Why We *Really* Hate TNA...

I agree that fans are desperately hoping that TNA come go up a level just to keep WWE honest. I think TNA's problem is they're pushing the wrong guys. Personally I couldn't care less if I never see MCMG V Beer Money ever again. Jay Lethal had potential but he's always been a bit boring too. Why haven't we seen Doug Williams since he lost the TV title? Where is Magnus? Does anyone remember the Amazing Red V Kurt Angle match when Angle was going through the top 10? This Crimson fella better be good. What in the blue hell are they doing with Samoa Joe? Why are they pushing Pope? Why is AJ stuck as someone so eloquently suggested as the kid who can't get the car keys from the older guys? How are Rob Terry and Abyss still there? Do they still think people care about the 3D feud? Why does Kendrick never wrestle? Why oh why did they let Daniels go? If we need to see EY and Orlando, can we put them in an actual match?

Let's face it - they get points for tag team wrestling and women's division only coz the WWE is so poor at both. The WWE has built up or brought in for the indys Swagger, Sheamus, Kofi, Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, John Morrison and still have guys like Mason Ryan and Jackson Andrews in reserve. In that same period TNA brought in Nigel McGuinness, changed his name, and buried him the moment Hogan walked in the door. (and now he apparently can't work anyway which is a real shame as outside of Angle he's probably their best).

TNA needs a development territory to bring in new guys, book them properly over a couple of years and let them build. If not, we're gonna be watching the wrestling equivalent of golf's seniors tour in TNA and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Don't get me wrong - I love watching the older guys still in TNA - in fact I'm really over watching Orton, Edge, Christian in WWE....but you gotta bring in new guys to win new fans. The average 13-17yo wouldn't give a shit about Sting, Nash, Jarrett...maybe even Hogan and Angle and Flair. The OP was right - TNA needs to create a HERO.
THe OP made a lot of great points. I used to be a growing TNA fan myself, ever since I stumbled upon a few Impact episodes on OnDemand. Granted that there were a few familiar faces around (Jarrett, Raven, BG James (Road Dogg), and so on, it was easy to tell that the "feel" was different compared to WWE.

I actually continued to follow TNA, and even attended a house show that came to Plymouth, Michigan a few years back. I even got recognized in the crowd by Christian as I copied his trademark ring entrance poses. I was happy to see Kurt Angle debut with the company.

However, in my opinion, TNA hasn't been interesting since the Angle/Joe feud. Now THAT was an entertaining feud. But as time wore on, I started to see more WWE defects and WCW oldies. It became boring, cluttered and just plain lame.

I don't really watch WWE, but I follow the storylines (thanks to Wrestlezone and YouTube). TNA on the otherhand, I find myself clicking on information about them by accident, read a couple of lines and find reading the ingredients on the back of my toothpaste tube more entertaining than that.

From a "business" standpoint, I feel that the addition of Hogan and Bischoff was a good move by it being intended to strengthen and improve the company. But now there are just too many storylines and stables to really follow the shows closely. When it comes to WWE, it's kind of fun to analyze the matches and storylines to try and predict what direction things may go. Everything in TNA happens so fast and all over the place, it's almost like a case of ADHD is developing in me because I just can't force myself to try and make sense of what they're doing.

Everyday I go into work, I have a feeling of disgust about the 8 hours of stress I am preparing to take on. I'm convinced that I must have a storyline that Russo has written, because it plain sucks.
Being a fan since 1990, this current era of wrestling reminds me most of the 1993-1996 era of wrestling. All the pieces are in place for another boom.

TNA has alot of big name talent, just waiting for the right angle to click. In 1996 the answer was the NWO, and the biggest problem is convincing their writing team to come up with something fresh. We aren't too far off from another "boom" period if TNA can expand away from the Impact Zone as well.

Then you have WWE, where they currently lack the big name talent but have the balls to try new and fresher storylines. It will take about 5-10 years for this new generation to truly take hold, and since WWE went PG wrestling would in time expand to a wider audience as the younger PG audience grows up.
The average 13-17yo wouldn't give a shit about Sting, Nash, Jarrett...maybe even Hogan and Angle and Flair. The OP was right - TNA needs to create a HERO.

The funny thing about Jarrett is that he sucks. Plain and simple. I personally like him, I enjoyed his silly country singer gimmick in the mid-90s, and I feel like he's a decent mic person, but come on...

WCW/Russo buried Hulk Hogan to push Jeff Jarrett. JJ didn't do much with that. He's been running TNA for almost a decade, and gone nowhere. Seriously, this guy needs to stop being the focus of their tv shows (and seriously.. is he still smashing ppl with a guitar?? 16 years later???)

I'll say it again- TNA is a pain to watch on tv, and honestly, Mike Tenay is more annoying than Michael Cole. There- I said it. TNA should've gone all out and brought in Jim Ross. Ross is a great story teller (not to mention all his references to how every wrestler was a football player at his alma mater).
Many wrestling fans are not as intelligent as the OP. They're much rather turn the product off because of incredibly idle reasons, or because they read something on the Internet or heard how much it sucks from a friend. Wrestling fans are not the brightest crayons in the box. They'd much rather bet on what's popular, what has worked for 50 years (even though is broken now), and watch the WWE not because it's good and entertaining, but watch it because they're hoping for a glimpse of the Attitude Era.

People watch WWE because they have variety. WWE has actually changed with the times. They aren't pushing the envelope like they used to, but why would they? Raw still gets ratings consistently over 3.0 which is enough to keep them towards the top of the ratings list every Monday. They put on a good product, it just isn't a GREAT product because they have no one to compete against other than themselves.

TNA is a younger company, smaller company with a product (promos, matches etc.) that almost rivals WWE's.

Really? TNA has some good action but they seriously lack psychology in their matches. Their good promos are all by their veteran talent, compared to WWE where most of their best talkers are younger. There is no rivalry, WWE is blowing them out of the water.

TNA has been around for nine years. Face it, TNA won't get as big as the WWE or even come close in the next ten. That's the truth. It won't gain viewers over a night, it won't gain them in the next year. TNA is a baby of a company, and people expect it to be as efficient as an adult. They're not even on the road yet. TNA will not grow anytime soon, and we all need to live with that.

This is literally due to their own ineptitude, not the amount of time they have been around. WCW and WWF had to deal with coming on to national television with guys mainly only known from local territories. They had to build a completely new audience for their product. TNA had a pre-made niche to fill, they had the big names to do it, and they have just been astonishingly inefficient at progressing forward.

The ratings have been stuck in one place, and that's usually a bad thing. But then look at WWE's ratings. They're the same every-single-week. That tells you that it's not a WWE thing, it's not a TNA thing, it's a wrestling thing. And this is where TNA is supposed to chime in and reinvent the business. Well it won't happen when fans are so close minded and cynical when it comes to Total Nonstop Action.

The difference is WWE is pulling in consistently good ratings while TNA is pulling in consistently mediocre ratings. You can blame the change in people's attitudes to an extent, but it primarily IS a TNA thing that they aren't improving.

Fans around the globe treat it like trash, while it's not. Old guys this, old guys that. Yes, they do talk on the mic. To some fans that's taking the spotlight off the young guys. But at the same time, the young guys are the one in the ring, wrestling, so it's balanced. TNA has Ric Flair, Bischoff and Double J. I'm even going to exclude Double J from the mix because he's very good and entertaining. That's two guys. Flair and Bischoff. Two guys with great mic-skills, guy who can act, guys who can do it all on the mic. Is that so bad? Is that making the product unwatchable?

No one with a sensible opinion is going to argue that Ric Flair having some mic time every show is a bad thing, but I can easily refute this. If Kurt Angle had taken John Cena under his wing when Cena first debuted and had done all the talking for Cena for the next two years of his career, would Cena be over like he is now? No.

Like I said, TNA's product will never be flawless, but at least they're working on it unlike WWE who kept doing everything we hate for the last five, six years, completely ignoring the fans, as if saying "fuck you, you don't know shit". You can feel that TNA is trying to find the pulse of their company, you can feel the passion, you can see that they're experimenting and it's only a matter of time until they find themselves. People need to open their minds, remember why they love the business and try to enjoy a product that is in no way shape or form unwatchable. It's unwatchable for the ignorant sheep, for the idiots, the morons who decide to bash it for the fun of it.

WWE has put over CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, John Morrison, The Miz, Jack Swagger, The Nexus, ect...People have hated all of this? Seems to me that when WWE gave these guys the ball it made for dramatic changes in the product and was viewed as mostly positive by fans in the long run. TNA USED to put over guys like Styles and Joe, which was looked on positively, but that no longer happens which is why TNA isn't even on the WWE radar to this day.

I know, it's frustrating that it hasn't gained any viewers and it hasn't grown. But hating it because it doesn't grow is pretty stupid. Hating it because they sign this guy or that guy is pretty stupid. Hating them because they give the belt to a wrestler who has worked at another company is pretty stupid.

