn't pay the bills. I know that sounds mean to say. I know that sounds cruel, in a way. But that's the way life is. Alot of times, you have to just deal with the shit. Punk needs to think, before he speaks. That childish bullshit doesnt fly in the "Adult World". It doesnt matter if you think it's fair or not. You have a problem with it, then quit and go do something else.
All the little high schoolers on here who are saying Punk is right, really need to check their ignorance. In the real world, that type of crap is not tolerated. If a veteran worker tells you to correct something, then you do it. You don't back talk and disrespect. IMO, that's what's wrong with alot of the younger generation of today. No respect for authority. You think you can just do whatever, and it be ok. I commend WWE, for what they did to Punk. He hasn't paid any dues. The guy is just entering the upper level of WWE. And he has the nerve to try and back talk a guy who's been in the business for well over 25yrs? That type of bullshit, should not be allowed. And I'm willing to bet that if Taker would've told Cena to change his attire, Cena would have did it. He would not have back-talked or did any other disrespectful acts. That's the difference between people like Cena and Punk. Cena shows respect and CM obviously doesn't. And that's one of the main reasons, why Punk will never be as big as Cena. Respect goes along way, in not just WWE, but damn near ever company on this planet. And also, I see some on here saying that Taker never dresses up while being the champ. I've seen pictures of Taker dressed up. I've seen videos of Taker, going into hotels and he'd be kinda dressed up. I've also seen pics of Cena, dressed up. Taker's gimmick is death and he can still dress up, when he's told to do so. So if they can do it, why can't Punk do it? What makes him so much better? He's not bigger or better than Cena, and he damn sure isnt bigger or better than Taker.
Thats why i said "cm punk needs to save his money and quit, i wouldnt want to work somewhere where it's such bullshit no matter what the pay is.. Whether life is fair or not, even every job i've had, even the government jobs i've had, everyone had to follow the rules. Although we don't no why bobby lashley, lesnar, etc walked away from millions, i'm sure it was behind petty shit. WWE has bigger problems to worry about besides what cm punk puts on his ass. Seriously people.
I come from the perspective of having this kind of thing happen to me when I was in my first job out of school...

We had a supplier funded night on the beer... Out of work, no "dress code" so I dressed to impress, smart casual, nice black shirt and trousers... My Assistant manager came to me the next day and said he wasn't impressed that I hadn't "dressed up"...by which he meant work attire. He chose however to do this in an informal setting, out of work where beer was involved...

I got very upset, to the point a colleauge spent 2 hours talking me out of quitting on the day after... So I simply went to my manager and asked the question, was there a problem with how I dressed?

Immediately he said no and asked why...

The upshot in is that the AM was actually the one reprimanded, because he agreed it was an abuse of his power... simply that it wasn't his place to say anything to me and he had nearly cost the company a valuable employee with his "opinion" and that had someone done it to him, he too would see it as an attack... I had respect for that boss forever more and to this day, over 15 years later am still in contact with him... that is how you build loyalty...

WWE isn't like that company... but my perspective is WWE has made a mistake if they for one second punish Punk for this... Especially as Punk has "put up" with quite a bit during his tenure in terms of pushes stopping and starting. That one incident could easily in a few years lead to a "i'd rather not resign" situation... or... "you say I am so important, yet you let Taker talk to me like a 5 year old."

It's so easily avoided...thats the sad part...
First an foremost this is all speculation and on both side we are taking this out of proportion with people even saying Punk is a smart ass and Taker didn't wanted to job to him like he is some kind of child or someone who put himself before other everytime he wants, which is bs to begin with.

Also for those wondering, The damn dress code was implemented around 2004 and was posted here and other wrestling sites, not all but the basic rules of it and Yes, only Taker and Cena were the exceptions and now only Cena since Taker usually goes with it.

Now on the part that Taker don't feeling like jobing that is ridiculous, if he wanted he could go undefeated but the guy is not like that and that is why he is a lockeroom leader. Even when he left he didn't leave after Wrestlemania ith all glory, He left after he jobbed to the Big Show allowing him to "Knock him out" on his last Smackdown match, Damn even jobbed to Koslov cleany during the "Who's facing Taker at Mania" crap.

And for those who thing Punk need to rebel himself there and voice his every opinion like he is God no matter what, first of all, none of us works there so you can only speculate, Does anyone knows what being the lockeroom leader really implies or you thing he is that only because he is the Senior wreslter there there? The man was praised that even when Bret Hart was still there.

