Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

John Cena and The Rock: Who is Right?

  • Cena is Right.

  • The Rock does not need to help WWE weekly.

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I honestly can't believe this is actually happen. I'm already pumped, its going to be simply electric that night I'm telling you right now. I do question them announcing it a whole year in advance, I guess its to give people the notice that shits going to go down in Miami. I doubt they will build it up for a whole year though. Rock will now more or less take his leave now and we won't see him again until next year after the Rumble.

I expect the crowd to go absolutely nuts for this. It will be like Rock and Hogan just this time the crowd will be all over Cena seeing as how Rock will be wrestling in front of his home town. The crowd will be pro Rock all the way for this one. I don't know who will actually win though. Since Hogan gave Rock the rub, I can expect Rock to give Cena a major Rub here as well. If Cena does in fact win I do expect him to be booo'd out of the arena. This is great! This is exactly what we wanted...hopefully WWE manages to hold onto the ball with this one. I'm already excited.
I want The Rock to win because I'm a Rock fan damnit but I wont be to upset if he is defeated by Cena cause the lose wont hurt Rock, it will be a feel good moment for Cena. Cena almost started cryn AGAIN when Rock said he respected him so I already know when Rock puts him over at Mania he really gon be balling. If Cena does win I hope the ppl cheer him for the victory cause even though I don't like his current gimmick he does work hard & I do feel like he has earn the right to defeat Rock.
I think it's a brilliant move. I don't think the E is shitting on us in more ways than admitting that Wrestlemania 27 was the build-up for Wrestlemania 28. lol. Seriously, though, I think that 28 is going to have so much hype just by two things:

1) Cena v Rock
2) The Undertaker going for 20-0
It's going to be a huge event. It will probably have a bad undercard, but that seems to be a trend, these days. I'd say with these two matches, plus perhaps a WHC/WWE Title unification match, it could be the biggest Wrestlemania ever. Part of me seems to think that maybe Vince was really disappointed with the time management of 27 and probably saw or was relayed the negative feedback. I've been saying it since I first saw the news: Vince wants to push the word, "wrestling," out of WWE? Give it a year and a depleted fan base from the older audience, and he'll be clamoring to give, "wrestling," fans the attention that they deserve.
Lol How does that crow taste all you Rock doubters? He's going to be here for atleast another year so you better get use to him. If you think he's getting stale already then I feel sorry for you Lol.
Very excited for this!

Cena will win of course, and it should be epic!

This will sell the whole PPV.

Biggest match since Hogan/Rock at WM18!

Maybe I'll make the trip to Miami for this one!
As soon as it was announced that WM 28 was in Miami I thought it would happen there but I doubted it since it was a year way. Now that its official, i am a little pissed. Im an impatient person and its gonna be hard to focus on Cena's feuds up until January when the RTWM begins. Plus, the injury factor will make me nervous lol. WM 28 hopefully will make up for the lackluster WM 27 with this match along with Taker's probable swan song to wrestling. I wish I could hibernate or buy a time machine.
Theres noway the rock is going to lose, its in his hometown in miami.. the crowd is gonna riot if the rock loses, the rock has to win and in the rematch cena can win, but mania the rock has to win and the rock aint going to fight anybody else tell then so why would the rock come back to lose.. and i guess no cena vs undertaker next year than loll
:banghead::disappointed::shrug::wtf: the rock vs john cena? god help us! i mean, do we really need this. the rock hasn't wrestled in years and nothing against cena personally, but i can't stand watching him. i have never been a fan of john cena, he is extremely painful to watch because his character is soooooo freakin' horrible. i like rap but that vanilla ice wannabe just doesn't cut it!
I am confused. What will Cena do for the next year. Yes he could I guess attempt to continue win titles buit since he already has a Mania match will he be confined to the Rock for the next year? Please somebody help me out with this concept because I just don't get it or like it. How can a wrestler continue to do what he normally does when he has already agreed to a match at Mania. Will the feud go away and come back? Or will this just be one huge build up. I really have more questions than answers now.