When you are a "fan" of a product and they are doing a large number of things you don't like it is actually pretty smart to complain. Even WWE listens to their fans occasionally in order to appease them and bring in a little extra money for themselves. CM Punk would not exist in WWE if the fans didn't love him from the indies, TNA is just dead set against listening to ANY criticism which is counter productive.

They're not putting the belt on Mr.Anderson because he worked in WWE, they're doing it because he's over with the fans, he's good in the ring and one of the best mic workers in the business.

Anderson is relatively over compared to other TNA people. Anderson is moderately talented in the ring and is far from polished, he looks good because guys like Angle made him seem that way. Also, a bunch of TNA veterans and half the WWE lockerroom would like to argue the idea that Anderson is one of the best mic workers.

They put the belt on Hardy for the shock factor of his heel turn and his popularity. Is that so wrong? Isn't "popularity" and merch. sales the reason why Cena is the poster boy?

Yes, very good, this is how business works. We finally have an issue we can agree on.

TNA has put the belt on someone for the fuck of it. RVD and Foley are perfect examples. They've done it for good and bad reasons. Excluding either is idiotic.

...I don't have the slightest idea what you're trying to say here.

They hire ex-WWE guys, yes. But while most fans see "that guy who worked in WWE", I see the worker, I see the wrestler. I see RVD who can still go and has had some cool matches. I see Anderson who's the most entertaining guy to watch in TNA bar Flair. I see Jeff Hardy who reinvented himself and is more interesting than he's been in a long time. I see Ric Flair who's the Flair of old, the guy who cuts a promo like no other, the guy that's not fed to the viewer as an old man, he's Naitch now and is awesome at it. I see Kurt Angle, a guy who has helped the company a lot and had amazing matches and storylines.

They have hired some dumbasses. Matt Hardy comes to mind. All the EV2.0 guys come to mind. It's how it goes, it's a business decision and it sometimes work, and sometimes does not.

I agree with most of this, except the last point. Nearly everyone saw the catastrophe of EV2.0 coming a MILE AWAY, even Heyman was against it. Yet still, TNA decided to go with the angle and act shocked when it completely bombed.

Think of it this way. You're making a movie. You have actors who are talented but not famous. You need that movie to sell, and one of the best way to sell it is to slap a famous actor on the poster which would increase the chances of people going to see it. If you're making that small budget movie and Robert DeNiro comes to you and says he wants to be in it - would you say "no", you're old? DeNiro is DeNiro just like Flair is Flair. He doesn't have to go "You talkin' to me?" in the movie, he just needs to use his ability to act, just like Flair uses his ability to be ... well Flair, I can't define what he does. You want the best possible cast, and the more famous people you have - the better. Some of them might be bad actors, some of them might be great, but put them in the movie with the talented youngsters and you have yourself a nice little cast, plus the youngsters will get some experience and exposure by working with the celebs. That's why TNA hires them. Certainly didn't work because the ratings are the same, but just enjoy my example :D

Think of it this way. You're making a low budget movie. You sign Robert De Niro and decide to cast him as the young, suave romantic love interest which he has no business being. In fact, you manage to miscast nearly everyone in the movie on the basis that Robert De Niro is a "big enough draw" and HAS to be the lead even if the role doesn't suit him. Your movie will get a 0 rating on Rotten Tomato and put De Niro's career in the toilet. Good job slick.

And that begs the question: should TNA Fire the famous wrestlers/legends they signed because the ratings did not increase? Absolutely not, because if they do - they might as well fire the youngsters too. It's up to them too, isn't it? It is, to an extent. It's also the writer's fault, and the people who market the product.

Again, your point escapes me. Clearly, not EVERYONE shares equal blame in this problem. I understand what you're trying to say, but businesses don't work like that. Only a few people are in charge and they are ultimately responsible for the overall quality. If a guy gets hired by WWE and he sucks, the fault falls on the person that hired him. This is why talent scouts make a lot of money.

Personally, I honestly believe that TNA's problems are not that much what goes ON AIR, it's the backstage things, the business aspect of it. I've heard Flair say that there are very few people backstage doing a lot of things, he said that the show could use more "man power". Could it be that TNA's all fine, product wise, but it's not ran by the right people? Are all the right people, interested in working for a wrestling company, in WWE? TNA was awesome in 2005-06. It had everyone we all wanted. The young guys, the awesome wrestling, nice little storylines. Then why did it not succeed? The product was awesome, was it not? Writing was great, matches were great, talent was great, the divisions were great. One more proof that it might not be the people on the air, but the ones backstage who halt TNA's success. Not that they're not trying, they're just not good enough.

Most of this is correct, but TNA's writing has ALWAYS sucked. Watch some old TNA segments, they are terrible. TNA has never had a good writing team and THAT is the reason they were never able to bridge the gap from "great wrestling program" to "great entertainment program".

Don't hate TNA for doing mistakes, that's stupid, because while they do mistakes, they also do a lot of great and entertaining things, and people seem to forget about that and harp on the bad stuff.

Can I get examples? Because I'm drawing a blank. And I'm not saying that to be a dick, other than Beer Money and Motor City Machine Guns I can't think of a single thing TNA has done that was worth a damn in YEARS.

Like I said, it'll take years for TNA to grow. It won't happen now, this year or next year. It takes time. WWE's been aroun for 50 years and it took them 40 to reach their absolute peak, and all they had to do in order to reach it was to exist. Wrestling was a new thing. It's not anymore.

Who knows? Maybe that's WWE/TNA's ceiling now. Maybe WWE will keep drawing the 3.0's and slowly losing them. Maybe wrestling's simply dying and it'll take a miracle to save it, not a new Attitude Era.

WWE did big ratings early in it's existence...so did WCW...but we'll ignore that for the convenience of your argument.

Either way, I'm enjoying TNA's product, I watch it as a fan, not a smark - it does miracles if you do so, by the way. I'm watching a company that develops its identity, a company that has things happening in it, new "firsts", moments, a company with a lot of potential which shows no sign of sinking, and it won't as much as some people would like to just so they can boast about it. I'd much rather watch TNA which is going somewhere, than WWE which is going absolutely nowhere but down. They'll have the money, they'll market the crap out of it, buy new trons, new sets, pyro, production, all is fine. They can't buy fans.

Right now we shouldn't worry about TNA beating WWE and being huge. They're about to go on the road and see how it goes, they have a few nice storylines going on, some piss-breaks of course, some wrestlers you wanna see, others that you don't, it's wrestling, it's never perfect. Enjoy it for what it is, we're lucky we even have that.

I'm glad you enjoy TNA. Seriously. I wish I could. Just don't be an apologist for them, all of us have been at one point or another, and we've all lived to regret it.
I can't tell you how happy I was in March of 2010. For the first time in 9 years we were going to have Monday Night Wars. It was great. I got to flip back and forth again, plus I had the new advatage of using DVR so I didn't miss anything. Then, after a few weeks, TNA made a huge anouncement.

"Big news TNA fans, you demanded it, and we listened. Starting next week TNA is moving BACK TO THURSDAY NIGHTS!"

This might be the worst statement in wrestling history. NO FANS demanded TNA move back to Thursday. I loved having an option on Monday night again. After a couple weeks I was watching TNA and recording RAW. I hated TNA for moving back. Realisticly, I understand why they did it. There ratings were down and Spike TV was very upset. But as a fan I was furious. They had a chance to give fans something they hadn't seen in a decade and they blew it.

I really think the big issue for the TNA hate right now has everything to do with the WWE. For the last two or three years the WWE hasn't been that great. We were all tired of the Cena Nation and TNA was a pretty cool alternative. The TNA main scene has never been great, but the X Division was flying high, and the show just seemed to have a little more edge to it. Since the Nexus angle begain this summer, the two companies have gone in totally different directions. The WWE has given us more new stars in the last 5 months than they have in the last 5 years. The rise of Nexus, Punk as the top heel, and the Miz as champ have given us something new to check out each week. On the other hand, TNA has destroyed everything that made them great. The X Division is in shambles, AJ is a midcarder, half the show is dedicated to Flair and Bischoff doing promos, and now they are redoing the whole "They" angle from 3 months ago.

I don't hate TNA, but I get angry at them for not being great. I don't buy the "growing pains argument". They have had almost 9 years. In that time Vince built an empire out of a regional promotion. In the same amount of time WCW went from the shambles of the old NWA to the biggest wrestling show on the planet. TNA sold out to Dixie and has more money to work with than Vince did for years. They really didn't start from stratch either. Half their roster was big name WCW, ECW, and WWE guys that weren't with their old companies anymore. It's not like they were working with nobodies.

