Wrestler of the Decade: 2000's

Wrestler of the Decade: 2000's

  • The Rock

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Kurt Angle

  • Rob Van Dam

  • Chris Jericho

  • Samoa Joe

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Randy Orton

  • John Cena

  • Batista

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • AJ Styles

  • Other

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Kurt Angle undoubtedly! Consistent brilliance in the ring and on the mic. He has had some crap in TNA, but then he had a feud with Booker when he was basically a sex pest to Sharmell so he has had the same in WWE. But he has always made it work somehow and he also made the matches brilliant. Think of everyone he has ever wrestled, who did he not have a brilliant match with?
I gotta say Triple H. All the titles he has won in this decade is a great reason alone.

But he has headlined Wrestlemania numerous times, with numerous different opponents.

World Titles, Tag Titles, IC Titles. DX, Evolution.

He has had some of the greatest feuds ever in this decade. His feuds and matches with guys like HBK, The Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Jericho, Angle, Orton, Flair, Batista and many many more, is why I choose Trips as my Wrestler of The Decade!
how in the blue hell is edge not on this list.

this is edges breakdown of the decade

5x world heavyweight champion
4x wwe champ
5x intercontinental champ
1xwcw us champ
12x world tag team champ (with christian 7x benoit 2x hoganx1 ortonx1 jerichox1)
2x wwe tag champ (with reyx1 and jerichox1)
king of the ring winner (2001)
money in the bank winner (2005) (+1st ever)
and missing by a month a royal rumble win

thats 29 championship reigns making the 2000's a rated r decade
how in the blue hell is edge not on this list.

this is edges breakdown of the decade

5x world heavyweight champion
4x wwe champ
5x intercontinental champ
1xwcw us champ
12x world tag team champ (with christian 7x benoit 2x hoganx1 ortonx1 jerichox1)
2x wwe tag champ (with reyx1 and jerichox1)
king of the ring winner (2001)
money in the bank winner (2005) (+1st ever)
and missing by a month a royal rumble win

thats 29 championship reigns making the 2000's a rated r decade

Remember this thread is quite old now..and I do admit I could have changed a few names is the poll, but its closed now..who knows how many people would have voted Edge..there is 'Other'..I have read every post..and I can tell you know..there isn't a lot of Edge in this thread...You can count the days he held the titles in the 29 reigns..his 9 world titles won't even come to 500 days...whereas guys like Cena who has had 9 times, his days count over 1,000 days..I agree Edge had a good decade and most people in this thread haven't voted on a wrestler depending on title reigns..well not most people..but like I said Edge had a good decade..but according to most people in this thread, others have had a better decade!!
The decade of 2000s era of wrestling is difficult to name the wrestler of the decade because alot of different superstars were having great careers at the time such as the Rock, Stone Cold, HHH, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Edge, Big Show, Sting, and of course Chris Jericho
Out of all those names one of them should be recongized as the wrestler of the decade through championships and accomplishments in that decade HHH Kurt Angle Chris Jericho n Edge have held the most world championships in 2000's but wrestlers like the Rock n Stone Cold have made their legacys last greater and longer than all the titles n accomplishments of the above superstars so if you had too pick between 2 its between the Rock n Stone Cold Steve Austin because they made their names household names for pro wrestling in this era and had the biggest draws and the best matches between the 2 sorry HHH n Kurt Angle fans The Brama Bull n the Rattlesnake still own you 2

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