John Cena's end of been Top Dog??

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CM Perfection
As we know the WWE has had some great Top wrestler's over the years. The likes of Hulk Hogan who was the Top wrestler back in the mid 80's to the early 90's ( Hogan Era) And Stone Cold was the Top wrestler back in the late 90's up to the early 00's ( Attitude Era) and we have John Cena now who is the Top wrestler in the business today ( PG Era). Here's my question John Cena has been the Top dog from the start of 2005-present day.

So my question to you is how long will John Cena remain as the Top wrestler in the business today, in my opinion I say John Cena has got another 2 or 3 years left as been the Top wrestler in the WWE. And i have a feeling once john cena's time is up, The Miz will be become the Top wrestler in the WWE.

So I would to get some of your thoughts??

And how long do you think John Cena has left has been the Top Dog???

Who will take his place
Enough with all the miz love crap. he is jericho 2.0, and will never be top dog.

in answer to your question, i think he has about 3 to 4 more years on top. about half the audience already hates him, and as the kids get older, they will want a more edgy hero. we cant say who the top dog will be, but he probably isnt even in the wwe yet.

zack ryder??? lol, jk.
I think he has another 2-3 years left, since his match at Wrestlemania needs to change something in his character. Then they would test out the new charcter to see if it works before risking another title run. After that I think someone big would have already started their climb towards the top of the WWE, someone like Miz (yeah first guy who commented, I said MIZ, and what? lol), Alberto Del Rio or quite possibly even Alex Riley (from what we've seen so far they have big plans for him).
I also think Cena has about 3-5 years left as "the guy" before someone else takes his spot. And like the OP I also think it will be Miz, not that I think it should be.

Weather you like him or not doesn't really matter, because Vince likes him. Personally I like Miz, always have, but I don't think he's a top guy. I think he is a guy similar to Y2J, he can come into the main event and be believable, but then drop to the mid card without missing a step.

As for who I think the new top guy should be, I'm not sure. I'm a big believer in "the look". If a guy doesn't look like he can lead your company, he probably can't. If I had to pick someone on the roster it would be Jack Swagger. He has the look, he can go in the ring, and when they let him be charismatic (see his time in ECW) he's great on the mic.

I'm not sure how they would do as faces, but Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett have bright futures I think.
If you haven't noticed, there were a few years between each hero. When one left, it took a while before another jumped in his shoes. We won't see the next big dog until Cena leaves the WWE.

It could be one of the guys on the roster now (Miz, Swagger, Drew, etc.), someone in FCW, or even one of the Tough Enough guys (let's go Jeremiah!). Hell, it could be someone nobody's even heard of yet.

Personally, I believe it's Alex Riley. The guy has the in-ring talent and promo skills that'll attract, and oozes with charisma. He's young enough to still learn the trade while Cena's still here, and by the time Cena leaves he'll be able to step up.

Just my 2 cents though.
Lol, Miz love? How can he be Jericho 2.0 when he's already surpassed Jericho in every way that matters? I really doubt Miz will reach Hogan/Austin/Cena levels of being the top dog among top dogs, but he can easily be a top dog. A Bret Hart/HBK/Triple H/Brock Lesnar, lower tier top dog that fills in between Cena and whoever steps up to that level next.

When will it happen? I don't see what will stop him...he doesn't have the health problems that plagued Austin, he's not the selfish prick that Hogan was. He's not going to leave to make movies like Rock did. He could easily have another 5+ years on top. And you can't use the argument that kids will turn on him, because he can just evolve his character as his fanbase grows up.

As for who replaces him, it depends on how long it takes. If it's in two years, it's probably going to be The Miz or Randy Orton. But if it's in 4-5 years, the guy who replaces him likely isn't in the WWE right now.
Lol, Miz love? How can he be Jericho 2.0 when he's already surpassed Jericho in every way that matters? I really doubt Miz will reach Hogan/Austin/Cena levels of being the top dog among top dogs, but he can easily be a top dog. A Bret Hart/HBK/Triple H/Brock Lesnar, lower tier top dog that fills in between Cena and whoever steps up to that level next.

Since when has those guys been lower tier? Those are hall of famers (well atleast three of them) that you are mentioning as lower tier top dogs. Obviously, you don't understand this business outside of the John Cena era.

As far as John Cena being top dog, he'll be top dog as long as the kiddies and the women support him, and as long as the WWE can profit off of him. That could be between 3 years, to another 7 years. Right now, they don't have that guy who can take over the reigns if Cena was to step down, so until then, he'll have to be the man. I don't see Miz doing it, although I like Miz, and I don't see any of the other guys that the internet loves (Bryan, Barrett, Ryder, all of those midlevel guys) doing it either. The new guy, Sin Cara, can't do it because he doesn't speak so the fans won't really get behind him too much. So be prepared to see Cena for a long time to come.