TNA should be incredibly great right now, but they aren't. For the record, I don't consider bringing in Jeff "I wear crappy make up while enjoying a smoke in the ring" Hardy and Matt "I have the worst new haircut in wrestling history" Hardy as making huge progress. They have the talent, the names, the money, and the exposer. There is nothing else they need to be the best wrestling company in the world. They simply won't do it.
People watch WWE because they have variety. WWE has actually changed with the times. They aren't pushing the envelope like they used to, but why would they? Raw still gets ratings consistently over 3.0 which is enough to keep them towards the top of the ratings list every Monday. They put on a good product, it just isn't a GREAT product because they have no one to compete against other than themselves.

Really? TNA has some good action but they seriously lack psychology in their matches. Their good promos are all by their veteran talent, compared to WWE where most of their best talkers are younger. There is no rivalry, WWE is blowing them out of the water.

This is literally due to their own ineptitude, not the amount of time they have been around. WCW and WWF had to deal with coming on to national television with guys mainly only known from local territories. They had to build a completely new audience for their product. TNA had a pre-made niche to fill, they had the big names to do it, and they have just been astonishingly inefficient at progressing forward.

The difference is WWE is pulling in consistently good ratings while TNA is pulling in consistently mediocre ratings. You can blame the change in people's attitudes to an extent, but it primarily IS a TNA thing that they aren't improving.

No one with a sensible opinion is going to argue that Ric Flair having some mic time every show is a bad thing, but I can easily refute this. If Kurt Angle had taken John Cena under his wing when Cena first debuted and had done all the talking for Cena for the next two years of his career, would Cena be over like he is now? No.

WWE has put over CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, John Morrison, The Miz, Jack Swagger, The Nexus, ect...People have hated all of this? Seems to me that when WWE gave these guys the ball it made for dramatic changes in the product and was viewed as mostly positive by fans in the long run. TNA USED to put over guys like Styles and Joe, which was looked on positively, but that no longer happens which is why TNA isn't even on the WWE radar to this day.

When you are a "fan" of a product and they are doing a large number of things you don't like it is actually pretty smart to complain. Even WWE listens to their fans occasionally in order to appease them and bring in a little extra money for themselves. CM Punk would not exist in WWE if the fans didn't love him from the indies, TNA is just dead set against listening to ANY criticism which is counter productive.

Anderson is relatively over compared to other TNA people. Anderson is moderately talented in the ring and is far from polished, he looks good because guys like Angle made him seem that way. Also, a bunch of TNA veterans and half the WWE lockerroom would like to argue the idea that Anderson is one of the best mic workers.

Yes, very good, this is how business works. We finally have an issue we can agree on.

...I don't have the slightest idea what you're trying to say here.

I agree with most of this, except the last point. Nearly everyone saw the catastrophe of EV2.0 coming a MILE AWAY, even Heyman was against it. Yet still, TNA decided to go with the angle and act shocked when it completely bombed.

Think of it this way. You're making a low budget movie. You sign Robert De Niro and decide to cast him as the young, suave romantic love interest which he has no business being. In fact, you manage to miscast nearly everyone in the movie on the basis that Robert De Niro is a "big enough draw" and HAS to be the lead even if the role doesn't suit him. Your movie will get a 0 rating on Rotten Tomato and put De Niro's career in the toilet. Good job slick.

Again, your point escapes me. Clearly, not EVERYONE shares equal blame in this problem. I understand what you're trying to say, but businesses don't work like that. Only a few people are in charge and they are ultimately responsible for the overall quality. If a guy gets hired by WWE and he sucks, the fault falls on the person that hired him. This is why talent scouts make a lot of money.

Most of this is correct, but TNA's writing has ALWAYS sucked. Watch some old TNA segments, they are terrible. TNA has never had a good writing team and THAT is the reason they were never able to bridge the gap from "great wrestling program" to "great entertainment program".

Can I get examples? Because I'm drawing a blank. And I'm not saying that to be a dick, other than Beer Money and Motor City Machine Guns I can't think of a single thing TNA has done that was worth a damn in YEARS.

WWE did big ratings early in it's existence...so did WCW...but we'll ignore that for the convenience of your argument.

I'm glad you enjoy TNA. Seriously. I wish I could. Just don't be an apologist for them, all of us have been at one point or another, and we've all lived to regret it.

1. Your first paragraph about the consistent 3.0's goes right along with what I was saying. Has there ever been a time where you or any other hardcore WWE fan said no I won't watch because this is stupid? I bet that answer is no. Why is that? I bet you usually say well let me see where this goes or it is what it is. If it was TNA you would change the channel and then run on here and hide behind you screen name while you trash the company.

2. So you get butt hurt because people on the mic don't reach a certain age limit? Like I said. Cynical jerk offs who will just reach and reach for something to complain about. How about the IWC stop acting like a bunch douche bags and just watch the products. I think the IWC has forgotten what it means to be a wrestling fan. They are so worried with how they would run a company or what said company is doing wrong. Get over yourselves.

3. You are so stupid with this comment. Do you realize how bigger the fan base was in the 80's and 90's for professional which made it that much easier to grow your product. TNA opened their doors at the start of the downfall for wrestling. People like you probably expected them to had closed their doors 5 years ago.

4. WWE gets those ratings because a little under 5 million people will watch the product no matter how good or bad it is and that is fact. All you know on Mondays is USA 9pm for Raw. For some people that is all it has been since 1993. I mean damn for TNA for not pulling in an audience that really isn't there atm since WWE has put this industry in the shitter.

5. What does John Cena have anything to do with this. Again with you thinking you know how it is done. You know absolutely nothing about anything. Stop trying to act like you can build wrestlers into stars. You just saw one way to do it in the WWE and now will comment like you are a professional at it. This also goes to the hundreds of people on here who do the same things.

6. The funny thing is TNA has put people over and do it all the time. The difference is when you have 8,000 people putting it over compared to 1,500 putting it over. The other difference is when 1.7 million watching compared to the 5 million watching. All the champions except one is a TNA guy if you would like to start this ridiculous grouping. Before those champions you had all the champions home grown except 1. Not to mention they have been having great PPV and TV matches. Your just so cynical and worried about booking a company while your eating your chips at home to realize what is going on in TNA.

7. I don't mind the criticism at all. It actually builds discussion. the problem is when jerk off ass holes try to turn people away and instead of starting smart conversations it gets frustrating trying to defend, defend, defend. You have kids and then people who act like kids saying TNA sux, and WWE does this and that better and TNA is such a second rate this and that. Just shut the fuck up already and come back down from your ridiculousness and just be a fan.

8. Anderson is one of the best mic workers. Your just blind and again have no idea what your rambling on about if you don't think so. He is charismatic and over as hell. if he was doing the ass hole thing in WWE you and millions of fans would be sucking his dick and telling everyone about it.

9. TNA has produced a lot of great things and especially recently and I give you a ton of examples.

- Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
- AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels ( December 2009 )
- AJ Styles vs. Douglas Williams
- Jay Lethal vs. Ric Flair ( Promos and Match )
- Beer Money Inc. vs. Motor City Machine Guns
- Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me
- Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe
- Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson
- Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy

That is just off the top of my head. But hey besides 1 thing on my list TNA hasn't done anything great. Maybe you should sign off of wrestlezone for a while, be a wrestling fan, and stop talking about shit you have no idea about.

You want to talk about how to run a business? It is so funny because you have no clue how to run a business. Yet you and many others on here want to have a dick measuring contest on how to run a proper organization. Give me a fucking break. This shit enrages me like no other. I am so tired of the IWC acting like such dick heads because they think they have become better then the industry.
I definitely agree with your basic argument. A lot of us have given up on WWE a long time ago due to our increased knowledge/familiarity with the entrenched power structures and politics, booking/writing styles, typical plot/character progression, etc. Basically, WWE has been doing what they are doing for a long time. And while we fans may not like it, there's not a chance in hell of it changing because, sadly, it's been working for them. As a result, we've either learned to love it, bear it, or abandon it; either way, we accept it for what it is. TNA, on the other hand, was a clean slate. It truly has (or had) the potential to become anything. And for a time, it succeeded in rekindling the interest of fans who, quite frankly, were tired of wrestling (or at least the WWE's bland, repetitive and predictable approach). Free of entrenched power structures/politics/hackneyed writing, we expected more of TNA. It truly had the potential to push the medium in new directions. It's failure to do so and it's continued reuse of tired concepts and ideas has just compounded our frustration with it, in spite of it generally being a superior product to the WWE.

Sadly, for every step forward, it seems that TNA takes two steps back. Rather than feeling new and fresh, TNA feels like a rehash of old and failed ideas. TNA's writing, philosophy, and power structure (both in terms of style and in regards to the people involved) is very similar to WCW's. Just like WCW, TNA has ridiculous plots based loosely on real life personal issues, massive heel factions (generally with one faction embedded in another), an absolutely toxic locker-room and morale, a condescending view towards their fans, a 'hire for name not for function' philosophy, an overt disdain yet conspicuous over-consideration for the internet fan, and an over-reliance on recycling names and ideas. That's all fine if you enjoyed WCW. Unfortunately, I didn't. I've never liked Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, or Hulk Hogan, and I never will. And I admittedly can't stand seeing them involved in a company that I used to love. While the worst of their mistakes have come and gone (involving Bubba the Love Sponge, the Nasty's, Scott Hall, etc), the mere fact that they desired and were permitted to commit those mistakes in the first place has left my faith in the company and it's management badly shaken. And once your outlook on a product has been soured enough, it's very difficult to look at it positively - or even objectively.