There is no comment that Taker told him what to do, he was supposesly suggesting him to do something, and there is no real report saying he disrespected Taker directly, is supposed that he said John Cena can get away with it. It also does not says Taker went to management right the to tell them what happened, may he just said "Good point kid" and that was it. When Management found out about it or something they didn't like the comparison and that was it.

Who tells you the title won't change back at Bragging Rights and back to Punk?

Do you really thing Taker like the way his match was settled? As the freaking opener? That affected him to and even made Smackdown look less importan that it was. Do you really thing after all he has worked since the brand expansion, pushing others, passing titles opportunities, wrestling injured, really injured, coming back earlier, working his ass off like there is no tomorrow that he is going to throw away all that for on more day of glory?

If that where the case he could have done it at NWO defeating Hunter for the Ttle and goin into Mania as Champion against HBK to put something else on the lie jus tfor the Hell of it. But he didn't, he put Hunter over, as he did with Hardy on the UK, as he did with the Big Show, as he did with Edge, with Batista and even Khali (and we all know that was a mistake) so is bs to think that because he felt Punk was not nice to him he didn't want to job to him.
Some of you just don't get it. CM Punk tried to be a smartass. CM has a history of being an asshole to people. Lot of fan reports, confirm that. So if he's like that to fans, I can only imagine what he can be like to his co-workers. So how in the hell is WWE in the wrong for penalizing him? Taker has busted his ass for damn near 30yrs in the business. You damn right, he deserves some special treatment. Cena has done so much for WWE. You damn right he should get some special treatment. When CM has accomplished half of what Cena and Taker have, then he can talk. And once again...I've seen pics and videos on Youtube of Taker and Cena dressed up. I saw a video of Taker, going into a hotel. He wasn't in deadman gear. He wasn't in biker gear. He was dressed up. Nice shirt and pants. And why? B/c he was representing the damn company. So WWE told him to look nice. What part of that, does Punk not get? If WWE has Taker and Cena dress up, why in the hell does Punk think he's too good to do it? Taker's had more shower time than Punk's had ring time. So who in the hell does CM think he is? And Taker is the veteran. If you're in a business and the veteran, more experienced worker tells you to change somthing, then you do it. If CM doesn't like WWE's rules, then he quit and go back to the independent scene. WWE does not need CM Punk. They want him. But they do not need him. And the whole "you aint my daddy, you can't tell me what to do" bullshit, doesn't fly in the real world. They'll just fire your ass, and keep right on going. Try pulling that bullshit in the military. Person with a higher rank, tells you to change something and you respond "what about ___" or "you aint my daddy". See how long you'll last. Try pulling that bullshit at any college, and see how long you'll last. And try pulling that bullshit in the coporate world. And see how long you'll last. Your ass will not make it. This isn't high school. In the real world that type of childish bullshit, is not put up with. Some of yall, need to stop living in this fantasy world of "I can do or say whatever I want and not be penalized for it." If you keep up with that mentality, the world will eat your ass up and not give two shits about doing it.
This, just absolutely cant be true. No fucking way I buy it. CM Punk was EASILY the hottest thing in the WWE for the entire summer, and as of current. How they could crush his character simply over this....would just be astonishingly stupid. How else is "CM Punk" supposed to dress? I thought we were moving back toward keeping kayfabe? Well then why the fuck would this guy were a three peice armani? Insane. Has to be other issues, or they mustve just wanted to get the belt off him anyway. Or s combination. There is just NO way I can belive that this one thing is what made this happen.
This, just absolutely cant be true. No fucking way I buy it. CM Punk was EASILY the hottest thing in the WWE for the entire summer, and as of current. How they could crush his character simply over this....would just be astonishingly stupid. How else is "CM Punk" supposed to dress? I thought we were moving back toward keeping kayfabe? Well then why the fuck would this guy were a three peice armani? Insane. Has to be other issues, or they mustve just wanted to get the belt off him anyway. Or s combination. There is just NO way I can belive that this one thing is what made this happen.

Oh how I've missed that patented Norcal logic and reason. Even in the desert heat it's unflappable.

I can't say I buy this story. Meltzer himself has said that this is all still pure rumor and speculation at the moment, though he did hear it from a backstage source. But, as always, backstage sources aren't perfectly reliable.

Honestly, isn't it enough that these guys go out and perform all over the globe almost every single day of the year? Their entire lives revolve around their job and the WWE, the very least they should be able to do is dress how they fucking like when they're on their own. It's not like he wore a fucking ripped up t-shirt with an anarchy symbol on it to the ring.

