Wrestlemania 27: Do You STILL Hate Cena vs. Miz?


Dark Match Winner
Hello, I'm Emily this is my first thread so please dont hate me if it sucks!

Anyway I've always been very curious about something, as after Wrestlemania 27, everyone would go on about how terrible the show was, and in particular, the main event.
Please dont get me wrong, I'm not one of the WWE defenders or anything, its just I trully felt that it is one of the most underated matches in the history of Wrestling.
In all honestly most of the match was very good: of course i did say most, as I do agree that the ending was somewhat poorly booked, however it wasnt that bad and certainly doesent make the whole match bad.
Lets look at it from the start: starts slow but quickly builds up, loads of action, spead, false finishes, back and forth, crowd fairly into it etc.

In my opinion the reason people hate this match was simply due to three things:

It had to follow some great matches (CM Punk v Orton and undertaker v HHH)
The ending, one bad point and everyone just forgot the whole match except that bit
Its WWE, people will hate WWE for any mistake.

Anyway all I ask is, watch the match again, put your anti-wwe ego aside and watch the match for what it is and then let me no if u still hate it.

ps if u do, its fine as its ur decision i'm just curious


Well, let me just say, I *never* hated the match. The finish was a little convoluted, but I liked the match from the the get go.

It was very well worked all around, and it did a lot to legitimize the Miz as a main event talent. Yes, his victory over Cena was "tainted," but that's not important. What's important is that Miz looked like he belonged in the ring with Cena, Miz kicked out of the AA straight up, and sure, Miz wasn't able to beat Cena, but CENA WASN'T ABLE TO BEAT MIZ either. That made Miz look like he belongs as WWE champion. I thought people really shit on the card as a whole more than was legit, and this match in particular.

And welcome aboard, Emily. :)
It wasn't that the match had other great matches to follow. Triple H vs Undertaker was not that good and CM Punk vs Randy Orton was ok. The Problem was that this entire Mania was centered around The Rock. It opened with him and it closed with him. Now, I know that more than likely he was the one that scored the million buy rates, but he did not need to be part of the show like that. That was probably the worst ending to a Mania I can ever remember. The heel walked out with the title and the guest host beat up both the champion and challenger.

I had my doubts about The Miz in a Mania main event (as the WWE champion nonetheless), I am not a fan of the guy and am still not, but I do know he deserves that spot for everything he went through. I am not sure how they thought John Cena vs The Miz would draw or that anyone wanted to see it, but it's done and gone now. I still maintain that Punk should have faced Cena at Mania like they originally planned.

Anyway to answer your question, no I never hated the match, it is just overshadowed by The Rock interfering, it actually was a pretty good match up until they had to go overboard with the ending. It's just a shame that Wrestlemania is never used to end a feud anymore. It's always really just the beginning or angle of something. Like what's the point of even buying a Wrestlemania when you can get the same exact card at extreme rules the next month and have 9 times out of 10 be better than Mania?
Wrestlemania 27 sucked because there was only 2 selling points. The first and BIGGEST wun was The Rock. Love it or hate it, most of the reason why wrestle mania was halfway interesting was BECAUSE of his involvement. The second was Undertaker vs HHH. The rest of the card, nobody cared about, ESPECIALLY nobody outside wrestling. CM Punk and Orton could have had a MUCH better feud and build up, Miz and Cena was just uninteresting on ALL levels (without The Rock). The rest of the card isent even worth remembering. Lets face it, without The Rock what were you left with? Two guys whos prime left them years ago (and are still better than the rest of the roster) and a match that wasnt going to be more than John Cena carrying a media monkey who can only punch and kick. Wrestlemania 27 NEEDED The Rock
Wrestlemania 27 sucked because there was only 2 selling points. The first and BIGGEST wun was The Rock. Love it or hate it, most of the reason why wrestle mania was halfway interesting was BECAUSE of his involvement. The second was Undertaker vs HHH. The rest of the card, nobody cared about, ESPECIALLY nobody outside wrestling. CM Punk and Orton could have had a MUCH better feud and build up, Miz and Cena was just uninteresting on ALL levels (without The Rock). The rest of the card isent even worth remembering. Lets face it, without The Rock what were you left with? Two guys whos prime left them years ago (and are still better than the rest of the roster) and a match that wasnt going to be more than John Cena carrying a media monkey who can only punch and kick. Wrestlemania 27 NEEDED The Rock

With just three posts my eyes have opened up alot more and it honestly seams most of the reasons why people didnt like this mania was simply because they didnt like the card, and it seams no one actually looks at the individual matches themselves.