That's not to say that TNA is all bad, of course. On the occasions when I do watch, I generally find quite a few things to enjoy. But whatever the reason; be it a lack of faith in the product, a feeling of being disappointed in it's failure to take the medium in new directions, a general disdain for some of the people involved behind the scenes, or even just a growing disinterest in wrestling in general; it's simply not 'must-see tv' for me anymore.
1. Your first paragraph about the consistent 3.0's goes right along with what I was saying. Has there ever been a time where you or any other hardcore WWE fan said no I won't watch because this is stupid? I bet that answer is no. Why is that? I bet you usually say well let me see where this goes or it is what it is. If it was TNA you would change the channel and then run on here and hide behind you screen name while you trash the company.

Yeah, there is actually. When Orton was champion just recently WWE was SO BORING that I stopped watching for a few weeks. I like wrestling, I probably spend more time than I should doing wrestling related things as a hobby, but I'm not going to bore myself with bad television even if it is the "magnificent WWE". And lets say some day I want to get into the wrestling business, would it be smart of me to go to Dixie Carter or Vince McMahon and tell them their product is shitty? No, that is why people use message boards or talk to friends or co-workers or whoever in hopes that enough people get talking that someone of significance may notice.

2. So you get butt hurt because people on the mic don't reach a certain age limit? Like I said. Cynical jerk offs who will just reach and reach for something to complain about. How about the IWC stop acting like a bunch douche bags and just watch the products. I think the IWC has forgotten what it means to be a wrestling fan. They are so worried with how they would run a company or what said company is doing wrong. Get over yourselves.

I will agree that a lot of the internet fanbase only has their own interests at heart, but there are those of us who are a "teeny" bit more informed on how the world works. If you can't see how young guys not being able to show their own personality hurts the company in the long run, you haven't watched WCW. Also, it doesn't help when you pick really bad wrestlers and push them to the moon, but thankfully WCW taught us that too.

3. You are so stupid with this comment. Do you realize how bigger the fan base was in the 80's and 90's for professional which made it that much easier to grow your product. TNA opened their doors at the start of the downfall for wrestling. People like you probably expected them to had closed their doors 5 years ago.

Sure, when something is new there is room for growth. Look at the cell phone industry, used to be that being able to call and text were standard while any other little gadgets were unnecessary. Now if your phone can't access the internet and tell you which direction to turn then you're behind the times. Point is, if you offer a new product that is better than the current product then it will eventually catch on and surpass the competition. Yet TNA is still stagnant. I'll let you guess why that would be.

4. WWE gets those ratings because a little under 5 million people will watch the product no matter how good or bad it is and that is fact. All you know on Mondays is USA 9pm for Raw. For some people that is all it has been since 1993. I mean damn for TNA for not pulling in an audience that really isn't there atm since WWE has put this industry in the shitter.

If WWE is so bad, then wouldn't wrestling fans all tune in to Impact? I mean, when WCW had a better product than WWE all those "brainwashed fans" seemed to have no problem watching WCW every week. Yet these same horribly brainwashed people that would watch WCW when it was on the same night as WWE aren't willing to watch TNA on a separate night? These are some clearly demented people.

5. What does John Cena have anything to do with this. Again with you thinking you know how it is done. You know absolutely nothing about anything. Stop trying to act like you can build wrestlers into stars. You just saw one way to do it in the WWE and now will comment like you are a professional at it. This also goes to the hundreds of people on here who do the same things.

See, I could easily ignore this comment but this should be fun. Remember when Shawn Michaels threw Marty Jannetty through the barber shop window? This set-up Shawn as the "star" and Marty as the "dead weight". Shawn went on to be a star, Marty went on to be a jobber, and do you know why? Perception is reality.

If you're Ric Flair's henchman but you never do anything to stand out as being BETTER than Ric Flair, then you will forever be stuck in Ric Flair's shadow. If you're 20 something years old and can't make yourself look better than a 60 something year old man, then you aren't going to draw any money. These are very simple concepts, it is cool to use an established star as a vehicle to get unknown talent noticed, but that talent eventually has to break out on their own which is something that rarely happens in TNA. Batista and Randy Orton both got over by feuding with Triple H. Batista and Randy Orton would have been completely forgotten by now if they had just been his henchmen.

6. The funny thing is TNA has put people over and do it all the time. The difference is when you have 8,000 people putting it over compared to 1,500 putting it over. The other difference is when 1.7 million watching compared to the 5 million watching. All the champions except one is a TNA guy if you would like to start this ridiculous grouping. Before those champions you had all the champions home grown except 1. Not to mention they have been having great PPV and TV matches. Your just so cynical and worried about booking a company while your eating your chips at home to realize what is going on in TNA.

...he says as he watches TNA Impact ratings not change and PPV buys dwindle. Who are these champions...lets see...oh! We have Abyss, who hasn't been a convincing monster in years, being pushed as a Perry Saturn level, moppy loving dullard. That is a great gimmick. And Beer Money, who I've already established are good. We have Kazarian who was a very consistent jobber and distant last in the Fortune pecking order winning the X-Division title. I like Kazarian, but he isn't over worth a damn, and the X-Division title is merely a symbol for that these days. Also, there are women with titles putting on terrible matches. How about that.

A great bunch of "pushed" champions there. If only the rest of TNA could be as over as Beer Money, it might stand a chance.

7. I don't mind the criticism at all. It actually builds discussion. the problem is when jerk off ass holes try to turn people away and instead of starting smart conversations it gets frustrating trying to defend, defend, defend. You have kids and then people who act like kids saying TNA sux, and WWE does this and that better and TNA is such a second rate this and that. Just shut the fuck up already and come back down from your ridiculousness and just be a fan.

Says the man who used "butthurt" as an insult.

8. Anderson is one of the best mic workers. Your just blind and again have no idea what your rambling on about if you don't think so. He is charismatic and over as hell. if he was doing the ass hole thing in WWE you and millions of fans would be sucking his dick and telling everyone about it.

I'm blind to the fact that he isn't very good at selling storylines or emotion. Sure, he can talk up a storm but he couldn't sell me a gallon of milk if I went to the store to specifically buy a gallon of milk. His asshole gimmick was/is terrible btw, especially so if he was in WWE still. "Hey guys, I can swear, cheer me please!" Great mic work dude.

9. TNA has produced a lot of great things and especially recently and I give you a ton of examples.

- Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles (Great matches, didn't draw a dime because they were hyped for shit)
- AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels (They literally copied an old idea and just repeated it in hopes of scoring a decent PPV buy)
- AJ Styles vs. Douglas Williams (I guess if we're just counting individual matches as good parts, TNA does have some good matches, the issue is they don't build them in such a way that people care about them)
- Jay Lethal vs. Ric Flair (I laughed because the wooing was funny, but inside I was crying for Ric Flair's career)
- Beer Money Inc. vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Yeah, this was pretty great, best storyline TNA has done in years...perhaps ever)
- Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me (This had potential until they did the empty arena fight online, the fight was great, it should have been on Impact, but the second you hear Mike Tenay's voice the entire segment is ruined from that point forward)
- Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe (I'll give you this, though it was dumb of them to push a guy they think is a serious concussion risk...but this company did make Jeff Hardy champion so...)
- Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson (Matches were pretty good, you couldn't pay me to sit through any of the promos however)
- Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy (If you had said Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy then you would have had me since that match was great...again, terrible build up but great match)

That is just off the top of my head. But hey besides 1 thing on my list TNA hasn't done anything great. Maybe you should sign off of wrestlezone for a while, be a wrestling fan, and stop talking about shit you have no idea about.

I am a wrestling fan, as such I want my cable wrestling shows to not suck.

You want to talk about how to run a business? It is so funny because you have no clue how to run a business. Yet you and many others on here want to have a dick measuring contest on how to run a proper organization. Give me a fucking break. This shit enrages me like no other. I am so tired of the IWC acting like such dick heads because they think they have become better then the industry.

What is funny is that you are telling me how YOU think wrestling should be run while, in turn, trying to criticize ME for saying how wrestling should be run. Also, your broad generalizations make for easily exploitable holes to attack, please continue to use them for my benefit.
Question. I've seen a lot of people who would much rather watch WWE than TNA, and say that the reason why they don't want to watch TNA is because of the potential and how it frustrates them.

... then why do you still watch WWE? WWE also has even more potential to reinvent the business, don't they? They have all the money in the world, they have the marketing ability, they have the big stars, they have the ability to sign ANYONE out there and bribe them with tons of cash, they have the ability to do anything. They have the money to offer to the best writers out there, they can reinvent the business and have more of the things you need than TNA ever will. Why is the burden on TNA and not World Wrestling Entertainment? Why should the little companies fix the mess of the big companies?