If this is true, which I highly doubt, well then the WWE needs to shut the fuck up, and that includes 'Taker. We get it man, you're super respected, you're the leader of the locker room. Awesome. At the end of the day this is still a fucking JOB, and it shouldn't control every single aspect of their lives, like what they wear, especially when it's not on camera.
Oh how I've missed that patented Norcal logic and reason. Even in the desert heat it's unflappable.

I can't say I buy this story. Meltzer himself has said that this is all still pure rumor and speculation at the moment, though he did hear it from a backstage source. But, as always, backstage sources aren't perfectly reliable.

Honestly, isn't it enough that these guys go out and perform all over the globe almost every single day of the year? Their entire lives revolve around their job and the WWE, the very least they should be able to do is dress how they fucking like when they're on their own. It's not like he wore a fucking ripped up t-shirt with an anarchy symbol on it to the ring.

If this is true, which I highly doubt, well then the WWE needs to shut the fuck up, and that includes 'Taker. We get it man, you're super respected, you're the leader of the locker room. Awesome. At the end of the day this is still a fucking JOB, and it shouldn't control every single aspect of their lives, like what they wear, especially when it's not on camera.

Wasn't the issue based on what he was wearing (allegedly) on a European tour, which correct me if i am wrong, means he was being paid to represent the WWE overseas and had a fair bit of attention from the locals and had WWE cameras following them most of the time.
He was being paid to represent a damn character, and he was doing it just fine, in raggly clothes. Dont be ridiculous. Which is what it would be if they really had him drop the belt over this. Just, y'know, fuck Kayfabe. launch that shit out of the window. Were the fuck was the concern over this during his FIRST WHC run? Does he not represent the WWE regardless of holding a title anyway?

Story is bullshit.
Wasn't the issue based on what he was wearing (allegedly) on a European tour, which correct me if i am wrong, means he was being paid to represent the WWE overseas and had a fair bit of attention from the locals and had WWE cameras following them most of the time.

So why should he be wearing a suit or something formal? Very, very few wrestlers if any go around on tour dressed formally everywhere they go, and for good reason. It isn't needed. It's not like Punk was going to a meeting at the White House or something, he's a wrestler, one who's gimmick is of being a straight-edge punk, no shit he's going to dress how he wants. He wasn't rocking a 10 inch purple mohawk and a shirt that said "Fuck Authority" or something, he was just dressed casually.

But, again, this is all assuming this is actually true, because I have my doubts about this being responsible for his loss at HIAC.
Well thing is that Taker was given a free pass at the time and even him got into this Dress code thing to have some solidarity with his peers. The man is also a pro and some rules applies to him and he follows them no matter what. Special treatment and all but the guy follows the rules like everyone else.

And everyone else follows the rules, even Jeff Hardy did and his look was more rebellious than Punk's.

Like I said, maybe he was an ass to Taker, maybe he was not and maybe even Taker didn't do anything else but just talk to him and someone else heard it and decided to do something about it. But yes, that also mean that if someone like the Undertaker suggest you to do something you just don't brushes him of with child remark like "If he can do it why can't I? That is not an opinion, that is a childish way to try to go by, an opinion would have been this:"Man, I see your point, but let me exposse mine too: my gimmick is straightedge and I am very loyal to that, do you really thing I should change that? won't you thing it will hurt my character?"

That is not a biased opinion, in that he wouldn't be comparing himself at all to anyone and giving freaking pointers in his favor, that is an opinion, not "What about John Cena?" what about him? he was not there, Punk was. Like I said, Taker was not telling him what to do, just trying to help suggesting him how to look or maybe trying to help giving management an argument on why Punk felt he needed to dress like he did, to help Punk.

From personal experience (on the indy wrestling world and corporate world now) Management does not deal with problems directly, there is always a chain of command, I have someone who is not my boss but is the senior IT member, so if she tells something, at least I look into it, don't brush her off out for nothing.

I also trainned to be awrestler until I fucked up my knee and it was the same thing, Chain of command, there is someone with more expirience and if they tell you something, you just don't brush them off, at least look into it, otherwhise you just don't make it anywhere.
So why should he be wearing a suit or something formal? Very, very few wrestlers if any go around on tour dressed formally everywhere they go, and for good reason. It isn't needed. It's not like Punk was going to a meeting at the White House or something, he's a wrestler, one who's gimmick is of being a straight-edge punk, no shit he's going to dress how he wants. He wasn't rocking a 10 inch purple mohawk and a shit that said "Fuck Authority" or something, he was just dressed casually.