You claimed nobody cared about the rest of the card; i think its interesting, but u need to remember, the Rock would overshadow everything, and it seams perhaps WWE just overhyped it to much.
Randy orto vs CM punk, not the greatest build p, but an excellent match, that most who watch it alone agree with,
undertaker v Triple H a likley MOTY candidate.
Edge V ADR: also a good match
Mysterio vs rhodes: excellent.

Dont get me wrong i'm not saying i loved this mania bt it was unfairly underrated, the ending wasnt that bad, it was just something we see on raw-which dont get me wrong, for a wrestlemania main event thats pritty pathetic, but still it doesent meen the whole show was bad.

Another reason why people hated the show (and i agree it was annoying) was the scrapping of Daniel Bryan v Sheamus, but again its not something to cry about.

All i'm saying is it seams people just hate this wreslemania for silly reasons, or mainly cause of the ending between cena v miz, which is totally nfair on those 2 as tey had an excellent match

Emily, I was there at wrestlemania 28 and i did rather enjoy the match it was not bad the reason people don't like it is because the main event was ruined yes it was to further a storyline but at WrestleMania it is customary to wrap up storylines and move into new ones the night after and they could have still set up Rock and Cena they did not have to screw up the main event so that a man who walked away and asked not to be called a wrestler for seven years could come back and hog the spotlight this is why everyone dislikes the whole Cena Miz match hopes this answers your question
That match pretty much cemented how I felt about Miz as WWE champion. He wasn't then and in my mind still isn't up to par in terms of being a championship contender or player. First I was upset about how the WWE pushed him directly from mid-carder to WWE champion, without spending a moment building his cred in the main event scene with other top stars. So when people say Miz worked hard to get to that point, I don't totally agree. He has never performed at a high level and has had virtually no memorable matches to speak of on his resume. He didn't have go through the effort of being built up by facing top-tier talents and proving he could hang with them, so to me he actually kind of got a free pass. In my mind, Vince just decided for shock value, much like he had with Sheamus, he would throw in an unexpected name into the mix. I didnt like it but I gave him a chance. I felt the same about JBL back in the day, but Bradshaw proved me wrong, and stepped up big in big match situations, like in his matches with Guerrero, Taker and Angle among others. Miz's championship matches were dreadly dull. Orton, Lawler, Cena, they were all either average or poor. Even after his reign ended his matches with Riley werent anything special. Yes he has good mic skills, although in my opinion, they are somewhat overrated. Still that alone cant exuse you performing poorly in matches, especailly when he get a chance to main event Mania. I cant give Cena a pass, he was atrocious in that match as well but we know most of the time in big situations he delivers, I have yet to see this from Miz. Even as bad as a wrestler as Hogan was he still put on solid performances. If Miz wants people, like myself to accept him as championship material, he has to raise his game.
im with wunnightstand mania 27 pretty much sucked. Im not a rock fan but if u take him out there wasnt to much left. hhh taker was great but punk ortan could have been better. They shouldve had went with the wcw theme that everyone was talkin about prior. It was there only chance to do somthin different. There was no money in the bank match. they shouldve had the winner cash it in and win in the same night one of those years with the mitb match
Emily, I was there at wrestlemania 28 and i did rather enjoy the match it was not bad the reason people don't like it is because the main event was ruined yes it was to further a storyline but at WrestleMania it is customary to wrap up storylines and move into new ones the night after and they could have still set up Rock and Cena they did not have to screw up the main event so that a man who walked away and asked not to be called a wrestler for seven years could come back and hog the spotlight this is why everyone dislikes the whole Cena Miz match hopes this answers your question

Apparently I have to once again correct someone for failing to distinguish wrestlemania 28 from wrestlemania 27.