Hopefully my dawg Cody is the future!
Funny I was actually thinking about this just the other day. And I believe we will Cena as the "top dog" for A LOT longer than people expect. Cena will probably be wrestling for another ten years, that being said he is only 34. And out of all the past top dogs in the company, Cena is the most loyal one of them all. He is the one who you can simply not see ever betraying Vince. Hogan obviously did when he left for WCW and Austin had his issues of walking out more than once.
Even when Cena turns heel (yes, it is inevitable) I think he will still be the face of the company much like Hogan was the face of WCW even after he went Hollywood.
until someone else really makes a mark. you may not like him now but his original thug gimmick is what got him over mainly because it was different enough that it stood out from others. right now, who stands out? even with a top guy, there is room for others. both bret and shawn were around when hogan was top in wwf, austin when shawn and bret were tops, hhh and rock when austin was on top... del rio has the makings of someone who could take that top guy spot, cody rhodes might depending how they work his current persona. hell, a lot of people seem to like what zach ryder has been doing so in a year or so, who knows? my guess is we still have a few more years of cena being the top dog but within 3-5, he will start to step away and be more of a special attraction - do a movie for a couple months, come back for a feud, leave again. how quick depends on who steps up and makes an impact.
Well Cena's days as top dog will not be over on Raw until someone comes that can fill that role for WWE. However as Top dog it might be in jeopardy now since Randy Orton has been doing something Cena just can't seem to do and that is get the whole crowd behind him. Austin and Rock were top dogs and had the fan support Orton has that support Cena has some but not as much as Orton does though. Maybe its time WWE shift there attention of having Cena as the top guy in the company to Orton. With taker and Triple H not appearing regularly nobody gets a bigger pop than Orton.
Sadly, Cena is going to be the top dog until he does something drastic like pulling a Chris Benoit. And since i don't see him ever doing something like this ( well at least i don't think so), we are stuck with him dominating the WWE until the end of days.:disappointed: Even Miz who Vince Mcmahon likes, is never going to surpass Cena. Maybe Orton, but i wouldn't hold my breath on that.

"Survey says, One more for the good guys!!! " - Scott Hall
"The Giant wants me more than a lap dance after 20 years at sea !!!" - Kevin Nash
his days on top will probly end in 2yrs. as far as next top guy it wont be any current wwe star its gonna be someone new, someone who is in fcw waiting to get called up like steamboat's son or tyler black. it could be luke from tough enough who steps it up and becomes the big star
Hogan was "the guy" in the 80's and early 90's, but when he left, WWE struggled with Bret Hart on top.

In the mid-90's, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were top dogs, but Steve Austin gained on them very quickly and overtook them. Austin was only on top for a short amount of time, but we was on fire during that time.

After Austin, the top dog was HHH, but he got shoved down people's throats so hard people couldn't stand him, to the point that many feel his push was responsible for WWE's decline in the early-mid 2000's. Once John Cena became top dog and HHH was no longer constantly in the title picture, people began to finally respect "The Game".

I don't know if The Miz will be the next top dog, but TBH, I don't think there's anyone in WWE at John Cena's level of recognition right now. I know half the audience hates him, but half the crowd LOVES him and he moves a tremendous amount of merchandise. Even non-wrestling fans know who he is.
I think after Cena will be like after the Austin era where there were 2 or 3 top dogs (After Austin I'd say Triple H and Undertaker pretty much owned, neither was really above the other)

I mean I think it's safe to say The Miz is on base to be one of the major market guys of WWE, but I think we will be able to tell by the end of 2011 what we can make of Alberto Del Rio. It also looks like people are taking notice to Alex Riley

But have we forgotten about SHEAMUS?! One of Triple H's real life best friends(That's already a step up for Sheamus)

Over all I say Miz and Sheamus will be the 2005-2008 version of John Cena and Batista and current day Cena-Orton.
Cena is 34 yrs old, and while he is in excellent shape, he has had health problems. But he really seems to love the business, & I don't think he'll leave for Hollywood like The Rock. And there's no major competitor he could leave for either. I think he could go another 5 years really. But, if Cena were to leave in 2-3 years, the guy who would take his place is Randy Orton. Orton is already the co-face of the company, and he's 3 years younger than Cena. After those 2, WWE really doesn't have anyone who could carry the company. Actually, you could argue those 2 aren't really up to it either, when you consider TV ratings & PPV buys. As for The Miz-really? Really? The guy is a joke, & if it ever comes to the point where he is the face of the company, we will see the closest Vince has come to being put out of business since the Monday Night Wars.
Orton is already the co-face of the company, and he's 3 years younger than Cena. After those 2, WWE really doesn't have anyone who could carry the company. Actually, you could argue those 2 aren't really up to it either, when you consider TV ratings & PPV buys. As for The Miz-really? Really? The guy is a joke, & if it ever comes to the point where he is the face of the company, we will see the closest Vince has come to being put out of business since the Monday Night Wars.

Really, if wwe is going to go out of business is when the face is cena.. Did you see how bad there stock dropped? thats why vince ran out and cut the rock a cheque to save wrestlemania hahah.. everybody talks about how much crap cena sells for the wwe but the truth is the american dollar is becoming more and more worthless so vinces profits aint the same. Maybe the miz should be the face of the company or del rio, need a new fresh face, ppl that can cut promos and can wrestle and those 2 can.

