Why So Much Hate For TNA?

Well, if it isn't the biggest TNA mark on this forum himself, as usual bashing WWE.
It's cool to have your opinion, but to seriously think Bieber is better than WWE is certainly grounds for questioning just what the heck goes on in the head of yours.
I mean sure this Zack Ryder/Eve/Cena thing is idiotic but Punk has been doing well as champ, HHH isn't getting his grubby mitts on the title, Rock vs Cena will be one of the biggest draws in a long time, Kharma will put some attention on the divas, and Jericho is back.

WWE usually kicks ass from the Rumble to Mania, I really don't see what your problem is.

So youre calling him "the biggest TNA mark on this forum" for giving a solid reason of why he thinks TNA get bashed so much, yet your entire post consist of irrelevant attempts to "defend" your company. Its deliciously ironic.
Well, if it isn't the biggest TNA mark on this forum himself, as usual bashing WWE.
It's cool to have your opinion, but to seriously think Bieber is better than WWE is certainly grounds for questioning just what the heck goes on in the head of yours.
I mean sure this Zack Ryder/Eve/Cena thing is idiotic but Punk has been doing well as champ, HHH isn't getting his grubby mitts on the title, Rock vs Cena will be one of the biggest draws in a long time, Kharma will put some attention on the divas, and Jericho is back.

WWE usually kicks ass from the Rumble to Mania, I really don't see what your problem is.

I'm just pointing this out here, but he says "the WWE can't possibly suck WORSE then Bieber". He never says that Bieber is better then WWE?
Why does the TNA section always has a thread which has nothing to do with Impact or the upcoming PPVs ? WWE section has threads about matches,wrestlers etc whereas TNA section always has these kind of stupid dumb threads.

Who cares if there are haters or not ? WWE has haters too but I've never seen threads like this in the WWE section.

This thread is BS. TNA section needs to be improved. These kind of dumb threads puts a bad impression on TNA and detracts fans.

TNA is doing good. By reading threads threads like this a fan who doesn't hate TNA will start to hate TNA.

sorry for hurting your feelings dude!! i've been watching tna for 2-3 months weekly now and i want to know why people hate it so much because in my opinion they're doing good, i watched tna occacionally before but i didnt watch it on a weekly basis to know if it was good or not, to me is ok, it has problems but nothing unwatchable like others seem to think it is. So stop crying im actually defending your precious tna
I wonder how differently people would look at tna if it was held in an arena like Wembley Arena every week. That first episode from wembley was probably my most favourite episode i have seen in a LONG time. Having the big crowd really does make a difference! The fact that wee constantly has a big crowd is partly the reason that i still watch it. If Raw was in the impact zone, i really wouldn't think much of it.

I sometimes think that the fact that TNA does not have a sold out arena every week that people just look down on it as if it is not good enough for them. but hey, thats just my opinion.

Hopefully tna can get out of the zone sooner rather than later.
And yea i am british and don't have sky sports, but i watch raw online.

i agree completely, i would like to see tna have bigger crowds every week and not be in the impact zone every week but that and many other solutions i have read (bishoff, hogan out, etc) will help tna change perspective on the fans, i think people need to enjoy tna for what it is and hope for the better rather than looking for imaginary solutions to their problems.
This is just my opinion.

TNA is a good show, but the thing that bugs me is that I don't find half of it entertaining. I mean, I do want to watch guys like Mr Anderson, Jeff Hardy... But half the stuff you have to watch beforehand is just so boring. Its almost like they pay no attention to half the show. Plus, even if you miss just one week, you are instantly confused with what has happened. It's really hard to catch onto some of the stories because they are always changing. There is a lack of continuity and general entertainment, not only that... but people like Hogan are just killing the show. He looks like he is just going to drop dead any moment....
Well people don't hate TNA, they are just disappointed in what they've seen in the finished product. Hogan and Bischoff come on board and the promise is to take it bigger and to make it better. Here's what we got from that:

1. Kurt Angle

2. Sting

3. Scott Steiner

4. Booker T

5. Christian

6. Kevin Nash

7. Scott Hall

8. XPac

9. The Dudleys

10. Karen Jarrett

I was a fan of Jeff Jarrett and think in TNA he's still their best talent on the mic and in the ring telling a story. Sting is past his prime though I'm still a huge fan of his.

The had something with The MEM and blew that up. Meanwhile the younger guys were waiting in the wings to get their chance to shine. Are ratings any better? Nope! Now fans of TNA are saying ratings don't matter. Of course they are, because they aren't getting any better. If ratings were getting better, guess what they'd be saying?

The fact is, now they have a chance to really do something special if they can just figure out how. Bobby Roode is a great heel. Bubba is a GREAT heel and doing his best work EVER! James Storm as the chance to be a niche face in the form of Dusty Rhodes, only younger, hipper, but with that Southern mentality. AJ Styles could become one of the best lightweights in history, but they can't figure out that division. By the way, why isn't he fighting Austin Aries in a series of matches? Think what those 2 guys could do. The storyline he's in now with CD? A waste of talent on both sides. Kaz is a bust! He's a mid-carder at best!

Angle keeps getting bounced from one story to another while he tries to make the Olympic team and for what? Just being a run-in heel? I guess I get it, but again, a waste overall.

Gunner? Would make a great enforcer in a group but as a single is a bust. Not enough personality. Can't pull off the AA type character ,but is a better Ole. Less talk, more brute.

Ric Flair? Great role as a mentor/heel manager. Doesn't need the eye candy, which is a waste.

Bischoff and his kid angle? HUGE bust and a waste for Gunner. Bischoff needs to stay backstage. Time for he and Hogan to step aside.

Morgan? Great monster heel but then what to do with Abyss?

There's a lot to like about TNA, but there's alot not to like.
So youre calling him "the biggest TNA mark on this forum" for giving a solid reason of why he thinks TNA get bashed so much, yet your entire post consist of irrelevant attempts to "defend" your company. Its deliciously ironic.

Actually no, I'm calling him the biggest TNA marks on this forum, because he really is one of the biggest marks on the forum. Maybe you haven't seen some of his posts but it's true.

Solid reason? All he said was "Hey guys, don't blame us for getting bashed, ANYONE in this position would!" That's not exactly a great reason, that's more of an opinion than anything else, as this is I guess.

Oh right, stating what's actually going on in the world's #1 wrestling company is completely irrelevant in a discussion of why the world's #2 wrestling company is frowned upon on the internet. Silly me.

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