Back to the topic I thought it was a decent match after seeing it in April. But not wrestlemania main event worthy. The crowd just had been worn out from tripled H and undertaker having a near classic. It is the successor tor the wrestlemania 18 main event that suffered from the same issue.

I don't hate it but it's not really a wrestlemania main event to remember.
The problems with the match were:

1. It followed Undertaker vs. Triple H (and the Snooki match, but I'm not counting that as a match)

2. It had the long anticipated "what will Rock do" moment. They milked The Rock being there so much that no one cared about the main event. Maybe on paper it was a good match, but because everyone was just waiting for The Rock to get involved, the match didn't matter.

3. The payoff sucked. The Rock came in, Rock Bottomed Cena, and left. That was it. That could've been done on Raw. Miz and Cena fought to a double count out. That could've been done on Raw.

It wasn't the match that sucked. It was the execution.
the biggest problem with the pay per view: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan was left off the main card. In terms of pure wrestling, this would have easily been the best match.
5 matches were what I think "Wrestlemania" worthy, but had their flaws:
Miz v. Cena was good until the double count out
Edge v. ADR was good- only 11 minutes though
Randy Orton v. Punk was a good match- terrible build up for the feud
Undertaker v. HHH- good brawl, took time away from other matches though.
Cody Rhodes v. Rey Mysterio- probably the best "technical" wrestling match

3 matches could have been taken off and replaced with Sheamus v. Daniel Bryan:
Laycool and Dolph ziggler v. morrison, snooki, trish: do i even need to explain? morrison v. dolph would have been awesome
Big Show, Kane, Santino, Kozlov v. Corre: horrible horrible match
Cole v. King: went on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long

WM 27 was entertaining, but could have been booked much, much better
It's not as terrible as people make it out to be, but it was a disappointing main event and ended a pretty good show on a somewhat sour note. Mania had six real matches (can't really count the tags because of how short they were, which was a good thing), and four of them delivered. If Cena vs. Miz and Cole vs. Lawler had lived up to expectations, this Mania would be remembered a lot better. And we all know Cena can do better. Let's not forget that The Rock played a huge part in no one caring about this match, though; everyone was just waiting him to come out and do his thing, which ended up being pretty damn stupid.
The match, in itself was pretty good. The main problem with it was that they used the main event of Wrestlemania to promote the main event the next one. Such a thing being done on RAW/SD/any other PPV is fine, but should not happen at the main event of the most prestigious event.
I still dislike the match. Cena VS Miz is hardly deserving of a main event slot at Wrestlemania. Even if I ignore how bad the rest of the card was (other than Trips VS Taker) then it is still bad. Miz needs to improve in the ring if he is ever going to be a legit top guy. The intros were done very well and I liked the "AWESOME" letters Miz came out with. Cena's entrance was one of his worst ones though. The marching band one is still the worst but this came close. Then the ending was really unforgivable. Why use the main event of a Wrestlemania to start the story for next year's main event? That's ridiculous. I never wanted to see the match in the first place. Great for Miz that he got to retain against Cena in the closing match of the biggest show of the year. That doesn't mean I like it though. The match sucked because of the ending, lack of high quality in ring work, and I won't even start on how I felt about Miz being champion as long as he was or the reign itself. This match will go down in history as a bad ending to a bad show. The fans deserved better.
Hold on a minute, Cena's entrance was bad? And the marching band one was his worst? Really?

The military one last year or whatever that was, was by far his worst. The two you mentioned were both great. The marching band was a really original idea and the video package leading into the choir this year was fantastic.

Also, where was the rest of the card bad? The only bad match that went over four minutes was Cole vs. Lawler. Taker vs. HHH was excellent and Mysterio, Orton, and Edge all put on pretty good matches with their opponents. Edge vs. Del Rio in particular is a pretty underrated match from where I stand, fast paced and managed to hold my interest throughout.
It was not a great match though I would say that it was the third or fourth best match of Mania 27. The problem with this match was not only that it followed Triple H/ Undertaker or because everyone was just waiting for The Rock to show up though I would say that the latter was probably the biggest reason why the match suffered. But let's not forget The Miz's part here. The fact is that Miz had to control the offensive portion of the match and his offense was just not all that interesting. That's a common trend with most of Miz's matches if you look at them carefully. His best matches have come against Morrison and Bryan and on both occasions the babyfaces were rabid on the offense while Miz sold everything.