Hell that's certainly a good question. I think I'd relate it to my point about there needing to be two companies for real innovation to start spouting out from either. People work better under pressure. No matter what WWE come up with, it's all conceived with a rational mind that has the time and money to think about it, that isn't healthy for a wrestling company. I get very frustrated with WWE. Especially things like staged promos and disantling their own tag division. But then again that is the point.

If WWE is going round making all these stupid mistakes, I mean it even seems like the up-coming Wrestlemania is going to be void of matches with a real drawing power despite the ability for the company to make some dream matches like taker and cena, then surely it should be easily for TNA to take advantages. TNA are picking a fight with Muhammad Ali in his 40s and they're boxing like they have lead gloves. Basically, despite all of the mistakes WWE makes TNA is making just as mnay when there is the window of oppertunity. OK it isn't easy, you have to cut out mistakes and the guys running TNA are only human, some are bound to happen, but when you get a real shot to take viewers from WWE you should by God take it, because WWE could take off in the ratings again by next year. TNA has the ability to do things WWE aren't doing like un-scripted promos, conversing with the crowd in attendance, if they utilise what they can do and WWE can't then they stand a chance. And here is hoping.

btw Wow, managed to stirr up some real debate in you guys, I'm proud thanks for posting.
Why does TNA get hate? Well there are two reasons. One of them is that it is too easy to hate. Its got a roster with a lot of big names but does not draw much. Check. Storylines are inconsistent at the moment. Double check. Hey look, the cool guy on the internet hates it as well. Triple Whammy!!! TNA TEH SUX!!!

The point that some of us must realize is that the wrestling business is in a state of saturation. Let's look at TNA from 2007-2009. The tag team division has always been great and so has the Knockouts division. The X-Division was, at this point in time, simply fabulous. The heavyweight division was also nothing to scoff at. Yet TNA drew ratings of 1.0 to 1.4. Then TNA brought in huge stars like Hogan, the biggest draw ever, and Flair. The ratings did not improve even then.

Look at WWE during the same period of time. They have been drawing consistent ratings of 3.0-3.3. Why is it so? Surely if WWE cannot increase its ratings how can a lesser known production with lesser money do the same?

I would not say that there are no faults in TNA's booking because that statement is false. Similarily there are pretty huge faults in WWE's booking as well. The plain and simple point here is this. You think that if TNA started producing excellently booked shows, its ratings would increase. Well, you're wrong guys. The only people watching TNA are the ones who had always watched TNA. TNA has an audience for itself and so does the WWE and they are the ones watching the respective shows. Nothing big has happened in the world of wrestling for 12 years. Unless that something big happens, niether TNA nor WWE are going to gain any new audience and no matter how perfect the booking is, the ratings are going to stay the same.

I said that there is a second reason why people hate TNA. There are some TNA fans out there who really want TNA to do well and want to see them achieve similar ratings as the WWE. Well its not going to happen and the reason is the same that I have written above. Its not a question of booking, its a question of the amount of interest in wrestling which is not a lot at this moment. Sure, we TNA fans deserve to see a better booked product at times but I am sure that its gonna matter squat because the ratings will remain the same.

So to answer the OP's question the hate that TNA gets is a combined result of frustrated fans and guys who want to appear cool on the internet. Surely it has flaws but every promotion out there has flaws.

The only way TNA's ratings will increase are if there is another boom period in wrestling which brings in newer wrestling fans. If that does not happen then we will get to see the same ratings till it ceases to exist.
I don't hate TNA but I'm not going to pretend that I enjoy most of what I see. What I want when I watch wrestling is I want to be entertained. I don't watch in order to see if I can find something I don't like and then bitch about it. I want to be interested in stories & feuds that are happening and see those stories & feuds played out inside a wrestling ring. It's as simple as that. If I see something that I do think is stupid, such as a 15 minute Iron Man match for example, then I see no problem speaking up and saying something about it. Professional wrestling is a form of escapism entertainment, always has been and always will be. I've long since accepted the fact that storylines in wrestling are going to have plotholes and will often have huge gaps in logic. That's ok, however, because I wouldn't even watch wrestling just for the stories. There are numerous shows on television with generally more coherant plotlines and far better actors. It's the stories, the characters, the feuds & the wrestling all rolled up into one that keeps me watching.

When it comes to TNA, the simple truth is that I just don't give a crap about the vast majority of what's happening. For instance, I'm particularly interested in the latest rehashed nWo themed angles that TNA keeps using over and over again. When I tune in to iMPACT! each week, I do want to be entertained and hope that something is shown that gets me interested and simply makes me care.

There are a few things about TNA that I do "hate" I suppose. I guess the thing I generally hate the most about TNA lies mostly with some of it's fans. It's one thing to be a passionate fan but some of these people just come across as deluded to me. Whenever I read some fan say that TNA is edgy or "more adult", it just makes me want to reach through the computer screen and beat the piss out of them. Why? Because they're bullshit statements. There's nothing "edgy" or "more adult" about TNA's product than there is the WWE's. What TNA does is it uses tired old cliches that it attemps to disguise as legitimately edgy or more adult instead of actually being those things. When I hear those terms, I want to see something that actually does shock me or make me think or challenge my perception or even make me a little giddy and say "I can't believe they just did that". Having a wrestler say a few swear words in a promo doesn't cut it. Another fan issue I have is the simple fact that so many simply can't handle the fact that anyone openly criticizes their favorite wrestling company. This happens to WWE is as well but I've seen MUCH more of it in the TNA section in the nearly 2 years I've been posting. They come across like whining little bitches that would be much better off just getting together with other blind marks on some fan site where only positive comments about TNA are permitted. I also hate to hear the same lame, tired excuses for the state of TNA. The most frequent one I hear is "TNA is less than 10 years old" and it's a crutch that a lot of TNA fans desperately cling to. It's like they need some sort of excuse to justify why TNA isn't as big of a company as the WWE.

As far as TNA in and of itself goes, it does come across to me as a second rate promotion and they've only themselves to blame for that. When I look at TNA sometimes, I can't help but think that it's where old wrestlers come to die. During the Monday Night Wars, Shawn Michaels referred to WCW as "that old folks home down in Atlanta" due to the large number of older stars on the roster. That is often how I view TNA and I can't help it. Not only is TNA a company that's been loaded with older wrestlers and wrestling personalities, those older stars are mostly used as the centerpiece of the company instead of being used to help the company try to build younger stars. If older stars aren't the focus, then it's usually someone that was made a star or a big name in WCW or the WWE. The fact that 6 pf the 8 wrestlers to have been TNA World Champion were made into stars in WCW and/or WWE is a telling statistic to me. To me, it says that TNA is willing to settle for leftovers rather than preparing their own feast. Jeff Hardy, legal and personal problems aside, is someone that should be a valuable asset in TNA but he's not used as such. During his 3 month run as TNA World Champion, was he the top heel of the company? No. Did TNA even attempt to try and make him the top heel in the company? No. Jeff Hardy was a secondary character, a supporting player to Eric Bischoff just as Ken Anderson is currently as supporting player to Kurt Angle & Jeff Jarrett.

I suppose this could also be attributed to the whining of TNA fans as they keep harping on why TNA isn't as big as WWE. For me, the size of TNA's or WWE's audiences have nothing to do with whether or not I like they're product. TNA might not have the WWE's production values, they might not play in big arenas, they might not have as impressive pyrotechnics, etc. I don't give a shit about that. It's window dressing is all that is. TNA could wrestle in a high school gym with half the lights not working and I'd still love the company if they gave me reasons to love it. I'm sorry but things like 3-4 minute title matches, consistently using young talent to build the older ones and/or making the older wrestlers or non wrestlers the centerpiece of the company.

Here are some things that I think could get me to really care about TNA:

1. Stop constantly rehashing nWo themed factions involved in take overs/power struggles.

2. Work towards building stars within the company by using what they have. TNA has much more overall big named star power than the WWE right now, so use it to build Generation Me, Jay Lethal, Ink Inc., Crimson, Magnus, Desmond Wolfe (whenever he comes back), etc. Put them in meaningful feuds, give them time on the mic, help them to develop their characters and mic skills (if needed). I'm not saying just thrust these guys right in the center of things just at the snap of a finger, but move towards doing that.

3. Stop making non wrestlers the center of the TNA product. I think that TNA has done a pretty decent job the past few weeks of doing this. Eric Bischoff hasn't been running around dominating iMPACT! the pst few weeks. He hasn't popped up in every other segment, he hasn't done a 20 minute promo in the ring, etc. However, I don't expect this strategy to last long with Hulk Hogan's imminent return and the various rumors of a potential reformation of the Main Event Mafia.