I think The Rock is gone now after tonight. Cena will pick up feuds like normal, and I'm sure he will even hold the title within the next year. They will still have him in the Rumble and he will lose. Remember, just because he is locked into that match, doesn't mean it couldn't potentially be with Cena as the WWE champion. Now we know they would not write that to happen, but still, kayfabe guys, kayfabe. Suspend your knowledge of the inner workings and dirt sheets and it will all make sense.
This match is going to be awesome! I grew up watching The Rock and when he left i kind of hoped he would come back but it was doubtful to me.

It seems that next years WM will be one for the ages! Vinve must know that this years WM wasnt as good as it could potentially have been, but lets take a look at some of the possible match ups that could build up over the next year (based just on tonights Raw......

The rock vs John Cena - Confirmed! This will be the headline match of the last 10 years for sure

Undertaker vs HHH II - After Trips saying that if UT does return, he will be waiting, it makes me think that these two will square off again in Miami

JoMo vs Dolph - With the right promos, this fued could work very well.....possibly even involving a championship

(A very long shot here but hopefullness doesnt hurt :D) The Miz vs SCSA - Imagine it, at WM XXVIII, The final curtain call for two of the greatest superstars of the attitude era taking on the two men who appear to be leading the e into the next generation of PG

If the e play their cards right, i think with having Rock vs Cena as the headline cannot conclude an average WM, XXVIII needs to be HUGE! The DREAM (thats all it is in reality) card for me would be.....

Rock vs Cena
SCSA vs Miz
UT vs Sting (Most unlikely to happen of the lot)
HHH vs HBK (building up from last weeks raw promo)
Rey vs Sin Cara vs Evan vs JoMo - IC title
Sheamus vs Del Rio - WWE title
Edge vs Christian - WHC
Nexus vs Corre
Trish vs Natalya - Divas title

We all have out own opinions on our dream WM card but in my opinion, this card (with the right build up for each match) would be epic!
I'm not sure if WWE can keep up a storyline for a whole year.

Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man: Wrestlemania 5

Now granted, they didn't become enemies until later in the year, but seriously, that was some epic stuff right there. Now there are probably other examples, but it's been done before, and although the writers, producers, etc. sometimes gets it wrong, and piss off the fans, I'm thinking they're smart enough to pull it off.

They wouldn't do this so far in advance if they didn't know what they were doing. I think it's going to be a great match for the fans. It will be electric.
Actually Wrestlemania 28 is on April 1st, 2012 so it's three days short of a year away. Get your facts straight.

And Captain Calendar with the pwnage! Post of the year!

I applaud the WWE's attempt to try something new with this advance booking. You could see some really creative shit in the months leading up to to the match. It could become a running angle with Cena; every grueling match he has during late 2011 and early 2012 will come with the story of his impending showdown with The Rock. We could even see it impact his ring psychology; maybe he backs down from attempting a huge spot because he knows he has to save something for The Rock. Could be very interesting.
it sounds great!!! and i guess if they want to cash in on it wrestlemania is the only place it could really happen. Although i do get the point that doing this too early does run the risk of all the hype dying before then....

My only question is that who will verse taker at wrestlemania 28? hhh said he would be waiting, but they wouldn't dare do another rematch? would they?
I would like for The Rock to win, but what does that do for him? The Rock has already left his mark in this company. He has nothing more to prove to anybody, not even Cena. The only way Rock wins is if Vince gives the Hometown Boy that shining moment.

This match should have the vibe that Hogan/Rock had. A Cena would make some serious noise and turn a couple heads. It's The Rock vs John Cena. A LOT of people would love to see Rock take Cena down in his own Hometown in Miami, but I don't see it happening.

As much as I don't want to see Cena win because his gimmick has been annoying me since Early 2006, but if they want to really show us that Cena is THE guy in the WWE and this a passing the torch, then Cena will win.