But in this match it was Miz who had to dish out the offense while Cena had to sell and while Cena did a good job, Miz's offense was a bit slow and plodding. Couple that with the fact that everyone was just anticipating for The Rock to show up, you can easily understand why this match was not so good. Also while this may not have been too bad a match, it's still Cena's worst effort at a WrestleMania.

Let's not forget that The Rock played a huge part in no one caring about this match, though; everyone was just waiting him to come out and do his thing, which ended up being pretty damn stupid.

How the hell was "what The Rock did" stupid? What should he have done, a moonwalk or something? You know, defending Cena is pretty cool until you overdo it, at which point it gets stupid, like it just did here.

Also it is not exactly his fault that everyone was just waiting for him to come out and screw Cena. It's something that was bound to happen given the amount of nostalgia Rock brings to the plate.
Well, for starters, they used the main event of WrestleMania to set up the next one, which is beyond stupid. I would think that much would be pretty obvious. But then think about the fact that the MAIN EVENT of WrestleMania was stopped by a countout, restarted, and then lasted about another ten seconds before a stupid screwy finish. Maybe you could take a minute to remember how terrible the booking was before you call me stupid. And if you think that's good booking for a WrestleMania, then I hope you never book WWE, because I never want to see anything like that again. At the very least, they should have made the match No DQ from the start and then had Rock interfere without all the ridiculous overbooking with the countout, the GM, and the restart.
Well, for starters, they used the main event of WrestleMania to set up the next one, which is beyond stupid. I would think that much would be pretty obvious. But then think about the fact that the MAIN EVENT of WrestleMania was stopped by a countout, restarted, and then lasted about another ten seconds before a stupid screwy finish. Maybe you could take a minute to remember how terrible the booking was before you call me stupid. And if you think that's good booking for a WrestleMania, then I hope you never book WWE, because I never want to see anything like that again. At the very least, they should have made the match No DQ from the start and then had Rock interfere without all the ridiculous overbooking with the countout, the GM, and the restart.

So yeah, it was the booking that was stupid not what The Rock did as you seem to be implying. So basically Rock cannot be faulted for what he did, am I right?
that match have MAYBE been a 3 star match on raw, and the fact that it was the main event of the biggest event in professional wrestling history made it a 1 star match. you cant put john cena in a main event where someone cant carry him, thats why him vs miz and him vs barrett sucked, b/c cena cant carry a match, the reason cena vs hhh and cena vs hbk was good was b/c they can carry cena.
that match have MAYBE been a 3 star match on raw, and the fact that it was the main event of the biggest event in professional wrestling history made it a 1 star match. you cant put john cena in a main event where someone cant carry him, thats why him vs miz and him vs barrett sucked, b/c cena cant carry a match, the reason cena vs hhh and cena vs hbk was good was b/c they can carry cena.

Yeah Cena was completely carried by everybody right I mean where's Batista that technical wrestling god. He completely carried Cena just like all the other times he's had a good match. CM Punk carried Cena cause they had a good match, Alberto Del Rio carried Cena because they had a good match, If he get's a good match with David Otunga, Cena was of course carried. Shut the hell up and then you add that Cena vs. Barrett sucked thier match at Hell in a Cell was way above average for a mid card match. Cena vs. Miz sucked because off a screwed up ending until the point where they got double countouted it was going allright not a classic but much better the Triple H vs. Orton.
How polite Emily.

I liked the match....dont know what the fuss was about but never commented on it because I am a big supporter of The Miz and he was my favourite wrestler of last year in terms of the push he was getting, it was getting me excited about WWE again even before Cm punk came out and Sexxed up the place a little more.

Ending sucked and it took away the momentum of what was happening... I liked the angle of the match restarting after the double countout but wish it hadnt ended again so suddenly the way it did.
Well I was at WM 27 and I thought the Match was fine overall. Yeah the Double Countout may have hurt it a little bit but it was good overall. I didn't mind The Rock having invovelment in it as we knew he may in the lead up to it. So I liked the Match with Miz & John Cena,both of their Entrances were cool to see in person also.

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