4. Make your TNA World Heavyweight Champion a primary character, not a supporting one. When AJ Styles first on the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in 2009, there were no complaints. All was right with the world. Then, he becomes Flair's apprentice & part of Fortune and became a second banana. Jeff Hardy wins the title and plays second fiddle to Eric Bischoff. Ken Anderson is the champ and plays second fiddle to Jeff Jarrett & Kurt Angle. Once again, with Hulk Hogan returning soon and the second coming of "They", the reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion could actually be sort of lost in the schuffle as he is right now.

5. Stop with the short title matches. It's hard to particularly care about championship matches with virtually no hype and last in the neighborhood of 3 minutes. TNA does a fair number of them with the X Division title, the Knockout titles and the occassional TV title. Some of the matches are generally alright to watch, but it's just hard to get excited about a championship match that lasts 3-4 minutes.
There's nothing to hate about TNA, but the show is totally unwatchable they have turned its potential into a car crash. They are STILL living in the 90s! Did they not learn from WCW's mistake and move on.... its one area you can not criticise about WWE. WWE's product has changed and changed to reflect its audience, but what is TNA's audience? The same people who were given free tickets to WCW and don't actually help the company in any way?

TNA and wrestling 'fans' have to learn the audience has changed, people's views on wrestling has changed.... and there is no war. Its over, TNA should be TNA and develop itself as that but it doesn't instead we get the following:

An NWO type group ran by o look its Hogan and Bischoff again
The return of a group which is likely to help WC.... TNA against the 'NWO'
The Hardys............reunite for billionth time
A title that keeps changing its name because they haven't got a clue what to do with it
A world title that looks even worse than the WWE belt.... seriously learn custom belt look ugly (Austin's, DiBiase don't count in that)

Granted WWE have some terrible angles, the whole Nexus mess up but the message can be seen from it, the future. You don't get that from TNA, what happens when these angles end? Press the reset button and start again? It didn't work in the 90's and doesn't work now. I can actually tell you what will happen in TNA in the next year:
Immortal feud with an anti Immortal group
Fourtune will break away from Immortal
The three will feud, all the titles apart from the women's will all be held by these three groups
Mini groups will form, some will be plays on the word MEM and Immortal.
One single wrestler will refuse to join the group, being the lone ranger and go on to win the world title before Immortal screw him over to regain the title.
Members from each group will join the other group and so on.
This continues for far too long to the point it has lost all direction

.... and yes I just described WCW during the NWO days.

TNA's so called potential is fading and you can not see the next break out star because they aren't making them. They are using tried and tired methods that simply aren't going to work in the long run. Whoever mentions that TNA needs a hero is spot on, thats actually what it needs a new break out star, who is fresh to the business but can be the figure of TNA but at the same time have some undercards wrestlers with potential being used so that in a few years time they are that hero. Aj Styles is no longer that man, he use to be with Samoa Joe, but it just isn't there anymore.

I'm sick of see the same old, even the WWE is guilty of this but at least you can see the potential in what they are doing. You can see The Miz being a big star in years to come. You can see Barrett being a major heel and so on
The single biggest reason that I don't like TNA:

Jeff Hardy.

Ring work aside, character aside, I find it absolutely offensive that TNA is pushing a wrestler who has one foot inside a prison cell. The Jeff Hardy thing has been beaten to death in other threads so I won't do it here. But I will say that them keeping him around and using them like they do makes me lose respect for the people making the decision in TNA.

And I do agree that WWE suffers from some of the same bad booking that TNA does. But the reason I still watch WWE is because I care about the characters. I love the Nexus. I like them so much that when Wade Barrett and Gabriel went to Smackdown, I find myself watching Smackdown as well as Raw. (I previously wasn't a regular viewer of Smackdown.)

On the other hand, I have given TNA many chances. I fairly regularly watch Impact. But there simply aren't any wrestlers that I care about. Good guy or bad guy, I don't care about their characters. About the only guy I even kind of care about is The Pope. (And Orlando Jordan to some extent, because his gimmick is funny.) But for the most part, I just don't care who wins the matches. Look at the main event feud. I haven't watched lately, but recently it was Matt Morgan and Ken Kennedy feuding. I really just don't care about either of them, so I really didn't care who won when they fought.

TNA and WWE both have their share of problems. But at least WWE gives me something I can look forward to. I like watching Raw. I only watch Impact when I have nothing better to do.

One thing I have to add that I think TNA does better than WWE:

I don't know if it's because they're PG or not, but I cheer for the heels in the WWE. The faces are annoying to me. This is pretty much across the board for them. But in TNA, I cheer for the faces and boo the heels. I think this is mainly because it seems like TNA listens to the hardcore fans (to some extent) and when the hardcore fans don't like a person in real life (i.e. Hogan and the Hardy Boys) they turn them heel. I don't know if that's it; maybe it's just a coincidence. But in TNA, I cheer for who they want me to cheer for. Not so much in WWE.
I have a problem with TNA but I am not overly dorkish about it like most wrestling marks on the internet are and will "stop watching". TNA is a product that is evolving before our very eyes because those who watch are fortunate enough to see them grow and also try to overcome the kinks in the product. My main problem with TNA is with the booking but my main problem is also with the critics aka the WWE and ROH marks especially the WWE marks like Jack-Hammer, a guy I cannot stand simply because his head is so far up WWE's ass but he pretends as if he's so neutral when he's not.

TNA has lots of issues. What is frustrating is that at times they make the same issues over and over again. Lack of hype, lack of buildup, sloppy finishes, short un-announced matches, not enough highlighting of wrestling on Impact, too much overbooking aka lots of run-ins and ref bumps, lack of continuation/consistency, and the FREAKING IMPACT ZONE. Those are the issues and they might be a lot but I'm not a guy that dwells on the negatives when it comes to TNA because FACT is that they are a company that is still in the "WORKING PROGRESS" phases. And the fact is that their is still more positives than negatives in TNA imo and they do attempt to fix their problems. This past year we've seen Impact become a more focused show with less crammed segments, a more slower pace, better character development, better dialogue. They attempt but sometimes it's not fast enough for all of us including me sometimes.

But let's say these issues I have with TNA were all smoothed out, would it guarantee big ratings? For a wrestling show to have a steady following and to get ratings, I think they have to have strong marketing and need to grow their years of television exposure. TNA falls short in those areas but I give them credit for trying to BOOM their ratings. They tried to respark wrestling and bring in interest again in 2010 with the move to Mondays, the THEY buildup, the TNA reaction show, and the EV2 PPV. They have tried and have tried their ASS off but it didn't pan out the way it did. I respect them for the effort. The Jack-Hammers of the world won't do that though because their not objective, are they? They don't see the good in anything. They just BASH BASH BASH and are negative negative negative and as negative as they want to be towards TNA with very little objectiveness.

But even with all the issues, the fans of today are just so impatient. WCW did not become a powerhouse overnight and neither did WWE. ROME wasn't built in a day and neither was America but many seem to lack that reasoning. Those companies were fortunate enough to not grow their product and be overly-criticized by smarks, new columnists and the entire internet age. Those companies didn't have to deal with constant perceptions of "failing". Those companies progressed naturally without any influence or scrutiny. Now some people on the net make valid points like the TS but the jackasses like Jack-Hammer who pretend to be holier than though is also an issue because they disguise to like the product but really all they want to do is rip the product to shreds as often as possible and spread that influence to possibly influence others to turn people off the product.

This guy doesn't even want to give TNA credit for being more edgy. Yes, TNA has it's cheesy moments here and there but it's still a more edgier product than WWE. They take real life dramas and convert them into the show. They take real feelings and incorporate them. They often work-shoot. Is the show's presentation, edgy like ECW? Not really but they try. The reaction cameras and the Reaction show just shows how much leeway they give their characters and letting them be uncensored. Meanwhile WWE is running angles and promos where everything is scripted to a tee and where everyone's every move has a direction from someone in the back such as looking into a camera. And I give them credit. They are a well oiled machine. They don't need to be edgy but they are not edgy in any sense. The only thing that maybe slightly edgy about the product is Cole acting like smark heel on commentary.

And then you have people calling any faction that TNA makes a rehash. Apparently, any stable that TNA makes that wants to takeover is aligned with NWO simply because the stable may have a former NWO member or 2 in it and want to "takeover" yet a stable like NEXUS isn't labeled an NWO rehash simply even though their goal is to be a heel stable that dominates as well. It's so stupid and hypocritical.

I understand that TNA uses their tv show for buildup but what I want from them is to put on some matches that go the distance and gives the fans something to sink their teeth into every now and then. The show is very story focused and that can be good and bad.

The fact is that TNA is 8yrs old going on 9yrs old. That is not a "excuse". That is a FACT! Out of those 8 years, they've only had 5 years on national tv and have spent 4 of those years on primetime tv. Can TNA do better? Yes it can. But given the short time they've had in comparison to the staple that is WWE and the limited resources, I give them credit. The experience TNA has in the back means nothing because that is experience is not working in the old environments they were in prior to TNA with maximum resources. The experience in TNA trying to mold the product is working with limited resources and restrictions and trying their best to make what they can out of it. With the little TNA has, they've been able to produce a better tag division, better women division, and gain a more talented roster.