Then again, if Rock wins, that doesn't really damage Cena's character THAT much, but it will hurt him a bit. I can't explain well why, it will hurt his character a little bit. Maybe somebody else can explain better than I can.
I'm all for this. You have to admit that this is a booking decision that definitely shakes things up. I can't count the number of times I hear someone bitching and moaning about wanting to be surprised or wanting something to happen that's unpredictable. Well now goddammit, here's a prime example of unpredictability. A mega match already set for next year's WrestleMania between two of the biggest stars of the past 20 years.

I don't know exactly how the WWE is going to keep this thing at the forefront and what they're ultimately going to do with Rock & Cena in the meantime, but it'll be interesting to see how they handle things.
Now I'm genuinlly excited for this to happen cmon how could you not?!
My biggest problem is that we know where cena is going to be for next years WM
that being said how is that going to affect say the RR and EC we can't really expect cena to
win either event as he is slated to vs the rock so any major ppv in which John is usually the favourite I feel that's going
to take away heaps from both events because we know either way he is just going on to face the rock anyway
So this could be great, but it could go really... REALLY wrong.

There are a number of things that are good about this whole situation. You've announced the biggest wrestling match in decades a year in advance, and the excitement will only grow. It's like Christmas, you know it's gonna come again in a year and that you'll get a ton of new presents, but there's no point in getting too excited about it on December 26th, or March 3rd, or June 12th... but when November 17th rolls around, you know that the best time of the year is coming up soon.

Also, this is going to do wonders for Cena. The crowd will be cheering him like crazy knowing that he's going to be facing The Rock at Wrestlemania, and they'll want to see him look like a beast in time for The Rock. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to see Cena come off a mediocre year to face The Rock at Mania, Cena's going to have to have a legendary year to be worthy of facing The Great One at Mania.

We could also get an epic title run out of Cena, which probably doesn't appeal to everyone, but it definitely gets me pretty pumped. Giving Cena the strap would be a great way to keep him relevant between now and Mania. Feuds with Miz, Punk, and maybe Dolph Ziggler could be in order.

But a lot of things can also go horribly... HORRIBLY wrong. Professional wrestling is a tough business, and John Cena has a few surgically repaired body parts. Hopefully the WWE gives him a relatively light schedule to keep him healthy.

On the other side of things, Hollywood is a crazy place, and The Rock could get the movie role of the lifetime. Would he back out of Wrestlemania if it meant he got to play the next huge role?

Overall, though, I think this is a good thing. The WWE doesn't have to keep this storyline fresh for the rest of the year, they just have to make sure it's hot again when it picks up around the Royal Rumble, and when a program includes two guys as big as The Rock and John Cena, you can bet your ass it'll be red hot when they pick up from where they left off.
I like that it's official but it is very risky with the injury factor like peeps been saying. It' makes sense cause it will be the 10 year anniversary of hogan vs. rock at 18. i think it will be the same match. The rock will be cheered like crazy but cena has to win cause he's still an active wrestler. My only question is Should Cena be wwe champ going into the match ?
I think this was a genius idea by the WWE. It has people already eager for Wrestlemania 28. It also will be interesting to see if Cena is champ when they have this match. I know people are upset that this isn't happening at SummerSlam but the fact is... this is a huge match that needs to happen at the biggest stage of them all. Yes it could have been at WM27 and instead of Cena/Miz it could have been Morrison/Miz, but I dont think the WWE was ready to give those two the ball in the WWE title match.
Honestly so many people on here are hypocrites, first they complain that The Rock won't wrestle again, that its a waste of time if there's no pay off.
Now honestly this match will be the most anticipated match of our generation.
The setting is perfect Rock's home town, just think of the pop he's going to get.!!
WWE is showing us why they are a the top, i'm almost positive before tonights Raw many thought the dream match would never happen but wrong!
I'm already excited for Next year!!
TNA has nothing on WWE this is an actual surprise.!!
I like that it's official but it is very risky with the injury factor like peeps been saying. It' makes sense cause it will be the 10 year anniversary of hogan vs. rock at 18. i think it will be the same match. The rock will be cheered like crazy but cena has to win cause he's still an active wrestler. My only question is Should Cena be wwe champ going into the match ?