CENA AND ORTON :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Vince "likes" Miz? No.. he sees something in him that he saw in Cena... I remember seeing Cena's debut against Angle and thinking "that's the guy"...

I felt the same when I first clocked Wade Barrett, he is going to be huge for WWE and he is getting the proper push... In 3 years time Wade Barrett will be in a position to equal or beat Cena... so will... Sheamus...

Vince is smart enough to know that his business is no longer confined to the US and that he will, at some point have to make the leap to regular (as in monthly) international, UK/European shows... The roster has been positioned (with Cena taking centre stage in doing it) that we have an Englishman, Welshman and Irishman all in major positions... he is totally working to find his successor and has been ever since the injuries... Just as Hogan brought the best out of Savage, Taker out of Foley and Bret out of Austin Cena will "make" someone to replace him... and to me it's one of the 2 mentioned so far...
There's nobody on the current WWE roster that is ready to carry such a big wrestling (oh, sorry, entertainment) company. The Miz, well he might be "liked" by Vince but even Vince knows that the guy's still not "the" guy. I know he got a hell of a reaction during his fued with Cena, but that's the thing. His fued was WITH CENA!!! Alberto Del Rio, well, he still is green in the ring. And though he might be good on the mic, I personally think he has a long-long way to go. Sheamus, well, nothing's going right for him. If he could by any chance win 2 more World titles and become a fan-favorite, well, then, he could be the closest of 'em all.

So the Cena-haters, I think you'll have to wait for another 7-8 years (unless Cena pulls out a Rock or Benoit, which he 99.9% won't) for another guy to step up. And that's the bottomline coz GLOBAL ICON said so...
I'm thinking about Cody Rhodes!!
He is only 24 years old, FUCKING 24!!
In 20 years he will be with the WWE, and John Cena will have 54 (Batista 62 old :o)

Cody Rhodes will be a multi-time world champion, he will turn face eventually, people cheer him now, so just wait until he attacks Orton!!

Cody Rhodes fits very well in the future of the wwe.

About John Cena retirement, I always thought that Randy Orton could be the one to put him out!

My picks are Cody Rhodes, Barret, Drew McIntyre or Swagger!!
Way to early to even have any chance of knowing, Cena is only 34 meaning at worst he has a good 7-8 years left in him and as wort 4-5 of those will probably be spent at the guy. There is no reason for him not to be, he still draws pretty well, his merch sells like crazy and most of the crowd still loves him so there is no demotion in sight for Cena.

As for his replacement it is far too early to even begin to tell. For all we know it could be some indy guy no one has ever heard of yet that isn't even with the WWE. For all we know a new "top guy" may not come along for 10 years I mean in between Hogan and Austin you had Bret and HBK as kind of interim top guys and in between Austin and Cena you had HHH and Lesnar.

If I had to pick someone on the current roster then I would really be quite stuck, while there is no doubt a shit load of young talent on the WWE roster the vast majority are heels, Punk, Miz, Del Rio, Rhodes, Ziggler etc. sure they sure they could all turn face but apart from Miz that would ruin their characters. I mean the top young faces on the roster at the moment are probably JoMo, Sin Cara and maybe Kofi and you can guarantee none of them will ever be the face of the company. So if I had to hazard a guess to the next top guy in the company it would probably be Miz but I would have to see if he could get over as a face first to be sure.
There's nobody on the current WWE roster that is ready to carry such a big wrestling (oh, sorry, entertainment) company.

A valid point.....and the main feature is that Cena bears the mantle so well. It's one thing to be a mega-star, but it's a rare individual that can wear the crown so easily and naturally. In my opinion, Triple H couldn't do it. I love the guy, but his title as "top guy" was more script-related than charismatically gained.

In his day, Hogan was the undisputed leader of the company. Even when he wasn't the champion, people looked at WWE and thought......Hulk Hogan.

Cena is like this, too. You can tell by his mainstream appeal ("Eat fresh!") that no one in the company today is better known or better identified with WWE. He doesn't need nicknames or fancy gimmicks; his ring persona is his own. (Think about the nickname thing: Others are called "The Heartbreak Kid" or "The Cerebral Assassin" or "The Bad Guy", etc etc. But does John Cena have an alternate name?)

But, you know what? Even Hogan's seeming immortality had a shelf life. Cena's reign will end too; in fact, I'm surprised it's already gone on so long.

Maybe 2-3 more years before he's no longer the undisputed leader. Even then, it's not as if he'll fade away......the guy is made to last.
There is nobody on the wwe roster to be the face right now people say miz but wwe has protrayed him so weak at over the limit he dominated with the help of riley and he lost just in 1 min cena can carry the company people pay to see him even they want to see him get his ass kicked..!! they still want to see him but i think john morrison will be the face of the wwe when cena is finished he can make anyone look good is a solid worker and oozes with charisma the only thing he lacks is mic skills but he is trying but cena has still a few good years left in him about 5-10 more and he is 34....! ONLY....!!
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