But, again, this is all assuming this is actually true, because I have my doubts about this being responsible for his loss at HIAC.

Don't get me wrong, I respect that and don't want 'taker as champion again (nor CM Punk but i can't say i am a fan of his) but if it is about the way he dressed alone poor decision by Vinnie, it is stretching it even if the comment about Cena is true but i guess that is the life of being a pro wrestler in the E? If Punk had something in his contract stating he had to dress a certain way at certain times then I could see the logic is the decision (whilst squinting an aweful lot and wearing very strong prescripton glasses) but if not then, well not sure what the lgic behing the decision was really.
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He was being paid to represent a damn character, and he was doing it just fine, in raggly clothes. Dont be ridiculous. Which is what it would be if they really had him drop the belt over this. Just, y'know, fuck Kayfabe. launch that shit out of the window. Were the fuck was the concern over this during his FIRST WHC run? Does he not represent the WWE regardless of holding a title anyway?

Story is bullshit.

Exactly, it's not like Punk has changed how he's dressed in the last few years, he wasn't wearing formal clothing everywhere he went since he's 14 or something. The guy's favorite band is Minor Threat, be happy he doesn't wear studded bracelets and shave his head.

Besides, what everyone is forgetting here, is that the rumor from this report is that Vince and company took the title off of Punk over this incident because they thought Punk was insinuating he was as important to the company as John Cena. It's not really even about what he was wearing, that's just what 'Taker reportedly got into the discussion with him about that lead to the Cena comment Punk made.

I highly doubt this is true, but if Vince and the rest of the gang did take the title off of Punk because they thought he was insinuating he was as important as John Cena...well then the idiocy here is just so unbelievable I'm not sure I even need to address it. Yes, even though we've been dying to build young stars, let's just take the title off of this guy because he mentioned John Cena's name. Shit, who knows, maybe in the future Punk could be as important to the WWE as Cena is now, but we'll never know that if they punish him over petty shit like this.
If this is true, which I highly doubt, well then the WWE needs to shut the fuck up, and that includes 'Taker. We get it man, you're super respected, you're the leader of the locker room. Awesome. At the end of the day this is still a fucking JOB, and it shouldn't control every single aspect of their lives, like what they wear, especially when it's not on camera.

Oh how I've waited for this moment. The moment where you say something that I have to respond to.

Let's say that it is true for a moment. If that is the case and the WWE does in fact have a dress code, then why should WWE shut the fuck up? If CM Punk broke the rules, shouldn't he be dealt with accordingly? It is speculated that 'Taker was going to win anyway, so what's the big fuss? I didn't think that the match was a good match myself, but I also didn't see Punk get the proverbial, "SQUASH," like everyone else seems to think. He got in a fair amount of offense in that match, but that isn't the point.

The point is, if what Punk was wearing was bad enough for 'Taker to say, "You need to change," it couldn't have been ignored. I'm sure that 'Taker didn't just flaunt his power just to do it. If he knew management would have a problem with it and he tried to tell Punk to change and Punk reverts back to grade school by saying, "What about such and such." Why shouldn't the WWE punish him for that? You just don't do that in a work place. If Punk would have been respectful and agreed, we wouldn't have this problem.

Again, assuming that this story is true.

That is all!
Oh how I've waited for this moment. The moment where you say something that I have to respond to.

I'll try to live up to my reputation I guess?

Let's say that it is true for a moment. If that is the case and the WWE does infact have a dress code, then why should WWE shut the fuck up?

Because the rule is ridiculous. Which is why half of the damn locker room (including Edge & Jericho) is pissed about it. These guys are out on the road nearly all year long, with almost no breaks, throwing their body around and risking their lives for this company. Now they have to dress like Grandpa at Sunday dinner as well? It's ridiculous. I think it's ridiculous for the WWE to dominate nearly every single part of their wrestler's lives. If Punk wants to wear some shorts on a hot day, anyone who would have a problem with that is pretty stupid.

If CM Punk broke the rules, shouldn't he be dealt with accordingly?

Sure, backstage. Not take it out on him creatively. Give him a hefty fine, problem solved. Punishing him creatively not only hurts Punk, but it hurts the WWE in the long run as well if they choose to try and bury Punk now (which I don't think will actually happen).