Meanwhile WWE with the 5 hrs of tv each week is only good at developing their main storylines like The Corre and the new Nexus and building up a few new guys like Del Rio and Ziggler. I give WWE credit unlike Jack-Hammer does with TNA. Smackdown is not a bad show but let's look at WWE overall. Other than the main angles which is all what WWE really seems to care about who cares for the tag titles, the divas titles, the US titles, etc? That is my problem. Those who criticize TNA, the company with 20 years less than WWE on primetime cable and the company with 50 years less of experience seem to give WWE more of a pass yet give TNA more flack than the company with the most resources and experience simply because shallow fans like Jack-Hammers looks at RAW ratings in the lower 3s and assume their better not taking into consideration that a show like RAW has been a staple for about 20 years on Primetime.
TNA should be incredibly great right now, but they aren't. For the record, I don't consider bringing in Jeff "I wear crappy make up while enjoying a smoke in the ring" Hardy and Matt "I have the worst new haircut in wrestling history" Hardy as making huge progress. They have the talent, the names, the money, and the exposer. There is nothing else they need to be the best wrestling company in the world. They simply won't do it.

Whether you like him or not Jeff Hardy was the biggest draw in 2009 so bringing him in was a good bit of business on TNA's side. However, due to all his legal troubles it's a bad move. But on the side of trying to attract more viewers. Same can be said with Matt Hardy. The Hardy Boyz are one of the most popular tag teams ever and while they may not be in their prime anymore having them both on the show could attract more viewers. Matt alone was getting loud pops everytime his music hit on SD! too.
I honestly don't see any hope of TNA getting over WWE. The storylines are just so unrealistic and messy. Look at Immortal. You got practically 2/3 of the roster just in that group. Too much at once does not work well. The only people left are Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan, RVD, Mr. Anderson and the mid-carders with a crappy Diva's and Tag Team Division. Also, they just don't know when to end matches. The first or second time I watched TNA was when the Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money for the Tag Titles. They fought back and forth and when the time was perfect to end the match right then and there, it still continued. One last, but minor criticism: get some better ring equipment. I can't tell how much it annoys me how you can hear the running and impacts on the floor very loudly. And the ladders are made of plastic.

Here are the changes I would make in hopes of them getting to WWE level:

1. Fire old writers and hire new ones.
2. Focus on major feuds and mid-carder feuds with small groups of people, not an angry mob.
3. Get rid of the Tag Division. Honestly, with just three tag teams on the roster, what's the point? Unless they can get more people into the roster, it doesn't make sense.
4. If you aren't going to do 3, get rid of the TNA Knockout Tag Team Championship. With less than 10 divas on the roster, there's very little you can do. I don't think there should ever be a Women's Tag Team Division.
Oh, I agree completely.

I've been waiting for TNA to throw me a bone since 2008. I'd love for TNA to become successful and actually get somewhere in the wrestling industry; they are arguabally, the second best wrestling company out there today, but I personally, don't see it.....yet.

I like TNA's talent roster; I just don't like the way business goes about in TNA. All the weird angles that lead seemingly nowhere, using angles that we've seen before in the same company, and all the hate TNA get in general, don't realise, and still don't do anything about it.

I'm not being a WWE mark, I'm just waiting for TNA to throw me a bone. I really want to watch TNA; honestly I do, but until I get wind of TNA actually getting better, only then will I start watching. I'm not wasting my time watching something that's mediocre at best, only to give it a chance. The sad thing is that TNA was my personal favour of WWE when it debuted.
Whenever I read some fan say that TNA is edgy or "more adult", it just makes me want to reach through the computer screen and beat the piss out of them. Why? Because they're bullshit statements. There's nothing "edgy" or "more adult" about TNA's product than there is the WWE's. What TNA does is it uses tired old cliches that it attemps to disguise as legitimately edgy or more adult instead of actually being those things. When I hear those terms, I want to see something that actually does shock me or make me think or challenge my perception or even make me a little giddy and say "I can't believe they just did that". Having a wrestler say a few swear words in a promo doesn't cut it.

When someone says a swear word in TNA it is not the biggest news story of the week. You are talking about two different things. TNA is obviously more adult than WWE. Want to call me an idiot? Well, then I guess you are calling the people that rate TV shows an idiot because the difference between a PG show and a TV-14 show is made pretty clear and it basically means the PG version is watered down as far as more adult themes go. Now what I think you mean to say is that TNA being more adult or "edgy" does not add anything to your personal viewing experience. It's an opinion that you can have if you want. Just do not say it is bullshit to mention something that is explicitly spelled out in the rating system that is at the beginning of every show. Maybe swear words in a promo are not your thing but sometimes it is hard not to lose some of the intensity when the wrestler threatens to kick someones roody-poo candy hiney.

I also hate to hear the same lame, tired excuses for the state of TNA. The most frequent one I hear is "TNA is less than 10 years old" and it's a crutch that a lot of TNA fans desperately cling to. It's like they need some sort of excuse to justify why TNA isn't as big of a company as the WWE.

TNA has had a two hour national tv show for 3 years and a little over 3 months. This 8 years thing is a joke. People act like they had all the tools and exposure they have now 8 years ago and they simply have been treading water. The notion is so incredibly ridiculous. The only way TNA is a "failure" or whatever is if you are comparing them directly to WWE. No one is trying to justify something that is obvious, many of us merely point out the folly of expecting TNA to be up to WWE standards in such a short timeframe.

As far as TNA in and of itself goes, it does come across to me as a second rate promotion and they've only themselves to blame for that.

Are you actually saying TNA could be on the WWE level presently? Seriously? That is crazy. I guess we should ignore all the advantages that come with dominating the market share for prowrestling. TNA clearly only is "second rate" because they use "old" people. Nothing to do with money and all the advantages that affords WWE, I guess? You list all these advantages later in your post, so why ignore it here?

When I look at TNA sometimes, I can't help but think that it's where old wrestlers come to die. That is often how I view TNA and I can't help it.

But you can help but ignore that WWE uses older wrestlers as well? Taker-Michaels, Hart-McMahon, Miz starts off his title reign with a rousing run with Jerry Lawler, CM Punk being held back until just recently, Kane, Batista, Big show, Jericho, Edge. The age thing is just another chapter in the perception of guys that are still in WWE graces and guys that aren't. How many homegrown stars did WWE create entirely since 2005? And they had more than twice as much airtime as TNA did.

I can only imagine if the IWC ran WWF back in the day. Austin is a WCW reject and McMahon is a non-wrestler. Kill that story immediately! It is taking up too much airtime that an anonymous vanilla midget could be leading us to the promised land with! Foley? Reject, no reason to push him. Hogan in WCW? Too old this story is a bust.
If I was going to liken TNA to anyone then it would be Diego Maradonna. There are flashes of pure genius. Stuff that makes you go "oh my god, that is the fucking dogs dangly bits" but it is swiftly followed up by something that makes you curse and feel they don't deserve the chances they have, even more so because you've seen the greatness they can achieve.

I think people are more vocal in their annoyance with TNA, at least in the smarter cases, because they actually feel the company might take on board the things they say. TNA know there's something not right with the current regime, Dixie wouldn't have courted Paul Heyman if she felt Russo/Hogan/Bischoff were doing the job they said they would.
Why I hate TNA is fairly simple.

Seeing guy's that should've retired 5 years ago (Dudley Boys, Dreamer, Bishoff, Flair) it's just get's hard to watch.

I don't wanna see a 61 year old man blade, two fat has-beens arguing about something that happened 15 years ago, Tommy Dreamer on my televison. I just don't get it.

Now they signed Matt Hardy of all people (they didn't have to at all) Impact lost a veiwer. I stopped watching 4 weeks ago.

"Lethal, you'll get you push, just let Tommy Dreamer face Jeff Hardy, soon you'll get you midcard push"

The guys they sign(Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu), the thing's they do (ECW Reunion), the thing's they say (constantly bashing WWE) is just what makes it unwatchable.

Plus, on top of all that, you got the inconsistent storylines and Abyss on my televison.