IMO, I don't think he should cause then we KNOW Cena will win. What does another title reign do for The Rock?

Then again, Hogan came back in 2002 and took the belt of Triple H after WrestleMania.....

Damn, Idk :banghead:

ANYTHING can happen between now and next year's WrestleMania. Should be interesting.
Now I'm genuinlly excited for this to happen cmon how could you not?!
My biggest problem is that we know where cena is going to be for next years WM
that being said how is that going to affect say the RR and EC we can't really expect cena to
win either event as he is slated to vs the rock so any major ppv in which John is usually the favourite I feel that's going
to take away heaps from both events because we know either way he is just going on to face the rock anyway

Not necessarily... Cena (c) vs. Rock can certainly be interesting. I dont think this gives anything away b/c I think everyone knows that at the drop of a hat Vince will change plans to p*ss all over the IWC, lol.
Guys i would like to just point out, whos to say that the Rock doesnt wanna come back full time 1 year from now and stop making movies. ANYTHING can happen in a year, which could change any outcome of that match.
So this could be great, but it could go really... REALLY wrong.

There are a number of things that are good about this whole situation. You've announced the biggest wrestling match in decades a year in advance, and the excitement will only grow. It's like Christmas, you know it's gonna come again in a year and that you'll get a ton of new presents, but there's no point in getting too excited about it on December 26th, or March 3rd, or June 12th... but when November 17th rolls around, you know that the best time of the year is coming up soon.

Also, this is going to do wonders for Cena. The crowd will be cheering him like crazy knowing that he's going to be facing The Rock at Wrestlemania, and they'll want to see him look like a beast in time for The Rock. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to see Cena come off a mediocre year to face The Rock at Mania, Cena's going to have to have a legendary year to be worthy of facing The Great One at Mania.

We could also get an epic title run out of Cena, which probably doesn't appeal to everyone, but it definitely gets me pretty pumped. Giving Cena the strap would be a great way to keep him relevant between now and Mania. Feuds with Miz, Punk, and maybe Dolph Ziggler could be in order.

But a lot of things can also go horribly... HORRIBLY wrong. Professional wrestling is a tough business, and John Cena has a few surgically repaired body parts. Hopefully the WWE gives him a relatively light schedule to keep him healthy.

On the other side of things, Hollywood is a crazy place, and The Rock could get the movie role of the lifetime. Would he back out of Wrestlemania if it meant he got to play the next huge role?

Overall, though, I think this is a good thing. The WWE doesn't have to keep this storyline fresh for the rest of the year, they just have to make sure it's hot again when it picks up around the Royal Rumble, and when a program includes two guys as big as The Rock and John Cena, you can bet your ass it'll be red hot when they pick up from where they left off.

Going back to what you said about him having an epic title run if they wanted. I really dont see how they can doing anything epic with Cena , knowing theres a risk of injury. If anything, it would make Cena matches worse because he will be even more limited and only rely on his super cena moves. Agree? Also, do you think they will make it a somewhat face vs face thing, or go back to it being the rock on top with cena taking most of the heat. I hope for the latter, cuz thats what made it so interesting in the first place.
Just a couple of months ago the same people that are complaining now were begging the rock to come back, i'ts sad how badly the internet has effected the Wrestling Fans, people start little hate threads on every superstar, people claim solid workers like the Miz are not even worthy of being in the main event, they claim the rock is boring because he's doing the same 6 catch phrases..... what did you expect a whole new repertoire of Catch phrases, which i'm sure if he did he would have been lame for trying to be something he's not, be thankful that 2 of the greatest performers of all time, are still willing to come back to the wwe and treat us fans to some quality TV (those 2 being SCST and Rock..derr), be grateful that the rock is willing to wrestle once again when he doesn't have anything left to prove, like he said this has nothing to do with the money, the man is loaded this is simply for us devoted wrestling fans and for that we should be grateful

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