It is speculated that 'Taker was going to win anyway, so what's the big fuss?

No big fuss here, I for one don't believe this is the reason Punk lost anyways. It was already going to be pretty unlikely for Punk to defeat 'Taker in the HIAC, his most famous match.

I didn't think that the match was a good match myself, but I also didn't see Punk get the perverbial, "SQUASH," like eveyone else seems to think. He got in a fair amount of offense in that match, but that isn't the point.

I didn't think it was a squash either. Very short and mediocre, and probably among the worst HIAC matches ever, but it wasn't a complete burial. But just the fact that Punk lost cleanly to 'Taker in 10 minutes without any attempt to fight back or secret plan is ridiculous to me, especially after dropping the hints that McMahon was the one really behind the Screwjob last month. They have a great opportunity here to do a great program with Punk and 'Taker, with Vince trying to take the belt off of Taker. Some damn good matches could come out of that, but unfortunately we're not going to see it when they never let these guys fight for more than 10 minutes. Same thing happened at Breaking Point. When the hell is the WWE going to give 'Taker and Punk some damn time to go out there and put on a good match?

The point is, if what Punk was wearing was bad enough for 'Taker to say, "You need to change," it couldn't have been ignored.

'Taker is not a WWE executive. I get that he's the locker room leader, but at the end of the day, he's still a wrestler, and he's very low on the totem pole in the WWE. Further more the rule itself is ridiculous, especially when guys like Cena are allowed to dress casually.

I'm sure that 'Taker didn't just fluant his power just to do it. If he knew management would have a problem with it and he tried to tell Punk to change and Punk reverts back to grade school by saying, "What about such and such." Why shouldn't the WWE punish him for that? You just don't do that in a work place. If Punk would have been respectful and agreed, we wouldn't have this problem.

The Undertaker isn't Punk's superior. Why the fuck does he need to listen to him? I get that he's the locker room leader, but so fucking what? He doesn't have any power over Punk, he isn't his superior, Punk doesn't have to answer to him.

But, again, this really isn't even about what he was wearing. Because the story isn't about the rumor of Punk getting the title taken off him for what he was wearing, no, the story is about WWE management hearing this from 'Taker and thinking that Punk was trying to say he was just as important to the WWE as John Cena. Which, if true (which I doubt), is unbelievably stupid.

Again, assuming that this story is true.

Xfear, I understand that you think that the rule is ridiculous, but if it is in fact a rule, then it has to be followed. I agree that WWE shouldn't punish Punk creatively and I don't see that they have. The story between Punk and 'Taker isn't over yet. This will probably carry on at least until Survivor Series. Maybe even well beyond.

I also get that 'Taker isn't Punk's superior, however, any advice from 'Taker would be good advice. If 'Taker was trying to advise Punk to change, why should Punk say something as stupid as, "What about Cena"? That makes no sense. And to say that to 'Taker makes even less sense than making no sense.

What is the WWE coming to?

That is all!
Well for that matter we that this is only speculation we are going way ahead of ourselves.

On the report there was no word of Taker and Punk Discussing anything or Taker going to management at all, it says Management found about the conversation and that Taker quietly suggested Punk to change the way he dressed since he was representing the company, never telling him to do it ASAP. Even the line about Cena was represented as a comparisson but never said Punk had any heat towards Cena.

Also do we really understand what Lockerroom leader there stands for in WWE? Maybe hi is in fact a superior there. Like Punk does not have to answer to the Undertaker, as it is conceived the whole lockerroom answer to him, champion or jobber from Raw or Smackdown, how it goes?

Remember the Story line with The Big Show in 2000? They had a match on a House show previous to Summerslam 2000 and Big show got there really out of shape and only got a 5 minutes match that was crap, and this was no rumor (This was even documented on the "Off the record" interview in 2003 previous Wrestlemania XIX), Taker took him to the back, chew him up for that and he was not only punished written of the PPV, but was also taken out of the main roster, sent to Developmental and written off the No mercy Video game and replaced with Steven Richard from Right to Censor. And it was The Big Show!

A main eventer already even taken out of a freaking video game and replaced with Steven Richards! (If you don't believeme, you can get the game like I did, play the Rock Storyline and see that instead of the Big Show, Steven Richard claims to wim the Rumble towards the Fatal 4-way at Wrestlemania). Show learned the hardway and came back better and more focused but I mean, That is backstage power of a man who is "only" a wrestler like everyone else.

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