I owuld like for TNA to try any improve (Heyman won't help) but they just keep trying to push the old, former WWE talent. TNA just can't move forward.
this is simple....TNA brought in big names since the hogan bischoff era, has it worked NO!!! i stated the downfall of TNA on this site this year and it was removed, now i can say it again TNA is staying as it is (which means they are going to go bankrupt as they cant afford the wages, look at the real reasons RVD lost the title) I was one of TNA's biggest fan during the mainevent mafia and before that as it had a mix of youth and veterans fighting, they maybe shuda got the yonger talent more over then but soso. people hae on TNA cause its easy to do so!!! "THEY" being used a second time as if the first wasn disappointing and laughable enough. TNA was on the rise until hogan as for WWE overusing veterans, laughable, whens the last one that was wrestling????? they are pushing younger original talent, whens the last time a young TNA talent was pushed. TNA can be ripped apart far more as there 2hour show is much worse than either of WWE's FACT!
When someone says a swear word in TNA it is not the biggest news story of the week. You are talking about two different things. TNA is obviously more adult than WWE. Want to call me an idiot? Well, then I guess you are calling the people that rate TV shows an idiot because the difference between a PG show and a TV-14 show is made pretty clear and it basically means the PG version is watered down as far as more adult themes go. Now what I think you mean to say is that TNA being more adult or "edgy" does not add anything to your personal viewing experience. It's an opinion that you can have if you want. Just do not say it is bullshit to mention something that is explicitly spelled out in the rating system that is at the beginning of every show. Maybe swear words in a promo are not your thing but sometimes it is hard not to lose some of the intensity when the wrestler threatens to kick someones roody-poo candy hiney.

Clearly you missed his point, or just chose to ignore it. Clearly you're far too focused on the actual ratings the two products have for television and not the content they're actually showing. WWE is rated TV-PG, sure. That rating means that the program may be unsuitable for younger children without the guidance of a parent, and in canada that means it contains moderate violence and moderate profanity, and even can have brief nudity and sexual references if important to a storyline. WWE still has a disclaimer before every single show that warns about violence and adult subject matter.

TNA is TV-14, yes. This is suppose to mean that parents are strongly urged monitor this kind of programming and are cautioned against letting children under 14 watch unattended. In this rating the product's suppose to have intensely suggestive dialogue, strong coarse language, intense sexual situations, and intense violence. Does TNA REALLY have all of those things so much more then WWE does? Does TNA have such controversial and "suggestive" dialogue? Not in the least. Unless calling someone an asshole is so shocking and "edgy"(which its not). Do they really have all that much course language? Not really. They may go out of their way to use a bit more adult langauge then WWE, but that's not because WWE can't do it with their rating its because they choose not to. Does TNA have intense sexual situations? Not at all. Do they have intense violence? They show lots more needless blood, but that's about it.

People focus far too much on the rating when the products really don't reflect that difference all that much. When it comes down to it there's nothing very "edgy" about TNA's product at all that makes them NEED the TV-14 rating. Their products not all that different from WWE. The only reason WWE went PG as a television rating is because their product has now drawn more of an audience from women and children, but mostly the change was done for lucrative TV sponsorship. That's just smart business.

TNA has had a two hour national tv show for 3 years and a little over 3 months. This 8 years thing is a joke. People act like they had all the tools and exposure they have now 8 years ago and they simply have been treading water. The notion is so incredibly ridiculous. The only way TNA is a "failure" or whatever is if you are comparing them directly to WWE. No one is trying to justify something that is obvious, many of us merely point out the folly of expecting TNA to be up to WWE standards in such a short timeframe.

They've had tv for a lot longer then 3 years, sorry. They've been televised since 2004 now, in some way. That's FAR longer then 3 years. Nice try. And it's not even about being up to WWE standards. It's not about competing or even being compared to WWE. It's about TNA itself and their own growth and improvement.

But you can help but ignore that WWE uses older wrestlers as well? Taker-Michaels, Hart-McMahon, Miz starts off his title reign with a rousing run with Jerry Lawler, CM Punk being held back until just recently, Kane, Batista, Big show, Jericho, Edge. The age thing is just another chapter in the perception of guys that are still in WWE graces and guys that aren't. How many homegrown stars did WWE create entirely since 2005? And they had more than twice as much airtime as TNA did.

Just to point out a few illogical things, here. Hart-McMahon was one storyline that was done for a few months to build up to WrestleMania. It wasn't a storyline that dominated the company for a whole year and overshadowed everything else. Nor did either of them take the spots of younger stars in the ring, as champions, or anything else for that matter.

Miz feuded with Jerry Lawler, yes. But what happened? Lawler put over the Miz and lost to him on several occassions to give him the rub as champion. If TNA used their old stars in that same regard, as a short term rub for their younger talent, I can guarantee very fewpeople would be complaining at all. But TNA doesn't do that. Their old stars dominate the product more times then not.

Chris Jericho is 40. Big Show is 38. Edge is 37. Batista's 42. Kane's the oldest at 43.

Rob Van Dam is 40. Kurt Angle is 42. Jeff Jarrett is 43. Scott Steiner is 48. Kevin Nash and Sting are both 51. Hulk Hogan is 57. Ric Flair is 61.

You see the difference there? The youngest of those names from TNA are the same age as the OLDEST of the WWE guys you named. And you also seem to forget that Jericho and Batista are not around now, and the only guy on that list for WWE whose either a champion or in a major storyline and dominating any significant time on WWE television right now is Edge. That isn't the case with the TNA names listed, especially if Sting and Nash come back as part of this 2nd They angle crap.

So, I appreciate your attempt but you're a little off.
one of the complaints I hear that is wrong with TNA is they don't have/push enough of their own young talent. when talking about age of the company, it's not like TNA has had the time to have much of their own young talent. in the early days of WWF some of the bigger names came from somewhere else.. Hogan, Piper, Andre, Orndorff, Snuka, Valentine, Steamboat, ect.
I do think TNA needs to do a better job of pushing the younger talent, but you can have the greatest young talent in the world and if people are not tuned in to watch it's not going to matter. TNA had AJ Styles heavy weight champion for awhile, and word is he just didn't bring in viewers. not many non TNA fans knew who he was. I remember before I started watching TNA I saw Styles on an episode of MTV Made, and wondered who this guy was because I never heard of him.
if TNA did away with a lot of the older "former WWE" wrestlers and went with a lot of just their own young talent.. they would get a much lesser rating than they already have now. I think it's unfortunate that ratings are a way of putting value on the shows. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of WWE viewers that have always watched WWE and will always watch WWE regardless of what WWE is doing because it's what they have always done. you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

TNA might not have "intense sexual situations" but the camera does get pretty damn close when Velvet Sky bends over the 2nd rope to get into the ring. #iloveit! let the pigeons loose!! that's probably one of my favorite parts of Impact.

something about Anderson that I thought of for the first time on this recent Impact when he was in the ring on the mic with his catch phrases. he reminded me of the Rock.

I have also heard a lot about how TNA should not have put the title on Jeff Hardy with his current legal troubles. I might not be totally up to date with how things are going, but last I heard he was going to be pleading guilty on a lesser charge and serve no jail time. maybe TNA never had any worries about him facing jail time and no worries about not having him around.

some things TNA should change in order to improve.

-build more their younger future talent. I like that they are pushing Morgan. AJ Styles should be face again. I'd like to see Samoa Joe bad ass heel.

-get out of the Impact zone!!! this is a big one for me. the Impact zone looks so small. it's like a high school arena. why does TNA not travel? too much money? worried they would not sell out larger arenas?

-better marketing and getting their name brand out to general viewers.
I wanted to share my thoughts on Immortal and Fortune, and think this continues on with what is being discussed.

back when there were rumours of TNA doing an nWo type angle, I thought it was going to be great. I have been disappointed. the nWo time was probaby when I enjoyed watching wrestling the most. it was always exciting from week to week. maybe it was great because it was different and new?

it might have been better it Fortune was NOT included with Immortal. I also admit I'm still unsure if it's Fortune as part of Immortal, or is Fortune working with Immortal. back with the nWo you did have the Outsiders(Hall/Nash) but they were just a tag team, similar to Beer Money in Fortune. you didn't have one group inside/with the other. confusing. don't confuse your viewers.

before Fortune teamed up with Immortal, I thought it could have been great to have Immortal VS Fortune VS faces. with Immortal and Fortune together as what seems like the only group of heels, it's always them against the faces and the faces haven't really come together. at least not yet. back with the nWo you had nWo VS Four Horsemen VS others as well.

you also don't always seem to see the entire group of Immortal/Fortune together as a group. how often are Jeff Hardy, Abyss, and Jarrett, and/or Styles doing something together? maybe it's just me, but they don't seem to all fit well as a group. nWo did grow and grow and maybe there were some that didn't fit, but in the beginning they seemed good together with Hogan/Hall/Nash/Giant/Dibiase/Syxx and then even with adding Bischoff/Bagwel/Norton

I remember watching the nWo and being excited, but I don't remember how it all ended. I think it was shortly after the nWo split up into nWo black/white and nWo wolf pac when I wasn't watching much anymore.
but, how can this Immortal thing end with TNA? I would assume at some point Dixie Carter is going to be back and take her company back from Bischoff. then what? can Bischoff still be a heel type person in management once Dixie has control again? or is that when Bischoff likely wouldn't be around anymore at all?

I do think once this Immortal run is over than TNA will have more potential to be better. what TNA could use is the faces winning more often rather than heels winning more often. people like to see a happy ending, with the good guy coming out on top.

how many think this Immortal thing is working in TNA?
hows does TNA continue with Immortal and what happens to make TNA better?

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