Vince McMahon and TNA

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Zoltaire said:
ECW has been on tv two weeks and its already getting 2-3 times the ratings that TNA gets..

ECW is only getting ratings because people thought they would see the OLD ECW but once people notice its not going to be the same they will ditch ECW.

I truly think the only two reasons Vince brought back ECW was a) knew old ECW fans and WWE fans would both watch and b) wanted to to take away people from TNA. Ex. Sabu and they offered Rhyno etc.
JH27 said:
well McMahon did do somethin like this in the 90s with ECW when it was run and OWNED by ECW an WWE had nothing to do with it. They even gave them raw on a couple of occasions

Vince did this to make a promotion look better than WCW.
I think people here who are thinking a TNA Vs WWE storyline would actually help WWE knows deep down that it really wouldn't, I mean the only one it could possibly help is TNA, I mean lets say for insistance 50% of TNA iMPACT Auidence is the fans that watch both Raw and iMPACT(Or Wrestling shows in general.) really all Vince is doing is bringing in a small amount of viewers, for something that would fail faster then "The Sammy & Dave Tour" cause I doubt Vince is going to let Christian win against John Cena, I doubt Vince is going to okay Jeff Jarrett going over Edge.

If Vince made every single WCW Guy a jobber to the WWE after he spent money hand over fist to purchase that company, why would he want to see his boys defeated at the hands of of TNA (AKA The Island of Reject WWE Stars.) it just doesn't make sense, what to get his rating from a 3.5 to a 3.8?

I mean if TNA can't even compete rating wise with The WWE Hall of Fame Show(You know, the first time TNA and WWE went head to head.), then what could they possibly bring to the table, as far as Ratings and Gate Figures go.

Of course most people think Spike TV is trying to sabotage, or treating TNA like a redheaded stepchild when it comes to what they call "Favorable Treatment" towards The UFC, which is actually pretty laughable, considering Spike is doing them a favor, without Spike, TNA would be reduced to Internet shows like IWS and JAPW.
Smokeydogg said:
vince will get samoa joe soon enough

He is actually the only one in TNA that actually interest me, I like his style, but god, could some one tell him to wrestle with a T-Shirt on, he actually makes Big Sloth seem fit.
Smokeydogg said:
vince will get samoa joe soon enough

Samoa Joe would be making a big mistake going to WWE, as he probably won't get nearly the push that he's been receiving in TNA. Think of all the great wrestlers in the past from ECW, WCW and elsewhere that got lost in the shuffle over in WWE.

What's more, McMahon will probably have Joe change his style of wrestling to something more befitting a man his size - I doubt you would be seeing any dropkicks, sentons, or kicks in general from him if he were to go to WWE. Of course, that would be unfortunate, given that he has such a unique style for a wrestler that's 6'2" and 280 lbs.
Vince shouldn't acknowledge TNA because if he does TNA could catch WWE in the ratings.
Originally Posted by TheFiend
I mean if TNA can't even compete rating wise with The WWE Hall of Fame Show(You know, the first time TNA and WWE went head to head.), then what could they possibly bring to the table, as far as Ratings and Gate Figures go.

How could they compete with the WWE HOF show if it was a) Bret Hart & Eddie Guerrero getting inducted and b) The night BEFORE Wrestlemania 22? you actually think TNA iMPACT! is going to compete with

Casket Match- Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
Hardcore Match- Mick Foley vs. Edge w/ Lita
No holds Barred-HBK vs. Mr. McMahon w/ Shane McMahon
WWE Championship Match-John Cena vs. HHH
Heavyweight Championship Triple threat-Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton

If I had to compete with something THAT big, I would just cancel the show rather than get embarrased and have less ratings than Sunday Night Heat Right before 'Mania.
Vince meet up with TNA management.That is so funny since most of those guys are guys he fired ,left the company in acrimonious terms or circumstances or just simply doesn't like.It's way too complicated for that.I think he's gonna run TNA into the ground or at least that's his objective.I hope he fails too.Admire his success ,detest his ruthless ethics ,maybe they go hand in hand ,but would love to see TNA compete effectively with WWE.
Oh yeah and the ECW rip=off is basically that.That ain't ECW,just never will be.
Originally Posted by rawdude
Oh yeah and the ECW rip=off is basically that.That ain't ECW,just never will be.

Exactly. Unless, as someone else said, Vince gives complete control to Paul Heyman over the "New" ECW, it will suck, forever and always. The only problem is, if he DOES eventually give all the power to Paul, he might just not pay the wrestlers, as he used to do. lol. Paul Heyman is definately one of the cheapest sons of bitches I have ever seen.
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